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Anonymous 07/12/2022 (Tue) 01:44:47 No. 11304
Where are the ponies?
>>11304 Dancing behind you
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>>11322 >cupcakes hd dance
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>>11316 >>11322 Lies, they have all but abandoned me
>>11304 They used to be all over the place until they found out I wasn't taking my pills.
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>>11407 based, have a twiggles
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I've always had the idea that if you go out into the void of space far enough, the laws of reality as we know them start changing. I like to think that Equestria is out there somewhere in some distant place past the observable universe.
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>>11304 in inner space rather than outer space
>>12563 What's on the outside of the Equestrian celestiosphere? Are there ponies in the Earth? Is Equestrian magic the reason for the Earth's magnetic field?
>>12552 I can't stop looking at that picture of Scootaloo; she looks brain dead.
>>12595 just like me!
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>>11304 Did you check in the Horse Head Nebula?
>>12937 Whose horse's head is it?
>>12939 Not sure. Looks more alicorn-ish, but it's missing the horn. Maybe it resembles the features of a Saddle Arabian? Whatever it is, I'll bet it's as good as anywhere to start the search for ponies.
>>12939 Either the royal sister's mother or father.
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The ponies are in gnosis.
>>12564 I'm not sure, 'Planet of the Apes'? 'Game of Thrones'? The center of the Earth is occupied by a dwarf singularity that accounts for pony magicks https://www.deviantart.com/isleepnow/art/On-The-Functioning-of-Personal-and-Greater-Magic-756819393
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>>11407 Thank you for posting this video. I've been going through some extremely difficult stuff over the past week or so, and this video reminded me what joy is like. Almost brought me to tears. Thank you anon.
>>11304 Horsehead Nebula, or Alpha Centauri, due to having planets in the habitable zone of its stars.
>>17697 I thought maybe they would be in Sagittarius since it's depicted as a centaur and has the horseshoe nebula in it, but an actual horse head is a pretty good idea too.
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In the stars
>>17702 Lovely. I wish to travel the stars with ponies. I'll bet they can figure out faster than light travel using magic.
>>17703 Not in the stars. They are among the stars. Now, when I look at the stars at night I will forever think about ponies. Thanks for causing this idea to become embedded in my mind!
