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Gud Buk appriciation thread Anonymous 09/25/2021 (Sat) 18:52:33 No. 3288
What are you reading right now anon, or what is the last gud buk you came across? Describe it without using the name or the words in the name, and make at least one pony pun or reference. > It's the far far future in which various noble houses control fiefdoms so large we are talking about complete planets. We are there to follow the tale of a young man whose family has accepted the stewardship of an entire planet. The only planet known to produce "The Spicy" It's honestly good, has some thrilling bits, but also some "Am I really reading this" bits. 10/10, would recommend.
>>3340 What I read was The MarEtian. A horseword parody. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/396744/the-maretian Never seen the movie or read the original book.
The last book I read was about a shepherd boy in Spain who has a dream about a treasure in Egypt. He chooses to sell his flock and cast his current life to the winds of fate, and learns about himself and the world in the process. The book is fairly realistic, but the boy's approach to life is endlessly inspiring. It's one of those books that inspire you to make your own life into a fantastic story. Early on, the boy meets a philosopher king who reminds me somewhat of Celestia. The book is The Alchemist. The current book I'm reading is nonfiction, about a specific kind of meditative practice. It centers around a specific state or frame of mind that translates into "great seal" - essentially, the harmony and union between all things, and all dualities. The author is a guy I enjoyed watching on youtube, a certain Lama Thubten Yeshe. Not that anybody's going to get it, but the title to this book is Mahamudra: How to Discover Our True Nature. This is another one of those books that just bleeds optimism and love for life, albeit in a very different way.
>>3288 I'm reading a book about a sojourn through Luna's dream realm.
>>3636 Hit reply by accident before I was done. To add: it's widely regarded as one of the greatest and most difficult pieces of modernist literature.
I've read Godfather recently
Anyone has read Larson's book? Is it any good?
>>12481 I bought them ages ago but I can't remember where I left them so I still haven't read them.
>>4488 The one by Mario Puzo that the Coppola movie was based on? If so I read that a long time ago, it's good. I've been binge-reading a bunch of Raymond Chandler novels lately, last one I finished was Lady in the Lake.
>>13709 Yes, that one. Did you like it, anon? Also, in my opinion the first film is roughly on par with the book, but the second one is kinda abysmal. They managed to mis out 2/3 of what's been Vito's character development in the book.
>>3300 Guns of the South get an interesting concept to shit with all the moralizing and onesided takes
