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We need banners mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 09:44:31 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
and a spoiler image for that matter. Please suggest some in thread. Banners should be 300x100 and less than 200kb in size (though smaller is ideally better). Spoiler images should be square, and I think 100x100. Feel free to submit in a higher resolution so if thumbnails get bigger in the future, the spoiler can scale with it.
115 posts omitted.
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My attempt to make a banner out of one of my favorite c.ai quotes.

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Welcome to /fim/! mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 08:52:47 No. 1 [Reply]
This place is dedicated to all things FiM. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting: https://nhnb.org/fim/rules.html

/bootleg/ bunker #6 Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:19:56 No. 17307 [Reply] [Last]
Dreaming of summer activity edition >last bunk >>13810 >/mlp/ boots https://derpy.me/boot Welcome to the wild west of copyright infringement. Here in the bargain bin there's a freedom where things aren't quite right, but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or of canon. Get ready for feels and fun where they can win (You) over despite of their inherent flaws. New Shorts >[Flut] Littlest Painter Easel (Castafe) https://ponepaste.org/8790 >[OC] Novel Pursuits with Radio Star (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8041 >[Rad] a starry night for radio waves (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8894 >[Rad] Cast Aside (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9091 >[OC] A Chance For Reign (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8719 >[Mid] Darkness (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7201 >[Tia] Purrlestia (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7790 >[Mid] A Midnight Christmas (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/8437 >[OC] Ivy the T Shirt Mare (Anon) https://ponepaste.org/7136 >[OC] Chilly Filly Flicks (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8942 >[Bootlegs Anonymous: Confidants (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9218

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>>17747 >The package shipping service you use for parts decided to be a pain in the ass. >While packages get delayed now and then, somehow they managed to lose five shipments of your parts destined for customers. >You were contacted by a couple of those customers, concerned that the packages hadn't shown up yet, and tracking seemed to have them fall off the face of the Earth. >Sure enough, the delivery company doesn't have a clue what happened - but they're gone. >Wonderful. >So, today has been a matter of contacting those unfortunate souls whose parts are lost to the abyss, and either making things right by refunds or getting replacements shipped out. >Fortunately no one has directed any ire or frustration toward you - that has been a welcome surprise with three down, and two more to go. >You've just been doing this downstairs at the counter with your cell phone on speaker while watching Midnight piddle with some connections and lines that still need to be hooked up in the engine bay of the Chrysler. >So far so good – she hasn't come across anything requiring your eyes or advice. >Who knows, another day or two and you might be ready to hear it run for the first time in decades. >That's a thought that comes with excitement and a bit of anxiety. >But for now, you keep your mind on the business at hand... which is the business. >You dial in the number for the next customer in question and hit the green pickup icon, listening for the funky little connection ditty before the phone begins to ring. >Midway through the third ring, you finally receive an answer. >"Hello?"

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>>17781 >Midnight senses it and leans closer to you. >"The man that worked with me while in the lab. The one that was actually somewhat nice to me – the part of his name I remember. Johnson," she explains. >Your mind races back to when Starla stayed at your place – one of the first instances Midnight started fighting with flashbacks. >This particular one she mentioned remembering that man – and was curious whether he had a hand in her escape from the lab... >... to the point she considered scouting out the lab for him, or something like that. >It was a terrible idea – you and Starla vehemently rejected the idea and talked her out of it. >Nothing was said about it after that. >Until today, hearing the name. >The last name of this individual. "Middie, Johnson is a very common surname. I guarantee if you went and looked through a local phone book, you could come up with thirty or more people." >"It isn't just the name. It's his voice – I recognize it," she counters with a hint of disappointment. "A voice on the phone and a voice in real life can sound a bit different," I argue, starting to get a bit uneasy with her sudden fanaticism about this. "Speaker phone is just going to distort it that much m—" >"Anonymous," Midnight interrupts in a stern voice as she glances over to your right. "Grab the paperwork for his order." "Why?" >"Is the address near here?"

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>>17782 >"I do. It makes me uneasy, too," she admits somewhat shamefully. "I don't think I'll ever fully be satisfied with my past and maybe I'll always have questions and memories that bother me from time to time. But I guess if there's any other way to try to close that door for good – it's talking with someone that was there. Coming to terms and acknowledging I went through hell before... before getting to heaven, I guess." >Midnight finishes that statement looking a bit embarrassed, but with an honest heartfelt smile. >That was... "You know, you always say I'm lame, but that last bit was pretty corny," you say, pointing at her. >"Picked it up from you, dumbass," she retorts, sticking her tongue out. >Perhaps none of this matters anyway – there's still no telling this is the guy Midnight thinks it is. >But... >An idea pops into your head. >A stupid one, but it could end things here and now. >You're almost certain you still have a pair of hubcaps... >You pick up the phone and hit callback. >"Hello?" "Hey, sorry to bother you so soon – this is Anon again. I can tell you I just found some hubcaps for you, so at the very least, you'll have those." >"Oh, that's great!" "I thought you might like to hear that. But while I'm on the phone again, my secretary was nagging me – she said she thinks she recognizes your name and voice and she just is dying to sate her curiosity... you didn't happen to work at a factory around here, did you...?"

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>>17772 It's a cute green. Always enjoy these comfy ones. >>17783 This is quite the development. Making contact could certainly go real south real quick. Interested to see what happens. Thanks Auto. Weekend w2g?
>>17800 I'll set one up early tomorrow. It's been too long and I've been so out of whack that having that set up will bring back some sense of normalcy.

I need to post these mares Anonymous 08/29/2021 (Sun) 09:25:49 No. 2295 [Reply] [Last]
Can you come up with a short story about them?
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>>17569 Such a happy snowpone. I wonder what's got her so happy?
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New art
>>17573 That's great. Pone seems to have a funny manecut.
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reposting new art
>>17796 It's some really nice new art. Cute outfit.

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Mods are asleep. Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 05:48:58 No. 147 [Reply] [Last]
Post irl horses.
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>>17568 repostan the sleepy filly that got lost in the restore
>>17764 This horse needs some Mexican Mariachi theme music.
>>17670 This horse has reached the highest state of zen. >>17765 Super cute.
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Winter Unwrap Pack 2023 Release + Next Pack Planning Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 01:53:40 No. 16944 [Reply] [Last]
The Winter Unwrap Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies preparing the land for winter. Snow and icicles a plenty! Included are 7 images, 2 stories and a video. Enjoy! The pack is free for all Anons, get it here: https://mega.nz/folder/FjcgjKrT#xbgVea84jIIJULQrXqrseQ
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>>17685 October won. The artpack can be released at the first weekend of October if everyanon agree
>>17710 Well, more time for everyone, I guess. The theme is Celestia, but what mood should we aim for? Peace? Loneliness?
>>17723 How about nostalgia? Or maybe reminiscence? I always feel that way in autumn.
>>17724 How the hell can one depict nostalgia?
>>17740 Through colors, through facial expression, overall mood

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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708 [Reply] [Last]
What are (you) in for?
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>>17789 Yeah. >>17790 I posted a picture of Celestia suggestively eating an eclair and caught a 3 day ban. I said fuck it and actually started posting clop
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>>17787 Welcome. I got banned for saying EQG is shit. Just goes to show jannies on /mlp/ are infiltrated by furfags, anthrofags, barbiefags, and other scum. Also got banned for saying foalcon is pedo shit. Maybe some people don't agree with that opinion, but it is telling that the /mlp/ jannies will censor one side of the argument and not the other. All I ask is balance and adherence to posting rules, which is clearly not followed on /mlp/. There, jannies will censor anything that hurts their feefees, even if it doesn't break the posting rules. They are like petty tyrants and treat /mlp/ as their own little fiefdom.
>>17792 I haven't gotten banned yet, but they do keep deleting my posts. The mods have insane double standards.
>>17792 Remember that "barbienigger" is an autoban and "barbiefag" is shadow banned.
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>>17792 True that. One of the mods started stalking me around the site and directly hassling me in all sort of random threads where there was no way for someone to link me without behind the scenes info. Eventually they got assmad that I kept telling them to fuck off and stop being a creep but otherwise not responding to them that they gave me a 30 day global ban. A couple days after that expired I got a permaban for "proxy/vpn/tor not allowed" aka made a mod seething mad but they don't want to say so in the ban message. It obviously wasn't a proxy or vpn and the mod knows that since they were stalking me. >Also got banned for saying foalcon is pedo shit. Kek, you struck a nerve there. The site needs to ditch Hiro and get someone who gives a fuck in charge, and to fire a bunch of the mods and hire people who aren't fragile, insecure control freaks.

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Fluttershy? Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 06:19:17 No. 1368 [Reply] [Last]
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>>17386 Cute.
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Bumping for my perfect wife with whom I shall grind some sick rails for the rest of my life.
>>4768 >>4772 >>12957 >>12959 >>12960 So she works as a representative of the Ministry of Forsest keeping tabs on forest health, and she rents goats to ponies to trim their lawns. Those seem plausible to me. Any other ideas for Fluttershy's job?
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>>17590 why don't ponies graze on their lawns themselves?

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Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 12:12:55 No. 14323 [Reply] [Last]
4chan is dead. Long live NHNB.
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>>16795 Here you go, more mares
what haooened to 4?
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>>16796 CUUUUUTE
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More mare.
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>>17777 Checked

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New visitor Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 18:32:47 No. 1202 [Reply] [Last]
Hello! Please post cute pones here and obscure waifus
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>>6070 I love her so much.
>>17633 She is underrated
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Lightning Dust is great! She inspires me to be better.
>>17771 >Loses out on her dream >Makes a new, better dream Fuck yeah!
>>17771 Cute mare!
