Less than 2 weeks before Marefair 2, got nothing planned but tunes. >>/fim/18014
Oh fuck Is this AI? >>/fim/18013
still check daily >>/fim/18011
That sounds like it'd be kind of fun. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had a very similar idea play out in my head.
Thi >>/fim/18010
Recently I had the idea of QnA but for the characters, so Anons ask and the writer has the bootleg respond >>/fim/18009
A bit of both I suppose. >>/fim/18008
As in for the potential of a thread revival, or just bootpone concepts in general? >>/fim/18007
Potential future ideas for /boot/? >>/fim/18004
Don't got anything planned but music, maybe some claymation animations and movies later. L >>/fim/18002
Gonna try making it to one of these for a change.
Applejack would become so corrupted that she would eventual >>/fim/18001
I've been putting it off too much due to reasons but gonna start the /w2g/ early tomorrow and just keep it going. Got three week >>/fim/17999
Just posting best princess, Moona. >>/fim/17996
Dream guardian >>/fim/17995
Like a game of telephone, but with snowpity.
The first time, you've got Applejack, just a little to the left. She's a >>/fim/17994
Implied here IMO >>/fim/17992
A letter for you, but what gryphon sent it? >>/fim/17990
These are really nice anon >>/fim/17989
What if bootlegs suffer from the photocopier effect? As they get bootlegged again and again they get further and further away fr >>/fim/17986
That rubber beak stuff always seemed weird to me, I much prefer the proper beak style. >>/fim/17985
The brain melts when picturing Middie with this kind of hair. I'll rework it. >>/fim/17984
No way, dude. You see how gryphon's beaks in the show flex and bend all over the place? They definitely not like your s >>/fim/17983
Beaks are bone underneath a shell.
They are like horns. >>/fim/17982
I just imagine that their beaks are flexible enough to allow their mouths to couple mostly like lips. That's how the sh
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