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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708
What are (you) in for?
>>14708 what did you do, anon?
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yeah the eqgfluttershy flag wearing bitch keeps crying to it's nanny about every post it doesn't like fuck them
>>14710 >they banned you for that >wont do anything about the mobileshitter cranking out "you're now x pony wat do" spam eqg and tf are their 'NO YOU HAVE TO BE NICE IN THESE THREADS!' shitpiles
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They're still enforcing bans on behalf of the flagwearing janitor. No ones 'trolling' these stains, no ones stopping them from having their page 8 bumpfest/lightweight RP thread. Fuck them and their crossdressing handlers.
>>14851 What thread was that from?
>>14852 One of the many shitpiles they spam out daily. Some of which are immediately pruned after they manage to unfairly ban a few posters for running afoul of the eqgfluttershy flag-wearing janitor. They're all shitpiles.
Wasn't even unbanned 20 minutes. >see mobilefag shitpile >"shove that phone up your ass" >STOP TROLLING MY BABBIES YOU CHUDCEL HOOFCUCK AAAAAAAAAAAA fucking niggers holy shit
basically confirmed that janitors and mods will stalk your post ID and look for instances where they can try to twist your posts as rulebreaking so they can keep coddling their pet faggots
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thankfully they're still stuck dealing with the "bot" fuck them lmao
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>>14884 I got into a dumb slapfight with someone who I now suspect to be a mod, and someone randomly referenced it to me on a different board. In context it made no fucking sense to reference it and nobody would have known that I was both posts. It leaves me to conclude that at least one mod stalks people around the site, tries to troll people to "correct" their behaviour and is dumb enough to forget people are supposed to be anonymous. I suspect /mlp/ will never improve until that control freak mod is gone, especially if he has other trolls whispering in his ear so they can get away with shitting the place up.
>>14888 It's impossible to bring this to their attention, because the mod irc is hard to get into, and because if you do get in they'll just ban you for [anything]. The flaggot IS a janitor because it's mentioned post ID's.
>>14890 Could have been a mod pretending to be a janny to remove suspicion from themself. Either way, whether it's just a mod, or it's a mod and a janny working together, good luck getting any of the other mods to care about anything happening on /mlp/.
>>14891 >good luck getting any of the other mods to notice One did though. One of the unfair bans I was hit with recently cited ban evasion. I was able to appeal it successfully by basically telling them the flaggot spams 10 reports per post. Also, that's how they get them to do their jobs in the first place, they started to spam them with reports.
>>14892 I guess the rumor that one of the mods still cares about the site might be true. You'd think given how lazy the mods are they'd just fire the janny constantly giving them piles of reports.
>>14893 That'd be too sensible for those hormonal trannies, shitting up the board and trying to reshape it's culture is fun for them. >stop noticing things i'm going to ban you
Everyone of their shitpile threads is basically canterslut 2.1 ('i-it's not gay when I'm pretending to be a girl UwU) or a bump fest.
Ban over tomorrow, wonder how long I'll be free to post before some crossdressing nigger spams reports on any given post I make for "trolling".
>>14904 I saw an EqG fluttershy flag bragging about how they jerk off to everything in the ponepaste thread. Sounds like an accidental admission of possessing illegal stuff. Wonder if that's the same guy you've been talking about.
>>14905 Likely so, it also brags about being an unbannable mods pet.
>>14906 They said it like being a cumbrained freak that gets off to everything was something to be pround of. That loser really needs to get committed to the nuthouse before they go into real life for a stronger fix.
>>14907 Being banned for a change would be a good start.
>>14907 >pround Embarrassing. >>14908 Yeah that would be refreshing.
They also get ass worship threads and brag about mods on other boards not knowing what eqg characters are related to so they get away with posting them.
lmao the flag wearing bitch immediately noticed I was unbanned, what a coincidence
>>14913 Looks like you've got a stalker.
>>14914 yeah they're still coddling the eqgsharts right now but they look to be disregarding their usual report spam i'm still posting
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jesus christ why are they so bent on wanting to be women? >unf unf unf ooh im the sci-slut now unf unf unf >no no no me i wanna be the cumdump unf unf
lol the flaggot keeps stalking me around the board and must be losing it since i'm still not banned
they've wiped two threads of my sfw non-rule breaking posts thus far calling phonespam spam garnered me a warning but i'm still posting to the ire of the pretend janitor
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https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39943806/#q39943900 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39943806/#q39943923 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39943806/#q39943932 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39943806/#q39943945 Got a 30 day ban for this exchange. OP read "Twilight's Secret Journal", a fic about casual sex where Cadance (the author) at one point goes on a rant about how sex with children is not only okay, but even good, and the only reason they think it's not good is because they've been bullied and propagandized into believing that they're victims. OP was arguing that the only problem with casual sex is that other people will stigmatize you for it, to which I responded by pointing out what his argument would entail when taken to its logical conclusion, that being pedophilia. Ended up getting banned for "pedo crap." Went to the IRC to explain that it was a misunderstanding and that I was not, in fact, defending pedophilia. But then the fucking nigger kept doubling down and refusing to see it any other way even after I explicitly, step-by-step, explained to him the actual situation.
>>14943 I just got one right now for GR15 but they didn't specify a post which leads me to believe it's bullshit. Curiously this came right after engaging with a tf shitter. What a coincidence.
>>14943 Sounds like you were talking to the same cunt that banned you. Do you remember the name?
>>14955 Not him but there's two of them, one often posts non-pony images from it's phone.
>>14956 >>14955 My mistake, I just realized you were asking him in regards to which mod he conversed with. (First I was like "..We're all Anonymous." Then I realized my reading comp flubbed.)
>>14955 yournamehere, I think it was. But I doubt that he was the one who banned me. It seems much more likely that he just checked to see what I got banned for and then refused to see context or any other explanation.
>>14943 Wow that thread got way worse; there's someone there encouraging open cuck relationships lol.
I go to /mlp/ today. Find that there is a raging G% autist trying to take over the entire board by generating massive numbers of threads to bump other threads off. This is why we can't have nice things.
>>15121 I currently have 56 threads hidden there, when not to long ago we were down to on average around 20 or so spam threads. Definitely sucks.
>>15122 Kek. I've got 55 hidden. I wonder what the difference is. I hate when new G% content comes out. It's like a dump truck backs up to /mlp/ and just unloads.
it's back to tf shitbags being the mods pets now, no longer the eqgfags
>>15137 How so?
>>15121 Sounds more like you're the raging autist tbh
>>15141 No really, if you think all g% threads are one person you are a giant raging autist. Not even all EQG threads are 1 guy
>>15146 >"...if you think all G% threads are one person..." Please quote from my post where I said ALL G% threads. Learn to read more clearly.
>>15148 >Every new thread that's not FiM is a slide thread from one guy. I guess you're too autistic to even be able to process your own thoughts, or you're just an ESL. Many such cases.
>>15149 >"Every new thread that's not FiM is a slide thread..." Please quote from my post where I said EVERY G% thread is a slide thread. Learn to read more clearly.
>>15138 All of there "I'm a pony!" threads are just roleplaying cancer, plainly against the rules.
>>15179 Agreed. Usually I just ignore or hide them. I Never thought to do so but have you tried just reporting them?
>>15180 I do report them, nothing happens. tf shitbags are trolling the board now instead of eqgspam. It's always "mares don't like you" or "you have to be a pony", no idea why these insane cockless wonders can't just stay in their diaperfagging tranny loving playpen and not fuck with the rest of the board
>>14708 Just got banned from all boards for "posting pony outside /mlp/"... when I never even post outside of /mlp/. The message also conveniently doesn't say which message got me banned or even which board I was banned from. Does this kind of bullshit happen often? First time for me.
>>15244 Are you on a shared IP? If so, that could potentially explain it, even if it would be an unlikely explanation. Try to appeal if you can.
>>15244 Yes, happens all the time. Some times it's a geographic range ban though. Then it's because an entire range of IPs in a geographic area are banned because some asshat in the area repeatedly violates the rules. So everyone suffers for it.
>>15244 It happened to me once instantaneously after posting a barneyfag pic.
tf sharts are spamming the board
>>15438 aaaand now i'm banned for "trolling" them these fucking stains fill the board with their spam and screech at anyone who doesn't agree then their tranny handlers delete posts and ban 'offenders'
>>15439 post your ban, champ
>>15440 why do you want to see it dude
>>15464 Wanna know what hotpockets consider trolling nowadays
>>15465 I told the tf troons they'd die before me by kicking the chair out from beneath themselves.
>>15471 Six tfshit threads were made just this week, hell they even admitted that they spam this stuff and jannies just choose to ignore and delete complaints about this issue. These threads are not having any real discussion, it's only necrobumped to occupy space on the catalog.
>>15480 there's a definite handful of them who also shitpost from their phones can usually recognize them jacking each other off with anonfilly and gigachad & tfh images
>>15480 there's a pony life bait thread they set up to spam LE KINO LIFE and basically 'no u' anyone who says it's shit currently telling it how it'll never be a pony and of course it's engaging with 'mares don't like you chud'
they might be disabling sage now there's a "woman x stallion" thread on the board and I just saged only to have it appear back on pg 1 tested out on a random page 10 thread right after and the same result
>>15480 Well if people were going to complain about that then they also might complain about the G% spam that usually wads up on page 10
Examples are unnecessary, thank you
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>get banned for a month >lurk the mare fair and /mlp/con threads mainly >finally unbanned >start to browse and post a bit more >start feeling kind of shitty again eh... maybe I'll stick to lurking certain threads and mainly post other places instead
>>15663 I wonder how many people twimod has driven away while protecting his shitposter "friends".
after relentless spamming the board with "you have to be a pony!" and "no humans in equestria!" they moved onto "this board needs a thread about women in equestria!" thats where /mlp/ is at right now with a "There is nothing more pure" thread involving muh kweenz and stallions
>>15695 The shitposting brigade really is determined to ruin the board by whatever means they can find.
>>15696 they're a dedicated bunch too it'd be hilarious if they werent clearly being favored by the nigger janitors they use all the same shitpost tactics in all their previous spam threads but maintain 'dude what're you talking about bro' it's still the same tf garbage they refuse to use the general for "OH MY THREADS SUPER SPECIAL DUDE BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT ME BEING A STALLIONKING WITH MY HUMAN GF!"
I think you guys are looking too much into the ptfg fags as the reason the board is shit. That is unless you think this specific group of shitposters is utilizing ptfg as a means to annoy people, and this is just the flavor of the month thing instead of useless barbie threads or "your waifu doesnt love you" threads. I mean, if I had more interesting ideas, I'd probably make my own one-off ptfg-esque prompt threads here and there myself. >>15480 said they admitted to spamming things, is this in some thread/discord?
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>>15682 is this guy the resident schizo of nhnb?
>>15701 go back
>>15701 Yes, and there is only one poster on NHNB. You are one of his alternate personalities.
>>15702 to where? I agree that moderation is shit, but Im not about to go blaming twimod personally >>15703 damn, some real jeckyl and hyde shit goin down with me right here
>>15682 >>15704 >twimod Stop this nonsense already. There's no twimod. Maybe there was once, but now that's just an account hotpockets log in from time to time to troll gullible retards. Only moderation that have left on /mlp/ are the lowest of the low pieces of shit who apply just to mine lulz and epic screencaps for their dicksword. Explains the wave of rangebans recently.
>>15700 >you think this specific group of shitposters is utilizing ptfg as a means to annoy people, Yes, that's what I meant by shitposting brigade. They cycle through things when their current method starts getting old and losing efficacy.
>>15708 first they wanted to be sci-light then it was you have to be a pony then it was human males/anon bad now it's stallion x human female
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>>15710 >that last bit isn't a shitpost but their actual current tactic >i now have to "share" an interest with these retards until they (finish) ruin(ing) it >once it's ruined i will not be able to even broach the subject because of what they do
same shit they pulled when /nmp/ formed; anon bad you bad you incel you cope you upset they never touch any established general like the ones they claim to hate so much, just shitpost in any thread mentioning 'mare' and chiming in like faggots with their favorite new quip "oh, humans and ponies are incompatible."
>>15720 I can't imagine being this mad over a decade for a general nobody uses besides bumps. Seek medical help.
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>This thread Too ghey for NHNB
>>15728 gross one of the trannies is here now isn't that just like one of them to constantly seek attention where they're not wanted >ebil bump thread no one uses tell the class why you hate it, that's always funny
Let's not let the thread devolve into just name calling.
it's all the same roleplaying cancer >oh i need this thread to be about if I was a stallion.. >and this one is if i had a human gf >...and this one is for being gay with all my other shitpost friends >s-stop noticing things!
>>15733 The biggest autistic cesspit on the board, the one that drove away 90+% of it's content creators under the delusion of gatekeeping? That one? Anyone who can function enough to dress themselves abandoned that /r9k/ safespace shitpile a long time ago. It got filtered out by everyone, and nothing of value was lost.
Let's not let the thread devolve into just name calling.
>>15747 t. dicksword spammer who got gatekept
Let's not let the thread devolve into just name calling.
>>15747 *the one that drove out the whiny trannies screeching that their stallion x woman shitposting wasn't being lauded >r9k safespace hope she sees that bro
Let's not let the thread devolve into just name calling.
>>15748 >>15752 I've talked to writefags and they share the sentiment that unbearable autism pervading the thread killed it. Anyone who uses it anymore is just low IQ like you two. It's not like it ever was a novel idea, AiE romance is dime a dozen so no one cares it's not worth saving, so it gets filtered.
Let's not let the thread devolve into just name calling.
>>15758 >source: belive me dude nice revisionism
>>15758 >abuuur muh aie gween man bad you can go back to one of your many recently founded 'hyumens baaad' spaces on /mlp/ now thanks
What's wrong with woman on stallion thread?
told a tftranny he will never be a pony
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>>14708 Got in an argument with some /k/uck about the war in Russia. I don't give a fuck about Ukraine and us donating billions to them is only fucking up our economy. He then called me a russian shill.
>>15810 People be trying to politicize ponies to argue for or against Ukraine or Russia in the conflict. I just don't like dragging pony into IRL human politics. I always just tell those people to go to /pol/. Of course, they won't and just continue to spew politics into pony.
>>15810 I, for one, support giving people a drop of the bucket to kill as many enemies of the state as possible.
>>15824 Pay for it out of your own pocket then, stop wasting my tax dollars.
I got fucking banned and it expired, but now boards.4channel.org works fine but 4channel.org doesn't, so I can't check the banned page and can't clear my warning so I still can't post. Reeeeee And my ISP only changes my IP like 1% of the time when I reset my router and only after a day of trying or something so I usually just wait out bans these days
Another day of the trannies shitposting endlessly about how you're a diversity kike shill/brown/gay if you don't buy into their religious indoctrination about how you HAVE to be a pony jesus christ
>>15838 Maybe I'm not seeing it, or maybe I'm not in the same threads, but what do you mean that they're saying you have to be a pony?
>>15837 I don't like that, I just tried to check the /banned page and it won't load. I'm stuck with a static IP because of WFH.
>>15839 Their shitpost/bait threads are pretty obvious, if you can't see them oh well, guess you're not missing much.
>>15840 Fellow stuck banned brother I guess we build our home in exile here then. At least I finally have an excuse to post here despite having heard of its existence months ago
>>15844 It's a cozy place, anon. We always welcome more activity as it can be too slow here. I can't do everything myself! I hope you like it here. If your looking for things to do there is a Winter Unwrap artpack coming out October we are working on. We are also in the process of creating a pair of sisters as board mascots. There is an active CYOA that has been going on for a year and a half now, and it could still fit another player if you were interested. The only other general that gets used much is /bootleg/ and other than that it's random pony and discussion threads that get occasional posts. It's fun when those get some activity like when we discussed Derpy's muffin vault.
>>15845 I'm afraid I'm no artfag or otherwise contibutor. I'm just a lurker who usually mostly engages actively when there's a discussion already going. In other words I'm in the class of user who can add traffic when there's already discussion, but I'm not that useful at bootstrapping activity in a quiet place. I'll hang around though
>>15848 Always nice to have another poster to discuss pony with.
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I got a 30 day for "ban evasion" even though I wasn't ban evading and nothing I had been posting could even be mistaken for that. I guess I'll appeal it but since the mods clearly weren't paying attention when they banned me I doubt they'll even bother reading the appeal either.
>>15857 30 day global ban I meant.
>>15857 What thread?
>>15859 I don't remember.
>>15710 I was wondering why some autist keeps trying to revive the dead as fuck casual sex thread with the added quirk of "guise no anon or 2nd person greens pls"
>>15845 >Derpy's Muffin Vault I remember being part of that conversation. Meant to do a green on it, but life gets in the way. >>15848 Welcome fellow outcast! Like the other Anon said, there are quite a few things happening here. They just happen slowly.
Jesus christ, everyday these niggers just spam "monkey" up and down the fucking board
>>15967 Erm, yikes...
>>15976 Kill yourself, anyone with half a brain can see your manufactured shitpost sprees on the board and realize there's favorites being played
Yep another day of >human stamina? how cute >no one here gets bitches so mares don't like them >green man bad huemin bad you bad you projecting waaaah me phoneposting tf chad me suck mod cock
>>15967 mare bad, anon bad, green bad embrace wojak and women
>>15980 it's literally a handul of janitor cocksuckers >you're a schizo if you notice my shitposting >meds if you notice my shitposting >trolling if you notice my shitposting
>>15996 Maybe you're overreacting?
>>15996 I don't deny it's organized trolling. Raging about it just encourages them to keep going.
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>>15997 >>15998 This It's true that there is an organised trolling effort on 4ch, but all that bitching in this thread does is stink up NHNB. It almost feels like this thread is an organised attempt to make this site look like a shithole full of losers who just complain instead of participating in other threads and making pony content. Really makes you think... Seriously though this is annoying and I get the sense that a lot of the people complaining here don't take NHNB seriously; they just want to rage which is exactly what the trolls on 4chan want. Responding like that makes NHNB look bad. Stop feeding them. If you feel an urge to post here please use the energy to post pony in another thread. It's an embarrassment that this is one of the more active ones.
>>16000 >It almost feels like this thread is an organised attempt to make this site look like a shithole full of losers who just complain instead of participating in other threads and making pony content. I agree. This thread feels out of place. Everywhere in NHNB is cozy except here. I'm not saying that /mlp/ is not rotton, but I'd prefer if it didn't spill into NHNB. Let's make pony content instead, as you suggest.
>>16000 True, feels like a nonsense with ghost replies on desu. Use feedback form on 4chan, which goes to global mods and admins, use screencaps and desu links to prove jannies been playing shit games. Previous time it helped somewhat, till the annual jannie event in feb. This bitter struggleposting only make their boner harder, ffs
>>16001 I saw someone on /mlp/ say "go back to nhnb to seethe" so I think they're here laughing at him. Stop using this as your day-to-day vent thread.
>>14708 All bans I "have" had been given to some edge lord years ago. Can´t do much about it. No matter what I do nearly every IP I get assigned to has broken rules in the past. Appealing won´t do shit, I had seen some fresh bans being filed too.
Me, no. My IP range, though, yes, like this >>16156 guy. It's a weirdly specific ban, however. I'm still fully able to post, but I am not allowed to make new threads.
>>16169 Have you by any chance been OP for any recurring general?
>>16171 Yes, been OP'ing the snowpone general for over a dozen threads.
>>16172 >content creators >get banned >OP of a cozy general >gets banned Really makes one to wonder
Range banned by tranny jannies because of some G% faggot's moistened panties
>>17187 The mods really are complete morons. It's like they're trying to kill 4chan.
>>17187 Sorry to hear that Anon.
>>17187 >namefaggot banned good.
Haha, I just got a 3 day milkyban on /mlp/.
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>>15859 He forgor.
>>15710 >>15979 why is anon in equestria bad now?
>>17593 NTA and I don't know. I don't see anything wrong with it personally. It's a good source for gags and comedy in my opinion. I always thought that was mostly the point of Anon in Equestria.
>>17593 From what I can gather there's some schizos in the fimfic thread on /mlp/ who are pissy about AiE stories always being featured over their "superior" stories.
>>17596 but why only now they are salty? anon in equestria has always been very popular, sure there are alot of bad AiE but that can be said for all fanfics and their categories
I got a bullshit ban for "posting nsfw" today. Guess I'll be hanging out here for a while.
>>17787 Welcome friend.
>>17787 Were you the guy who posted the clop thread with the Celestia OP?
>>17787 what did you post anon?
>>17789 Yeah. >>17790 I posted a picture of Celestia suggestively eating an eclair and caught a 3 day ban. I said fuck it and actually started posting clop
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>>17787 Welcome. I got banned for saying EQG is shit. Just goes to show jannies on /mlp/ are infiltrated by furfags, anthrofags, barbiefags, and other scum. Also got banned for saying foalcon is pedo shit. Maybe some people don't agree with that opinion, but it is telling that the /mlp/ jannies will censor one side of the argument and not the other. All I ask is balance and adherence to posting rules, which is clearly not followed on /mlp/. There, jannies will censor anything that hurts their feefees, even if it doesn't break the posting rules. They are like petty tyrants and treat /mlp/ as their own little fiefdom.
>>17792 I haven't gotten banned yet, but they do keep deleting my posts. The mods have insane double standards.
>>17792 Remember that "barbienigger" is an autoban and "barbiefag" is shadow banned.
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>>17792 True that. One of the mods started stalking me around the site and directly hassling me in all sort of random threads where there was no way for someone to link me without behind the scenes info. Eventually they got assmad that I kept telling them to fuck off and stop being a creep but otherwise not responding to them that they gave me a 30 day global ban. A couple days after that expired I got a permaban for "proxy/vpn/tor not allowed" aka made a mod seething mad but they don't want to say so in the ban message. It obviously wasn't a proxy or vpn and the mod knows that since they were stalking me. >Also got banned for saying foalcon is pedo shit. Kek, you struck a nerve there. The site needs to ditch Hiro and get someone who gives a fuck in charge, and to fire a bunch of the mods and hire people who aren't fragile, insecure control freaks.
4chan is down once again. That piece of shit of a website has barely been working for me the entire week. MARES!!!!!!!!!!!
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Please someone tell me tamershit is banned here so I can finally move on from /mlp/
>>18062 It's g4 ponies, so...
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>>17792 You think that's bad? I just got a 3 day for saying the EQG baiter needed a life when they posted the shitiest bait durring the end of the anni. Not a deletion, a ban for 'trolling'. And with tamers spreading around like cancer with deleting criticism while shitty low quality slide threads get a free pass, or offtopic blogfagging /mlp/ is being run by reddit. pic 1. EQGBait in question pic 2. Banned for this
>>15770 why is hie hated now?
Be prepared for a large influx of new users if the currently-spreading-like-cancer post limitations hit /mlp/. Bans will no doubt be handed out like candy.
I just got banned so I might lurk here for a while.
>>18103 What did you do, anon?
>>18105 Rule 3. Which is funny because the EllieMonty squizo never got banned or any of his threads deleted, all of his threads got archived despite being exclusively about that vtuber, and each of his threads became a war that had nothing to do with pony. And he kept posting these each week.
Even with all that shit it's still too easy to evade bans. The only way they can stop it is to either make a 3-day long timer or make a mandatory emal validation with strict whitelist.
>>18094 >/mlp/ is being run by reddit. Where do you think all the mods and jannies come from? Honestly it really feels like the staff resent the site and want it to die and they'll do anything they can to drive off the last of the decent posters. I have to wonder how many people got purged and ultimately decided it just wasn't worth their time to ban evade constantly just to post.
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>>18099 /mlp/ integrated the 15 minute cooldown timer
>>18113 They've had the 15 minute timer on new threads for months now. What's really bullshit is that when your post runs a foul of the the spam filter you have wait another 15 minutes before trying again. And since they don't tell you why the post was rejected, you just have to make guesses until it goes through. Especially bad now because they're constantly adding new filters. Can't even have more then like three quotes in an OP post now.
>>18114 >They've added it to regular posts too They really are trying to kill the site.
>>18115 And you can't just start the timer and then come back. If you don't get a captcha as soon as the timer is done the timer will reset and you'll have to wait another 15 minutes to try again.
>adding new filters. Can't even have more then like three quotes in an OP post now. This is a response to shartyfaggots and mass quoting as their main method of raids. As long as they continue to shit up every board then the limitation is meant to quell their shitposting.
>>14708 called someone a barbienigger and got my first ban on mongolian niggershit site
>>18135 That's an autoban
>>18136 why does it exist? did some autist spam this word?
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>>18138 How new r u? This is fallout from barbiefags and an autist botting their threads. It started increasing years after posting >no hooves was being swept, and barbiefags producing any low effort spam to slide threads bumping at page 10 for weeks or months with nothing to say other than one line replies. As of this day it's still the only autobans on /mlp/ in favor of barbiefags and the botter swapped words around which is why there's now more than one autoban. 'Barbiefaggot' is also shadowbanned and your post wont go through. But 'hoofcuck' which barbieniggers use is A OK because it's not botted and 'dognigger' is OK it's only barbiefags as the protected class.
>>18139 They also tried doing the same thing with >no hooves, but immediately reverted it when it started to catch barbiefags as well. A mod even immediately appeared to apologize to the barbiefags for the incident.
>>18140 I remember some groveling faggot about EQGposters being affected but was it really >no hooves? why would EQGfags get caught in that?
>>18141 Apparently some of their generals contained it in the OP, resulting in the posters getting autobanned.
>>18139 >tfw i exposed myself as a newfag still,how long til they stop being the chosen ones of /mlp/? do we need hiro to be replaced?
>>18142 I did a search on it and it looks like it's fingerbang, their central ratsnest has it. >Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you. I never noticed because I just immediately hide the thread. >>18144 They've wormed their way into power and aren't leaving anytime soon. It's only become worse over the years. I first noticed their shit when HOORAY FOR HUMANS kept getting spammed with 10 eqg threads per day.
>>18146 I know a lot of the mods still despise the board so they might be happy to just let it get wrecked. Wonder if they got blackmail on twimod or something?
>>18147 Twimod has been dead to the board since that faggot ignored the biggest complaint about eqg spam during the townhall and gave people flags as a distraction. After the townhall eqg fags became even more obnoxious, embolded that they would never be dealt with.
>>18154 Yeah I remember that and always wondered why they were just left to blatantly troll and shit up everything, that's why I was wondering if it could have been blackmail or even he was just involved in it somehow. Same with those losers that just try to ruin any board project with endless blackpilling attempts. It happened when someone tried to start a thread about learning flash. Wouldn't be surprised if that loser got really butthurt at being criticized for doing a such a shitty job and started stalking people looking for excuses to ban them. It would explain some of the strange rangebans and extensive or permanent bans people have gotten for seemingly no reason.
>>18156 Forgot to mention but flags were a terrible idea and have only made things worse. More ways to attentionwhore is never a good idea.
>>18113 What is this bs? I do not have time for that anymore.
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>>18162 Fascinating. What exactly did you post?
>>18173 Yeah, God forbid an anon bumps a thread where people do any kind of business
>>18154 I wonder if that sack of shit getting so butthurt and purging people is the reason the board has so much pedo shit on it these days? Wouldn't be surprised if he just let all his pedo buddies openly start posting on the site after getting rid of the people that would point it out.
>>18162 I don't mind useless bumps being banned but they stopped doing that years ago, and that's why barbie shitposts ran rampant. Did they start banning empty bumps again? 3 days seems like a stupid amount.
Welp, I'm back in the slammer.
>>18297 What bullshit reason did you get banned for?
>>18302 nta but I got a warning for calling a slide thread for what it was and I wouldn't be shocked if they ban for it.
I just hate the new post timer.
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Was worth the chuckle it gave me at work
Replying to someone counts as a "troll post" now. Whatever, I barely ever post on the board anyways.
>>18350 Never seen this unless it's abused for positive enforcement like on reddit.
>>18303 oh you are the slide thread autist. how's life?
>>18354 There is no 'slide autist'. I've seen all colors saying a thread is a slide thread there's probably at least 5 anons and it snowballs in a response to all the low quality threads being made these days. What others might bemoan about twilight demotivation threads was kind of the start of slide threads
>>18361 Actually I take back that demotivation threads were the first slide threads, barbiefags were doing it years before but that doesn't mean it's ok to do it as long as it's pony.
>>18363 I remember seeing at one point those demotivational threads just kept turning into most of the thread calling OP a piece of shit, then I didn't really see them after that, but I might have just stopped noticing them.
Seems like there's been another change to the captcha on 4chan. Not only do you need to wait the 900 second timer every 6 or so hours now, if you don't immediately make a post after waiting the 900 seconds you'll have to do another 900 second wait the next time you go to make a post. It expires in like 10 minutes or so.
I'm just tired of the barbie threads and the people that likes them. Oh and all the bait and pissy people in general. Sure this place is significantly more low speed, but it's focused on that I am here for. Ponies-
>>18368 I hide them all. As soon as one dies another is made, it's only gotten this way more recently with nobody posting in them.
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Eqgsharts spam reports from mobile to get you banned for "trolling" when you're just giving them a dose of their own shitposting. It's not trolling to say OP's a fag or 'this thread sucks'. But it never fails, some dyslexic povertyfag with bad English always shows up to play pretend janitor and it unironically works.
>>18372 I love doing that. It takes 2-3 unique reports to get jannies involved and half the time they just delete without review.
>>18368 So I can confirm there's one faggot who's continually making barbie threads with the same artist as OP pics for threads. It's gotten to the point where there was 5 of them being blatantly spammed on the board. Reported them all and got the new one deleted. Barbiefags have always been worse than g5fags and embolden by mods doing nothing.
>>18378 >>18372 I always just assumed it was a janny posting those threads.
>Got a timeout for "Violating Rule 3" in a thread that violates rule 3 Might get banned soon lol
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>>18385 There we go. Got warned and banned for the same post. Not even a 3 day, step it up janny.
>>18386 My favorite is being warned for a post, then banned for a post made days earlier as if I can time travel after the warning
One of them is a former janitor because as soon as it starts pms'ing and chooses a thread to purify with it's personal nanny, the posts disappear and a ban will be dispensed. So if you're on the board anytime soon, make it a point to tell every OP of every low quality eqg thread, that they're fags and it's shit. It's not against any rules to call OP a faggot. My bans up in a few hours and I'm curious how long I'll last this time when they have a dedicated cocksmoker spamming 10 reports at a time on every post they think is 'trolling'.
Yep, banned again for nothing except being the target of some dyslexic europeon who thinks of themselves as the boards noble junior janitor.
>>18437 Details?
>>18438 Once the mobilefag spam of eqg threads began I posted in one of their shitpost threads and was immediately blocked before a ban enacted. The spam is still there along with 2 threds (both with anonfilly in the OP) that are nothing more than a deranged tranny trying to justify why it wants to adopt. One of them is a former janitor, or at least I believe them to be one because they're obsessed with checking the ban list and electing themselves protector of eqg shitpiles.
Banned again for trying to enjoy the board in a way that offended it's europeon pretend janitors
As soon as you post something they don't like in ANY eqg thread they start spamming reports.
>>18498 Why not just hide those threads. When ypu post in those threads, you are effectively just feeding troll, aren't you?
>>18499 Why should I have to tailor how I enjoy the board because it pisses off one particular dickless wonder?
>Buttmad povertyfags engage in "ban luring" with their 20 shitpost threads They've already admitted to spamming reports from their phone so janitors wont even look at the post in question. >Ah I got 10 crybabies saying they're being trolled, that works for me.
>>18504 I fucking hate the faggot jannies at /mlp/ for banning clop but refuse to ban eqg g5 and tamers shit fucking jannies killing the board fucking hate those cunts
>>18094 >deleting criticism just one example
>>18549 You're actually medically retarded.
>>18566 It'd be interesting if someone could figure out what all the different things that get mod protection are. Probably just whatever the mods personal circlejerk enjoys, like shitting up the board.
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Just got banned for posting a thread suggesting that G5 posts were made by shills paid with USAID money. Plenty of threads talking about the fandom including a good one about Shawn right now. Funny how they seem so disinclined to remove Tamers threads but this gets removed quickly enough. Could it be too close to the truth?
>>18568 basically the one big thing that's get mod protection are eqg threads I'm here again because I said they sucked and the former janitor spammed reports on me til one of the 50year old mods noticed and banned me
>>18579 deserved
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seething jannies
>>18662 I don't know where the fuck this new janny came from, but I've been warned for racisms while the board is being spammed to death by /dbs/niggers
>>18665 yeah jannies hate us. also LA knight is back, report every post he makes
>>18670 LA Knight is the furry Babs flaggot.
>>18674 Why won't the jannies him already?
>>18683 I don't know what you mean, every post and I mean every single one was deleted before. Which seems excessive when you can just filter his trip
