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/fim/ Drawing Thread Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 00:22:55 No. 7791
Come draw in a communal aggie! https://aggie.io/vj1y5bh_pd Skill not required
>>17411 That's sad. I'm gonna miss it.
I exported canvas in psd. Is there an alternative?
>>17423 Supposedly there's supposed to be a free version of Magma (what Aggie is turning into) but I have no idea how that works or if it'll be the same.
Looks like the date they gave for aggie's shut down wasn't very accurate. You can still draw
Oh, I see what happened now. We can't make new layers, we're stuck with only the ones we already own. This means people that already drew in the canvas can still draw, but newcomers can't. >>17423 There's magma, which is similar with more tools and brushes. Problem is it isn't anonymous friendly, requieres an account. This guy already made a room with several canvases and an overall explanation of how it works https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40910604 There's another anon developing his own site, it's still in progress https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40857007 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40874059
>>17411 Is there an alternative?
>>17608 /create/ uses magma, so it's probably the best one.
>>17608 Magma is just aggie but again, with more features but pushes having an account more,
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