>Quill blinks at the newcomer, charging her own defensively at first but then directing her focus on Decidous One B onc >>/fim/18586
Cute marecheck. >>/fim/18585
Celestia is just the best. >>/fim/18580
fancy >>/fim/18579
Just got banned for posting a thread suggesting that G5 posts were made by shills paid with USAID money. Plenty of threads talk >>/fim/18578
She completes me, shes like the light at the end of the tunnel for me, everything she is, stands for and can >>/fim/18577
Most definitely. >>/fim/18576
Oooh, a compass is pretty cool too. >>/fim/18575
JACKPOT! A GENUINE COMPASS! in all serious though thats fucking awesome >>/fim/18573
[spoiler]Quill? Cloudhead?[/spoiler] >>/fim/18572
Thanks! It's actually a compass [spoiler]It points me in the direction of Luna.[/spoiler] >>/fim/18571
imagine checking on a deadboard >>/fim/18570
>parenthood is sort of like mastering a craft,
It'll take many attempts to get good at it? >>/fim/18569
Ooh, nice pocket-watch and big brain books. >>/fim/18568
It'd be interesting if someone could figure out what all the different things that get mod protection are.
Probably ju >>/fim/18567
You're actually medically retarded. >>/fim/18566
>deleting criticism
just one example >>/fim/18565
Luna watches over all my little horsies. >>/fim/18564
Good post. I've toyed with the notion that parenthood is sort of like mastering a craft, in that a certain amount of eg >>/fim/18563
Very comfy choice. She would probably call this chillness her "aura", haha. >>/fim/18561
Tree Hugger
She is very relaxed, cute and has this "you can be chill and open with her" thing going on, which I love very muc >>/fim/18560
im the pony your waifu dreams about. like a fucking rock star im somepony mares scream about. every horse i fuck in the ass is a >>/fim/18559
"Yee-haw! Have another, stumpy!"
>Prickly fires off another fire spell at Deciduous One A.
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