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Princess Luna thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 12:46:30 No. 5939
Let us bask in her gentle moonlight.
>>18565 Ooh, nice pocket-watch and big brain books.
>>18569 Thanks! It's actually a compass It points me in the direction of Luna.
(24.18 KB 790x480 jackpot.jpg)
>>18565 JACKPOT! A GENUINE COMPASS! in all serious though thats fucking awesome
>>18572 Oooh, a compass is pretty cool too.
>>18565 fancy
>>17582 15. Luna is the only pony, except maybe also Celestia, that can survive and thrive in the vacuum of space without the need for a space suit.
>>18637 I was thinking maybe alicorns might have the ability. Then I was also thinking that a unicorn pony can probably us their magic and with the right spell create a field around their body that acts like the fabric of a space suit.
>>18642 I reckon so. I just figured that Luna and Celestia could because they are powerful immortals (or semi-immortals) and have powers associated with objects in the heavens. After all, Luna survived on the moon for 1000 years in the vacuum of space with no food or water.
>>18656 I guess the question is whether that's an alicorn thing, a moon princess thing, or an Elements of Harmony banishing but not killing thing.
