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Mare Fair Thread Anonymous 09/28/2023 (Thu) 02:40:08 No. 16436
The hotel here is rangebanned, so I'm making this thread for con-goers. Hope that's okay with the admins.
I'm coming in from Lakeland. I got work tomorrow so I'm driving over Friday morning. Dre you guys there!
Roadtrip with the boys tomorrow :D See y'all there
>>16436 Hopefully some of the panels get recorded.
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It took me a bit, but I figured out what was going on. I hope this thread takes off. Posting from mobile, or a travel laptop, would mean that people are without their normal stash of reaction images. A different board would probably help with keeping engagement high-ish, since this place feels more like a welcoming place than a different culture. I hope this convention is good for this board. It'll get at least a few more people to try out the site for a while.
>>16436 im heading out tomorrow! very excited!
>>16436 Wish I could go. Will you all post photos?
Why is the hotel rangebanned?
>>16445 4chan hands out rangebans arbitrarily. Also Orlando is a big place with a lot of people and increases the likeliness of rangebans blanketing the area.
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>>16445 The mods are retards and throw out rangebans and permabans for no reason.
>>16445 I've gotten IP-banned on mobile plenty of times due to some other anon's idiocy, but it usually comes back up in a day or so. Been mostly /vt/umors or frogposters lately because why wouldn't it be.
>>16436 Are you already there, anon? How's the hotel? How's everything?
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>>16444 We ride! And we drink! And I hit a snag with the hotel. Gotta work on that before I touch down in Florida.
>>16450 >Deep River Where's Shallow River?
>>16448 T-Mobile in Florida usually has some faggot on /lgbt/ who posts his own nudes on the blue board.
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I just woke up and checked 4chan. between 1:30am and 6:45am local time, the hotel up range was banned. I'm surprised there isn't more activity in this thread after that.
>>16457 I guess it got unbanned because it seems like plenty of people are managing to post from there.
So 6 months until Mare Fair 2, I guess it's time to start slowly preparing for it (as well as making some savings for the merch).
>>17509 Hopefully they're a bit better prepared when it comes to the recordings this time around.
>>17510 yeah, I was lucky to see the animation panel live, otherwise I would be mad as hell for missing it. I think this time around there will be more panelist and Anons just filming their own stuff.
Two month until the Mare Fair 2, anyone else is getting hyped for it?
>>17849 No, I'm not going. It's too expensive for me and I don't like traveling anyway. That and I don't think I would like meeting all those strangers.
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>>17849 I'm getting more hyped by the day. On an absolute shoestring budget with no job, getting an 8hr ride from someone who's car is liable to break down; I'm signed up for the movie, hosting the Tulpa 101 panel, and going to mare day after. YOLO
>>17850 as a europoor simply getting to the hotel + night cost roughly 1000$ so that's my yearly savings spent. I think I will just end up going to every second one unless I magically get a massive rise or something. >>17851 >Tulpa 101 berry interesting, I will make my best attempt to get to that. All my other plans are pretty much hanging out with buddies day before & after the con and in middle join whatever sounds fun.
>>17849 Getting hyped, yeah. First con. Wanted to go last year but work fucked me out of it. >>17851 >Tulpa 101 Maybe I'll go to that, and find out how to make my mare dreams a reality.
>>17862 >>17853 You've got the right idea. I was there last year and it was just bouncing from pool to party to panel to party to rave to party for three or four days straight. I really hope this year's venue is as chill with the rules as the last one, it was great having a couple beers by the pool in the sun and chatting with any sufficiently weird individual in sight. If you wanna make friends extra easily, bring some alcohol or equivalent to share.
>>17864 NTA but this sounds nice. Wish I could go. Never met any other pony enthusiasts in real life. Would be interesting at least.
>>17864 >this year's venue is as chill with the rules as the last one, Sadly the opposite seems to be a case from what I've read in the threads, as in the hotel rules they hilight the fact they will be butthurt about brining outside food to the hotel space (I would imagine chilling with a beer is a big no). I guess this is the price for having a con in a professionally run hotel (like look up their even list, it's either wedding, tech corporation meet ups or sales pitches parties for businessman and associates). Bit sad but than again nobody could had predicted the old hotel would go down this year.
>>17924 Last year's hotel also had all that stuff in the rules too, the staff just didn't give a fuck; it's a vibes thing. So there is still some small hope there.
not only did the staff not give a fuck, they told the con organizers that we were some of the best behaved groups they'd had
That may be, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to try my luck. The old hotel had plenty of experience with gamer/anime/furry conventions so I would imagine dealing with awkward but yet chill neckbeards was a calming experience (like you have stated, MF attendants were pretty well behaved). Than again there is no point in worrying at this point, if it's good then that's great but if it's shit then MF3 will happen at a different hotel.
