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mare Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 21:56:16 Id:a23edb No. 46
people on 9gag are pretty upset at hiro new captcha, isnt it the perfect time for some advertising campaign?
>>46 Nah, it's the perfect time to use 9gagX.
>>48 7zipY won't change the fact that you need to actually use braincells for captcha, not to mention it doesn't save - now imagine you have a long green update and nees to do this garbage 30 times in a row
>>49 Better to wait a bit and see what will become of new captcha and what 2x2chanX developers will do with it.
>>46 The new captcha is unironically the best thing to happen to 4chan in perhaps a decade. It's actually fast to fill, doesn't call out to google, doesn't fucking lag, etc. I have no idea why people are actually mad. But hey, since they are, maybe you're right.
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Speaking of which, how does this website intend to survive without captcha? When the CP spam bots arrive you pretty much won't have a choice
>>101 Captcha is currently set to come on once a certain post rate is achieved. If necessary, it can be set to be always on. In the mean time it'll be nice to enjoy captcha free posting.
>>46 >people on 9gag are pretty upset at hiro new captcha Do you really want 9gag users here? Next you'll be suggesting we seek out new users at Le Plebbit or Tumblr.
>>150 >Le t. reddit
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>>172 Gotta love it.
>>102 I don't mind doing a captcha, as long as it isn't super frustrating (the current 4chan captcha is often difficult to decipher, especially on phones. the previous one with image tiles is much easier to use).
