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We're back? Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 19:33:59 No. 17674
>we're back never knew it went away? what happened?
>>17674 Anon...
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>>17674 Server failed, or something like that. A very comfy Derpy and Dinky, by the way.
>>17677 Her derpy expression is what makes this.
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>>17674 I wish there was more active/more anons here though.
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>>17728 I've tried to start conversations before but they don't usually go anywhere. It's nice when they do though. Never learned any skills either so I don't have anything to contribute.
>>17729 What conversations have you tried to start, anon?
>>17730 Most of them were before the downtime, I don't even remember what they were about any more. Has cloudflare been unusually aggressive for anyone else? I keep having to go through the are you human checks every time and the auto thread refresh thing keeps breaking because of it. I never had to go through it before.
>>17728 That's the downside, unfortunately. I really don't understand it. I suppose Anons really do prefer the drama and monkey chimp poo flinging that happens on /mlp/. The format here is different, but not substantially so. It bans EqG and other bullshit, but that doesn't account for a majority of the fandom anyway. It probably just boils down to the same reason people only use Google when other, equally effective, and more private search engines exist. Google captured the market share and its name became synonymous with internet search. By the same token /mlp/ has become synonymous, within the fandom, with where to poni poni on the internet. >>17729 >Contribute I wrote two greens that I posted here. I make it a point also, to post something once a day at least here. Was really active on the Fungeon thread until the OP had to stop for personal reasons. I plan on getting back into writing and posting here though. The problem with posting on /mlp/ is that nobody really cares. Here I usually get a few responses and feedback.
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>>17728 >>17729 I try to contribute with conversations at times, but mostly it's just reporting the... 'spam' that crops up. ew. >>17733 Careful what you wish for. A large majority of activity on /mlp/ is astroturfing (eqgtards) or astroturfing (g5, aka eqgtards wearing a dog mask). As evidenced by /qa/ threads, they WILL try every option to get their foot in the door, and bitchwhine and screech when they're told 'no' and attempt every 'gotcha!' possible. And, when that doesn't work, they'll contact their buttbuddies on the /mlp/ jannie team to suppress any word-of-mouth advertisement.
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>>17761 >A large majority of activity on /mlp/ is astroturfing (eqgtards) or astroturfing (g5, aka eqgtards wearing a dog mask). >As evidenced by /qa/ threads, they WILL try every option to get their foot in the door, and bitchwhine and screech when they're told 'no' Why are they like this? Why can't they just enjoy piny in a comfy way? Why do they feel the need to spread their corruption as far as possible? I feel that the answers to these must be bound up in significant mental illness on their part. It's something they share in common with authoritarians, sociopaths, narcissists, and other dark triad people. I k ow it's slow here, bit It's nice to know that there are sites that are trying to keep these maniacs out. I feel like derpibooru is a good example of what they do when allowed to run rampant. They take over a space and make it ugly, dysfunctional, and unpleasant. Basically, to use that space you are forced to sift through all their trash and shit. Here's a comfy Derpy for good measure.
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>>17762 Evil cannot create, only corrupt or destroy. Simple as. And yeah, Derpibooru is a perfect example. >Derpy mare!
