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Fallout Equestria Thread Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 00:16:46 No. 2027
Celebrate one of the greatest crossovers ever written. >reee muh popular Fucking read it and decide I avoided it for >dykery and >popularity for years, having started on fimfiction in early 2012. I can't believe what I missed.
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I really like that the Fallout elements of the crossover are justified according to the MLP setting. And Littlepip uncovering what happened to the Mane 6 is really good too. But it can sometimes be dark to the point of absurdity. As in it doesn't just clash with the tone of MLP, it clashes with the tone of Fallout. It's still a top-tier fanfic. But I've grown somewhat tired of it by now. And the show canon is now grimdark enough to fill that role for me.
>>2029 I had a bit of a circumstance of coincidentally reading Fallout Equestria and playing Fallout 3 for the first time. The result was a biased delight.
>>2030 I'm pretty sure the influence of Fallout Equestria caused the number of hours I spent playing Fallout games to double.
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>>2034 Fandom of a fandom of a fandom horse was so adorable
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>>2035 Who?
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>>2036 How dare you sully her memory
>>2037 I'm not. I just don't know about the side stories.
>>2034 >Velvet's drunk again That whorse is completely useless isn't she?
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>>2044 She is the sexiest horse I ever hated with all my life. So much confliction.
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>>2040 Got in to Blackjack's Wild Pegasus supply
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Pip being naughty again
>>2102 Do you think she likes to mix Mintals with marejuice?
>>2045 Velvet... Hope this is okay to post here. It is kind of on the line.
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>>2027 Preferable to Seasons 8 and 9
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>>2395 Aw, that's cute!
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>>2402 Twiggy's Secret Friendship Police
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>>2027 I was in a similar situation in that I avoided reading it all the way until 2019, but it ended up being one of the best reading experiences I ever had in my life. Currently deep into the sequels.
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Also a question about the ending of Project Horizons (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD) Who the fuck saved Blackjack's soul after the bossfight and transferred it into the vacant body? I was under the impression every character with that kind of power was dead at this point.
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>>2436 I get a little annoyed when I see people stuck in that "haven't read it, never will because I was told it sucks" mindset. Yes, it has a few unpleasant aspects, but not nearly as portrayed by the screeching contrarians.
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>>2437 Shit, I really can't remember. PH went off the rails in those last couple chapters.
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Imagine a world where this video was finished in its entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMra1iv7QEQ Imagine a world where Fallout 4 was never produced - instead Bethesda, Hasbro, and KKat struck a deal to make a Fallout Equestria game, and it was a smashing success.
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>A better future.
>>3380 ... Underground!
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>>3385 Tends to be dark and cramped underground. Plus underground near The Hoof is always bad.
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I love mutiecorns!
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>>3387 Based taste. I also love mutiecorns!
>>3388 Blessed dubdubs. If mutiecorns captured you and made you their breeding stud, would've you been OK with it?
>>3387 >>3388 As someone who has never read FoE but enjoys occasionally looking at their threads and images, I must admit that I always enjoy the mutiecorn art. They look like good snuggle partners. Can you snuggle them? Would that be a bad idea? Are they radioactive?
>>3413 >Can you snuggle them? It's worth a try. >Would that be a bad idea? Yes. At least during the time the original story takes place. >Are they radioactive? No. But they are created with taint, which is a worse mutagen than radiation.
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>>3413 More good taste. Have a mutiecorn. >>3393 Oh no, what a horrible idea. I hope I don't try to escape.
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>As a powerful unicorn mare, Glimmy was employed in the Ministry of Arcane Sciences. >At Maripony when the balefire nuke hits >Gets dragged in to unity >Likes it >Toaster repair bitch blows up The Goddess
>>3436 Too bad Glimmy perished along all other foals in Luna's School for Dead Unicorns
>>3439 Nah
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>>3670 Ah, the origin of the alicorn fear of boxcars.
>>3686 I'm salty to this day how Kkat just made alicorns into a punching bag. I like FE for many things, but combat and balance of power are definitely not among those.
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>>3690 I didn't really see it that way. I did enjoy the descriptive writing kkat gave alicorns. Such deadly beauty and majesty.
>>3724 Yeah, beauty and majesty... until LittleDyke moves into vicinity.
>>3727 To be fair, the one wearing Luna's bones deserved it.
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>>3731 Blood Moon > Nightseer.
>>3736 I'm not familiar with that one. Where is she from?
>>3739 Remains There's not much art of her.
>>3739 Fallout Equestria: Remains It's a game.
>>3740 >>3741 Ohhhh Remains. I never made it that far. I guess I should play again.
>>3731 Have it ever occurred to you that she wore them not as mockery but as a token of respect towards her, I daresay, primarch, because IMP was made using Luna's geneseed and Nightseer probably found some papers on that in the Canterlot ministry hubs??
Anyone knows some good mutiecorn fics or greens?
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>>3747 It's abandoned, sadly.
>>3418 So what happens when a non-pony is exposed to said substance? I guess what I was trying to get at is: Are they toxic just to be in the presence of? Basically, if you were to actually snuggle mutiecorn successfully, would you wake up the next day with a third eyeball or have a good ten years shaved off your lifespan or something?
>>3788 Hellhounds are what happens when Diamond dogs are exposed. So it's really a crapshoot. Mutiecorn's variant tends towards positive however. It's likely it could increase your lifespan or give you claws or even turn you into a betentacled horror.
>>3789 >Fuck mutiecorn >Grow more dicks
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>>3832 >Twiggy staring down the barrel with the magazine inserted I can't find a facehoof at the moment
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>Starlight's attempts at recreating Unity are met with failure
If it weren't for Fallout Equestria, I never would have tried out Fallout 3 or New Vegas. [s](Just like how the Dr Whooves content got me to get into Dr Who.)[/s] I'd heard about them and had plenty of respect for their place in the genre, but didn't get that push to actually try them out until reading the story. One of the things that jumped out at me about the story was how much of it felt like a playthrough of a game. I even went and picked up the physical printing of Fallout Equestria and Murky Number Seven.
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>>4233 >Physical copy Same Also some nigger offered me an original printing, then ghosted me
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>>4644 Stop being a dyke, pip.
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>>4648 Calamity fighting his brothers?
>>4649 Is it just me or does her tail seem impossible here?
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>>4715 Yeah it seems a bit fucky.
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Straight Pip is Best Pip
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“I’m not stalking you.”
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>>5067 Audibly keked, thanks
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>>5260 Pip is heterosexual
>>5246 Huh, I didn't know Inuhoshi did some Fallout Equestria art >>5229 Very pretty Pip, wow
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>>5326 >traditional art Very nice
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>>5332 Where's sniper rifle?
>>5333 He left it at home
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>>5336 I envy you, anon
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>>5338 >bellybutton unf
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>>5358 Anon, are you posting sketches you did over time or are you just that productive? Very cool art!
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>>5359 Done over the span of a few months. Haven't drawn anything new in weeks.
>>5360 post more, dude Also, what's your artist tag on twibooru or others?
>>5361 sodanium. Search on ponybooru. Most of my stuff is not yet on the others, last I checked.
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>>5362 They're on ponerpics.
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>>5381 How many seconds do I have left to live if I call her cute?
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>>5360 Velvet is extremely pretty. A shame she is a whiny stupid cunt.
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So I finally read Project Horizons. I only have one word to say about it: Damn.
>>5430 Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?
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>>5443 Both. But the good had more impact.
>>5464 cute banditmare
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>>5608 lmao
>>5612 Pyrelight probably enjoying it
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>>5625 Almost an incognito unicorn, horn's nearly completely hidden behind the hair.
>>5626 Her horn's not small. It's compact.
>>5627 Does it get bigger in use?
>>5626 >>5627 What if I complimented BJ on the size of her massive horn?
Even after all these years in the fandom and despite my passion towards fanfiction i still haven't read FoE. Yet, every time i see FoE art or listen to some FoE songs (like Waistland wailers stuff, flittzy's "Am i in control", Dashite song by stable-tec, etc.) i'm overtaken by these vague feelings of melancholy, sadness, longing for something. And also i know that once i'll have read these fics i'll certainly be late to the party, like, decade-late, and this realization adds to the feeling. I don't know, it's essentially a blogpost, but i just wanted to share it with someone. I'll definitely read both FoE and PH sometime next year.
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Whiskey Horse is sad
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>>5777 Whiskey Horse is happy
>>5784 Whiskey Horse is too precious
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>>2508 Replace Bethesda with Obsidian and we have a deal
man.... the fo:e thread is dead as fuck
>>8106 What would you like to talk about, anon?
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>>8106 >man.... the fo:e thread is dead as fuck Probably because the whole pony fandom has basically become an irradiated wasteland.
>>8106 I personally am not interested in it because it does not look good to me from a world standpoint, it's just MLP put into another media (granted a good one). I feel like a lot of the Fallout elements just don't fit in the pony world; how are ponies supposed to use the guns with their hooves? And couldn't unicorns just fight directly with magic instead of levitating guns? Merging the concepts of Fallout and My Little Pony is not necessarily impossible to do well, it's just that the pony world would have to be taken into account first and the fallout elements second and not just the first fallout game but with ponies. The ponies feel kind of like an afterthought to me. I get it, it's Fallout and the world is destroyed, but the destroyed world should actually be a destroyed Equestria instead of just elements from the fallout games with ponies inserted. I'm not going to say for sure there is nothing good in there because I have only read the first chapter; I just don't find the concept interesting and with my current knowledge this is my reasoning.
>>8111 >how are ponies supposed to use the guns with their hooves? Don't they generally use their mouth? >And couldn't unicorns just fight directly with magic instead of levitating guns? Combat spells are a rather rare ability, while telekinesis is nearly universal. Not arguing with the rest. It does just sort of insert random concepts from the Fallout games, though there is usually some sort of twist to make them fit better into the MLP setting. And is gradually explored what happened in wartime Equestria, primarily through the memory orbs. I kind of wonder if reading it while already having knowledge of the Fallout games causes more of that "awkwardness" than is literally in the text itself. As in I wish I could read it without the way I imagine things in it being determined by my hundreds of hours spent playing Fallout games.
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>>10902 Well-fed
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>>11598 BASED
>>11599 Fuck, I want a romance fic with anon and muties so bad!
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>>11600 I would love to see a trio of muties (assuming cut off from Unity) develop affection for someone. The shared consciousness could carry feelings and emotions across and the dynamic that would create would be very interesting. Are you romancing an individual or an part of a bigger entity?, could (You) even get close to one of them without the other two getting involved? (not that that would be bad). And failing all that there is always >picrel
>>11599 Imagine the warmth.
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Primaries coming up. Vote for Pip!
>>8110 Like poetry
>>11617 I love her
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Chainlink Shackles mare
>>13650 Neat drawings.
>>13653 First one is mine, the second is RustleRustle's
>>13653 Should I do another one? I think the mare version could be called Iron Bonds. I also have a story in the works.
>>13659 If you have the inspiration for a piece, might as well.
I hope nhnb gets more posters, my ISP caught a rangeban and I'm not paying to post.
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Murky Christmas, everyone
>>13667 one of us! what have you usualy been posting? looks like tranitors got especially arbitrary
>>13671 I mostly stuck to the foe thread and occasionally posted updates on some of the random crafts I rotate between. I also went to /ck/ to share recipes. These rangebans are fucking dumb and don't stop any shitposting, I checked /mlp/ and half of page 1 was no-effort prompt threads, EQG, and other shitpost threads yet I'm not allowed to post pictures of the plush I'm working on.
>>13672 very cool, anon crafts are great, plushes even moreso we have a deserted bunker for tempo here, you can post your plush there if you want someone will probably repost it in the main thread, several people making content did that, mostly in the snow thread
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>>16439 An update on this plush Stitches are coming undone and I need to re-stuff her and redo all the sewing. I could just make another plush but I've been sleeping next to this one for a year and a half now.
>>18288 Glad you're lurking, anon. Please, work on this plush. It's well done and cute and worth effort.
>>16439 Looks like a comfy pone.
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>>18481 My goodness that is a cute lilpip! Did you make her Anon?
>>18483 I did make her!
>>18512 You did a good job! She is very cute.
>>18481 What materials did you use to make her?
