
Type: Ban *Global*

User: Estrus_Flask

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 14:20:19

User Estrus_Flask globally banned the posters of the following threads: 17166 from board /fim/ until Fri Jan 19 12024 06:20:19 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) with reason "Rule 0".

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: Estrus_Flask

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 14:20:20

User Estrus_Flask deleted the following threads: 17166 from board /fim/.

Type: Ban *Global*

User: mys_elf

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 14:56:40

User mys_elf globally banned the posters of the following threads: 17167 from board /fim/ until Wed Jan 19 2124 06:56:40 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) with reason "Rule 0.".

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: mys_elf

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 14:56:40

User mys_elf deleted the following threads: 17167 from board /fim/.

Type: Ban *Global*

User: Estrus_Flask

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:54:42

User Estrus_Flask globally banned the posters of the following threads: 17168 from board /fim/ until Fri Jan 19 12024 13:54:42 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) with reason "Rule 0".

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: Estrus_Flask

Board: fim

Time: 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:54:42

User Estrus_Flask deleted the following threads: 17168 from board /fim/.