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(498.65 KB 472x576 dward.png)
There's the church; there's the steeple Anonymous 08/08/2023 (Tue) 20:34:35 No. 15903
Open the door, and there are the people.
>>15903 That's uncanny
>>15903 He gave the best explanation of why some people become obsessed with pony, in my opinion at least.
>>15925 LMAO where the fuck did you find that picture?
>>15927 Funny story. I like Dr. Edward Dutton's theories. I think they efficiently explain a lot about human behavior. I actually commisioned him to make the video to explain the phenomenon of "bronies" from a genetic and psychological perspective. He's known for having bizarre intros to his videos. So, I had no idea he would open the video with an Applejack plushie. Later, someone made a thread about it on /mlp/ and an artfag made and posted that picture in response. I guess the image of this scientist holding an Applejack plushie was an enticing on e for the artfag. Cheers!
>>15928 Woah, funny to fun into the anon who commissioned that video here on NHNB! It's such a small place I wouldn't expect to. I'm a fan of Edward's videos too. Thank you for commissioning possibly the best commentary on bronies of all time; I'm proud you use this site! Watch out for spiteful mutants.
>>15903 >>15925 this video was so well done and insightful. It felt like a treat watching it. Thx for sharing
