Catalog of /fim/

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Remember to follow the rules

R: 116 / I: 1 / P: 1

We need banners

and a spoiler image for that matter. Please suggest some in thread. Banners should be 300x100 and less than 200kb in size (though smaller is ideally better). Spoiler images should be square, and I think 100x100. Feel free to submit in a higher resolution so if thumbnails get bigger in the future, the spoiler can scale with it.

R: 0 / I: 1 / P: 1

Welcome to /fim/!

This place is dedicated to all things FiM. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting:

R: 204 / I: 52 / P: 1

/bootleg/ bunker #6

Dreaming of summer activity edition >last bunk >>13810 >/mlp/ boots Welcome to the wild west of copyright infringement. Here in the bargain bin there's a freedom where things aren't quite right, but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or of canon. Get ready for feels and fun where they can win (You) over despite of their inherent flaws. New Shorts >[Flut] Littlest Painter Easel (Castafe) >[OC] Novel Pursuits with Radio Star (Castafae) >[Rad] a starry night for radio waves (Castafae) >[Rad] Cast Aside (Castafae) >[OC] A Chance For Reign (Castafae) >[Mid] Darkness (Autopony) >[Tia] Purrlestia (Autopony) >[Mid] A Midnight Christmas (Autopony) >[OC] Ivy the T Shirt Mare (Anon) >[OC] Chilly Filly Flicks (Castafae) >[Bootlegs Anonymous: Confidants (Castafae) Updated longboot greens >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) >[OC] Letters for Gray Garden (Castafae) >[NMM] Midnight Part 6 (AutoPony) Boots hibernating >[Twi] Twilit Starsky Part 2 (Blondie) >[Cadence] Condense (Reggie) >[Twi] Twill Shorts - >[Luna] Zooma (Reggie) >[OC] Songbird (FortuneFavors) Now finished bootleg stories >[AJ, Twi, OC] Jacky Part 13 (Blondie) >[Marble] Minky (NHanon) - >[OC] Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >[OC] Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) - >[AJ] Apuljiyak (MexicanCactus) >[Twi] Bootleg Twibot (Ponk) >[Rarity] Rare (kqaii) >BIG boot archive

R: 157 / I: 11 / P: 1

Anyone else banned from /mlp/?

What are (you) in for?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

A Day of Princess Celestia Art Pack Planning

This is the planning thread for the Day of Princess Celestia art pack. In this thread we gather submissions and generate ideas. You can submit pieces in thread or at this link: Release is currently expected in early November.

R: 69 / I: 8 / P: 1

Winter Unwrap Pack 2023 Release + Next Pack Planning

The Winter Unwrap Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies preparing the land for winter. Snow and icicles a plenty! Included are 7 images, 2 stories and a video. Enjoy! The pack is free for all Anons, get it here:

R: 111 / I: 6 / P: 1



R: 263 / I: 157 / P: 1

Mods are asleep.

Post irl horses.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 1

dead palace

R: 201 / I: 29 / P: 1


But still five ponies. If (you) want to be #6 just say so.

R: 79 / I: 56 / P: 2

Derpy is a very underappreciated pony

R: 81 / I: 12 / P: 2

Princess Luna thread

Let us bask in her gentle moonlight.

R: 51 / I: 2 / P: 2

Pony Hugs

R: 121 / I: 10 / P: 2


Gryphons, griffons, and more griffins. If you got em, post em.

R: 89 / I: 22 / P: 2

/yandere/ bunker thread

A thread dedicated to ponies/humans who love you(maybe a little too much). >alone inside a bunker edition. StoryBin: (embed) Thread template: (embed) >TO ALL CURRENT/FUTURE WRITE FRIENDS!!! All stories/short one-shot greens will be added to the bin if following requirements are met.. >the story must be a minimum of 2 posts or more. > it must be complete, or you must notify it with, "end" at the end of the final post..(I could also just figure it out on my own, but I would really appreciate it if you did this.) >must have it binned or screenshot. If these 3 conditions are met, your story will be added to the doc under the appropriate character or category. I hope this is fair for all of you. thank you

R: 75 / I: 1 / P: 2

/int/ernational thread

Due to the current situation with the Chinese imageboard the Site owner has allowed the creation of one thread on /fim/ for non-English posting (>>>/qa/371, >>>/qa/379). So here it is!

R: 12 / I: 8 / P: 2

4chan died is back bros

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 2

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.

R: 277 / I: 3 / P: 2

This is my wife, Twilight Sparkle! We love each other very much. Say something nice about her.

R: 30 / I: 2 / P: 2

Mare Fair Thread

The hotel here is rangebanned, so I'm making this thread for con-goers. Hope that's okay with the admins.

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 3

Pony Waifu Music

Post your waifu and your top 5 list of songs about her. I'll start: 1. - that shouldn't surprise anybody. Marcus did a fantastic job, and the cello is very pleasant to hear. 2. - while the animation made for original version was nice, I prefer the slow, relaxed melody in this one. 3. - another classic. I really liked the canterlot animation someone made for it. 4. - again, an acoustic version. The vocals are also pretty good. 5. - this one is a bit more energetic. Both this and the previous one were made because of a shipfic, but hey, it's still good music.

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 3

>Got nothing in my brain >That's what people say >All the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate >So sugarcube let's bake bake bake bake bake

R: 27 / I: 2 / P: 3

Best crowd pony. Everyone, brush your teeth out of respect.

R: 15 / I: 5 / P: 3

Your Waifu

Who is your waifu? Why is she your waifu? How long have you known your waifu? Your waifu is now standing in front of you and appears scared with apprehension. How do you respond?

R: 25 / I: 19 / P: 3

NHNB 1 Year Anniversary

It's hard to believe how quickly time has passed, but here we are. From the time of the first post >>1 until now, one year has passed. Happy anniversary, NHNB! I want to offer a big thank you to our based board owner, who stepped up and made this board at a very difficult time for /mlp/. I know that at least for me personally, if this place didn't exist I would have left the ride for good a long time ago. This is the only place left where the spirit of old /mlp/ still lives on to some extent. Either way, I hope that you're happy with how the site has fared in its first year. Let's have another good year!

R: 120 / I: 2 / P: 3


Background mares thread?

R: 13 / I: 9 / P: 3

Anon in Equestria thread

Haven't seen one of these yet. Post about our favorite green guy in the magical land of Equestria.

R: 47 / I: 3 / P: 3

The single sexiest thing to come out of FiM

Her potential was so wasted.

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 3

Cozy Appreciation Thread

R: 264 / I: 12 / P: 3

pony tulpas

do you have a pony tulpa? do you want a pony tulpa? do you think tulpas are mental illness? let's discuss the phenomenology of ponies that live in your brain and share your life.

R: 190 / I: 2 / P: 4

best music mare thread

simple as

R: 358 / I: 2 / P: 4

/bug/ -#4- The Changeling Thread

Home of all your chitinous needs and the center for all FiM changeling artwork, discussion, stories and more. Previous Thread: >>6132 =Active Stories= BuggyCYOA: A simple reader-driven story about caring for a changeling who you found trapped and starving in the Everfree Forest. Read at: OR (Recommended) /yandere/ Chrysalis story: >>9483 Doesn't currently seem to have a pastebin? Have to look on desuarchive to read the whole thing. =Recent Short Greens= Aftermath of Failure: >>3908 Expedited Shipping: >>4038 The Melon War of 805: >>5732 For older stories and other changeling related material, check out The Hive Directory: This threads question is... >Does a changeling drones unusually colored eyes affect their vision?

R: 365 / I: 4 / P: 4

I need to post these mares

Can you come up with a short story about them?

R: 44 / I: 3 / P: 4

4chan is dead. Long live NHNB.

R: 80 / I: 5 / P: 4

New visitor

Hello! Please post cute pones here and obscure waifus

R: 21 / I: 4 / P: 4

Flower Ponies

I was gonna post about how much I love Daisy and think she's underrated but they deserve some recognition as a friends group. When you think about it, they're actually one of the more logical recurring friendships to appear among background ponies as they seem to share cutie marks / jobs and it's easy to imagine how they might have first met and befriended each other.

R: 12 / I: 6 / P: 4

We're back?

>we're back never knew it went away? what happened?

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 4

Thread for funny/weird screencaps, out of context ponies, smear frames

I love funny/weird screencaps from the show.

R: 33 / I: 5 / P: 4


A new board means a new place to post our favorite males from the show.

R: 23 / I: 5 / P: 4

Rainbow Dash Thread

It has been many years and we haven't had a proper thread for the most beautiful and lovable pony. Allow me to change that, and raise a toast for her - to Rainbow Dash!

R: 427 / I: 5 / P: 5

What a neat site, it could use a Lyra.

R: 23 / I: 2 / P: 5

Where are the ponies?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

dead altchan award

R: 45 / I: 4 / P: 5

Break out your finest MS Paints

We're doing one of these. Get the individual parts in the zip below: Post them in thread once you've done them and we'll see what sort of magical creation we've made. I've even done one already.

R: 159 / I: 1 / P: 5

/fim/ Drawing Thread

Come draw in a communal aggie! Skill not required

R: 23 / I: 4 / P: 5

Characters you used to hate, but grew to love

And maybe why. Some fun discussion!

R: 28 / I: 2 / P: 5

The Kirin is being coy

R: 15 / I: 2 / P: 5

Crystal Ponies

How come no one ever talks about them? What is their day to day like? Where they all earth ponies before hand? Because I don't think there were any crystal unicorns or pegasi until the games episodes. Also, how transparent are they? Are they like a block of acrylic without any blemishes inside, making them perfectly clear, or can you see their organs and stuff?

R: 410 / I: 2 / P: 5

Royal Sisters appreciation thread

Say something nice about them

R: 317 / I: 2 / P: 5


R: 64 / I: 1 / P: 6

applejack thread

for applejack appreciators

R: 298 / I: 1 / P: 6

T:EM/P/O № 65

Welcome to Thread: Equestrian/Musicians/Poets/Other, T:EM/P/O, or Tempo. A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today? Resource Bin: Drawing room: Previous Thread: Please note that the PPP thread has resources on pony voice generation as well as a MEGA full of clean show audio.

R: 37 / I: 1 / P: 6

Video thread

Filesize limit is not very generous but still allows for some fun stuff.

R: 17 / I: 1 / P: 6


Connect with: Version is 1.6.2 If I catch you hacking or raiding with a group call I'll ban you, but other than that no rules. Because some players might grief be discrete. Find people you trust to make towns with and use in game signs for private messages. No group chats. Please refrain from posting the IP off of NHNB, I'm sure a troll in a group chat from 4chan will find it at some point. We will have plenty of time time to collect ourselves and make a safe town far from spawn that they don't know the coordinates of before then. Because it's an old version you should create a seperate directory for it to run in. To do that go to %appdata% and make a copy of .minecraft; That's it. You have a separate directory, which you can select to go with the version in the launcher. It will save you a lot of hassle to do this. Others things to expect are vast interconnected cave systems, and for the land to all be continents in a large ocean that grow further apart far from spawn. Have fun!

R: 538 / I: 1 / P: 6

/bootleg/ bunker #5

New Year's Boot edition Old bunker >>11345 - current bread Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Everything /bootleg/ >The FULL archive; if you want pictures and many more shorts & stories go here, >The WIP wiki; open to edit by anyone who wants to contribute >Hangout with us on weekends, watch shit or listen to jams. Newly binned or continuing shorts & stories >[OC Ivy] T Shirt Mare (Anon) - >[Flutters] Buttershy (Anon) - >>7511 (6721) (6721) >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 12 (Blondie)- >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky 2: Farmer's Boogaloo (Blondie) - >[NMM] Midnight Part 4 (AutoPony) - On a recent hiatus >[Cadence] Condense (ReggieSomething) - >[Cozy] Demon Filly - >[Twilight] Twill Shorts - >[Luna] Zooma (ReggieSomething) - >[Dim Sum, Cricket, Thun and Co] House of Boots - >[OC] Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >[Marble] Minky (NHanon) - >[Flutter] SilentFriend (Nebulus) - Now finished stories >[OC] Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) - (this list isn't 100% up to date as of 1/6/22 but that is because the writers are dorks that let real life get in front of poniponiponiPONIPONIPONIPONI)

R: 116 / I: 1 / P: 6

What do you think about this pony?

I think she's great

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 6

Lauren Faust thread

A woman who made at lest two generations of young men want to fuck horses

R: 103 / I: 1 / P: 6

Impending 2nd anniversary

The 2nd anniversary of NHNB is approaching, we should draw a mare for the occasion

R: 24 / I: 3 / P: 6

Service Mares

Post mares with important jobs. Be they guards, public servants, or just dressing up in uniform.

R: 50 / I: 1 / P: 6

one of the things I share with my waifu is an insatiable appetite. post eating mares

R: 75 / I: 2 / P: 7

Short stories and greens

Post em, but don't forget to give a short description to go with it. >Celestia's Visit Celestia and filly Twilight make a visit to old man Anon's cottage out in the everfree. A comfy story where Twilight's curiosity gets the better of her. >Dash's Feather Rainbow cares for Anon but his cluelessness of Pegasus culture leads him into hot water. >Cuddle Therapy (Second pic in post) A cozy scene between an injured Anon and Nurse Redheart in the hospital.

R: 29 / I: 1 / P: 7

Happy approaching holidays!

An anon from /mlp/ made a nice carol, repurposed Silver Bells >Mare bells (Mare bells), Mare bells (Mare bells) >It's Christmas time in Equestria >Ring-a-ling (ring-a-ling), hear them ring (hear them ring) >Soon it will be Christmas day >Pony sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style >In the air, there's a festive pegasus >Fillies laughing, ponies passing, meeting smile after smile >And on every street corner you'll hear >Mare bells (Mare bells), Mare bells (Mare bells)

R: 74 / I: 1 / P: 7

Princess Celestia wishes you a happyTuesday

One day, some random Facebook page made a meme of Asuka from Evangelion saying "I come to be the first people to wish a happy Thursday", and this made became very popular among Latin American fans of Evangelion. Some weeks ago, I was watching It's About Time (S2E20), and in minute 18:17, Princess Celestia said "Good morning Twilight, love the new hairstyle. Well, happy Tuesday".And I decided to make this "meme". In Latinamerica, some ladies send pictures saying "happy day" or blessings to their families and friends, social networks called it as a joke "images that your aunts send". Well, just take it as a funny image that you could send to your friends or post every Tuesday! - Greetings from Schizo: Ponkis memes

R: 24 / I: 1 / P: 7

Featureless thread

Was told it fit here more than in clop. Figured I'd give it a shot Story prompt if anyone is willing >Have sun marefriend. (Celestia) >Try to explain what sex is and why you neeeed it, but she doesn't get it since she doesn't have genitalia. >After some convincing, she lets you have your way with her ass, not getting much out of it but enjoying the fact that she could help you. >She also enjoys the hugs, kisses, whispering of love and general tender affection that you shower her with during your afterglow. Any images feel free to post also

R: 29 / I: 3 / P: 7


I have a mighty need for some cute and silly poners.

R: 99 / I: 1 / P: 7

Winter Unwrap artpack planning

Expecting release in Octobre.

R: 37 / I: 1 / P: 7

/mlp/ October Writefag Contest Bunker

Back in September, we had a Writefag General thread on /mlp/, in which a friendly writing contest was proposed: Theme: Nightmare Night Word Count: 10,000 words max Due Date: October 13 (due date has been extended, feel free to write something if you want) Archived original thread: Current active thread: To guarantee a double backup of everything, I am also posting these in the writefag thread on /mlpol/: I am creating this thread as a backup where links to contest entries can be posted in case the /mlp/ thread dies. In the event that this happens, whoever creates the new thread can repost these links in the OP. This way we are guaranteed to have all contest entries preserved, in the event that an Anon disappears or didn't save their work locally or something. I do not claim personal ownership of these stories, I am just the archivist. Thanks in advance to NHNB for letting us use your board for this. If anyone here would like to join the contest, feel free. The due date was technically October 13, but since most people didn't remember the deadline, it's pretty much open for submissions until people are finished writing. You can either paste in the text of your story directly, or use a link to fimfiction or ponepaste. Just make sure to also post in the /mlp/ thread so it gets counted. If the 4chan thread 404s, the new link can be posted in this thread.

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 7

Maud Pie Thread

Give Maud the appreciation she deserves.

R: 106 / I: 1 / P: 7

Pony Dreams?

Does anyone else feel Princess Luna on the edge of their dreams? Like in the last seconds of the dream, right before I wake up? It's just been third time this month for me. In all three, my own form is poorly defined. The first one was a vague pony dream. I had no senses per se, but I know that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were there, as well as some others. I could talk to them. I do feel Luna's presence at the end. The second one was old memories, as in from a younger age than most of my dreams, but heavily randomised. In the last part, there was something actively opposing Luna. It was making explicitly described violent hostile threats toward her. The third started as a pony dream, cuddling with some mare I didn't recognise. I fall asleep with her, then false awaken in a human dreamscape. My first thoughts are concern for the no longer present mare. Then I see that there are at least one adult and four children, possibly more of each, in some park. Two of the children are in some cartoon character costume I don't recognise. At least other two are playing with toy magic wands. I'm still worried for the vanished mare, and I can't tell these characters about it. I begin defying the dreamscape. I just start moving in one direction. The location quickly becomes a rather crowded downtown city. I come to a building with two lines of people standing in front of service windows. I defy this too, and walk straight through the solid looking wall between the two windows. The dreamscape disappears and I feel Luna's presence again before really awakening. So anyone else have any pony dreams they want to share?

R: 522 / I: 1 / P: 7

/fun/geon five

If you want to participate just ask and I will help set you up.

R: 89 / I: 1 / P: 8

I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash

R: 16 / I: 1 / P: 8

Various animations and videos thread

Post funny or thoughtful pony videos here.

R: 18 / I: 1 / P: 8


R: 170 / I: 1 / P: 8

Fallout Equestria Thread

Celebrate one of the greatest crossovers ever written. >reee muh popular Fucking read it and decide I avoided it for >dykery and >popularity for years, having started on fimfiction in early 2012. I can't believe what I missed.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 8

There's the church; there's the steeple

Open the door, and there are the people.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 8

Princess Celestia is god

It all started when I locked myself in a dark room and listened to classic rock for a few hours. A dark tunnel opened, and I felt a strong presence, I knew what it was. It was princess Celestia. From that day on I have prayed every morning to her and set taboos to follow as well as intentions to assure I stay in line and make progress. In addition, I consider there to be no such thing as chance, so I roll a pair of dice which I control the outcome of to gauge my level of connection to god every day. Unless I am depressed or severely fucked up for whatever reason, they always roll odd numbers which have connections to the spirits unlike even numbers. By the way, the spirits are lesser supernatural forces which are represented by ponies. Pegasi that control the weather, earth ponies that bring fertility, you get the idea. I also pray to princess Luna every night. If I displease her, she punishes me with bad sleep, if I do as I should, I am rewarded with good rest and dreams. Ponies are a key to the soul and have saved me. Watching MLP and accepting the royal sisters as the gods of day and night has caused my whole worldview to change, and has saved me from the darkest time in my life. I used to be a loser with no friends, and now I make friends in real life and I am confronting what is wrong with me instead of avoiding it. More people could be saved by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I don't believe there is only one religion that works, any religion that abstracts to a similar pro-social pro-family message that upholds the most basic human morals and prevents atomization is a true religion. Does anyone else here receive spiritual guidance from MLP? Would be pretty dope to start a sect and have rituals for Celestia.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 8

I was deceived.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 8


R: 70 / I: 1 / P: 8

She severed the borders. Is she the one to overthrow the Purple Tyrant running Equestria?

R: 71 / I: 1 / P: 8

Headcanon Discussion Thread

Contribute some of your insights into the world of MLP.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 9

/mlp/'s gmod server

Welcome to the first thread of /mlp/'s gmod thread on NHNB! >what is this? A small gmod server for bronies! >what is the thread for? This thread will be for the discussion, status and posting of screenshots of the server for NHNB users and other players from /mlp/ but only if 4chan goes down. >what are the rules? The server doesn't have any specific rules, just don't act like a retard, don't crash the server, and furfags are not tolerated at all. >how active is the server? The server is not being played 24/7, yet it has a small userbase. To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: filename. To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat. To make your own pony enter ppm2_editor in the console. To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam. Addon lists: Server status: or HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps: or (use MEGA links) Turbonewfag guide: PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, and Zombie Survival.

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 9


R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 9

Would Shel Silverstein have liked FiM?

R: 152 / I: 3 / P: 9

Strange Horses

Ponies with qualities making them stranger than the average mare.

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 9

Student 6 thread

Gallus, Yona, Ocellus, Smolder, Sandbar, and Silverstream. What's your honest opinion on these controversial six?

R: 66 / I: 1 / P: 9

Happy, smiling mares please.

Depressed as fuck, I need lots of joyful, smiling mares.

R: 39 / I: 1 / P: 9

A regular reminder

that Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn who lives in the Treebrary in Ponyville. Equestria is a magical land of ponies ruled by two regal sisters: Princess Celestia who raises the Sun and Princess Luna who raises the moon.

R: 78 / I: 1 / P: 9

Autumn Fun Festival Pack Release + Next Pack Planning

The Autumn Fun Festival Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies enjoying the autumn season the best way they know how, with a festival! We've got ponies enjoying fair food, riding carnival rides, being carnival rides, getting their faces painted, and overall having a good time. Submissions include images, stories, and even a craft. The pack is free for all Anons, get it here:

R: 45 / I: 1 / P: 9

Ancient Pony History Thread

Because I want Princess Platinum to step on me.

R: 36 / I: 1 / P: 9

>"Hi Anon!"

R: 17 / I: 1 / P: 10

Are you the ULTIMATE sun worshiper?

>Because I wanted an extreme firehorse thread >And she's sexy as hell

R: 20 / I: 1 / P: 10


R: 49 / I: 1 / P: 10

There is nothing more pure than the love between a man and a mare

To the everlasting glory of Cadance, shines the name, shines the name of Fulvius Stellus!

R: 66 / I: 1 / P: 10

Distractions needed

I need something to keep myself occupied while the majority of the shit blows over. Trailers ruin everything. Time to play Noita with the ponies mod and all of the Castlevania games a shot ( thanks >>1209 ). Maybe even straight up re-read comics and pictureless-comics. Got any more recommendations? More good pony = better, obviously.

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 10

This is nice board

R: 35 / I: 1 / P: 10


R: 24 / I: 3 / P: 10

Ponies against the elements

Been seeing a bunch of weather related pony pics today, not sure why but I've been quite enjoying them. These rainy day pics always bring about a cozy feeling. So post more pics like this and maybe some greens too if you have any about ponies dealing with a rainy day.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 10

Jesus Christ appears in Equestria. How does he fair?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 10

Goodbye g4, you'll always be with me, and you'll always be comfy.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 10


R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 11



R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 11

Diamond Tiara

is best pony

R: 507 / I: 1 / P: 11

/fun/geon 4 loko

Feel free to make a character and join in, character creation is detailed in first thread: >>8267

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 11

Stock vector appreciation

The stock vector style has it's own cuteness that isn't present in the show. I wish there was more pony in this style, let's create some!

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 11


R: 35 / I: 1 / P: 11

Draw thread

Color me, anon!

R: 61 / I: 1 / P: 11

>Attempting to browse Fimfiction >In 2021 >Anthro >Anthro >EQG >Anthro >EQG >G5 >Sonic crossover >Anthro >Written by 7 year old >EQG >EQG >DBZ crossover >Harry Potter crossover >Anthro >G5 >G5 >Written by 7 year old >Anthro >AHA! Something interesting that doesn't have 16 fucking typos in the description >Hour later >Many chapters in >Faggotry I miss 2012

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 11


Tell me all about them. Your favorite fanfics (especially little known hidden gems), fanfics that you think everyone should've read. I used to limit myself mostly to the absolute classics (My Little Dashie, Anthropology etc. ), pony transformation and Kinderquestia greens (greens also count as fanfics). I want to get more into slice of life, something light and comfy to put me in a good mind space filled with ponies before falling asleep.

R: 17 / I: 2 / P: 11

Gud Buk appriciation thread

What are you reading right now anon, or what is the last gud buk you came across? Describe it without using the name or the words in the name, and make at least one pony pun or reference. > It's the far far future in which various noble houses control fiefdoms so large we are talking about complete planets. We are there to follow the tale of a young man whose family has accepted the stewardship of an entire planet. The only planet known to produce "The Spicy" It's honestly good, has some thrilling bits, but also some "Am I really reading this" bits. 10/10, would recommend.

R: 505 / I: 1 / P: 11

/bootleg/ bunker #4

IRL bootmare edition Old booted bunker >>8141 - current bread Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Everything /bootleg/ >The FULL archive; if you want pictures and many more shorts & stories go here, >The WIP wiki; open to edit by anyone who wants to contribute >Hangout with us on weekends, watch shit or listen to jams. Newly binned or continuing shorts & stories >[OC Ivy] T Shirt Mare (Anon) - >[Flutters] Buttershy (Anon) - >>7511 (6721) >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 12 (Blondie)- >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky 2: Farmer's Boogaloo (Blondie) - >[NMM] Midnight Part 4 (AutoPony) - On a recent hiatus >[Cadence] Condense (ReggieSomething) - >[Cozy] Demon Filly - >[Twilight] Twill Shorts - >[Luna] Zooma (ReggieSomething) - >[Dim Sum, Cricket, Thun and Co] House of Boots - >[OC] Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >[Marble] Minky (NHanon) - >[Flutter] SilentFriend (Nebulus) - Now finished stories >[OC] Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) -

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 12

How can we actually be sure Celestia and Luna are the true rulers of Equestria? Like what concrete proof do we actually have?

R: 511 / I: 1 / P: 12

/fun/geon 3 - da best in da west

Welcome to the /fun/geon! This thread is for a ZAP style pen and paper game taking place in the FIM universe; ZAP meaning it has a comedic tone, fast pace, and lots of baddies to fight! Feel free to make a character and join in, character creation is detailed in first thread: >>8267

R: 21 / I: 1 / P: 12

Linky is on a Journey across the interwebs

< i was told there would be other mares here where are the mares

R: 19 / I: 1 / P: 12

So I figured I'd try saying Twilight's name whilst fapping today. Moan her name out loudly and all that. And I just couldn't do it man. That shit killed me. Was waayyyyy too embarrassing. Anyone else encountered this problem before? Like how do you properly moan to ponies without dying inside? Can it be done?

R: 21 / I: 1 / P: 12

Spike appretiation thread

I dont get why so many anons hate the lil guy he is IMO the best character in all MLP. >good heart >comic relief however also main character along with twilight and mane 6 >good development overall >saved crystal empire 2 times >is a pony lover fag like us >Avoided war with dragon kind vs ponies by becoming dragon lord >saved ponies from a reckoning of Changelings by making friend with one of them while literally no one else was willing to >Only character in the show wich displays and has the aspects of the 6 elements in him, including generosity and bla bla Do i need to say more?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 12

New pony content recommendations

Thread to share and discuss fresh pony content and pony content creators from anywhere in any form. I just watched some of this channel's animations and I'm having a good time. The art style is cute, the humor is fine, it's centered on ponies only, and most of all I find them strangely comfy. Just friends having fun, nothing too overproduced. The only thing I think might bother some anons is the inclusion of phones. Personally, I don't mind. This one, in particular, made me nostalgic about having IRL friends to do stupid shit with. Share your thoughts and post other currently active creators. Bonus points for obscurity.

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 12

Ponies in unusual places

So the other day I saw that the listing for VLC on the Discover store had MLP as the first image. What other unusual and surprising places have you spotted pony?

R: 264 / I: 1 / P: 12

Fuck Discord

Oh look, another art pack I could've joined if only I used Discord. Instead, Some Leech is always the only writer in these packs.

R: 113 / I: 1 / P: 12

>You push to throw the thick snow. >You thank your rubber hoof boots are insulated, else you're hooves would probably just drop off from frostbite. >You spot a red tent in the distance and you wade towards it. >A young mare pops her head out of the tent, and she smiles at you. >?: "Hello!" >The mare climbs out of her tent. >?: "You are a little early, the others are not here yet. So why don't you take off your bags give your back a rest. I don't need you worn out before we start climbing." >You wondered why your saddlebags are so heavy.

R: 173 / I: 1 / P: 12


What do you guys think some good ways to advertise this place is? >Buy advertising on 4chan An option, probably the most obvious. Not sure how much it runs but surely it can't be THAT outrageous. >Sharing images from the site (like one would do linking to a booru) Would make more sense once >>>/clop/ is open. >Having fun/Making stuff Always important to have fun. People see some fun happening and they might want in. Maybe make and do some cool stuff along the way. >Other ??? Obviously sheer quantity of traffic isn't the only metric to go by, but I think there is interest. We've got a whopping 6 posters on the board and 66 unique visitors in the last 24 hours Jury's still out on how many of those unique visitors are bots. And I've only posted the URL once in one thread so far. So let me know some thoughts.

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 13

"Hey, Anon! It's playtime!" [What do?]

R: 16 / I: 1 / P: 13

Pony Mods

Post some of your favorite pony-related mods for games.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 13

Diplomacy, but with ponies

I've had an epiphany (maybe -- I've never played the original) Right now, Diplomacy even with fantasy maps or the like, have only armies or armadas. But with unicorns and pegasi, the rules would have to be expanded. So, having never played(!!!) but the rules seem straight-forward enough. I think it would have to be like this: Earth ponies (or Zebra) -- standard army. One unit per zone ("country" in traditional Diplomacy), one new unit created in the Spring turn if that's possible, can only move one country per turn (with an exception I have in mind) Pegasi squadrons -- can travel two zones per turn, and can fly over unicorn or earth armies without interference, but will be blockaded by an intervening squadron. Armadas -- Also produced once in the Spring, but are limited to water zones. I'm picturing a river partially connecting some zones. Each section of the river is the same length as surrounding land zones. Armadas can attack or support from the beaches but cannot occupy them. The river could be forded by land armies; essentially they just ignore it. But an opposing armada would blockade travel. Unicorns -- A college geared toward war-training unicorn ponies would produce one army every spring (make it Summer?). But they could not invade, only support or blockade. They also could only move one zone per turn, with the exception of that river crossing. Batponies -- The mountains of the north, I guess, would produce one unit of batponies every spring. By default at creation they would be air squadrons BUT could spend a turn reconfiguring their make-up, and at the end of that turn would be as declared: either a water-based armada (I'm picturing cajun swamp barges as from the show *2nd pic, with either a unicorn or spear-toting batpony at the front of each barge) or to become an army (land unit) The advantage of becoming an army is, I was thinking of allowing zones to permit multiple units so long as they were in a different "place"; pegasi sleeping in the clouds, Earth armies on the ground, and if there's a beach, water units stay in the nearby river. Next up I was considering including two methods of granting longer travel. One would be Appleloosa's food convoy. Once in the Fall that zone would create for the current owner, an "army" of food. It would be ground-bound but could occupy the same zone as an actual army. If the owners of the food-army and battle-army are different, the owner of the food would have to declare an order to gift the food to the battle army. Once eaten, the food-army would be "disbanded" and the next turn that army could travel two zones. The second way, would be that owners of flight-producers could, in the Winter turn, declare an order to produce a convoy. So instead of batponies or pegasi, that zone would create one non-combatant (non occuying / non-blockading) flier. This army could merge with a ground army. If the owner of the ground army is different, both would have to declare their order to merge or the order would fail. Once merged, they would be like flying unicorns. Not able to attack, but could support an invasion, or just blockade against travel. But they could also move two zones, including bypassing hostile ground or water armies. If either owner, if they're different, orders a de-combining, the ground army will be dumped where the flight convoy was at that time. I suppose a flight convoy could also behave like a roving country. If two Earth armies declare they're invading the zone, then the convoy move to the clouds and can move at the next turn. Or both invading and supporting armies could declare they're invading the convoy, after which the convoy is taken as slaves by the invading army, which wouldn't move but would pull the convoy into its current/previous zone. "invading" a merged convoy would be a normal battle, destroying the flight convoy and Earth army with it. Any further thoughts?

R: 501 / I: 2 / P: 13

A thread to collect those cozy night time mares

Always nice to have mares on the mind before bed.

R: 515 / I: 1 / P: 13

/bootleg/ bunker #3

Beware the red mare edition Old booted bunker >>6721 - current bread Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Everything /bootleg/ >The FULL archive; if you want pictures and many more shorts & stories go here, >The WIP wiki; open to edit by anyone who wants to contribute >Hangout with us on weekends, watch shit or listen to jams. Newly binned or continuing shorts & stories >[OC Ivy] T Shirt Mare (Anon) - >[Flutters] Buttershy (Anon) - >>7511 >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 11 (Blondie)- >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - >[Jacky & Co] Losers' Club (Blondie) - >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky (Blondie) - >[NMM] Midnight Part 4 (AutoPony) - On a recent hiatus >[Cadence] Condense (ReggieSomething) - >[Cozy] Demon Filly - >[Twilight] Twill Shorts - >[Luna] Zooma (ReggieSomething) - >[Dim Sum, Cricket, Thun and Co] House of Boots - >[OC] Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >[Marble] Minky (NHanon) - >[Flutter] SilentFriend (Nebulus) - Now finished stories >[OC] Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) -

R: 28 / I: 1 / P: 13

Episode ideas

Writing fanfics may be difficult, but coming up with general ideas for stories is much easier. If you could write an episode, what would be the plot? Don't worry about the canon however you define it (besides not creating an entirely different show) or chronology (like exploring the events before the first episode). Back in the days of season 1/2, I remember thinking a lot about cutie mark crusaders, how they would be handled. I'm not sure if it was my idea or something I've read, but there was even some speculation about cutie mark crusaders getting their own spin-off show. A few ideas I have for them are: >they never get a cutie mark and there's some moral that kinda goes against the entire idea of cutie marks and goes something like "we can't be put in a box" >they do eventually get cutie marks the regular way, but each one at a different time, it leads to jealousy and such Another bag of ideas is exploring the background characters, but I don't have anything specific in this category. I feel like Derpy, Lyra etc. could go in a different direction than they did in the Hasbroverse. A pretty cool idea I have is this: >in the pilot episode(s) (alternatively it can be done with different characters in a similarly catastrophic scenario) one of the Mane 6 is a terribly lonely pony (and unlike Twilight, she doesn't like it), the whole mission against Nightmare Moon is the first time she has company and she doesn't want it to end (she's afraid that the group will disband after the mission and she'll be left alone), so she sabotages the mission, trying to extend it, which is eventually found out and yada yada…

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 13

Continuity error cataloging

I was just watching some Season 1 and remembered that there are a lot of subtle continuity errors. My personal stance on these is that they don't hurt the narrative, so they are fun to find. Kind of like counting the duplicate background ponies in a frame (We should make a thread dedicated to cataloging how many times every background pony appears in every canon episode too if this goes well) Some ones I noticed are that in the first episode the CMC are shown together before they canonically become friends. Another one involving the CMC is in Show Stoppers, where Rainbow Dash is shown standing next to the other sisters before the episode where Rainbow Dash adopts Scootaloo as a sister. The Gala dresses also show up in various places as a stock asset when a closet is shown. They are shown in Swarm of the Century before they are canonically made, and they show up in Fluttershy's closet in another episode. (I apologize profusely for not memorizing which one, I am prepared to face whatever punishment is deemed necessary in the name of Celestia). The last one is arguably not an error because it could be logically justified why the dresses are there, but it's still fun to think about. BTW canon seasons only. If a season is detached from the original meaning of the show it's just one big continuity error so it's not really interesting to catalogue.

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 13

Horrible Pony "Art"

A thread dedicated to laughing at the God-awful artistic abominations birthed from Twitter, DeviantArt, and other such shitholes. Unofficial edits also welcome! I was really enjoying the /mlp/ thread on bad artists until it got jannied out of the blue, but I'm not letting Scruffy get between me and laughing at these visual dumpster fires. You can check out that old thread here: If possible, try to link to the sources of any images posted here. The image descriptions are often hilarious in their own right. >Image 3 The image itself started as Twitter garbage, but the original description goes on to describe "Twilight's" numerous gay lovespawn. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed classic dA trash like that.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 13

Do you like my art? It took me approximately 3 minutes but I am really happy with it. I used a touchpad and eyed the colours. Please provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism for I am a little bit unhinged at the moment.

R: 501 / I: 1 / P: 13

/fun/geon 2 - crackhouse edition

Welcome to the /fun/geon! This thread is for a ZAP style pen and paper game taking place in the FIM universe; ZAP meaning it has a comedic tone, fast pace, and lots of baddies to fight! After the first dungeon there will be an opportunity for up to two lurkers to join in, so feel free to make your character anytime before then. Character creation is detailed in the first thread: >>8267

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 14

May The Best Pet Win

I claim this thread in the name of hating season 2 and in the name of detailed reviews.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 14

/fio/ — Emigrate to Equestria

Write, type, sign, or say the words “I want to emigrate to Equestria”, and I will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies.

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 14

Mare Time Thread

Discuss how you would spend time with your mare and what you would do with your mare

R: 500 / I: 1 / P: 14

/bug/ -#3- The Changeling Thread

Home of all your chitinous needs and the center for all FiM changeling artwork, discussion, stories and more. Previous Thread: >>3333 Active Stories BuggyCYOA: A simple adventure involving an Anon who is trying to care for a changeling that he found starving in the Everfree Forest. Read at: OR (Recommended) Recent Short Greens Aftermath of Failure: >>3908 Expedited Shipping: >>4038 The Melon War of 805: >>5732 For older stories and other changeling related material, check out The Hive Directory: This threads question is... >What do you gift your favorite changeling for Hearth's Warming Eve?

R: 35 / I: 1 / P: 14

Rewatching the show again, I've noticed small details that really show the difference between the old staff and the new staff. Throughout season 1 and 2, ponies never use their hooves to pick up small objects, they always used their mouths, (the only exception to this was unicorn magic, or their mouth was already occupied), but after about season 5 ish, they seem to have completely forgotten this as it becomes almost the default that the ponies would grab and pick up things with their hooves as if they were hands. It really feels like three different universes between the first three seasons, the middle three, and the last three. Its hard to put a hoof on exactly what, but its lots of little details that just, feel a little bit off in the later seasons, but its enough little bits feeling off (and writing that is either meh or garbage) that really make it hard to enjoy the later seasons as much as I enjoy the early seasons.

R: 505 / I: 1 / P: 14


Welcome to the /fun/geon! This thread is to be used as a ZAP style pen and paper game taking place in the FIM universe; ZAP meaning it will have a comedic tone, fast pace, and lots of baddies to fight! It will be easy to participate in and more for the /fun/ of it than anything, so don't go making your character with a 40 page backstory; you will probably die to the AIDS status effect from a used needle on the floor or something. Have fun and ham it up!

R: 20 / I: 1 / P: 14

molestia thread

Hey guys molestia thread time...time to praise our true goddess today and worship her plot any new converts?

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 14

I made new artwork, this time its Lyra my previous artwork was bonbon people called my work expressionist, I don't exactly know what that means but it sounds really sophisticated so I will take it

R: 34 / I: 1 / P: 14

I was told in the /mlp/ Tempo thread that you guys might like to have a thread about this. I have been producing a document called the "Summa Pona" outlining a framework that, when combined with the show, can become a religion that I've dubbed 'Ponism'. The book is not a central religious text however, as it emphasizes that the only thing worthy of worship is FiM and it's spirit which I refer to as 'Pona'. It's not yet complete, but it will be by the time that the /mare/con panel takes place (If /mare/con holds on till January that is) and that panel will largely be an overview of the text itself, the development and research process that went into it, and if time allows a Q&A will be hosted in the thread. While the Summa is not ready to be shared, I do want to share the planning document I used which can provide the basic ideas behind the project in outline form. /)

R: 553 / I: 1 / P: 14

/bootleg/: Bunker #2

Lure of the lewdleg edition Last boot >>3505 /mlp/ thread - WIP wiki Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Newly binned or continuing shorts/stories >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky (Blondie) - >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 10 (Blondie)- >[NMM] Midnight Part 4 (AutoPony) - >[Cadence] Condense (ReggieSomething) - >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) - On a recent hiatus >[Cozy] Demon Filly - >[Twilight] Twill Shorts - >[Luna] Zooma (ReggieSomething) - >[Dim Sum, Cricket, Thun and Co] House of Boots - >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - >[OC] Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >[Marble] Minky (NHanon) - >[Flutter] SilentFriend (Nebulus) - Now finished stories >[OC] Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - See the new FULL archive for everything /boot/ with many more shorts and stories the reworked bin >Sorted by author, synopsis with tags. Includes a link to the picture archive. Now working on our first FAQ and recommended reading by type for newfrens

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 15

hello, does this site also ban mares yet allow barbieshit?

R: 17 / I: 1 / P: 15

Walked right into that Celestial ambush, same as us, and that owl over there.

R: 25 / I: 1 / P: 15

How differently would FIM have turned out if EQG were never made? This is a question that never gets a serious answer on /mlp/ without getting brigaded by shitheads.

R: 67 / I: 1 / P: 15

Hello, I wanted to continue planning for marecon but the thread got bumped off the board. Please see here for details: The theme of the con is synthwave and I'm currently making a playlist on Youtube of retro vaporwave tracks (preferably MLP related)

R: 510 / I: 1 / P: 15

/bootleg/: Bunker Edition

Hey there, this is /bootleg/. Was told that this place would make a good bunker while all of that G5 stuff was going on so here we are. I'm presuming we'll be copying/pasting greens here, or writing if our usual general thread gets overwhelmed by shitposting and spam threads. Latest thread is: Here is the thread OP information we put in if you want some new greens to read. Welcome, we are the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! >The BIG Green archive - >Bootleg Pics archive - >Bootleg shorts collection - So, what makes for a bootleg? They can range from sci-fi to supernatural and everything in-between. Whether it's new OCs or based off ponies we know, Earth, Equestria or another world anything goes. The bargain bin brings a ton of freedom, while some find a niche of defective products, others are just as real as any other pony, or may even push the limits of what knockoffs can be! Ready to give a pony a chance when things aren't quite right with her? Then a bootleg waifu might be for you. Newly binned shorts: >IF Scenario G: Growing Wings (Blondie) - >Peetzer Pony (Anon) - New or continuing stories from the last few threads: >Jacky Part 10 (Blondie)- >Midnight (AutoPony) - >Zooma (ReggieSomething) - >Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - >Condense (ReggieSomething) - >Minky (NHanon) - >Tinny the Tinfoil Conspiracy Pony (NHanon) - >SilentFriend (Nebulus) - Recently Completed: >Angel Cake's Quest (Blondie) - >Jacky Part 9 (Blondie) - The best of the boot; >Apuljiyak (Mexicancactus) - [Applejack] [Adventure] >Carpathia - [Derpy] [Sad] >De-Meaning The Six (YukkiPalehorse) - start here : [Mean Six] [AiE] [Lewd] [Romance] >Twibot (Ponk) - [Twilight] >Jacky (Blondie) - start here : [Applejack] [SoL] [PiE] >/jacky/ IF Scenario M: Missy Pie (Blondie) - [Pinkie Pie] [Romance] >Patches (FONYpan) - [OC] [Sci-Fi] [Lewd] >Punkfire Xmas (NHanon) - [Spitfire] [SoL] >RamboFast- [Rainbow Dash] [Sad] >Rare (Anon) - [Rarity] [Sad] [PiE] Have a broken pastebin link? Use, just replace "" with "" in the URL!

R: 29 / I: 1 / P: 15

Edgehorse thread?

How about some Fizzy posting?

R: 505 / I: 1 / P: 15

/bug/ -#2- The Changeling Thread

Home of all your chitinous needs and the center for all FiM changeling artwork, discussion, stories and more. For stories and other changeling related material, check out The Hive Directory: >What is BuggyCYOA? BuggyCYOA is(thus far) a simple adventure involving an Anon who is trying to care for a changeling that he found starving in the Everfree Forest. Life may be simple now, but many secrets lurk in this world, and things may change at any moment... Get caught up at the BuggyCYOA Archive: Or on fimfiction: Previous thread: >>5 This threads question is... >How long does a changeling live?

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 15

>board already overrun with generals bros we'll never make it off /mlp/ will we?

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 15

December Trotcon

Will anyone from /fim/ be there? It is a horrible con with anthro bird mascots, but I will be there to see some rewatch stream friends. I think the /mlp/ secret santa will have something too. Will anyone want to come and watch some episodes and hang out? December 17-19, Columbus OH