Hey all. Just a note. Since Cloudhead hasn't returned yet. I am going to move the golden horseshoes to Cross for this battle. After that, I think that Boulder should equip them. Thoughts?
Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back! Couldhead come back!
Other news: I would like to implement a system for using various items during battle (you may have noticed that I included things like the pickaxe in the "Usable Battle Items" list). I have added some effects to each of these items. Some of them can be used by Earth Ponies, others by Pegasus, still others by Unicorns. Some can be used by all. For the most part things that can be used by Unicorns are things that can be chucked/levitated at the enemy (cost 2 SP). Things for Earth Ponies are mostly equipable items (but which have temporary effect). Those for Pegasus might be either or. I'm still working this out. But, if you have an idea for how you want to use something, let me know and I'll try to work it in (within reason of course).