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We need banners mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 09:44:31 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
and a spoiler image for that matter. Please suggest some in thread. Banners should be 300x100 and less than 200kb in size (though smaller is ideally better). Spoiler images should be square, and I think 100x100. Feel free to submit in a higher resolution so if thumbnails get bigger in the future, the spoiler can scale with it.
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My attempt to make a banner out of one of my favorite c.ai quotes.

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Welcome to /fim/! mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 08:52:47 No. 1 [Reply]
This place is dedicated to all things FiM. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting: https://nhnb.org/fim/rules.html

/bootleg/ bunker #6 Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:19:56 No. 17307 [Reply] [Last]
Dreaming of summer activity edition >last bunk >>13810 >/mlp/ boots https://derpy.me/boot Welcome to the wild west of copyright infringement. Here in the bargain bin there's a freedom where things aren't quite right, but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or of canon. Get ready for feels and fun where they can win (You) over despite of their inherent flaws. New Shorts >[Flut] Littlest Painter Easel (Castafe) https://ponepaste.org/8790 >[OC] Novel Pursuits with Radio Star (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8041 >[Rad] a starry night for radio waves (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8894 >[Rad] Cast Aside (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9091 >[OC] A Chance For Reign (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8719 >[Mid] Darkness (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7201 >[Tia] Purrlestia (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7790 >[Mid] A Midnight Christmas (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/8437 >[OC] Ivy the T Shirt Mare (Anon) https://ponepaste.org/7136 >[OC] Chilly Filly Flicks (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8942 >[Bootlegs Anonymous: Confidants (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9218

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>>18095 - - - >The air is different here. >Less... muggy. >You dare say it's almost cool. >You flex your callused hands and take a deep breath. >This will do. >"Nonzo? I got her all settled down for the uh... night?" >You lift your head and see Cinnamon squint up at the little pinpricks of light that denoted the vivarium being well within its night cycle. "Seems like it." >You survey the grassy little room and your gaze falls on the small yellow pegasus lying under the tree in the middle with a stained bunny blanket draped over her. >Despite her labored breathing, she was sleeping without much fuss. "How is she?" >Cinnamon saunters over to your side and lets out a soft sigh. "Poor thing probably hasn't had a wink of sleep since her friend went missing..." "The pain wouldn't have made it any easier." >Cinnamon nods slowly. "Yeah... I gave her some of the green stuff and it looks like she's not as hurty right now. Kept rambling about animals until she just sorta... conked out." >You could tell she enjoyed the conversation from her little smile, but it was clear she had other things on her mind.

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>>18080 /spookleg/ is just the best. >>18082 Sounds interesting. And a van full of mares sounds supremely comfy. Love to see Starsky again. They've got themselves into quite the situation this time. >>18101 Some sort of Truman-show-like facility? Sounds like ponies in that world are truly created by some abomination of science. Also curious to see what happens here.
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I like it. My most favorite badge.
>>18101 >You regale an attentive Cinnamon of tokens and arcade cabinets for long enough that her head begins to lull and her eyes become heavy. >She tries with all her might to stay awake, but soon enough, she's dozing with a hindleg dangling off the bench, softly mumbling in her sleep. >You gently ruffle her mane with a hand and smile. >Sweet dreams, dork. >With a deep breath, you quietly slide off the bench. >You think... you'll go on a little walk. >As much as you'd like to catch a few Zs, it's safer to have someone keep watch. >Besides, it's not like you're all that tired anyhow... >Your eyes trail over to Flutters, who's still out like a light. >You wonder briefly is one of the bodies you passed on the way here was her Alganon. >It was clear she genuinely trusts the dude, so you doubt he would have just left her there to die... >You stuff your hands into your pockets. >You guess he would have been just as helpless as you in this situation... The best thing he could have done would be what you're doing right now. >Letting her go as peacefully as humanly possible. >You can't make it completely painless, but at least here she wouldn't risk the pain of being torn apart by one of those aggressive unraveled... "Or worse."

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>>18108 What a couple of cute dorks.

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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708 [Reply] [Last]
What are (you) in for?
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>>15770 why is hie hated now?
Be prepared for a large influx of new users if the currently-spreading-like-cancer post limitations hit /mlp/. Bans will no doubt be handed out like candy.
I just got banned so I might lurk here for a while.
>>18103 What did you do, anon?
>>18105 Rule 3. Which is funny because the EllieMonty squizo never got banned or any of his threads deleted, all of his threads got archived despite being exclusively about that vtuber, and each of his threads became a war that had nothing to do with pony. And he kept posting these each week.

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A Day of Princess Celestia Art Pack Planning Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:41:38 No. 18096 [Reply]
This is the planning thread for the Day of Princess Celestia art pack. In this thread we gather submissions and generate ideas. You can submit pieces in thread or at this link: https://mega.nz/filerequest/tj8jK7IPHZY Release is currently expected in early November.
Yay! A new thread!

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Winter Unwrap Pack 2023 Release + Next Pack Planning Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 01:53:40 No. 16944 [Reply] [Last]
The Winter Unwrap Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies preparing the land for winter. Snow and icicles a plenty! Included are 7 images, 2 stories and a video. Enjoy! The pack is free for all Anons, get it here: https://mega.nz/folder/DAF3kSrb#Lwsd0cyGaxXyxSvv8zMTCw
Edited last time by mys_elf on 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:34:48.
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Ah, that is some awful timing. Not having a separate thread for the new art pack is just messy, and the October launch is obviously impossible for anyone attending Mare Fair, Anniversary stream, and Ponycon Holland.
>>18065 I propose to extebd the release to the early Nov
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>>18065 Does it suit? Also, probably should make a new thread for accepting submissions, so it stands out more.
>>18091 I like it.
>>18091 Planning thread: >>18096

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Fluttershy? Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 06:19:17 No. 1368 [Reply] [Last]
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Bumping for my perfect wife with whom I shall grind some sick rails for the rest of my life.
>>4768 >>4772 >>12957 >>12959 >>12960 So she works as a representative of the Ministry of Forsest keeping tabs on forest health, and she rents goats to ponies to trim their lawns. Those seem plausible to me. Any other ideas for Fluttershy's job?
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>>17590 why don't ponies graze on their lawns themselves?
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her job is being best pony and is the peaceful equivalent of the hunter, keeping animal populations in check, without hunting

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Mods are asleep. Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 05:48:58 No. 147 [Reply] [Last]
Post irl horses.
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>>17922 God I wish to prod a horse.
>>17928 With your finger, right? Right?
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new art
>>18087 Awesome stuff Anon.

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Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 02:35:31 No. 18070 [Reply]
dead palace
>>18070 It's been quite lately. Been wanting to do more stuff for a long time, just so tired anymore. The anni probably also has something to do with the slowdown.
>>18071 most likely
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Happy 14th anniversary bros!
>>18084 Happy 14th! Crazy how time flys.

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Six FM 10/24/2023 (Tue) 01:33:28 No. 16667 [Reply] [Last]
But still five ponies. If (you) want to be #6 just say so.
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Unrelated: I'm going to Mare Fair this week, if anyone else here is going (including any anon lurking this thread for whatever reason), I'll be giving out a lot of free shirts >>18041 Would be happy for you to still play as Prickly!
>>18043 Damn! I wish I could go. Would be cool to meet up. Can't though (again, unavoidable family drama related issues). I hope you have fun
It'd honestly be a miracle if, even on starting up again, we had all the anons back. I have my doubts.
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