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Fluttershy? Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 06:19:17 No. 1368
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>>1368 >um...
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I love my wife
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>>1370 >>1379 >"canon"
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>>1461 What an impressively soulful vector.
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POV: You're shy.
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>>2347 >middle image What do you suppose she's making?
>>2353 It's labelled "РЕАКТОР РБМК". It's the RBMK type of nuclear reactor, like the ones they used at Chernobyl.
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>>3799 great fuckin pics
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>>4165 >door on top >door on front Wut?
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im just out here lovin fluttershy honestly
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>>4598 This is one of my favourite arts.
>>4598 >>4599 I would kill to have this done in a similar manner with Glimmy.
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>>4698 Dotkwa makes a great Flutters.
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so, to get some discussion going: what would you say Fluttershy's day job is? I know some people claim that she can't be Ponyville's veterinarian because Ponyville already has a veterinarian, but... who says there can't be two? Any other ideas?
>>4768 Perhaps like some sort of pet store? She could make like animal beds and stuff for the people of Ponyville. She could also do some gardening and sell the excess at the farmer's market, though I'd think most ponies of Ponyville could do something similar.
>>4768 >I know some people claim that she can't be Ponyville's veterinarian because Ponyville already has a veterinarian Bit maybe she volunteers at the clinic? And probably she doesn't rally need a job because the government subsidizes her for hosting an animal shelter?
>>4771 I know a lot of people say this, but it's perhaps not the most satisfying answer. It does make sense though. Maybe she rents out goats to trim ponies' lawns?
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>>4768 She has a coal mine under her cottage, and works god-fearing fillies to death in it. (And to be serious for a second, that third art is particularly adorable.)
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>>4902 A very nice landscape on the last one there. Looks like she could be on her way to visit the snowpones.
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>>4903 Glad you appreciate. Third pic here is personally one of my favorites. I love the idea that there's a sort of "interior" of Cloudsdale, shadowed by towering clouds overhead.
(981.14 KB 2000x1250 605020.jpg)
>>4907 ... And I only now notice how incredibly small that image is. Here's a larger version.
>>4907 >>4908 >I love the idea that there's a sort of "interior" of Cloudsdale, shadowed by towering clouds overhead. That is damn cool. Reminds me of "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Would have to be a truly massive cloud though.
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What caused Flutter's expression here?
>>5467 Thinking about (You)
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>>5541 Dotkwa sure makes a fine Flutters.
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>>5576 Oh no! Poor dragons...
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How are all you Flutterfags?
>>5755 Fantasizing about an ideal world where I'm married to Flutters.
>>5758 Tell us about it, Anon.
>>5760 I imagine kissing her every day, helping her with her chores, playing with her animals, going to the town to do something, when she isn't feeling up to it, loudly breeding her, much to a chagrin of a certain bunny, stuff like that.
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>>5762 I know that feel
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>>6277 A serenely peaceful pone.
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For what purpose?
>>6471 You gotta warm up somehow after being out in the cold.
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Flutterbitch? Yes.
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>>4772 I love this idea. In Equestria goats substitute for lawnmowers.
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>>4768 I like to think she is paid by the government of equestria to keep tabs on animal and plant population and health. Sort of a department of forestry representative in Ponyville.
>>12957 >the government >in a divine right monarchy
>>12958 Sure. Why not? The Royal Ministry of Forests and Land, or whatever. Surely Celestia and Luna have set up ministries to help them govern.
>>12959 Oh right, that counts as government. Well of course they have chain of command. The princesses can't do everything themselves.
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>>15496 As Empress, would she be benevolent? I think yes, but I think she would pretend sometimes to be angry, like when she was in charge of Rarity's clothes store. Except, she would have better control.
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Fluters is currently ascendant. They managed to get David Lynch out of retirement just to direct that music video of her duet with Morrissey https://youtu.be/C6IyI4VGuCY?t=2787
>>15693 sorry, the time time qualifier isn't working for embedded videos. Skip to 46:26
>Emo muzic
>>8604 Even when she's angrily crushing flowers, she's cute.
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Nerf boop.
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>>17386 Cute.
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Bumping for my perfect wife with whom I shall grind some sick rails for the rest of my life.
>>4768 >>4772 >>12957 >>12959 >>12960 So she works as a representative of the Ministry of Forsest keeping tabs on forest health, and she rents goats to ponies to trim their lawns. Those seem plausible to me. Any other ideas for Fluttershy's job?
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>>17590 why don't ponies graze on their lawns themselves?
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her job is being best pony and is the peaceful equivalent of the hunter, keeping animal populations in check, without hunting
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I want to breed her lovingly
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>>18150 Absolutely
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>>18092 >keeping animal populations in check, without hunting And how does she accomplish this? Does she "stare" animals into not copulating?
