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Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 18:59:04 Id:630dff No. 269
Hello, just wanted to ask if you would please consider adding a g5 board. Thanks!
>>342 >>343 >People can't like both >Le reddit Are you the legit shizo threatening to kill themselves on /mlp/? There's obviously bleedover from people who like g4 and g5 in the community and /mlp/, as long as it's quality then the site is only hurting yourselves. Thus far it's been nowhere NEAR as cancerous as PL or EqG, you have some shitposters but you get that with g4 anyways like the awful Twilight prompts. G5 containment board doesn't really have much downside as long as they stay in it.
>>270 >>344 I understand where you're coming from, but the bottom line is that this site wasn't made to replace /mlp/; it's a supplement for those out there who want to exclusively enjoy G4 FiM for one reason or another, and also an emergency bunker for the worst case scenario of either Hiro feeling spunky and deleting the board, or the Glowing Ones deciding that it's time to shut down the honeypot for good. Might it be an idea to broaden out to include G5 here in the future? Possibly(though I personally wouldn't like it), but for now there is simply no legitimate reason to. We'll have to wait and see how things develop as the G5 show rolls out.
>>345 Yeah, it's a site made for a very specific purpose. Trying to pack it with features for everything is like those dweebs who make unnecessarily large servers which have too many channels that no one uses on that fagbreeding app that is banned from this site. There are three boards and a very simple premise. It should stay that way. If you don't like the premise, nobody is forcing you to be here.
>>344 >>People can't like both No.
>>270 there already is a containment board. It's called /mlp
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I vote no G5 ever. No G5, no EqG, no Pony Life. All that stuff is low quality, soulless trash.
>>342 Kek
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>>466 I absolutely agree.
>>287 Based.
