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Ponies against the elements Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 19:53:29 No. 4085
Been seeing a bunch of weather related pony pics today, not sure why but I've been quite enjoying them. These rainy day pics always bring about a cozy feeling. So post more pics like this and maybe some greens too if you have any about ponies dealing with a rainy day.
>>5543 Now's about the time for that. Now that Thanksgiving is over the winter will be here soon enough. Though for me it's just a whole lot of rain as it doesn't snow where I live. I bet the ponies will be ultra cozy in their homes once the cold sets in.
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>>4085 A lot of people hate the rain. I like it; creates a contemplative mood, especially when there is lightning and thunder.
>>15145 The rain definitely has it moments. And I'm sure equestrian rain would be special in it's own right as well.
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I love this theme. This picture is not particularly violent, but I think you can really feel the length of Rarity's path.
>>15153 >Rarity out on a Winter morning stroll to take in the beauty of snow covered Ponyville. >Has on her "fashionable" winter boots. >Lensing effect on the sun's light by ice crystals in the air. >Narrow color pallet and Rarity being the only moving object implies stillness and quiet. >Smallness of Ponyville surrounded by wilderness, mountains, and Rarity's distance from town all imply vastness. I like it. But, what do you mean by the picture not being "particularly violent"?
>>15154 The other pictures all have some physical force tearing at the ponies, like wind or rain. These pictures are very serene, but it's the frigid harshness and the isolating grandness that makes them a struggle to live in.
>>15176 I know Selenophile draws a lot of more questionable content, but he really can produce a nice painting when he wants to. It's a very nice picture.
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Pony vs. desolate, very quiet landscape. It would be very psychologically taxing.
