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I need to post these mares Anonymous 08/29/2021 (Sun) 09:25:49 No. 2295
Can you come up with a short story about them?
>>2295 They certainly are cute. And they have a sort of boreal aesthetic which I haven't seen before.
>>2295 >"Hey-hey-hey! Look!" >"What? What is that thing?" >"It's a Snow Ape!" >"Snow Apes are a myth, sis." >"It's not a myth if it's standing right in front of you!" >"It's green though. And bald. Aren't Snow Apes supposed to be white and fluffy?" >"He probably wandered to the mud volcano field and got sick from all the sulfur. Poor thing." >"I think it's a male."
>>2295 >be me >on Antarctic expedition >somehow got lost from group >currently freezing to death >see something in the distance >maybe its the group >flail arms in the air to catch their attention >it works and they approach rather quickly >upon closer inspection they seem to be horses? >no that's not right they are to small to be horses >ponies then? >as they approach you, you can seen their features more clearly >the one in the front nears you with an excited? look on it's face >the middle one has a look of curiosity, while the back one seems more wiry >just before you could say anything you collapse form hypothermia and exhaustion >you hear them say something just before you blackout sorry if this green isn't that good it's my first time writefagging
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Warm snuggly snow mare!
>>2299 >>2301 Pretty good. Thanks.
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my waifu as a snowmare
>>2316 >Octavia in witness protection
>>2295 Wow what cuties!
>>2316 cute snowdonk
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>>2415 I love them.
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Snow ponies cute ponies.
>>2416 This must be unbelievably comfy. >ywn brush all the snowmares' winter coats off in spring.
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>>2424 >"During the warm summer, the hearty northern mares, the snowpons, feast on the plentiful bounties of the cascading rivers. The salmon provides an invaluable source of fats, proteins, minerals and shimishky. The latter helps in strenghtening their snowpityes for the harsh winter to come."
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>>2435 That one is adorable too.
>>2440 I must not have caught that one. It is super cute.
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Якутская лошадь - Сахам ата (Ваня Трофимов) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb1jpl7gs-Y
>>2469 I want to encounter a snowmare on a dark winter night.
>>2469 This image is reminding me of things I'd forgotten. Of the sound of boots on snow in the dark of night, when all else is silent. If there is something watching me, I cannot know. The snow dampens all sound, silences all trespassers. I fucken love spooky snowmares.
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>>2475 Neat.
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From Gartic Phone
How cold would the snowmare lands actually be? How cold would it have to be for the snowmares to start feeling cold?
>>2583 Somewhere around -50 in winter
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Here's another absolutely amazing pic from Marbo. Since the snow ponies are used to the snow, I wonder if they bargain with the wendigos to keep the north as frozen as it is?
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>>2295 I don't see the appeal of snow mares.
>>2856 I don't either, but at least its pony and its G4 stylized.
>>2856 You're strange.
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>>2856 it's just S1 slice of life. no big drama since theyre away from everything and innocent nonsense like fish and boots. they're boring to me but i can understand the appeal
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I can't believe no one's posted this one yet.
So, since snowpone thread fell off the catalog on /mlp/ and G5 shills successfully demoralized OP to not continue the thread here it is, for preservation:
>>3706 Not OP but the thread will be posted again in a week by either him, me or another anon.
>>3706 really? bootleg is still up and snowpone is much more popular. marbo carries it enough to get (you)s flowing
>>3732 >marbo I've been really enjoying his art. It's some good stuff.
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>>3742 i only checked in every now and then lurking for the art which was better than usual. but what was the deal with this austic screeching about generals while simultaneously being in a general?
>>3757 The thing was several years ago there was quite a number of more or less dead generals polluting the catalog, and so people complained about any new generals being formed and making the problem worse. What ended up happening in response to this was Scruffening 2.0 where all "prompt" threads were banned. The effect of this was that the majority of writefags ended up disappearing (as prompt threads is where a lot of the ideas came from). The ban was lifted a year or so later but the damage had been done and the writefags did not return. This problem has been mostly replaced by the spam problem these days. The other common complaint is that people who post in generals only post in their threads and thus do not benefit the rest of the board. So probably some combination of those two.
>>3760 sure that covers the general hate for generals, but not the cognitive dissonance that snowponies already was one, but still screaming about it 'becoming one' more than 10 threads in. hes a special kind of sperg. He wasnt aware of people just posting pics as a form of bumps?
>>3764 He's not a sperg. It was clearly a deliberate malicious intent. To remove as much content-producing or simply comfy threads from the catalog to grief people with spam, taking away all alternatives besides leaving or eat that shit.
>>3706 I really hope snowpony hype didn't die after this "break" because to be honest this look more like a sabotage from the people that always tried to kill this thread. At least with G5 we can stop being worried about the fags that try to mold the snowponies in something else. Anyway, I believe that move was more negative than anything else, without a constant place to create snowponies and keep the interest alive a lot of different artist will just move on and when the snowponies comes these artist will not just touch them again, they were already for two weeks, why touch them again. This is more a damage for the snowponies than anything else but if all the content creators just fall for this sabotage I guess that means that the snowponies never really have a chance to survive against the G5 shilling. Our last chance will really be the miss /mlp/ and the G5fags are already planning to make a move there
>>3766 We can have a bunker here, but I'd rather had a thread on /mlp/ to fight for our home.
>>3767 Maybe the best move would actually have a break until monday, because the shill will totally have more time in this weekend to push more threads with their shilling. Make this break actually reasonable instead of actually fall for the bait and actually kill the snowponies waiting two weeks.
>>3768 Good plan. Now all really left to do is somehow tell marbo about it.
>>3769 Maybe trying to give the message and the link of this bunker in his ponerpics, twibooru and derpibooru accounts? He was the ones that uploaded the first pics of snowponies in ponerpics. Maybe derpibooru too but I don't know if he will notice a message in that one https://ponerpics.org/profiles/Marbo https://twibooru.org/profiles/Marbo https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Marbo
>>3765 well that's one way to look at it. rage-concern trolling was not something i expected to see, every time i peeked into the thread it looked like everyone was having a good time so that came out of nowhere but didnt get deleted
>>3770 >>3769 the drawthread on /mlp/ is where he started, so thats where I would bet on finding him.
>>3772 Yeah, but at the same time would be kinda rude to just say in the thread "hey marbo this other thread is in a break until monday, so don't worry", also that would attract trolls to get ready the monday. It's a good move, would give the quickest results but at the same risky
>>3770 where'd you pull this twibooru profile from, i thought everything is anonymous over there?
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>>3779 I have that script that make you change from site to site so I just choose the one in ponerpic and choose another site. To be honest sound kinda dumb because I don't know how the script technically do this, also for some reason don't work when you choose ponybooru so I guess he don't have an account over there
>>3766 Just continue posting snowponies in other threads where they're relevant. The lack of bat thread doesnt stop them from being posted.
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>>3769 I just checked this thread out today, what's going on here? I'll quickly scroll around the thread
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>>3783 Oh okay so Monday a new thread will be made, got ya
Nice, not it's just to wait until monday. I hope the G5 shitposting calm down a little at that time. It's already calming down from the premiere so I have hope to return almost return to the normality
>>3783 >>3786 >It's him Been loving the art Anon. Those fluffy poners make me smile. Glad to see your still about with them.
I'm really bummed we lost the snowpone thread, but sounds like it'll be back Monday so that's good. It's been mostly the drawfrens carrying the thread lately, I plan to continue my green from the snowpony expedition thread on the main one to help out a bit between waiting for art.
>>3771 >so that came out of nowhere but didnt get deleted Take a guess at why it wasn't deleted.
>>3786 Would scream at boot with.
>>3779 If an artist link is set up it also shows up when you search for the artist tag.
>>3770 Also I'm usually good at lurking around but if you really need to contact me for whatever reason, contact me via Ponerpic. I check there more often.
>>3851 >set up artist links i thought only mods can do this?
>>3866 Yeah? The artist submits a request, "hey here's my tag, here's a URL to prove its me", the mods verify it and apply the link if it's true. Not sure where the confusion is.
>>3796 Excellent, the threads are in need of more writefags. Be sure to put what you've done in a ponepaste if you haven't already. Worst comes to worst, I'd hope to be able to continue writing here, though. It's been too enjoyable to have to give it up.
Random thought i had. The reason that the Yaks havent been absolutely buttfucked by windigo despite chimping out every few minutes is because snowponies keep the spirits relatively docile through rituals.
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>>3912 That just makes the snowponies sound bad. Since the yaks are trash that should not exist.
>>3913 The snowponies could not even realise the yaks exist, their rituals simply draw in windigo that would otherwise roam.
>for not fucking reason my range IP got banned from posting pics I feel like the fucking world don't want me to create the thread tomorrow. I really fucking hope someone here actually read this and create the thread tomorrow
>>3924 I see you Anon. I'll admit that I'm not really into the whole snowpony thing, but I'd have no problem making a thread if I get up tomorrow morning and don't see one. Using the OP at >>3707 right? Might I suggest including a link to this thread in the OP, much like what /bug/ does? Passive advertisement that lets people know alternative threads exist are always good.
>>3932 >Might I suggest including a link to this thread in the OP Not that anon, but I'd rather not. Discord retards who killed the thread the first time will begin concern trolling about ebil NHNB trying to siphon snowpone offboard! Ze horror!
>>3949 Then how are people supposed to know where to go when G5 spams it off the board?
>>3950 Then we better keep it afloat. I'd rather fight for our home than concede defeat and abandon /mlp/ like that.
>>3950 I've been hiding less threads when I wake up the past few days. Spam might be starting to slow down.
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Also, remember that barbie and G5 are the coordinated effort to bring the board down.
>>3951 >I'd rather fight for our home than concede defeat and abandon /mlp/ like that. How is this supposed to work when the moderation is wholly on their side?
>>3960 By producing content, having discussion and ignoring shitposters. Also, by using feedback form instead of just reporting. Supposedly feedback form goes to the admins/high ranking moderators instead of jannies/board mods. I have no doubt the /mlp/ staff is malicious, but there is a chance that higher ups aren't affiliated with their little game and will act upon evidence.
>>3961 Not sure if rose colored glasses or totally blind
>>3967 Not sure if retarded or a troll
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>>3969 Light the way fluffy snow poner.
>>3950 Some people already mentioned this thread as bunker before, so we can mention it again OUTSIDE the OP, maybe some post later or something like that, but totally keep that out the OP so no one attract these kind of fags
>>3974 I don't think it really matters. /bug/ links us in the OP. Also, is that other Anon still planning on making the thread on /mlp/?
Looks like the new thread's up: https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/37632648
>>3978 I hope, I tried again and the IP it's still banned. Also anyone that will make the thread just copy/paste this >>3707 But change the "previous thread" link to https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37567381/ instead that is the original one The subject would be "Snowpone thread #12"
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New art.
>>3974 literally all you need to demonstrate is the support for the bunker, if it's in the OP then it can't be screeched down as long as it's not made by a troll, but a legit longtime contributor. /bug/ did it right and /bootleg/ will be following suit soon
>>3982 >I hope, I tried again and the IP it's still banned. They banned OP of a comfy, content-producing, constructive thread. Coincidence? I think not.
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Took them long enough
>Posted as snowpone on the boorus Do you think she fires snowmballs with that thing?
>>3988 It's funny just how much the existence of this board makes the trolls seethe. They literally have no argument against it. All they can do is try to screech that the site is something that it isn't, like furshit, discord, rewatch stream, hugbox, offboarders, etc, when you can either just use your brain or spend two minutes on desu to figure out that none of those accusations are true.
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marbo is a gift from Celestia herself
>>3996 Yes, I love it.
>>3996 >The baby puffin riding in the foal carrier Unbelievably cute.
>>3996 I just imagine a bunch of the snowponies waiting at the top of the mountain and clapping their hooves to try and trigger the avalanche. Taking care of avalanche risk may be done as a safety thing but they can certainly have some fun while doing so.
>>3992 This thing shoots snowballs at 1/3 of the speed of light.
Some faggots back at the main board are trying to flood snowpone thread with unrelated bullshit. Just fucking perfect.
>>4080 wtf, /mlp/ jannies did some work for once
>>3878 Just posted the continuation of my green on /mlp/, I hope people like it, last thing I want to do is fill the thread with garbage. I do have a ponepaste now where I’ve been separating it in parts, but I didn’t link it, don’t know if I should combine the parts into one singular paste or keep them separated as I wrote them.
>>4107 There's no real rules or consensus beyond a lot of people treating each paste as a chapter when something is long enough for that kind of delineation. Certainly, it's what I do but I've seen some others use just the one paste for the whole thing. I'd say your best bet would be to break it into separate pastes when it feels like there's a natural break in the narrative that would warrant it. For example, if RD returns to the snowpone village with Meadow, that could be a good point at which to end the first paste and then start the next. Don't worry about shitting up the threads with your writing though, that's a common enough worry among writefags and entirely without any basis in reality for the most part. Generally, if people don't like it then remember where you're posting it and how likely they'll be to tell you that. Don't mistake a lack of responses for a lack of interest or even people disliking it, as well. Personally, as I said before, I'm counting myself among those that're really enjoying what you've got going so keep at it.
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>>4120 >speedy
>>4081 I reported one of them for racism and 2 of their posts for "Offtopic". For once it actually worked, I was shocked.
>>4124 >reported one of them for racism Kek.
>>4107 Hey I don't respond to your stuff in the thread, but since you seem anxious about it, its good. Don't fret over it, you aren't shitposting and it is fun content. Thank you.
>>4107 The content is appreciated. It's just sometimes difficult to come up with a comment more than "nice" or "thanks" and so I think a lot of people just don't. they should though if they appreciate it.
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>>4107 Content is ALWAYS appreciated
>been banned myself now Ironic. I had quite a few ideas I was going to post too.
>>4155 Can always post some here ^:)
>>4117 >>4129 >>4130 >>4132 Thanks so much anons, I really appreciate the interest. I'm a pretty anxious person so hearing my green isn't too bad makes me feel a lot better.
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>>4163 Might as well. If anyone wants to post them in the thread they are welcome to. What if snowponies for Nightmare Night build scary snowmonsters, with icicles for teeth and horns? Arctic Ink could paint spooky paintings or masks for the foals, Flurry since she likes cooking could make themed treats, Niveous would probably get a kick out of spooking people more than usual. See the attached chart, M4 (I think the name Ice Elated [Isolated because she's a loner] had been suggested for her) could return to the settlement and tell spooky stories of her expeditions alone far north, while her sister Cold Shoulder makes a fuss of her after returning. Really bums me out I can't post them in the thread at the moment.
>>4177 >Arctic Ink could paint spooky paintings or masks for the foals, Flurry since she likes cooking could make themed treats, Niveous would probably get a kick out of spooking people more than usual. Whittle Hoof could make spooky carvings to decorate homes and as props for stories, and Puffins could enlist the help of her feathered friends to see if this is the year she can turn the scares back on Niveous. >M4 (I think the name Ice Elated [Isolated because she's a loner] had been suggested for her) could return to the settlement and tell spooky stories of her expeditions alone far north You know she'd have a little pouch the foals all crowd around and ask her to open because she always has some artefact from her travels. Say, for example, what looks like a simple icicle but even when held against the fire it doesn't melt. Why? Is it a floewolf tooth? Oh no, it's from something far deadlier: the talon of a dreaded drift burrower. If you go far enough north, across the northern sea, you might see things that should not be. Things that exist only to hate and hurt. Things that move under the snow and ice and when snowponies bed down for the night, reach up through it and pull them down to their frozen doom. That's why the talon is so sharp; it has to be to claw its way through such thick ice and packed snow. And it was one night in particular that Ice Elation awoke to find herself within the pitch-black of a drift burrower's lair... Or something like that. I've been racking my brain for some spooky stories to write up for Nightmare Night so if you haven't something planned yourself, I'd happily use that idea. Ice Elation recounting some stories from her travels would make a good framing device, too. >while her sister Cold Shoulder makes a fuss of her after returning. I like to think that's part of Cold Shoulder presenting Ice Elation with the cloak in one of the drawings. No, Cold is not going to let her head off to places the stars don't shine without something to keep her warm and remind her of home. When Ice returns, it's inevitably looking more raggedy and probably torn in a few places which leads to Cold Shoulder chiding her and fussing greatly over it. And she's scaring the foals too much! She should be getting her cloak repaired and warming herself by the fire at home, Cold just put on a pot of tea. Honestly, she's gone all year and when she does come home, the least she could do is take a rest. Which Ice just accepts because she still loves her sister. Maybe that's part of why she adventures as she does - somepony has to hold back the monsters that threaten those she cares about.
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>>4180 >Whittle Hoof could make spooky carvings to decorate homes and as props for stories, and Puffins could enlist the help of her feathered friends to see if this is the year she can turn the scares back on Niveous. Yes and yes, both would be great. Perhaps Dry Kindling could help oversee a large bonfire that is traditionally maintained all the night, earlier on in the night the foals have their fun and its a celebration, and then later the shamans and the older snowpones remember those passed and share the warmth of friendship by the fire. >I've been racking my brain for some spooky stories to write up for Nightmare Night so if you haven't something planned yourself, I'd happily use that idea. Ice Elation recounting some stories from her travels would make a good framing device, too. I like that idea, the pouch that fascinates the foals, the stories of adventure and danger; please use that idea, its a good one. I like the drift burrower! The Crystal Forest probably has all manners of hazards of its own, not just the environment, and at night, with no light to twinkle on the crystalline "leaves", its a exhaustingly cold, bleak forest of near invisible trees reflecting thinly starlight, and who knows what else lurks there... >Cold fussing over Ice and Ice doing what she does out of love for her community Brilliant lore, Cold is assuredly proud of her sister but still frets over her, and Ice makes out like she doesn't need fussing over but loves it really, she feels home the most when Cold is being so considerate. I think Ice is older than Cold, and seems to be closer to Bundle Up's age, they were probably fillies together.
An anon compiled a list of all the songs created in snowpone threads. https://ponepaste.org/5819
>>4188 I find it amazing that it has amassed so many songs. Usually you get green, you get art, but not music as much.
>>4189 Snowponies are amazing. Really shows why horsefuckery stands aside every other fandom. Ponies aren't just some IP. Ponies are life and soul.
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I'll post this here too >>4177 >>4180 >>4181 I've been loving all the ideas here too, I really need to do more spooky snowmare art
>>4193 This is amazing! I wonder what has brought them so far north.
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>>4194 I think it might be related to this.
>>4195 Come to retrieve their friend Derpy then? I could see Derpy somehow getting super far off course on one of her deliveries.
>>4196 No, they are looking for Dash. Might also be related to that Anon who went on a snowmobile looking for snowpones and lost their Dash plush they took with them.
>>4197 >they are looking for Dash. That would make sense, considering that's what Twilight's saying in the first panel. I must have just spaced that. >spoiler Also a plausible explanation.
>>4181 >Perhaps Dry Kindling could help oversee a large bonfire that is traditionally maintained all the night Now I really like that. Foals earlier in the night help gather wood for the bonfire but dedicated tenders like Dry Kindling handle keeping it fed and under control. But since she’s snowponified Anonfilly, I also like the thought of her angrily protesting to, say, Crackling Fire that she can stay up and maintain it. Only to eventually tire out and awaken later in the night with a fur blanket over her back. When she awakes, Crackling Fire claims to know nothing about it and is only glad to have her back to help keep the fire going through the rest of the early morning. >earlier on in the night the foals have their fun and its a celebration, and then later the shamans and the older snowpones remember those passed and share the warmth of friendship by the fire. I love it. Especially if the foals lie down by their elders, one by one, as the night goes on only to be briefly woken when the ceremony takes place. Calmer after a nap, they enjoy hearing the stories of loved ones and a few might even venture to add their own tales of elderly relatives. Some would drift off back to sleep, though, comforted by the words of their elders as they speak of loved ones now gone. Though their land is harsh and that night ushers in a darker and harder season, as long as they have each other the kind spirits they nourish together will see them through any hardship. >The Crystal Forest probably has all manners of hazards of its own, not just the environment, and at night, with no light to twinkle on the crystalline "leaves", its a exhaustingly cold, bleak forest of near invisible trees reflecting thinly starlight, and who knows what else lurks there... Perfect. What a wonderful contrast between the serenity and beauty of it during the day and how drastically it changes without light to illuminate it. The trees themselves becoming hazards is a marvellous idea and, for example, the image of floewolves stalking between them with only the light of their eyes refracted by the crystal trunks is a little unsettling. How they suddenly disappear when strange noises drift up from further in the valley; if such things can frighten even the terrible floewolves, what could they possibly be? Some kind of shapeshifter, perhaps, something composed of crystal. Old ‘leaves’ from the trees swept about by wisps of wind from the windigos further north that slowly took on some of their malice. When it steps forth from between the trees—as such a being has no difficulty navigating them—it looks subtly wrong. Oh it’s snowpone-shaped alright but even aside from the odd, jagged angles of its body, the way it catches the moonlight isn’t right. Night is a sacred time, where the moon and stars shine gentle, rarefied light upon the world but the ice stalkers (need to think of a better name) twist it and turn it into something malevolent where the crystal trees beautifully refract the daylight.
>>4210 It lulls the unwary further into the valley with gentle ‘singing’ by vibrating its crystalline body. What happens there, none have returned that may say. Honestly, though, with a setting like that there’s a lot you could do with monster designs and such. Especially if you subscribe to the idea of the great icebergs of the far north holding strange creatures in them. >I think Ice is older than Cold Absolutely what I was thinking and I'm glad to see I wasn't alone. Cold grew up watching her sister's strength and stoicism and tried her best to emulate that, which is partly what resulted in her grumpy demeanour. The other, larger, part of that is trying to deal with her own worrying over Ice being gone for such long periods and to such far-flung places. Bundle Up being her peer is wonderful and I think would add a really nice touch to Cold having her make a cloak and boots for Ice. Cold trying to convince Bundle Up that Ice needs something to keep her safe in places where the wind cuts as deeply as a knife and the snow and ice are colder than death. Bundle Up shaking her head and assuring Cold that Ice is the hardiest mare in the village, maybe even all the lands, and if there's anypony who doesn't need protection it's probably her. Still, if nothing else it’d be a token of home that’d warm her heart as much as her body. Even as a filly, Ice Elation would go off exploring by herself, always feeling the wind tugging at her mane to see what else lies out in the world. If Bundle Up was as sickly as a filly, I could easily see her being the one to fuss over Ice back then. How their personalities might lead to clashes but over time Ice comes to realise that Bundle Up only does it out of genuine care and concern with Ice becoming somewhat protective of her. Cold Shoulder being born only further seals it - she understands Bundle Up’s behaviour now. >Cold is assuredly proud of her sister but still frets over her, and Ice makes out like she doesn't need fussing over but loves it really, she feels home the most when Cold is being so considerate. She’d never say it but there are times when she misses the warmth and familiarity of her home. Yes, when she returns there is that bit of exasperation at having her independence stepped upon but when she’s lying by the fire with her sister, surrounded by her friends in the village, she remembers her fillyhood and how they were always there for her to help her when she was sick or hurt from her adventures. And still are.
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>>4210 >The Dry Kindling/Crackling Fire interaction Aw, cute! (And a good way to cover I got the wrong pony first time around, I had meant Crackling for it, but I like this more). >Some would drift off back to sleep, though, comforted by the words of their elders as they speak of loved ones now gone. Though their land is harsh and that night ushers in a darker and harder season, as long as they have each other the kind spirits they nourish together will see them through any hardship. I'd imagine in particular any foals who have had the tragedy of losing a parent (or both parents, but I'd like to think that is rather rare, a little too edgy perhaps) that year are given especial attention, and they'd be reminded more than ever that they belong and are loved. That they aren't alone and never will be, and their parent's memories live on with the community, as does their love for their foals. If the spirit summoning aspect is accepted as well, that would bring great comfort to them. >the shapeshifter/ice stalker (and how one would spook even the dangerous floewolves) >and how it sings Brilliant! I love it. I couldn't myself think of something like that to be more unique to the forest, but that idea of yours fits the bill perfectly. The name really isn't too bad already but it does seem like there could be a better one, but if not, it works for now just fine. >>4211 >Honestly, though, with a setting like that there’s a lot you could do with monster designs and such. Especially if you subscribe to the idea of the great icebergs of the far north holding strange creatures in them. I definitely subscribe to that idea, I'm a big fan of their world being big and scary and yet small and cosy at the exact same time. >the entire Cold Shoulder/Ice Elation/Bundle up lore Perfect! I wish I had more to say in response but what I can say is I love the ideas, Cold and Ice's interactions when younger and Bundle showing her caring side even as a filly (fits her "big sis" to the foals aspect wonderfully). >She’d never say it but there are times when she misses the warmth and familiarity of her home. Yes, when she returns there is that bit of exasperation at having her independence stepped upon but when she’s lying by the fire with her sister, surrounded by her friends in the village, she remembers her fillyhood and how they were always there for her to help her when she was sick or hurt from her adventures. And still are. I love snowponies so much.
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>>4236 Super cozy. What flavor is the tea?
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>>4237 According to anon from the thread >pic related
>>4238 Very nice.
>>4238 Honestly, that sounds like it would be pretty good.
>>4238 >all ingredients that they wouldnt be able to get.in frozen north
>>4243 Just means Pine Ponder's special talent will be more of use. She'll have to get real creative with what she can find.
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Goodnight over here too
>>4262 >So cute and cuddly I will likely be heading to bed soon as well, goodnight Anon!
>>4262 Sleep tight, snowponer. And you, Anon. >>4263 Not forgetting you, either. Get comfy under some furs and drift off to dreams of snowpones.
>>4243 The Kirin throw them on rafts and let them drift into snowmare territory. Probably. I dunno.
>>4210 >>4181 >>4180 >>4177 >>4211 >>4213 When I can post again tomorrow, how should I go about it? I don't want to steal your ideas, should I just post pretty much my original post with some modifications, and if you wish to respond with yours there, you can?
>>4268 I would've said to post screencaps but reposting the text is probably more likely to generate further discussion and I'm interested to see what other ideas might come up. And don't worry about 'stealing my ideas', this was a discussion, I wouldn't have posted any of that without your own input. If you want to post it yourself I've no qualms about it or I can repost my own if you'd prefer.
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Patch designs are being voted on if any was interested https://strawpoll.online/Results/8268
>>4278 I like a lot of those.
>>4276 Alright, thank you. I think I'll repost my original post as it was with a little modification to include some of the ideas from my later replies to yours, consolidating. It might be a little confusing but I think it would be better than duplicated the discussion itt exactly. Won't be for another 12-13 hours until I can post anyway. >>4278 I love 2, but all are good. 6 gets a laugh, those posts always make me smile.
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Suppose the board over there is a little odd due to the anniversary stuff.
Do you think there's a point far enough north where the snow never thaws? I think it would be pretty cool if there was somewhere where the snowponies could produce large and impressive sculptures out of snow and ice and have them last basically forever.
>>4419 Maybe they have some sort of magic that can make regular snow behave like permafrost.
>>4430 Maybe, but having it be a distance away would be a good excuse for them to make something like an annual pilgrimage. See the structures their ancestors made so long ago.
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>>4177 Posting here as well, I'm liking all the Nightmare Night ideas, expect some more from me.
>>4440 This is fantastic! I'm looking forward to whatever else you've got planned.
>>4440 That's an amazing scene.
>>4419 I think during the discussion on the annual meeting in Snowpitt it was suggested that each village brings something unique to their area, and the snowponies living in the far north would bring sculptures that wouldn't melt under any circumstance.
Hey everyone, I compiled my green starring RD and Meadow Frost into a ponepaste at last, been having fun at the stream and reading up on some snowpone lore from previous threads so apologies for not continuing sooner, I'll have the next section up by tomorrow. https://ponepaste.org/5843
>>4419 I really like that idea. >>4431 Coupled with this one. >>4440 Oh wow wow wow, I wasn't able to respond in the thread since it was dead by the time I came back online, but I am glad I can respond here. That's incredible. >Ice Elation's face says it all >Niveous being sneaky >Podzol being agressive >Evergreen being spooked, Frostbite a little unsure too >Artic Ink's ink attack! Too perfect just wonderful. >>4450 Glad to hear it, I hope a new thread is up soon. I still think there is enough ingenuity going on for now for one to be rolling. It is a right shame so many spammy low quality threads are up at the moment (and not all G5 ones either, not bashing at this point)
>>4419 What about relief carvings on the icebergs the sculptures are built on? I'm not sure about constructing the kind of infrastructure needed to scale it safely, especially that far away from their villages, but I still like the idea of it acting almost as a record of their ancestors. Each generation adds their own carvings to the face of the iceberg and each tribe has their own motifs. Large sections feature carvings where the tribes will intermingle their designs, to proudly declare their friendship. At the very top is a high relief carving showing the first snowpones who made their way there, gathered together to create the beautiful ice and snow sculptures upon the frozen plain. A reminder always that no matter where in their lands a snowpone might find oneself, the courageous spirits of their kith and kin are with them. What would those sculptures be, though? >>4445 Inspired by that and one part of the design for the snowpone equivalent of Hearth’s Warming I’ve been working on (I know it’s not even Nightmare Night yet but the green I’m writing about Ice Elation will end with her referencing that holiday) there is one sculpture I have in mind. At the centre of the locale where the sculptures sit is a great star carved from ice. Around it are positioned fires that’re part of the reason snowpones make pilgrimages - to keep them fed and lit. The star acts sort of like a lighthouse, surely guiding travellers even through the darkest winter months. Yes, they can rely on the stars of the sky but the sight of the refracted light spilling across the plain and illuminating the other sculptures is just as beautiful. >>4450 You have no idea how excited I am to read more! Don’t be afraid to drop another link to your ponepaste as it might’ve been missed at the end of the last thread. >>4451 >Evergreen being spooked, Frostbite a little unsure too I’m going to imagine that, upon realising Evergreen is hiding behind her, Frostbite resolves to face her fear and stand up for her friend. The cold will never claim another snowpony so long as there’s something she might do about it. And as clichéd as it may be, that’s what prompts Evergreen to join the fight; her friends have all committed themselves to it, they’ve shown courage worthy of any of the great heroes and so she won’t let them down. She’s not merely a fish, she is the mighty Pisces! Like the great torrents those two fish together direct, Evergreen will gather her strength together and unleash it as a wave of fury upon the frostwolf!
>>4452 >What about relief carvings on the icebergs the sculptures are built on? I think a giant ice cave might be better, won't get buried under the snow. Another idea could be that most of the time the area is too cold for even the snowponies to venture. Only a brief window of time that they can make the journey and even then they must bundle up. Could have it be due to bordering some wendigo homeland? Early legend could be that ancient snowpony explorers could have been trapped in the cave (to weather the extreme cold) and started making carvings to pass the time (since the snowpones seem to have a decent relationship with the wendigos, perhaps they could have helped them out with food?). They would have returned to the snowpony villages once that brief part of the year came around again, having many tales to tell of their journeys.
>>4452 Pine Ponder/Pine Needle's ancestors could have made a large pinecone carving or sculpture. Would be rather pretty made out of ice. Sculptures of the zodiac signs would make sense too I suppose. Perhaps even "snowponised" Celestia/Luna statues from long long ago? >At the centre of the locale where the sculptures sit is a great star carved from ice. Around it are positioned fires that’re part of the reason snowpones make pilgrimages - to keep them fed and lit. The star acts sort of like a lighthouse, surely guiding travellers even through the darkest winter months. Yes, they can rely on the stars of the sky but the sight of the refracted light spilling across the plain and illuminating the other sculptures is just as beautiful. I love this idea! Perhaps even a lone shaman takes it upon themselves to look after it, living alone in the far north. Ice Elation and other ponies like her from other tribes/communities could bring news and supplies to them. >Evergreen stepping up and Frostbite being brave and courageous again Frostbite is really growing on me, I like her determination and spirit. Evergreen might not be as bold or forward as her friends on the surface but when things come down to it she too is just as brave and true of heart as any snowpony united with friends against danger! (Albeit made of ice and decorations...) >>4456 Like a grand underground ice cavern? >Could have it be due to bordering some wendigo homeland? Could be, the snowpones and windigos do have a curious relationship of tribute and careful respect. Maybe some of the things they do there are to show signs of respect for their power and to keep the peace between them. >(since the snowpones seem to have a decent relationship with the wendigos, perhaps they could have helped them out with food?). Perhaps the windigo's in their own strange way admired the determination of these ancient explorers and wanted to give them a fair chance. That would also make the explorers upon returning home tell the tales of their aid as just one of the many they accumulated.
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>>4495 Are these ghost pones or just spooky living pones? Also, those rocks that light the way are pretty interesting. I'd imagine they'd be very valuable during the long arctic nights.
>>4498 The special night is near, don't forget to lay crystals in the forest to guide the lost spirits closer to home
>>4456 Oh derp, when I said "faces" what I meant were the sides of the icebergs facing over the water. So snowpones approaching by boat would see the carvings on their way. However >I think a giant ice cave might be better, won't get buried under the snow. is a fantastic idea and using the legend as a justification for the snow and ice sculptures as well as the pilgrimage is perfect. Perhaps over time the cave has been excavated and built into, with beds and provisions for those visiting? Different tribes enjoy leaving regional specialities for their friends to try. Would they have expanded and built into the cave over time? Perhaps if larger groups travel there they might need the extra space or if they do leave provisions, the space to store them. And as they carve into the walls of the cave, more of it is excavated to make more room for more carvings. >Could have it be due to bordering some wendigo homeland? Even more reason for them to go together in groups, though I also like the idea of Ice Elation (or other snowpones experienced with the regions up there) accompanying them. In Ice's case both to provide some measure of reassurance and to then travel on to other places, as she so often does. >They would have returned to the snowpony villages once that brief part of the year came around again, having many tales to tell of their journeys. I'm not sure if the windigos have such a mutualistic relationship with the snowpones that they'd offer food, though you could certainly say what food they find they assumed was left by the windigos. Though whatever the case, I do like the idea that it was a band of explorers who became temporarily stranded. Others venture there to create their own sculptures, maintain the old ones, and to return with their own stories of what they saw. Traditions that may not always make sense (but do to the snowpones) lend a real sense of verisimilitude to the world, I think. >>4485 >Pine Ponder/Pine Needle's ancestors could have made a large pinecone carving or sculpture. Would be rather pretty made out of ice. Perhaps after hearing a few hushed legends of a 'crystal forest' that nopony has ever seen? Whether it's true or not, the idea itself is impossible to resist and so they carve an enormous ice pinecone to capture some of the beauty that place must surely hold. Or even just out of their own veneration of the forests and their tireless caretaking of them. A reminder in that harsh, treeless place that they aren't forgotten. >Perhaps even a lone shaman takes it upon themselves to look after it, living alone in the far north. Ice Elation and other ponies like her from other tribes/communities could bring news and supplies to them. I think that'd suit Ice Elation particularly well, given her penchant for adventuring alone. One last place before she sets out into the wilderness, with a snowpone who understands that remaining apart from others can be necessary. Would the shaman inhabit the ancient cave? When a group from one of the tribes makes their journey up there, it's an opportunity to share in company once again and join them as they set above creating new sculptures. Sharing the news of their homes, bringing small gifts as thanks for the shaman staying in that place to watch over things.
Writing about the snowpones is so much fun, I was really nervous posting the first time but I'm really glad I did, just knowing people enjoy my little stories makes me so happy.
>>4565 I have been rather enjoying them as well even if I haven't gotten around to producing any content for them yet.
>>4570 That's alright Anon, it took me a while to get started, but when I did inspiration took hold pretty quickly. Even when I wasn't making anything, I tried to let content makers know I appreciated what they made, now I know just a simple thank you can make a world of difference.
>>4572 >now I know just a simple thank you can make a world of difference It's a sentiment I've seen touched on in various threads in the past; writefags especially seem to often be overlooked and some do feel like giving up. The nature of the beast, I suppose, given it's an imageboard. It's partly why I always try to leave some encouragement for writefags in particular, as I know what it's like to put up something and get little in the way of a response. And some might say "you're just looking for (You)s" which isn't entirely wrong. I don't think I've ever met someone who puts a creation out publicly and doesn't at least to some degree appreciate acknowledgement. But more often what I see is the feeling you've expressed: that you enjoy doing what you do and more than anything want to give something for others to enjoy. So if you're reading this and you're one of those people who doesn't like leaving 'just' a "thanks" or whatever because you think it's not enough or you don't want to take up a post with it or whatever it might be, don't worry about it. Because no matter how little you may think it is, it absolutely means the world to most creators. I'm so glad you got over your nervousness, Anon, because again I know what that feels like. Once you do, though, it's much easier to keep going as that confidence builds. For what it's worth I'm proud of you and hope it'll only mean we can look forward to ever more writing from you in the future. >>4570 Don't worry about it, Anon. If it's nerves then the best way to combat that really is to take the unicorn by the horn and go at it. You'll feel a lot better afterwards, especially when you see people like what you create. If it's a lack of inspiration, don't worry about that either. There's still plenty of activity on the threads and more ideas coming up all the time.
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>>4583 >If it's nerves More than anything it's a lack of time. So much poniponi to be had but so little time to do it. >>4588 A very lovely image. I bet the mid-winter cuddle piles are absolutely incredible.
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>>4588 It truly touched my heart that my silly little poem inspired such a beautiful picture, as well as my green inspiring this one, I'm so honored. I wish I could update faster, but I've been far busier than I expected to be lately.
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>>4591 >A very lovely image. I bet the mid-winter cuddle piles are absolutely incredible. I don't think I could imagine a comfier, warmer and nicer place to be snuggled. >>4595 Your green's updated are always something to look forward to, I thank you for doing it.
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the thread on the other site seems to be going rather downhill at least this fantastic art is coming out of it
>>4719 Unfortunate to hear, but I do agree about the art. These are some cute pones.
Some fags are trying to derail the other thread with guro and similar shit, just fucking great.
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>silly snowmares are silly
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Should there be a special snowpone day? Maybe something like the first day of Winter since it's coming up in a bit over a month.
>>4860 This image seems a good fit for the day. I'll admit that I pretty much completely forgot about Halloween coming up.
>>4861 There’s the winter solstice in December, perhaps it’s when the connection to the spirit world is at its strongest and sort of like a day of the dead deal where the spirits of the departed are able to return and visit their loved ones for a day.
>>4886 Winter solstice sounds pretty good. Though depending on how far north they actually are, there may not be any daylight at all.
>>4890 I don't think I've ever settled on how north most of the tribes are, aside from Snowpitt being almost dead center between Mt. Everhoof and the northern ocean. Actually, I'm not certain the other tribes actually have names, or I've somehow forgotten them.
>>4920 >Mt. Everhoof >A mountain so tall that no pony has ever ascended it There's got to be some good legend for what might be hiding at the top of it. >how north I always imagined them super far north, near the border between Equestria and the wendigo lands.
>>4921 >here's got to be some good legend for what might be hiding at the top of it. What about >On the top of the frozen peak of the Mt. Everhoof there is a huge windigo nest where they hoard hatred they take from ritualistic boots
>>4922 >Snowpones getting their aggression out on boots also serves as tribute to wendigos Pretty funny. >a huge windigo nest where they hoard hatred they take from ritualistic boots Or maybe it's where the largest boot in Equestria is, the world may never know.
>>4923 Or Mt. Everhoof IS the world's largest boot. But nopony notices because it's been totally encased in stone.
>>4924 Yes. The boot of the gods had descended from the sky. May all fear the day when the other boot comes down.
I wonder where did Marbo go. There wasn't anything new from him in a while.
>>5134 Hopefully he didn't burn out. I quite liked his art.
What's up with the hate for snowpones on /mlp/ recently? Barbiefags being livid that the board produced nice new content instead of stale shitflinging? I honestly don't understand.
>>5175 I tend to stay away from /mlp/ after my last round of bannings from the tranitors. When did this start?
>>5175 I know better than to hate stuff, but I don't really like seeing a good idea like snowponies get diluted hard like as the focus of a general - same goes for greens. It's happened a lot to things that I like.
>>5177 How exactly is it being diluted? All the greens, poetry, songs and majority of art with snowpones came out of the general thread. Without people gathering and talking about things any idea will be just a stillborn eject.
>>5176 It was going for a while. Discordniggers probably hate that the board still can produce quality content instead of stagnating into neverending shitshow and try to scare people off from anything good to make everyone equally miserable. Also, not long ago some sperg got his balls twisted about pones eating fish. The usual suspects decided that's a good new way to farm (you)s, since barbieshit and G% got a bit stale. Then someone nominated Frosty Flakes for Miss /mlp/ and she beat Fluttershy...
>>5175 Remember when snowponies were brand new, and the very first thing that happened was derpibooru trying to steal it as their own creation? I guarantee you those exact same people are the ones shitting up the thread. One look at all the reddit buzzwords and soyjacks they use should tell you all you need to know that offboarders are at work. >>5179 It's a compounding issue. >Existing trolls emboldened by twimod stating that they aren't going to enforce GR3, because reasons >Recent /qa/ poster migration from their favela getting nuked >Offboarder influx to tamper with miss /mlp/ to own le evil nazi 4chan, as they've done every year The winning move is to just ignore them and continue posting cute snowmares.
>>5180 Minor issue - GR3 is heavily enforced.
>>5181 No, it's not. At best it's now selectively enforced, usually for the threads like /sun/ and /moon/ that had the worst of it. Even so /sun/ has barbie bait in it right now. For me personally I've reported close to a dozen blatant troll/(you)bait posts just in this month, but nothing ever happens to them. I could have worded that point better, what I meant is that the trolling/shitposting got exponentially worse after the town hall sticky.
>>5182 I'm fairly certain that shitposters and offboard raiders work in conjunction with jannies and probably with mod or two as well.
I haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but what a dumpsterfire on /mlp/ you guys made When did it get so autistically unbearable? it's like /nmp/ levels.
>>5186 >but what a dumpsterfire on /mlp/ you guys made A couple of greens, bunch of art, one or two poems, some music, that kind of stuff >When did it get so autistically unbearable? it's like /nmp/ levels. It's like discordnigger level of argumentation.
>>5192 I'm talking about miss /mlp/ but reading through the thread archives it looks like you're always like this. sad
>>5195 >I'm talking about miss /mlp/ Thanks for giving credit for your hard work to others, Anon. Truly altruistic. Have a (you).
>>5199 >Merely pretending Why bother? Miss /mlp/ is noticeably quieter suddenly with the new thread everyone posting their mares except (You). It's obvious you got banned for your autistic shitflinging this general constantly does. It's a shame that this is just /nmp/2.0 with all the hyper narrow hostility anytime someone doesn't dance to the same monkey beat
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>>5201 Dude, that's some awesome projection, ngl
Welp, Thread archived. I suggest to wait until monday like the last time. It helped a lot after all
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What is it about this pageant that seems to have lowered the quality of every thread on the board?
>>5301 >lowered the quality of every thread on the board Pageant itself has nothing to do with it. If you didn't notice, a couple of days before the pageant mods nuked /qa/.
I am so tired of the fish autism I really am. I don't mind them eating fish myself but its hardly important, its bogging the threads down something fierce now. >>5236 I would have liked that but it seems like we rolled straight into another.
>>5304 Discord trannies are at their usual shit, nothing new.
>>5304 It's been fairly active compared to the last one, even without the fish tirade. Plenty of art, an updated green, and more worldbuilding.
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>>5407 >Snowpone in her natural habitat
>>5407 Are reindeer sapient? Do snowpones consider them savages?
>>5424 If the cows and other animals in FiM are sapient, then I'd imagine the reindeer would be as well if going by the same rules. Personally I would think they're on the same level as Fluttershy's animal friends. They probably don't talk but would likely be friendly with the snowpones.
>>5424 >>5435 Do you faggots even watch the show?
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>>5478 I'll admit I forgot reindeer made an appearance in the show. Still I think it'd be a bit odd to have another fully sapient species living around the snow ponies. Kind of takes a way a little bit from the isolation factor of them being where they're at.
>>5478 I haven't watched an episode since the S3 finale aired ^:)
>>5493 But FiM has only two seasons, Anon
>>5494 It's actually just one and a half seasons.
Seems like marbo quit. A shame, I really love his snowpone snippets.
>>5515 Hopefully he's just taking a break. I've quite enjoyed his art as well, both snowpone and otherwise.
>>5515 Didn't he say his exams were coming up? I figured he was focusing on that. I haven't noticed him anywhere else either.
>>5519 That would be a perfectly reasonable explaination. So long as it's not burn out or anything like that. Totally fine waiting for some good artwork, I just hope to one day see some new stuff from him.
>>5520 Looking back I can't find anything about exams, but I could've sworn I saw him mention being in uni somewhere, and it's about that time.
Are the snowpones really going away for a few weeks on /mlp/? If that’s the general consensus then I’m fine with it but I’m concerned it’s a forced shutdown. Sure it was a bit slow but it’s only natural considering people are busy for the short holiday break, I feel there’s still plenty of discussion to be had.
>>5556 Can always think up new stuff for when it comes back, or work on any new content if that's your thing. I will say that I think that winter time would be the ideal time to discuss snow ponies and all. So maybe a new thread could be made at the shorter end of a few weeks.
>>5558 Well alright then. Actually, this downtime could be a great opportunity to make a compendium of general information for each of the snowpones. Not that the info should be set in stone, but to help writefags who want a base to get started from. It shouldn’t be too hard to dig around and see what’s more or less been established for some individual ponies, and the info chart could be added to the OP next time.
>>5556 >Everything is forced seek help
>>5519 He did? Where did he say that?
it's feeshmas!
>>5791 >It's beginning to smell a lot like feeshmas I love the boot as the star on top.
>>5791 Merry Feeshmas to everyone!
marbo, at least tell us you're OK. We miss you, bro.
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>>6932 Those are some chunky ponies.
>>6938 It's necessary when you're living in freezing temperatures.
Well, I guess this is dead and just join to the club of Flavor of the month. I guess we were a low tier of moth pony at the end of the day
>>7074 No wonder. marbo was the one who kept the thread afloat, inspiring other drawfags and writefags with his art. The thread stagnated when he stopped posting. I hope to God he's OK.
>>7074 for what its worth i really enjoyed dropping by every now and then those threads were always very comfy
>>7075 >>7076 At least it was a good run, better a little rush of creativity and then peaceful sleep than just turn into a bumpfest general or become so popular than the offboarders start changing the canon. We already took a taste of that with that dude in twitter going anti meat, if the snowponies were really popular we would lose that fight
>>7078 >than just turn into a bumpfest general Anon...
>>7074 I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, Anon. The amount of genuine love, activity and content that snowponies managed to produce in just a few short months is nothing short of a miracle this late in /mlp/ history. In case you haven't noticed, /mlp/ in its entirety has been really struggling hard the last couple of months in particular. Several content creators like what >>7075 mentioned leaving, and an unwillingness for the average anon to contribute anything has killed off a few generals already. Post count per day hasn't changed much, but a larger percentage of it has become shitposting and trolling. >>7076 >>7078 We can all look on the bright side: NHNB exists, where slow threads can still thrive. In the future, there can always be a trickle of snowpony fun here. Who knows? We might think up a big project or something in the future and get the ball rolling again.
>>7075 I hope to see his art again as well, whether snowpony or just regular pony it was some good stuff. Would be a shame if he were gone for good. >>7078 Was fun while it lasted.
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New art from the other thread
>>7327 Finally finished. It came out great, thanks for posting.
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Might as well post this here. I do miss the busier times.
>>9699 It's been a while since I've checked in on these snowy ponies, but I do remember the cozy times with them. Perhaps we'll see a resurgence come next winter.
>>9699 >>9701 Snowpones were such a breath of fresh air to /mlp/ when they first arrived. Reminded me a lot of the old golden years.
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>>3786 ...and that was when we last heard of Marbo. I wonder if he's alright.
>>2295 >I've done nothing but ice-fishing for thr past five days. >My cabin is just packed with ice and fish. >Basically the last thing I would ever want is more fish. >Gee, I really could do with some company. >Wait, what the? >Is that a... pony? >What on Earth are they doing out here in the snow and ice?! >That fur does look awfully warm and cozy... >OH! They came right up to me! >Hey, they're warming me up with nuzzles! This must be my lucky day >OH? You're offering me something? >OH, you did not just try and give me a fish. >This means war.
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Deleting the spam un-bumped this nigh-forgotten thread. So I'll bump it because I was just looking for snowponies not long ago. No, technically I was looking for MLP style art with EXTRA HAIRY hair coats, to prove the "unshort fetlock" tag is applied much too liberally BUT I've also apparently confused Dall-E into making a Snowpone by looking for an equitaur instead. . </shrug> . I'll take it, I guess. >>5791 Merry Fishmas in the Anti-Arctic, I guess?
>>11436 >unshort fetlock *unshorn, doggonit.
Damn, the snow mares are cute.
>>11436 Pretty cool find Anon.
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New art from /mlp/ thread
>>11520 There are great.
>>11520 Cute snowponers.
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>>11520 And another one
>>11666 That's a really fun one. Was it an ambush? Or did Anon just stumble upon her secret stash?
>>11667 File name is "husbando trap has worked", so probably the former.
>>11666 I love this one. >>11667 It was also a little bit of payback for anon sneaking up and startling her first. Pine doesn't mess around that's for sure. I wonder when a new thread will be on /mlp/?
>>11831 Assuming nobody makes one before agate anon gets back, sometime next week. If not I'll make one on the 27th at the latest. Be a shame for snowpones' anniversary to pass with no thread.
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>>12198 I take it she's a pine cone enthusiast.
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>>12258 Assuming these snow pones do actually live in the far arctic, what sort of summer traditions do you think they have? Since it would be hot and they would have the midnight sun.
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There was snowpony anniversary a couple of days ago. Huge thanks to Marbo for starting it all and to other anons who keep the snowpones rolling. I miss Marbo very much. I hope he's OK
>>12358 I miss him too.
>>12258 kek This is cute. Hearing webm with sound on here always catches me off guard.
snowthread fell of the catalog on /mlp/ sad
An archive of the current OP The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/ Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38763482/ Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art: https://derpy.me/KBw11 Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819 On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony" >What is a snowpity? https://snowpity.com/ >What are snowponies? Lore dumps for the newfags https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1646/33/1646333439218.png https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/981051/snowpony-lore-dump The Great Snowpony Expedition https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37474157/ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37750570/#37767390 https://ponepaste.org/5843 Reading material: >Anon and Frosty Flakes https://ponepaste.org/5609 https://ponepaste.org/5640 >Comfy lore snippets https://ponepaste.org/5652 https://ponepaste.org/5650 https://ponepaste.org/5664 >Cirrus Wisp and Filly https://ponepaste.org/5662 >Bury Me in White https://ponepaste.org/5648 >Surehoof's First Ice Step https://ponepaste.org/5689 >A cute (hopefully) snow pone short https://ponepaste.org/5682 >Frost Fringed Letters [WIP] https://ponepaste.org/5678 >My Winter Storm https://ponepaste.org/5713 Kinderquestria Greens https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37475222/ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37475226/ >Poetry https://ponepaste.org/5857 https://ponepaste.org/5885 >Agate's vigil (WIP) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/507146/agates-vigil >The First Fish https://ponepaste.org/7283 >New Life with Frosty Flakes (Lewd) https://ponepaste.org/6225 >[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa https://ponepaste.org/7063 >Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https://ponepaste.org/7147 >The first step north https://ponepaste.org/7468 >Russian snwowpone fics (use google translate or something similar) https://ponyfiction.org/story/16611/ https://ponyfiction.org/story/16645/ >Merch Pine Ponder approved tea: https://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=191237 Snowpone patches: https://neighsayerpatches.com/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https://neighsayerpatches.com/products/visit-snowpitt-patch
>>12513 It happened again. The 4chan board is just too fast with G5 stuff right now. >>12514 Pine Ponder and the Scarf https://ponepaste.org/8037 could perhaps be added to this OP. Makes me sad that snowpone seems so sleepy now.
>>12790 Not surpising, considering /mlp/ jannies selectively rangebanned bunch of people who produced actual content and could maintain a worthwhile discussion to let their friends from discord thrive on G% shitposts
>>12791 >selectively rangebanned bunch of people Exactly how widespread was this?
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I've made a small experimental book-like thing using Scribus. It's a simply compilation of some thread's art and greens made to imitate a book for kids, because I thought how I would've adored a thing like that back when I was a kid myself. Please, comment something, anons. Does it look OK? Should I make it bigger adding more content? If yes, which stories and art should I add? Does it look like an actual book? If any anons have experience with publishing or editing, what would you suggest I improve? https://u.smutty.horse/mjsjcmrklwd.pdf Also, please someone repost this in the current /mlp/ thread, I'm rangebanned.
>>12914 I think it's very cute Anon. I'd probably have to go back through the threads to give suggestions, but I do feel like it could do with a bit more. It definitely has the feel of something that would be in print. >If any anons have experience with publishing or editing, what would you suggest I improve? I don't, but I know Amazon has a way where you can self publish books. Look up /mlp/ writes for an example of this.
>>12931 The snowponies fit well with the book style.
>>12931 It's looking good Anon.
>>12931 >>12914 I responded in the 4chan thread, but I'll post here as well, I'm loving it. Thank you again for including my stories, it means a lot to me. It looks beautiful. If I had any minor criticism, its that the aspect ratio of some of the images seems a little off. Sorry, perhaps that's just me. A very minor point. >>12791 Sorry for taking so long to reply, that's the first I've heard of this. That's just disgusting, I thought a few threads seemed to have become much quieter. No wonder the main site seems dead of content, just endless "look at izzy so silly" posts...
>>12945 >I responded in the 4chan thread, but I'll post here as well, I'm loving it. Thanks a lot, anon!
Added a lot of new pages. Please, someone repost it in the /mlp/ thread as a proof of concept. It's probably as big as it gets given the theme of it being like a kid's book. https://u.smutty.horse/mjudcxylvae.pdf I'll research a bit about how an actual template for printed book should look to make it at least partially up to the industrial standard, so anons with kids or younger siblings could print it somewhere and read to their young ones, making them acquainted with snowpones without the need to show them 4chan.
>>12974 Starting to feel like a book in length as well. Nice. Also posted it in the other thread for you.
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>>13099 Just like Squanto.
>>13099 So this is the origin of the fish bush; magic infused fish planted in the ground.
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An anon put together a tribute to the father of snowpones in form of conceptualizng the full pic marbo was about to make a year ago.
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Apparently scribus has a built-in template for Lulu and Createspace 6x9 paper book. Tried to apply it to the Snowpone Book. The downside is that the pages got taller so to not distort the pics I had to add blank areas. To make it stand out less I made some bullshit northern-ish ornaments based on Inuit art. What do you think anons? Is it better that way or is it better to leave it as is? Please, somebody, repost in the mane thread.
>>13234 >Please, somebody, repost in the mane thread. I got you covered. Personally I think I like the older format more. The filler design is nice, but it is still a filler.
Ver. 1.3 https://u.smutty.horse/mkfulhcoxeb.pdf Decided to do it without outlines, with larger inner field for possible binding, rearranged several images and added some more.
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>>12358 >>13153 It's also a almost a year since marbo vanished. I decided to make a tribute to the man himself. It took all my editing skillwhich is not much, but I really-really tried my best. It may look autistic as fuck, but I did this from the bottom of my heart. Music: second verse of "Song about a Kind Man" by Stanislav Pozhlakov, performed by Eduard Khil. Text: my approximate translation of the lyrics Art by marbo Editing by me. Please, repost to the /mlp/ thread, I'm banned.
>>13378 I've reposted for you Anon. Came out really nice, I miss him too. He definitely had a few that made you feel things The ghost filly comes to mind. I wonder why he had to vanish, to disappear as quickly as he appeared. But regardless I am happy that we got him for the time we did.
(2.97 MB 640x480 marbo2.webm)
>>13381 Oh shit, been sleepy and made a couple if stupid misstypes. Here's the fixed one.
>Pine Ponder puts another cone at the center of the pretty ornamental rug. >She brings her nose closer to it and sniffs. >It smells like rozin, like pine needles, like the ground it was collected from. >It's as if in the tiny oval shell, behind the rugged scale-like segments there was a whole forest. >A forest that will be, or, perhaps, the one that would have been. >She cocks her head, bends her neck looking at the cone from several angles. >Every cone is different. Every cone is fascinating in its own way. >The size, the form, the pattern of its scales. >Every of them tells the tale of the tree that bore it. It tells about the branch it was attached to. >How much light from the sky it got, how fertile was the soil under the tree, how much of the molten snow the tree likes to drink, how nutritious is the soil under it... >How hungry other cones around are. >Pine Ponder shifts her ears, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "O, pine cone, tell me your secrets." >She thinks. >And the cone is eager to provide, forest spirits are gracious toward Ponder. >In an instant the cone bursts open, tossing its small nutlets around. >Now it becomes puffy and round, looking like a miniature fir, despite hailing from a pine. >Pine Ponder nuzzles the cone and smiles. "Thank you." >She whispers and carefully takes the cone in her mouth, relocating it onto the pile nearby. >It's full of other cones that already have told their story. Now they will be decorating the village, will make a lot of snowfoals happy, giving them their own tiny things to ponder. >Pine Ponder raises every of the four corners of the rug, one after another, to collect together the hoard of pine nuts from all the cones, lying around on it. >The hoard is sizable. Pine Ponder wraps it up with the rug. >The nuts will make plenty of tasty sauce to spice the dishes at the communal dinners. >Pine Ponder looks around and sees Puffins. >The petite mare is working near the drying rack. >She takes cut and salted fishes from a basket and lays them out on the rack. >As always she wears her foal satchel over her back. >Pine Ponder takes the prettiest cone from the pile and walks towards Puffins. The snow creaks under her hooves.
>>13513 Don't know if there's going to be more, but this is very cute.
>>13513 >Puffins raises her head from the rack. >"Oh, hi, Pine!" >Pine Ponder bops her head in a greeting, the pine cone in her mouth prevents her from talking. >She walks to Puffins' side, where her foal satchel is. Little Totem resides in it, tired of running around. >Pine Ponder lowers her head and nuzzles the foal. The little filly nickers happily. Pine Ponder gives her the cone. Totem clutches it between her tiny front hooves and stares, fascinated. >"Good cone, huh? Aunty Ponder knows her cones." Puffins comments to her foal. >"You got the cones sorted already?" >She then asks Pine Ponder. "Uh-huh" >Pine Ponder nods. >"Ok, I'm almost done with the fish too." >Pine Ponder watches Puffins loading the rack to the full. Then the mare cleans her muzzle against the snow. >"Tea?", she asks. "Yep", Pine Ponder nods. >Both mares go to the communal fire. Several other mares are also there. They are drinking tea and dining, chatting happily, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the kinship. >Pine Ponder and Puffins exchange greetings with the population around the hearth. They lay nearby, flank to flank. >Pine Ponder brings out her tea pouch. She takes one of the ceramic mugs, surrounding the hearth, opens the pouch and puts a couple of pinches from it into the mug. >Above the fire there is a pot of molten snow, slowly simmering. >Pine Ponder tilts it and pours into her mug. >Puffins sniffs the air and her ears stand up. >"Hey, what is it? Smells new!" "Mixed a new blend recently." Pine Ponder answers, "Want to try some?" >"You bet!" >Pine Ponder makes a mug of tea for her friend as well. >They wait some time to let it both brew and cool a bit and then begin to sip. >"Mmmmmmm, tasty. What is in there?" "Some berries, some nuts, some berry leaves." >Pine Ponder answers between sips. >Other mares ask for a cup as well, offering their tea in exchange. Pine Ponder eagerly shares her pouch. >Most of the blends in the village are made by her anyway. >Then they all drink in silence for some time. >Little Totem, warmed up in his comfy satchel, settles for a nap. >"I love how you always come with new stuff to drink", Puffins whispers, to not disturb her foal. >Pine Ponder smiles. "Pine cones tell me." >And so, another quiet day in the village of Snowpitt goes on. https://ponepaste.org/8361 Please, repost in the main thread, if you please. I'm banned.
>>13515 Thanks, Anon!
>>13517 Good stuff.
>>13517 Heh. What got you banned?
>>13555 """"abuse"""" from my ip range
>>13383 Prekrasno
>>13558 Spasibo
Silent in here.
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>>14970 Pinecone spotted!
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you're a fuzzy mare
>>14970 How many pinecones does she have?
>>14980 All the pinecones are belong to her! Anypony desiring to take a pinecone from the forest must have her permission first since they are sacred objects.
>>14970 Wow cute!
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Well, my IP's been rangebanned, so I can't make a new thread or bump it if any other anon makes it. Fun times
>>15556 Did you archive everything yet. If yes, post the links here and I'll start a new thread.
>>15561 Everything's on desu. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39971687/#39971687 Good luck getting it to stay up.
>>15568 Was busy all day, but posted a new thread on /mlp/...for what it's worth.
Recently snowpony thread on /mlp/ slowed to a crawl. I have a feeling some assblasted jannie specifically rangebans people contributing in a positive way to some threads.
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>>15585 What do they have against the snowponies? They're cute! CUTE!
>>15586 think back, who're the posters who had a problem with them the same cocksuckers beating each other off with gigachads, anonfillies and tfh images
>>15569 Thanks, anon. I managed to circumvent the ban for now, I'll see how it goes.
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>Snowpones have things called a Family Tapestry, made with their sheddings. >When a snowpony reaches full maturity, e.g when a mare has a foal for the first time or a stallion sires one of his own, they take the fur and hair they shed and make it into a wool. >Using a hook made from a fish bone, snowpony adds a new part to the material history of his or her bloodline.
>>15613 That's a fun idea
>>15613 That's cool. I wonder if they'd make snowpony fur blankets as well? >>15586 Has there been any recent sightings of Marbo?
>>15642 >Marbo? No. He's as gone as ever, sadly.
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Anon fishing in the pond, with Mt. Everhoof on the background.
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>>16117 So you lurk this place too, eh. Anyways, usual OP here, and my IP range is still banned from making new threads. Don't think that's going to go away. Was planning to make the thread with this image, if anyone feels like making one. If not, I'll get around to it when I travel next.
/mlp/ thread fell off. I'll restart it in a couple days, unless someone else wants to. How's things, anons?
>>16325 Not bad, Anon. Love the Snowpony threads. Very comfy. I want to write a green with them, but I'm fairly new to mlp. So, I need to go back to the archived Snowpony threads for research to make sure I get names, places, personalities, lore, etc., correct before I continue. Gonna take a long time and will probably turn into a much larger work.
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>>16325 Oh good, I am glad. Thank you, looking forwards to it. >>13378 >>13383 What a lovely tribute. Missed greatly.
>>16326 >>16326 >names, places, personalities, lore, etc. There's not as much of all that as you think. Lore, maybe. Places are very scarce. I had to think up the vast majority of the world in my story myself. Don't worry about creating your own characters too.
How heavy is a snowpone coat?
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>>16798 Looooooonnnnnnnggggggggg!
the up to date template
>>17023 The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/ Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40481113/ Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art: https://mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819 On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony" >What is a snowpity? https://snowpity.com/ >What are snowponies? Lore dumps for the newfags https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1646/33/1646333439218.png(embed) https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/981051/snowpony-lore-dump The Great Snowpony Expedition https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37474157/ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37750570/#37767390 https://ponepaste.org/5843 Reading material: >Anon and Frosty Flakes https://ponepaste.org/5609 https://ponepaste.org/5640 >Comfy lore snippets https://ponepaste.org/5652 https://ponepaste.org/5650 https://ponepaste.org/5664 >Cirrus Wisp and Filly https://ponepaste.org/5662 >Lichen greens https://ponepaste.org/7273 >Bury Me in White https://ponepaste.org/5648 >Surehoof's First Ice Step https://ponepaste.org/5689 >A cute (hopefully) snow pone short https://ponepaste.org/5682 >Frost Fringed Letters [WIP] https://ponepaste.org/5678 >My Winter Storm https://ponepaste.org/5713 Kinderquestria Greens https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37475222/ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37475226/ >Poetry https://ponepaste.org/8220 https://ponepaste.org/5857 https://ponepaste.org/5885 >Agate's vigil (WIP) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/507146/agates-vigil >The First Fish https://ponepaste.org/7283 >New Life with Frosty Flakes (Lewd) https://ponepaste.org/6225 >[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa https://ponepaste.org/7063 >Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https://ponepaste.org/7147 >The first step north https://ponepaste.org/7468 >Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https://ponepaste.org/8037 >A Crystal Forest Rescue https://ponepaste.org/8082 A Snowpitt vignette https://ponepaste.org/8361 >Russian snwowpone fics (use google translate or something similar) https://ponyfiction.org/story/16611/ https://ponyfiction.org/story/16645/ >Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https://ponepaste.org/8843 >Lights Going Out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/543593/lights-going-out >Merch Pine Ponder approved tea: https://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=191237 Snowpone patches: https://neighsayerpatches.com/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https://neighsayerpatches.com/products/visit-snowpitt-patch
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New art
>>17433 woohoo!
>>17433 I love it!
>>17433 Very nice.
(2.84 MB 1463x1137 030.png)
>>17469 Very cute, what's the brown filly doing in the back there?
>>17470 She is being scared of the abominable foal
Hey exiled snowbros, if anyone hangs around here, and doesn't check on fimfic. Writer of Agate's Vigil here, and if you're interested, the story is finally finished. We had so many pictures and art, but few writers, and now, we finally have a bigger, long-ass snowpony story that's complete. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/507146/agates-vigil
>>17490 Thank you, AgateAnon! Celestia bless you!
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>>17523 That's a big fish. How many snowponies would that feed?
>>17524 Three orfive maybe
>>16117 This is wonderful. I love how you posed Anon. I can imagine I'm really there too.
>>17531 thanks, anon!
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>>17569 Such a happy snowpone. I wonder what's got her so happy?
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New art
>>17573 That's great. Pone seems to have a funny manecut.
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reposting new art
>>17796 It's some really nice new art. Cute outfit.
I love snowponies so much! A shame thete isn't any CYOAs about them
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>>18185 Cute!
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From the main thread
>>18290 Thanks for sharing Anon!
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I love the snowponies.
