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Roseluck! Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 23:19:17 No. 37
Background mares thread?
>>16195 >Anon's marshmallow hoard Kek. Imagine if they are all in a loose pile instead of in bags and he just reaches back there, picks them up, and eats them while sitting on the couch.
>>16248 >Loose pile of marshmallows That's kind of how I imagined it when I was writing the story. Mostly, I needed something so that Anon wouldn't get hurt when he flew through the air and landed on the other side of the sofa.
>>16253 That's so fucking dingy; no wonder he got grumpy! Good thing Rose cheered him up.
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>>16275 Bon Bon a cute. How did she become an alicorn? Picrel: cute Bon Bon buns.
>>16307 She bought the wings and horn on Craigslist.
>>16315 Very economical of her. She's clearly a mare that knows how to save money and make a good deal.
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>>17600 Cute! On a separate note, I think all the flower mares, those with flower related cutie marks, must have cheerful dispositions generally (except maybe Inky Rose). Thoughts?
