
>No Hooves, No Business

/fim/ - FiM/clop/ - Clop/qa/ - Questions and Answers
>>/fim/18657 >>18656 I guess the question is whether that's an alicorn thing, a moon princess thing, or an Elements of Harmony banishing but
>>/fim/18656 >>18642 I reckon so. I just figured that Luna and Celestia could because they are powerful immortals (or semi-immortals) and ha
>>/fim/18655 >>18651 I made delicious coffee and soon I believe I may draw a mare
>>/fim/18654 It'll be for another 1.5 hours about.
>>/fim/18653 >>18650 It's Cloudflare, 4chan uses it to handle posting at least and it is down for maintenance.
>>/fim/18652 connection error
>>/fim/18651 First time poster, /nhnb/bros. What's crackalackin?
>>/fim/18650 4chan is still kill
>>/fim/18649 >last post 2 hours ago I got flashbacks to when they froze /mlpol/ and panicked until I saw that it was happening on other boar
>>/fim/18648 I'm gonna go to bed, hopefully the thread I wanna post in doesn't die before I wake up.
>>/fim/18647 >>14323 >The one time I have something I'm willing to type in an email to post, captcha dies That's funny.
>>/fim/18646 >>18645 I think captcha died actually
>>/fim/18645 >No posts in over half an hour. I thought I was going crazy, 4chan's just down. I guess I'll have to actually do something prod
>>/fim/18644 >>18643 I was wondering about that.
>>/fim/18643 >4chan is kill
>>/fim/18642 >>18637 I was thinking maybe alicorns might have the ability. Then I was also thinking that a unicorn pony can probably us the
>>/fim/18641 >>17703 Not in the stars. They are among the stars. Now, when I look at the stars at night I will forever think about ponies. T
>>/fim/18639 Goddess of Thermonuclear Fusion. We invoke her blessings upon all the tokamaks.
>>/fim/18638 >>13432 I want to hear Lyra playing her harp. And then, I want to make love to her.
>>/fim/18637 >>17582 15. Luna is the only pony, except maybe also Celestia, that can survive and thrive in the vacuum of space without the n
>>/fim/18635 >>18633 **>a screen capture of a spreadsheet matrix** **Yeah this sounds much better.** **>Default moves** **I'm okay with o
>>/fim/18634 [spoiler]Quill?[/spoiler]
>>/fim/18633 >>18630 [spoiler]No worries. I did indeed set your action to maintain pin. Actually, I was waiting for Quill.[/spoiler] >Cloud
>>/fim/18631 Well hopefully I didn't scare anyone off with my complaining. I've been writing down the occasional idea when it pops into my h
>>/fim/18630 >>18593 >sits on keebler [spoiler]Sorry, I thought PricklyAnon has already set my action to pinning keebler[/spoiler]
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