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Can Discord links be bannable? Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 19:08:31 Id:323031 No. 8
Whether it's under off-topic, or with an explicit rule, can there be an explicit rule that discord links are bannable? This includes: - making a "thread server" for a general or long-lived thread, and putting an invite in the OP - posting invites to discord severs, in general - posting attachments from discord (yes I've seen people do this on /mlp/) The first one kills threads and breeds circlejerks. The latter two let the circlejerks fester by encouraging that kind of people to continue doing things their way.
>>8 I would put it under the "no advertising rule", but yes.
>>9 The issue is that places like 4chan have "no advertising" too, but there are probably hundreds of generals across the site with persistent discord links in the OP. /mlp/ alone has had dozens of threads do that (many of which subsequently died, naturally). Random invites posted as part of a discussion sometimes get taken down but not consistently (even when reported). So someone coming from /mlp/ is unlikely to consider it advertising, if it's not spelled out in the rules.
>>10 I guess I could probably stick some examples under the rules in a similar format such as the banned content. Would just need to think of what I'd want to include in such a list.
>>9 "No advertising" rule is a tricky thing. In some interpretations it can also mean anons aren't allowed to talk about other offboard projects or horse resources which can be counterproductive. Discord considered a bane for a good reason. It would be beneficial to explicitly forbid it, much like the current rules explicitly forbid anthro and eqg.
>>12 >"No advertising" rule is a tricky thing. Yeah, I guess the main thing would be for some sort of precedence to be set. As for projects, it's kind of hard to strictly define. Most actual projects should probably be fine. I suppose the difference is a little like "Hey, check out this cool thing I made/Want to help me make cool thing?" vs "Buy my shit/join my club". I'll likely specifically name Discord in the rules at some point. Was wanting to see if there was anything else to define or specify in the examples.
>>13 Even "buy my shit" can be fine. Like I dunno, someone doing a print of a fanfic, or creating crafts and linking their etsy store, or patches or whatever. Why not? Context probably matters a lot; someone making a thread that's literally "buy my shit" is probably too much, but someone bringing up their project in a discussion and at some point going "yeah, you can buy them at this link" sounds fine. Or if someone spams the link or tries to shoehorn it everywhere, that might be bending the line, but just answering people's queries or shilling it once in a while when relevant doesn't seem like a problem.
All in all it seems that it would be wise to change the wording of some of the rules and extensively clarify others. I'm personally for a global "no discord" rule. No discord, simple as. No moral justifications, nothing. One doesn't pray for harmful germs before taking antibiotics. As for advertising in general, maybe we can partly alleviate the issue by creating a sticky megathread in /qa/ and obligate at least anons with projects that have to do something with money to ask the staff >is it OK for me to shill a /thing/? and provide enough info in the mail or something? Then we can simply allow all other non-commercial horse-related projects that have nothing to do with discord.
>>14 Definitely requires some finesse, I think for a lot of it precedence is the way to go. Hard to define everything exactly in advance because it can be a fine line. >>17 >All in all it seems that it would be wise to change the wording of some of the rules and extensively clarify others. If you've got suggestions to make, go ahead. I'll probably wait a bit for things to settle and update the rules in one go. >No discord, simple as. No moral justifications, nothing. Just seems a bit silly to me to make a rule specifically for Discord. Right now I'm still leaning towards having it be the main example for the no advertising rule. Functionally it'll be the same. But I guess I'll think about it and see what others have to say. >As for advertising in general, maybe we can partly alleviate the issue by creating a sticky megathread in /qa/ and obligate at least anons with projects that have to do something with money to ask the staff Asking permission on /qa/, yeah. I think that would work. If in doubt, ask. Don't know the exact format or whether it should be specially for advertising as it may encourage more of it. But we'll figure something out. One idea that did cross my mind a while back was basically a dedicated shill board, since you often don't hear about some projects. Definitely don't want it on the main boards. Probably a bad idea so I probably won't do it. Would be difficult to contain. But it was an interesting thought to consider. >Then we can simply allow all other non-commercial horse-related projects that have nothing to do with discord. If it fits that description, it's very likely safe.
>>18 >If you've got suggestions to make, go ahead. I'll think of something more detailed and post. >Just seems a bit silly Better be silly, than dead. That shit is more volatile than uranium rods.
>>18 >Hard to define everything exactly in advance because it can be a fine line. True, but I think that when you see it, it's usually pretty clear whether someone's just advertising for profit, or shilling his horse passion project as part of a discussion. I for one would be against requiring permission in /qa/, because it adds extra friction and effort for people who might want to post something; and if something is borderline, it puts the responsibility on them. "If you weren't sure, you should've asked!". As a user, I know that I'd probably just not bother posting shit 99% of the time in an environment like this. Rather, if something is borderline - not blatant advertising/spam, but still seems more malicious than a genuine part of a discussion - we can issue a warning, and that'll be our "please tone down the shilling" message. Followed by a Rule 10 ban only if they keep going. >shill board While I get the idea behind that, I'm not sure if it's possible to fill a board with this kind of stuff. On /mlp/ there have been a few threads like that, from the Active Pony Projects one, nowadays TEMPO, the fan site thread to an extent, plus individual threads collecting stuff (I'm thinking mainly the gaming thread's pastebin). Threads seem like a more natural environment for that, than a dedicated board entirely for shilling. ON THE OTHER HAND, maybe having a board just for "projects" where people can make dedicated threads for each project and post in them could actually be an interesting idea. Kinda like /vg/ but for horse project (and like 10,000x slower, kek). Wanna discuss, I dunno, Sweetiebot? Instead of starting a thread that will get 4 replies and die, find the Sweetiebot thread in the /projects/ board and post there. And instead of every Sweetiebot thread consisting of an OP asking "yo have you guys seen this awesome project" followerd by a couple of replies saying "lol they are doing jack shit", those posts are gonna be at the top of the persistent thread in /projects/, and any new posts will only really happen when someone has something new to post. I dunno, it could easily become a mess, but I think it has potential to work if done right. BUT, it would also require a decent userbase to keep up - a ghost town board with threads for like six projects and the last post being someone posting an update half a year ago, won't really do much other than perpetuate a "dead board" reputation. So maybe something to consider if/when we successfully take off. >Just seems a bit silly to me to make a rule specifically for Discord. I think it makes sense, because this site is basically intended for refugees/crossposters from /mlp/, and on /mlp/ Discord links are very much allowed despite 4chan having the same "no advertising" rule. Moreover, you have an explicit rule against EqG, despite the fact that "pony only" could ostensibly cover that. Why? Probably because /mlp/ allows EqG despite being a pony board, so you had to specify it explicitly to manage expectations. Same with Discord, in my opinion. Discord is also a quite unique thing. Even IRC isn't anywhere near as bad (see OP screencap, I posted that specifically to point this out). Would you say people mentioning IRC channels should be bannable? If yes, I don't really agree with that. If no, then it's inconsistent with considering Discord "just part of the advertisement rule", because then IRC would also be part of that rule.
>>20 >Wanna discuss, I dunno, Sweetiebot? Instead of starting a thread that will get 4 replies and die, find the Sweetiebot thread in the /projects/ board and post there. I'm afraid it would be like a well known generals issue, only x10 times in magnitude. As you have said yourself, anything posts better if it's an organic part of a discussion. Probably would be needed only in case this place gets enough userbase that threads would be rolling out of the catalog in a half a day if unattended. >Discord is also a quite unique thing. I agree. It's not about justice or categorization. It's about survival.
>>21 >I'm afraid it would be like a well known generals issue, only x10 times in magnitude. I suppose that's kind of the point, as a feature and not a bug. I'm again thinking of /vg/ as a model here. But you're probably right at least in the fact that it doesn't make much sense if the site is slow.
>>20 >I for one would be against requiring permission in /qa/, because it adds extra friction and effort for people who might want to post something It wouldn't be a requirement. More just if they're unsure/borderline and wanted to be absolutely sure. >we can issue a warning For many of the less serious offenses I will encourage the use of warnings. >shill board Was more just an interesting idea that came to mind one day more than anything else. Probably want to wait until we get some more activity here before adding any other boards, or it'll just spread the posts out more. >>19 >>20 >Discord as it's own rule >What about IRC I do see IRC as different than Discord. But what about Matrix/Telegram/Whatever else? Those I could see on a similar level. When they can't advertise Discord, go for a drop in replacement. Rest assured that Discord will be in the rules by name, but I still would like it under a slightly more generalized umbrella to cover some of the other possibilities.
>>23 >generalized umbrella Since we would set the rule not against a certain piece of software itself, although it's a telemetry-ridden piece of shit, but more against the spirit of a wretched circlejerk that those kind of account-based chat program produce, we can have the rule clarified in itself, adding the whole reasoning to its text, like for example: >Discord, and to extent Telegram/other chat platforms are known to breed circlejerks, namefaggotry and narcissism, attract the most vile and deranged kinds of people in existence and in general encourage a philosophy that goes against the ideals of anonymity, freedom and genuine, conscious camaraderie. As such, advertising, encouraging of participation, usage and/or moving projects or discussions out of the board to the said platforms is forbidden.
oh god why are the site rulez so shite and unclear? seemingly impossible to decipher. also is foalcon or zoo allowed on /clop/? what other high tier fetishes are disallowed? i dont wanna post anything until i know.
>>55 Rules will be clarified very shortly (likely before /clop/ gets unlocked). Expect many improvements across the board, clarifying a lot of it, adding examples and improving phrasing. To answer your questions >foalcon Will very likely be allowed. Loli/shota specifically refers to human girls and boys. >zoo Overt zoo will very likely not be allowed, due to the danger to hosting. Something like a tail flick, the kind of thing you'd expect more in a documentary rather than a zoo porno, would probably be fine. Expect this to be clarified in the board rules. >what other high tier fetishes are disallowed This will be clarified in the rules update, but basically you can expect the usual "extreme" stuff like snuff, scat and diapers to be banned.
>>56 >zoo wont be allowed >no "extreme" stuff sigh, so basically just another bland vanilla board. guess im never leaving /trash/ lol. thnx bye,
>>57 >guess im never leaving /trash/ lol good
>>57 >so basically just another bland vanilla board sir, this is a pony board if you want to post scat, gore, and snuff, yes please do not come here does /trash/ even allow all that? even /d/ bans scat and excessive guro, and while I've seen snuff on there I've never seen an actual snuff thread get any traction so I'm not sure that's allowed either
>>59 im into foalcon, abuse, spankings, watersports, sissification (embarrassing diapers included) etc etc. Somewhat hardcore stuff. no worries tho, ill just go elsewhere.
>>60 most of those don't sound extreme, except the diapers really I'd say let's see what happens
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>>61 femdom and humiliation stuff with diapers is an old guilty pleasure of mine. but i get that it can be abit much for some. ill just wait and read the updated rules later.
>>57 >guess im never leaving /trash/ lol dont come back
>>59 /trash/ only bans loli. this site looks pretty fucking gay and hugboxy if you cant post something like the classic nyxfag deterrent being mauled by gilda. the fandom was at its peak when it was a self policing community
>>91 The site is focused on ponies and /fim/. We do not want /clop/ to become like /trash/, that is part of the reason it's set up like it is. >classic nyxfag deterrent being mauled by gilda I don't know what piece of art you're talking about, so I don't really know the level of gore involved. Main point of the rule is to prevent extreme levels of graphic blood and guts being splattered everywhere. A better writeup by a volunteer is available here: >>68.
>>91 I haven't seen that image posted in so long I don't think something like that would ever be a problem. If you must then just surely you could post the booru link like it is protocol on /mlp/?
