/clop/ - Clop

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Who's your favorite animator? Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 20:55:23 No. 941
Im really getting in to bnbigus' work.
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Pokehidden is cute but it's weird seeing human vag on pony.
>>941 I'll say that his ponies are pretty decent, but I generally don't pay attention to too much of his work because he has a tendency to include a lot of furry stuff. >>942 A lot of the earlier artists unfortunately did hvop. I will agree the ponies are cute.
>>943 He may have some furry shit, but I have to say he has one of the best artstyles when it comes to animated clop. The only thing I can really fault him on is the tags. Like the softcore rape in pic related. It's a tragedy something like this had to happen to my waifu.
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>>941 Can't say for sure he's my favorite, but I like wwponk's animations. They have a unique fluidity to them and I like the way he does expressions. bnbigus is good too. My favorite is his Chrysalis animation.
