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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708
What are (you) in for?
>>18147 Twimod has been dead to the board since that faggot ignored the biggest complaint about eqg spam during the townhall and gave people flags as a distraction. After the townhall eqg fags became even more obnoxious, embolded that they would never be dealt with.
>>18154 Yeah I remember that and always wondered why they were just left to blatantly troll and shit up everything, that's why I was wondering if it could have been blackmail or even he was just involved in it somehow. Same with those losers that just try to ruin any board project with endless blackpilling attempts. It happened when someone tried to start a thread about learning flash. Wouldn't be surprised if that loser got really butthurt at being criticized for doing a such a shitty job and started stalking people looking for excuses to ban them. It would explain some of the strange rangebans and extensive or permanent bans people have gotten for seemingly no reason.
>>18156 Forgot to mention but flags were a terrible idea and have only made things worse. More ways to attentionwhore is never a good idea.
>>18113 What is this bs? I do not have time for that anymore.
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>>18162 Fascinating. What exactly did you post?
>>18173 Yeah, God forbid an anon bumps a thread where people do any kind of business
>>18154 I wonder if that sack of shit getting so butthurt and purging people is the reason the board has so much pedo shit on it these days? Wouldn't be surprised if he just let all his pedo buddies openly start posting on the site after getting rid of the people that would point it out.
