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Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 00:40:38 (3 years ago) No. 13193 >>13196
The Kirin is being coy
>>13193 What secrets do the Kirin hide?
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>>13209 The Kirin has beer?! What is it made from?
>>13214 Ancient Kirin secret.
>>13209 Kek. This Kirin enjoys refined drinks.
Do kirins go nirik when they eat a really spicy pepper?
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>>13239 Most likely they wouldn't even notice it was a spicy pepper.
>>13240 I bet they'd have some real wacky peppers in Equestria. The kirin would probably have some that are in a constant state of fire due to the spiciness inside.
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The Kirin cares about her community
>>13302 In a world filled with corrupt police and politicians, the community looks to the kirin for protection.
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The Kirin is singing about truth
>>13388 No. The kirin IS truth.
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The Kirin loves music.
>>16485 what kind of music does the Kirin love?
>>16486 Mongolian throat singing of course.
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>>16487 >>16518 The Kirin is vibing
>>16518 >>16522 These are amazing! Thanks, Anons!
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I love how she frolics!
>>17263 It looks like the kirin has eaten some jumping beans.
I love the kirin
>>17489 It's a good place to snuggle kirins
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The kirin is trying to prevent an argument from breaking out.
>>17607 She might not be succeeding.
>>17607 What started the argument?
>>17610 The Kirin beer
>>17610 >>17612 Right Hoof (Righty) wanted to go with the tried and true Kirin beer. Left Hoof (Lefty) wanted to throw caution to the wind and try a new craft beer from a microbrewery in Manehatten. Autumn should probably just suggest that they drink both.
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Do the kirin really?
>>18409 I do believe they might
>>18420 >>18409 Based on this image I am thinking of generating new lore and including it in my headcanon as follows: The kirin have two stomachs. One is for normal food. The other is for digesting, processing, and storing flammable materials (both solid and liquid). From this second stomach, the kirin get the fuel they need for their nirik flames. The flammable nutrients they get from this second stomach must be stored in some sort of magically stabilized way (imagine fat cells, but they are storing granuals of magically stabilized flammable material). When they go nirik, there is a rapid metabolis of these stored nutrients to make nirik flames/heat. Thoughts?
>>18427 Sounds cool. So they can drink gasoline? What about thermite or nitroglycerin?
>>18434 I'd say so. Maybe they will need to stabilize something as volatile as nitroglycerine before they guzzle it down though. Kinda like how puffer fish sushi has to be prepared just right before you eat it, otherwise it will poison you. For kirin, guzzling nitroglycern would be the equivalent of humans eating a very fatty (but highly nutritious) food. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter.
>>18427 I'm sticking to Nirik flames are ki
>>18502 But ki is energy too. So where would it come from?
>>18503 Fruit

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