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Six FM 10/24/2023 (Tue) 01:33:28 No. 16667
But still five ponies. If (you) want to be #6 just say so.
>Strategy Last tree is on 15/36 HP; Keebler A 18/24 HP; Keebler B on 7/24 HP. I'll try and finish off Keeb B. >>18593 >Cross glances between Prickly and the newcomer's fire and lightning. "Nicely done, mares!" >Feeling satisfied with his own work, Cross reels in his lasso and lunges forward with readied hooves. >He attacks Keebler B.
>>18597 >Strategy Sounds good. Knocking out a keebler next is a good idea. I figure Cloudy might want to put some lightening on it as a back up to your attack. I'm low on SP, so I'm going to leech from the other deciduous one. Otherwise, I'll be useless in the next battle. Boulder's got his hooves full and I think Quill could attack either the pinned keebler or the other decidupus one.. >Prickly charges up her horn and casts leech on Decidupus One B. "Mighty thankful for the praise there Cross." >Observes Cross attak. "Go get 'em!"
>>18556 >>18593 "Hi!" >She greeted a unicorn and an earth pony while looking around the battlefield. >>18593 >She noticed that one of the keeblers has managed to free itself, and in an attempt to help another earth pony Cloudy kicks the poor cloud once again, aiming for the keebler's plot. >Cloudy Mind uses a lightning strike on Keebler B! >>18595 >I'm dedicated to see this through to the end! That's the spirit! /) On the topic of waiting for others, please don't wait for me if I ever go AWOL. You can take my character or dismiss her, if that happens.
Hey all. Just a note. Since Cloudhead hasn't returned yet. I am going to move the golden horseshoes to Cross for this battle. After that, I think that Boulder should equip them. Thoughts? Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Other news: I would like to implement a system for using various items during battle (you may have noticed that I included things like the pickaxe in the "Usable Battle Items" list). I have added some effects to each of these items. Some of them can be used by Earth Ponies, others by Pegasus, still others by Unicorns. Some can be used by all. For the most part things that can be used by Unicorns are things that can be chucked/levitated at the enemy (cost 2 SP). Things for Earth Ponies are mostly equipable items (but which have temporary effect). Those for Pegasus might be either or. I'm still working this out. But, if you have an idea for how you want to use something, let me know and I'll try to work it in (within reason of course).
>>18607 >Since Cloudhead hasn't returned yet. I am going to move the golden horseshoes to Cross for this battle. After that, I think that Boulder should equip them. Thoughts? Honestly, IC, I'd more prefer Cloudhead just suddenly flitzing off from the party to do his own sudden thing (in his own Cloudhead way, of course). >Other news I did notice, and it sounds good! Will keep it in mind.
>>18607 >Other news Great! But you may want to organize the items per-character rather than per-type. OG FM made it so using other character's items gives you a one move penalty. If it were to work the same way we may need to know who has which items.
>>18593 >sits on keebler Sorry, I thought PricklyAnon has already set my action to pinning keebler
>>18630 No worries. I did indeed set your action to maintain pin. Actually, I was waiting for Quill. >Cloudhead wandering off to do his own thing. Fair idea. We'll just go with that and suppose he took all his items with him. >>18613 >Per character vs. per type. Good idea. Though, I think I can do both. In battles, I'll include a screen capture of a spreadsheet matrix I made that shows item types and how many are owned by which pony. That way, everypony can reference it if they need to use an item. It'll also be easy than having to sift through text. >>18600 >On the topic of waiting... Noted. Thanks Cloudy! >>18590 >Default moves Honestly, I kinda like the idea of a default move if charactes haven't made a move after a certaon time, or maybe the rest of the group could decide on a move by consensus. What if we adopt a default move after two days of no move being made? >Ancient MUDs Could you eleaborate a bit? I have to confess that I am unfamiliar with it.
>>18633 >a screen capture of a spreadsheet matrix Yeah this sounds much better. >Default moves I'm okay with others deciding on my character's move in a battle if I fail to submit one myself in time, as long as she doesn't go in a hoof-to-hoof combat, it's not really in her character to do so. For now, at least.
