>[spoiler]It'll take me a couple days to read through the previous threads, I don't have all day free, but I'm not a wa >>/qa/617
It was so obvious, lol. >>/fim/18434
Sounds cool. So they can drink gasoline? What about thermite or nitroglycerin? >>/fim/18433
How would you make her a less boring character? >>/fim/18432
**Thank you for the reassurance, Anon.**
**>I think our new FM would be able to punish you for anything crazy.**
**An >>/fim/18431
>Cross smiles at her.
"Right! Thanks, Miss Prickly."
>He adds them to his bags.
[spoiler]How many do I get? 3?[/spoi >>/fim/18430
[spoiler]Totally understand you. There was a point where we gave feedback, and started teet >>/fim/18429
**I've been reading previous threads (the very first one yet) to catch up with the game, and I must admit it w >>/fim/18428
>Prickly watches Cross
"Them shrooms are the plain 'uns. 'Member granny said they knock 'ya straight out, but get 'ya >>/fim/18427
Based on this image I am thinking of generating new lore and including it in my headcanon as follows: The kiri >>/fim/18426
>Cross trounces the earth with a staggered trot. He straightens out once he spots the mushrooms, though.
"Ope! More of >>/fim/18425
Huzzah! No encounters...yet.
[spoiler]We'll move on without Cloudhead for the moment. He wi >>/fim/18424
**My autism tells me the sixth pony has to be a female pegasus. However I don't think I'll fare well playing as a mare.**
**... >>/fim/18422
Man reading the waifu wednesday threads kinda leaves me feeling a bit down. All those people having great dreams and seemingly t >>/fim/18421
No, I'd be a terrible parent. One of the reasons I don't want children. >>/fim/18420
I do believe they might >>/fim/18419
[spoiler]He'd better make a reappearance, or I'll be exceptionally sad[/spoiler] >>/clop/1018
Breakfast consists of kirin pussy and beer. >>/fim/18418
[spoiler]I'll make an update later this evening. Was hoping Cloudhead would show up, but I think we c >>/fim/18417
Came here to post this. >>/fim/18415
It is. If you ask nicely she'll pull a slice down for you. >>/fim/18413
[spoiler]very good to see you all!1[/spoiler]
"Huh? Oh, yup, yup!"
>Cross follows up, bumping Cloudhead alon >>/fim/18412
Is her moon really made of cheese? >>/fim/18411
Only one way to find out. >>/fim/18410
[spoiler]Glad to see you both! I hope the others show up. Should we proceed without them for now and just add
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