Alright, after using the site for a while I've compiled a small list of annoyances and things that I think could be improved. Some of these should hopefully be tiny quickfixes, others might be a bit more involved to implement. In my opinion all of these would greatly benefit the site user experience and should be quite uncontroversial improvements, so I thought I'd dump the whole list here both for feedback (if anyone disagrees) and as feedback (for mys_elf).
- Board rules are not easily accessible: not even board footers have a link; you have to open a reply form
- Icons not having text is confusing. I've learned where the catalog view button is, for example, but the mod logs button makes me do a double-take each time because a flag is commonly used as a report ("flag for moderation") button, even if it makes no sense to have a report button on a board view. Off the top of my head, I'm not even sure what the other buttons do.
- When quick-replying, the URL changes to load directly to the post you're replying (e.g., when replying to post 456). But this automatically also adds the post number to the quick reply window. If you post a reply and then reload the page, it'll automatically reopen the quick reply window quoting the post you just replied to.
- When clicking on a post while the quick-reply window is already open, it inserts the post number at the end of the text, instead of at the cursor position.
- When highlighting a portion of a post and then clicking on the number to quick-reply, thus auto-quoting the highlighted part of the post, only the first line is greentexted. Any further lines are copied into the quick-reply window but don't get a > added to them.
- I miss Ctrl+S for spoilering.
- Option to auto-watch thread on reply would be nice.
- Have a) the watch icon, and b) the "watched threads" button both be toggles. It's weird to have to go to watched threads and delete a thread to unwatch it, and it's annoying if you misclick on watched threads and instead of clicking again you have to find the "X" to click.
- When visiting a thread with unread posts from the watchlist, it'd be nice if it auto-jumped to the first unread post. Similar to the thread resumer, but potentially a lot simpler to integrate since it'd just jump to the first new post, instead of constantly tracking how far the user has scrolled to find "unread" posts.
- Wishlist: watch improvements: right now the watchlist fits about 16 threads before overflowing my screen. On a larger screen maybe it'd fit 20-25 threads or so and then overflow. Possibly the best solution I can think of would be to sort threads with unread posts to the top; that just feels useful in general, too. Making the list scrollable would also be nice: maybe not everyone will like auto-pushing unread threads to the top, so they can have the option of scrolling instead, and in general being able to scroll to see the whole list of watched threads would be great.
Also bumping
>>16 - when saving on 4chan the name works as a sort of historical record of both which thread it came from and in general approximately when I saved it, encoded independently of file modification time (which can change when e.g. syncing across multiple PCs, etc.) A userscript grabbing the post's timestamp and autofilling that as the filename instead of the lynxchan hash would be really nice.