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Clarification on GR.14 Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 01:33:52 Id:6f893f No. 394
I was considering making a thread for a simplified pen and paper sort of game meant to be some interactive fun for anons. Make a character, join in, play a loose zap style game set in the world of FIM. Every day would count as one turn and each anon would write in their move which would get processed at a consistent time. I would add pictures to convey aspects of the world. Before creating the thread I checked the rules in case something like this was mentioned and I saw GR.14 "No roleplaying". It seemed clean cut to me at first but I think that this thread could be fun for a small board like this that does not get many posts; it would offer some consistent interactivity without getting too noisy. I figure there is a chance that the rule was not written to stop game threads of the type I described but with the intent to prevent some other sort or roleplay (like for example always roleplaying as a character when you make your posts). Even if it's a small chance it can't hurt to ask.
>>394 I always thought No RP rule is meant to stop bullshit like I'm a bad filly, bla bla bla, ask me questions Anons! not CYOA-like things or prompts.
>>394 Sounds to me like basically a CYOA, should be fine. >>395 >I always thought No RP rule is meant to stop bullshit like >I'm a bad filly, bla bla bla, ask me questions Anons! >not CYOA-like things or prompts. Pretty much.
>>394 I like the idea. Like D&D, but with ponies. I guess it's just CYOA like other Anons have said.
