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Mare Fair Thread Anonymous 09/28/2023 (Thu) 02:40:08 No. 16436
The hotel here is rangebanned, so I'm making this thread for con-goers. Hope that's okay with the admins.
I'm coming in from Lakeland. I got work tomorrow so I'm driving over Friday morning. Dre you guys there!
Roadtrip with the boys tomorrow :D See y'all there
>>16436 Hopefully some of the panels get recorded.
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It took me a bit, but I figured out what was going on. I hope this thread takes off. Posting from mobile, or a travel laptop, would mean that people are without their normal stash of reaction images. A different board would probably help with keeping engagement high-ish, since this place feels more like a welcoming place than a different culture. I hope this convention is good for this board. It'll get at least a few more people to try out the site for a while.
>>16436 im heading out tomorrow! very excited!
>>16436 Wish I could go. Will you all post photos?
Why is the hotel rangebanned?
>>16445 4chan hands out rangebans arbitrarily. Also Orlando is a big place with a lot of people and increases the likeliness of rangebans blanketing the area.
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>>16445 The mods are retards and throw out rangebans and permabans for no reason.
>>16445 I've gotten IP-banned on mobile plenty of times due to some other anon's idiocy, but it usually comes back up in a day or so. Been mostly /vt/umors or frogposters lately because why wouldn't it be.
>>16436 Are you already there, anon? How's the hotel? How's everything?
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>>16444 We ride! And we drink! And I hit a snag with the hotel. Gotta work on that before I touch down in Florida.
>>16450 >Deep River Where's Shallow River?
>>16448 T-Mobile in Florida usually has some faggot on /lgbt/ who posts his own nudes on the blue board.
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I just woke up and checked 4chan. between 1:30am and 6:45am local time, the hotel up range was banned. I'm surprised there isn't more activity in this thread after that.
>>16457 I guess it got unbanned because it seems like plenty of people are managing to post from there.
So 6 months until Mare Fair 2, I guess it's time to start slowly preparing for it (as well as making some savings for the merch).
>>17509 Hopefully they're a bit better prepared when it comes to the recordings this time around.
>>17510 yeah, I was lucky to see the animation panel live, otherwise I would be mad as hell for missing it. I think this time around there will be more panelist and Anons just filming their own stuff.
