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A Day of Princess Celestia Art Pack Planning Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:41:38 No. 18096
This is the planning thread for the Day of Princess Celestia art pack. In this thread we gather submissions and generate ideas. You can submit pieces in thread or at this link: https://mega.nz/filerequest/tj8jK7IPHZY Release is currently expected in early November.
Yay! A new thread!
What aspect of Celestia do you like to highlight in your art, anon?
>>18096 Looks like this may be more of a mid to late November release. Not many submissions. I know I still need to make something, just been busy. If interested anons are out there, be sure to spread the word. Maybe post some content ideas in thread to help inspire people.
>>18096 Need to polish my story a bit and then will upload it to the folder. Probably it would be a good idea to ask anons in bale or tempo if anyone interested. Can someone ask them? I'm banned there.
>>18169 I'll try and make a post in there. I did make a post in the draw thread.
>>18096 ETA for artpack? I am hella busy but I can scramble one pic if I give few minutes of work every day into it.
>>18196 Late Nov most likely
Oh shit, you guys are still making art packs. I mentioned this a year or two ago, but never got around to contributing myself because I couldn't work around the themes. I see I'm too late to contribute now. I should start monitoring this place again so I can participate in the next pack.
>>18216 There's definitely still time to contribute if you want to, this is probably going to later in the month.
>>18216 >I see I'm too late to contribute now. You aren't though. The submission window got extended.>>18166
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>>18096 I'm mostly done with this; it should be ready tomorrow or Monday, just needs a couple finishing touches. Probably the nicest piece of art I've ever made honestly, very excited to unveil it
>>18248 Even that little sliver of a preview has me excited. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Hopefully I can get together a submission of my own
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>>18248 tiny thumbnail version, it is done, fulll size in the pack
>>18250 Ooh pretty!
Submitted my story. >>18250 I like this very much, anon! Love the juxtaposition of the Sun and Equestria. The shading is nice too. Love the cosmic scale Celestia.
>>18250 This is great. Hoping to get my submission in this weekend as well.
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>>18259 Working on it.
>>18264 Cute. I'm also still on it.
Hurry up fags, OP too
When do you guys think release should be? We've got 3.5 drawings and a story so far. Maybe a week or two out?
>>18267 Dunno if we get more submissions >>18266 What's your submission, anon?
>>18268 >what's my submission this one >>18250 lol I wanna post it around and shout out the board/artpack. But if the project is this slim... >>18267 I'd say let's drop it - maybe use the drop to announce a new one? Last year's fall pack was gorgeous (I did the Dash + Tank one). Celestia theme this year was weak - I wasn't planning on participating until I felt bad this one wasn't getting traction. At this pace, maybe we should shoot for a spring theme?
Done and uploaded at the link. Who still working on it?
>>18270 I am (>>18264). I'll try to get it wrapped up next weekend, hopefully Friday night. >>18269 We should release it on a Sunday.
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>>18264 I think I'm probably going to have to call it here.
At this point we have 5 images and 1 story submitted. Good job Anons, it's starting to look like a real art pack. So how about we do the official release next Sunday on the 15th?
>>18279 affirmative
The art pack is released! Get it here: >>18308
>>18309 You guys did a great job! I love it!
