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/gryphons/ Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 19:13:50 No. 3119
Gryphons, griffons, and more griffins. If you got em, post em.
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>>3121 But there is no /trash/ board here.
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In lieu of being the (first?) gryphon thread here on the board, I'll be posting a discussion prompt to get things start. As a writefag that jumped on to the ride early on into the show's life cycle, I've always been interested in the direction the show would take when it first started off. One key point of interest that for the longest time remained unanswered was that for the gryphons. It wasn't until we got to the Griffonstone episode did we see what they were like to mixed results. On one hand, we *did* finally get some meat and lore as to what the rest of Gilda's speceies were like, as well as aspects on their history and culture. On the other, it left much to be desired, and disappointed just as many as it may have pleased for one reason or another. Regardless, the canon within the episode stands, and whatever expectations before passed into the sands of history. That being said, I've always been curious as to the other takes on gryphons before the episode occurred when put into the hands of fan writers and other fan creation creators. I've seen them being shown as the remains of a dying species whos numbers are at best in the mid hundreds, to having a great and powerful empire to rival that of Equestria. In at least one instance, I've seen them shown as traveling nomads, always on the move, going where the winds take them in hawking their wares. With the episode's debut however, much of these depictions have vanished on the wind, fading into the background like so many other things as the show progressed. All that in mind, I wish to document and record what remains of those memories before they go to so much dust. The Griffonstone episode is fine despite my own issues with the episode, but I'd also like to see what came before preserved, if only to stand as a testament to what came before and to give me some further ideas for writing material. So, if you have em, show em. That said, if you have anything you would like to share post Griffonstone, feel free to drop it here. Nothing wrong with it, just some more to add to the pile.
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>>3125 Sadly I don't have much of a response. Only pre-Griffonstone fanfic with gryphons in it that I remember clearly is Fallout Equestria where they are like mercenaries. It sounds like an interesting topic though. I also quite like these arts.
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>>3129 Anything is welcomed Anon. Seeing as the question has been asked, I might as well drop my own to help contribute to it. In terms of my own ideas before the episode popped up, I had a few separate ones that had been brewing up until that point, and only recently got back into to try and write a fic featuring Roseluck and Gilda. In terms of diverging from the more common interpretations that presented them as being a unified rival to Equestria, I was thinking of incorporating something more akin to a confederacy for my own work, made up of various city states being led by one great one, taking inspiration from the tribal Native American tribes that populated the Americas, with a dash of the holy Roman Empire mixed in to put a bow on it. It's an unusual mixture, but it would allow for a variety of depictions since the natives themselves were quite diverse if you include both continents. It's been somewhat of a slog, but I've been chipping away at it on and off in my head and trying to put it all to digital paper. Doing the research required for such an endeavor has been a pain thus far, but the idea is novel enough that it has promise. A skittish earth pony having a chance encounter with Gilda and forced to travel due to circumstances putting them together, I found the idea too intriguing not to develop. Not to mention a good excuse to put those other ideas in my head into action. Still, it's only at the early stages, and it'll be a while before I can get something solid out of it. Main issue is capturing both Gilda and Roseluck in the essence they were seen as back early on, while both providing my own take on them and getting a dynamic between the two together. It's not easy, but it's all in the name of actually creating something rather than just merely consooming on and on and on. Might as well try to give something back after all this time.
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>>3133 Sounds like a good concept. Just curious though, how have depictions of Roseluck changed since then?
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>>3134 As far as I can tell, very little if at all. She's one of the few background ponies that have remain stable, at least as far as common "fanon" personalities are concerned. That said, I am trying to capture her more skittish nature and have it mesh with how it would interact with Gilda, at least the one we saw before Griffonstone. I did not personally like how they just brushed under the rug with Gilda's last interaction with the M6, so my aim is to make a transition for a gentler Gilda more "natural" for the lack of a better word. What better than to be forced to travel with a pony due to some circumstance that forces them together? Or better yet, something that would force them both into an uncomfortable situation. Say, perhaps being transplanted into each other's species and having to deal with the physiological ramifications of that. Something that requires some research and what not to get right. A fish out of water story where a gryphon and a pony must make do with the situation dealt to them, while trying to remain sane and not kill each other in the process. Or at least, something to that measure at least. There's a lot of working parts, and all I have for it are just hot air at the moment. I am thinking I might as well bite the bullet and just write certain scenes in my head to get it out of my system and then see how it fares by submitting them here.
>>3135 >tfw no birb waifu to feed birbseed to
>>3145 Where would you get birbseed while having a regular cock? Unless you're a tfag.
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>>3166 I'm pretty sure a regular cock would have more of that kind of birbseed.
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>>3170 Flutters also likes to play with balls
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>>3166 You misunderstand. See pic related; birbseed.
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>>3175 But how will you cum sunflower seeds?
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More gryphon posting (and zebras, who got even less lore).
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>>3272 >Post zeebs
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>>3273 I made Zecora thread >>>/clop/187
>>3274 Awesome, definitely will take a look.
>>3144 I made something for practice on the /fim/ thread to try and demonstrate a scene and writing abilities. Hopefully it is okay. - Roseluck halted, her eyes widening as the gryphon before her did the same. The moment of silence between the two did not last as the gryphon's eyes narrowed. "Oh great, of all the damned places to run into a lameo pony, it had to be here." Roseluck's eyes sharpened, forcing down the fear that threatened to crawl out of her throat as her ears splayed back. "The feelings mutual." Roseluck said, putting her body at an angle to an escape route as she positioned her hind legs towards the gryphon, while her tail crept up to the dagger hidden in her saddle bag. Gilda raised an eye at the display as something in her memory ticked, blinking as memories of a a shy mare of her exact form rose out of the murkiness of her mind. For a moment, she considered her options before shrugging, tapping her staff on the ground before taking a quick glance around to see if there were any others besides her around. Satisfied, she looked back at the mare as Gilda took a relaxed stance, mindful not to brush her bruised wing as she leaned against the outcrop of a rock wall. Roseluck blinked, surprised at the non aggression of the gryphon. The last she saw of this she bitch, the oversized vermin was terrorizing the denizens of Ponyville. When the gryphon did nothing to respond to her after a few moments, Rose slowly relaxed her guard as she pulled the scarf covering her face to reveal her muzzle. She glanced around, wondering if there were any other gryphons in the area before shrugging it off. There didn't appear to be any in the immediate vicinity, otherwise they would have surrounded her already. "What're you doing here dweeb?" Roseluck jerked as the gryphoness cut into her thoughts. Blinking, she saw the gryphon yawn as she leaned into her travel staff. Roseluck paused, considering her next words before speaking. "I'm here to find rare and exotic wild flora to add to my collection. Nothing more, nothing less. What about you, Miss I Am Too Cool for Ponyville?" At that Gilda rolled her eyes, sighing as she bit back the cascade of words that demanded she put this pony into her proper place. "I've heard better insults from newborn chicks dweeb. For the record, I am just here to grab something for a client. Nothing more, nothing less. Capiche?" Roseluck considered her words before shaking her head. "You're going to need to be a little more detailed than that, considering you acted like such a bitch-" Roseluck flinched as the gryphon growled. "For your godsdamned information, all I wanted was to have a good time with Rainbow, maybe play a few harmless pranks while we were at it. At least till you losers came up and ruined it." "Ruined it!?" Rose exploded. "I don’t recall us inviting a filthy gryphon into Ponyville to harass us, steal our produce, and Celestia knows what else. You're the one that waltz into Ponyville and started shit with us! If anyone ruined anything, it’s you!” She said, pointing a hoof at Gilda. It was then the practical side of Roseluck reared its ugly head as the gryphon reared back a couple steps, stunned. *“Oh dear Celestia, I just insulted a gryphon. If I wasn’t dead before-”* To Roseluck’s surprise, the gryphon took a deep breath and sighed. “You know what? You gotta point. I was being an utter bitch, I got what was coming to me.” Gilda said, ignoring the sensation curling in her stomach before shooting an icy glare in return. “But did Pinkie Cake or whoever really had to go and get in the way of Dash and I? I just wanted to have a good time with her. I was a bitch, I realize that now. But-”
>>3390 “But what?” Roseluck shot back, taking a few steps forward. Gilda reared, taking a few steps back. Emboldened, Roseluck stomped her way until she was right in the gryphon’s face. “If you wanted to go hang out with Rainbow Dash, why didn’t you just say so? Heck, I can get playing a few pranks here and there. But what you did was just *wrong*. Like, why in Celestia’s name did you think would happen when you started playing those pranks on us? Did you think we weren’t going to poke back? Sorry if Pinkie had to take you down a notch, but we Ponyvillians look after our own.” She said, poking a hoof into her chestfeathers. Gilda should have been angry at this, outraged beyond belief. But that was the Gilda from a couple years before. The Gilda of now just took a deep breath, and sighed, running her claws through her feathers before giving a glum look to the earth pony beneath her. “You made your point. I was a bitch, end of story. Happy now?” She said, unable to stop the exhaustion in her voice from bleeding out into the open. Roseluck stared, giving the gryphon a once over before stepping back. “I… Yes? I kinda expected you to fight me more on this.” Gilda shrugged. “Let’s just say things weren’t good for me after I left Ponyville and leave it at that. Suffice to say, I’m just here for a job. I’m surprised to see someone like you out and about. Last I checked, you ponies are usually too skittish to be out and about on your own.” Roseluck grimaced, pawing at the ground beneath her. “Well, touche. I had to toughen up a bit to come up here. I need the bits, and I heard there was a special artifact out-” Roseluck’s hoof shot up to her muzzle, but it was too late, the gryphon raising an eye as she dipped down to eye level. “An artifact huh? I wouldn’t suppose it would happen to be one associated with gryphon fertility and agriculure, right?” With the cat out of the back, Roseluck nodded, unable to come up with a lie on the spot. Gilda sighed, running her paws down her face as she stifled a moan. “Fucking typical. So we’re both after the same thing. Where’d you even hear it from anyway?” “W-well, I heard it from a strange gryphon merchant that dropped into town while browsing my wares. I said something along the lines of needing something to bolster my profits or some such thing, and he mentioned this artifact out of the blue, and… He wouldn’t stop talking about it. Then he gave me a map to its rough location, and then disappeared after making a purchase before I could ask him about it further. I thought nothing of it at the time, but… The crops failed, and I was desperate, so I had to come here in hopes of finding something. So here I am.” Roseluck said with a helpless shrug. Gilda stared for a moment, processing what the earth pony said before cocking her head to the side. “Seems a little arbitrary if you ask me, but far from me to interrogate you on it.” “What about you then? Why’re you out here?” “More or less the same deal, if not in the exact same way. A gryphon’s gotta put food on the table, and some gryphon’s tribesman mentioned some rare artifact that they needed to be salvaged out here on these mountains. Said they’d pay a pretty artifact, and they didn’t have anyone else they could spare since the discovery of it. Paid a pretty penny up front too, so who was I to question it?” - This is what I have for now. Just something basic.
>>3390 >I made something for practice on the /fim/ thread to try and demonstrate a scene and writing abilities. Hopefully it is okay. Seems pretty good to me.
>>3391 Interesting text. I'm thinking it might be better to move the paragraph breaks so they group the actions of a character with the same character's speech. I don't have anything to criticise about the words themselves.
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>>3390 >>3391 I like this dynamic of slightly tough pony with slightly soft griffon. Good stuff Anon.
>>3415 >>3414 >>3416 I did it for my own sake of readability, but I'll experiment in other works to see if I can weave it in the way you described. My "style" is somewhat unorthodox to say the least, and by the time I learned the proper way of doing things, I've more or less ingrained the habits. My primary concerns are making at least somewhat readable, and then focusing on the story, because getting rid of age old habits that quite frankly are harmless, plus editing everything else that I have written is just a pain. Still, I'll consider it in the future. - I am glad to see these two posts are decent. Just wrote it down for the hell of it, not having that much to go on other than the vague ideas going on in my head. I'd figure my Gilda might have learned a bit and had a bit of time to do some soul searching, perhaps on the advice of her elders on the matter, while Roseluck is doing her own thing to toughen up, perhaps a merry suggestion from said gryphon merchant to go out on adventuer to toughen her up a bit, perhaps with a bit of guidance at first before letting her go out into the wild. In retrospect, perhaps I should have had a gryphon elder to accompany her, seeing as this would be Roseluck's first major outing outside Ponyville, much to the horror of her sisters. Perhaps with Roseluck having a kernel of ambition to go out on an adventure being watered by said gryphon with just the right honeyed words, which eventually prompts her to go out into the world, unknowing of the gryphon's true purpose for getting her out there. At the end of the day, I am just another dime a dozen amateur trying to write his way into horse words with a mental fog the size of Kansas filling my brain whenever I try to write more horse words. Or any other words for that matter when writing fiction. It's just easier to discuss said ideas than to actually write them. That said, I have started trying to work on the next update despite the feeling of some smallish kidney stones, slight nasuea and other stuff chipping away at me. Might have something for tomorrow, might not, we'll see. I've got three Anons I know looking forward to this, so I might as well see what happens. Pity that the post didn't even get a response on /fimfiction/, but that's to be expected. Now if you'll pardon me, I need to shotgun a glass or two of good old H2O to force the little bastards into the toilet bowl.
>>3458 "Perhaps it was *you* who was the wronged your friend." Gilda's head shot up, staring daggers at the Elder who kept that infuriating, punchable gaze of neutrality, his tone modest and calm as Gilda's feathers fluffed. "Like hell it was! It's not my fault those namby pamby flip flops couldn't take a a prank or two. What, am I suppose to go back and grovel to those shitheads? Fuck that noise. If anything, it's Dashie and her lameo 'friends' who have to apologize." At that, the elder shook there head, loosing a sigh of disappointment as he took a long puff of his pipe before giving Gilda yet another one of those disappointed stares, just like all the *other* elders she had come across. She just didn't think her gramps would be the one to give it to her though. "Was it so much a surprise that your friend Rainbow Dash would take umbrage with you? Stealing valuable produce, scaring an old mare, terrifying and bullying the town, was it any wonder that you have gotten the response you did? No young eagle, what happened to you was inevitable from the start." He raised a paw to forestall Gilda's response. "While it is understandable you wanted to keep a lone company with your friend, surely you would understand that she had made other friends in the meantime, friends of which you surely pushed away with your demeanor and attitude. Not that I do not sympathize with some of what they did to you of course." Gilda held her glare for a few more moments before dropping her head to the ground, a groan of frustration escaping her beak as she stared into the fire. "Then what'd do you suggest I do gramps? I don't wanna go back there and get on my haunches begging for forgiveness... Fuck, would they even forgive me? I did piss em off." At that, her grandfather tipped her head up with the tip of his talon, running it below the edge of her beak as he offered her a small smile. "Perhaps, perhaps not. But surely these lot are a forgiving sort if what I heard about them from the grapevine is any indication. If they truly embody their personification of spiritual harmony with the world, then surely they would extend the olive branch to you and take you into their fold. If you but explain your own reasoning and ire of what they accrued, perhaps you and they may make some amends and reforge what once was to be even stronger." He shrugged. "That being said, some time is needed to mend those wounds. You still need time to mature a little bit more. With that in mind, I do have a task that would be the perfect fit for you my young Gilda." At this, Gilda raised an eye. "Oh? Like what?" Her gramps chuckled, fetching a scroll from under his wing and unveiling it to Gilda. Taking a moment to examine it, she saw some strange looking crystal jewelry along with a small map. "This... This is in the Eastern Mountains." She mumbled, taking a moment to study both the map and sketch. She blinked for a moment, the artifact in question not arousing any recognition. What was it her gramps wanted her to do- Her eyes widened, veins pulsing red hot as she shot up from her position.
>>3463 "Wait, you want *me* to go out on a fetch quest? Pardon me gramps, but isn't that a little early for me to do? Why send me out there?" At that, her gramps only chuckled, shooting a coy smile down at her. "I have seen in a vision that you will do much in the times to come Gilda, should you choose to take this quest. Suffice to say, I believe it may prove pivotal in your development, or so the strands of fate may say." Just when Gilda was about to roll her eyes and snap a witty remark, her gramps pulled open her talons and placed something down into them. She blinked, a chill running down her spine as a well decorated dagger was clutched into her grasp. She eyed it up and down, feeling the weight of history behind it as she palmed the blade, looking between it and her gramps multiple times. "Wait, why are you giving me this gramps? Couldn't you give it to someone like my older siblings? They'd do better with it than I have. And what's this stuff about a vision quest? I mean, it's in the godsdamned Eastern Mountains. It's in the middle of monster territory for crying out loud!" She squawked, trying to ignore the hum of magic emanating from the blade. At this her gramps let out a warm laugh, patting her on the back. "That is for you to find out my young eagle. But suffice to say, I have a good feeling you'll make good use of it. My vision said so as much." "Augh, gramps..." Gilda moaned, shaking her head as she thumbed the family crest on the center of the dagger. She sighed, sheaving the blade within the scabbard it came with. "I... Can I think about this? You've dropped a huge load on my wings." Her gramps nodded, pulling himself up as he cupped her with his wing. "Of course my little wing. You'll have plenty of time to do this quest. We can discuss further details over the next few weeks if you wish, but I do believe it shall not do to think on it on an empty stomach, no?" "I'm not hungry-" Right at that moment, Gilda's stomach growled. Her gramps loosed yet another good hearted laugh as he patted her yet once more. "Your gizzard says otherwise." He said, pushed her out of the tent with one of his wings, blowing a sizzle of smoke from his beak before stuffing his thumb down his pipe to extinguish the flames. "Come now, our tribe made a decent kill of a hydra not too long ago. We shall feast merrily, and discuss this further in the morning. Now come along now." Gilda looked at him, a part of her feeling the urge to discuss this moment a bit more before looking between the dagger and his expecting face. Shrugging, she pulled the dagger over her neck and joined him as they took their stride out of the tent, her mouth watering as the scent of good meat entered her nostrils. "Okay gramps, we'll talk shop later then. But I am holding you up to that, alright?" He nodded. "Anything for you, my beloved granddaughter. Anything." ---
>>3464 And out of the blue, something struck, and I pounced on it to the best of my ability. Rushed as hell, with some moments not making as much sense as I would like. As you can probably tell, I pulled a lot out of my ass on the fly. I was making shit up in order to force the narrative along, with mixed results. I can feel the errors within it, but know no means of correcting them other than writing shit. Usually I take a lot longer with works like these considering the fact I absolutely despise editing, and would rather head such things off at the pass than deal with the pain of editing the damn thing later, especially since my works tend to balloon far greater than you average works. Usually somewhere between 3000 to even 20000, as per my last submitted works to placed like Fanfiction.net. Still, I forced myself onward and didn't feel the urge to fuss as much since this is just a demonstration and little more. It isn't like it'll feature anywhere in an "official" work if I can get around to writing the damn thing proper, hence the lack of effort. (My apologies, it's getting late here as well, so I rushed it.) But in any case, I hope it'll be decent for you folks to give a rough idea of what I am going for, and maybe be a bit entertaining in the process. For now, I shall hold my tongue and await further feedback.
>>3465 Seems alright for the most part, I'm assuming this is prequel to your previous post. Gramps comes across almost like an old indian chief which is a little odd. >I can feel the errors within it, but know no means of correcting them other than writing shit. See, that's the wonderful part about writting greentext. There's very few expectations. As long as the story's good and people can understand you, you're probably fine.
>>3473 A possible prequel at any rate. Just something I cooked up real quick to get it out of my system. No telling if something like this will actually make it into the story proper. But at least it isn't god awful. As for greentext, I usually don't do that sort of thing. My style leans more towards the prose side of things than not due to early habits and aspirations when I started off writing fanfics over a decade ago. Even then, sometimes I can find it surprisingly difficult to get started on a greentext when it suits my fancy. I've only ever written... Maybe two or five over my lifetime, seeing as my writing is infrequent as it is. With regards to the project, it's still in doubt whether I can get it off the ground or not. Chances are it'll end up like many of its peers, dead and/or on permanent hiatus for one reason or another. Which is where posts like this comes into play. While I am normally not one for writing oneshots, it's more feasible to get some content out this way in working with the sporadic nature of my update schedule and loss of novelty for a project over time. Once interest is lost, it's hard to maintain momentum unless you have the discipline to write on schedule at least every week bare minimum. I've heard the advice that you need to write every day if you are serious as a writer, but frankly this is just a hobby to me. If it starts to become work, what's the point? That said, persistence is something that can get results if done correctly. Just need a way past all those brick mental walls that keep popping up when writing. (I.E: Just forcing it until it works and maybe fixing it later.
>>3485 Well hopefully you find something fun to work on. I don't know about your past works but what you've posted here seems to have some potential.
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>>3496 Maybe so. We'll just have to see. On a side note, I've been browsing some of my old notes on a hard drive back from 2014. Turns out, I had plans for having both Gilda and Roseluck together as sisters of all things. (Or Fluttershy and Gilda, there was another doc snippet mentioning that.) Even back then, the idea lingered, and went into hibernation, slowly biding its time until it decided to rear its ugly head up yet again. No greentext unfortunately, but it was fun looking at some "old" 4chan stuff. (At least for being a newfag long after the Scruffening that is.) The only other thing was a greentext featuring the then Anons into ponies sort of deal that was going decent until it mention "OH HO SO SPECIAL ME ADHD" horseshit. To my credit, I didn't cringe out of my skin, but I can definitely tell that was bad writing. So... Progress? At least I've gotten better when telling my past stuff was utter shite.
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Hark, I have returned with more content. Not related to GildaLuck content from above, but it does have Gilda and Celestia in it. Originally meant to post it to /sun/ till one of the anons there took umbrage with it. Hence, I decided to post here for a lack of a /gryphon/ thread on /mlp/. Enjoy. ----- There were few things in life that Gilda could say that have outright floored her. She was a jaded gryphon, always making sure to rip out the mystic and wonder out of any little thing that these ponies always seemed to fret over. She was a gryphon for Lioara's sake! Gryphons don't do impressed. Gryphons don't do being left outright speechless that their beaks risked falling off. Gryphons don't do existential angst about who they are in life. Yet... There she was. Within Gilda's talons, a crumpled photo of herself as a chick nestled between her father and- *her*. There was no mistaking her identity. Her form may have been that of a proud gryphon, but even still nobody but the dumbest dweeb could mistake that multi-colored mane of feathers that streaked across her white body. She stared, the warmth of her smile emanating through the photo as if she were really there with her. Wings the envy of any gryphoness wrapped around a familiar chick, cuddling up to her mother's neck, egg shells littering the area around them. To her right, her father stood proud in an *equine* form, bereft of wings or even a horn to call his own. If not for the scar running down his cheek to his neck, she could almost pretend that very same pony was not her father. She shook her head, backing away from the drawer as her chest tightened. A chuckle left her beak, crumpling the photo even further. "T-this has to be some kind of prank. T-there's no way on Freya's green earth am I related to her. Or my father was ever a fucking pony- She stopped, feeling a sharp presence enter the room. Gilda froze, the blood in her veins turned to ice as her muscle went rigid. She had only been near that presence once, and that was at the Grand Galloping Gala when she had to attended due to some unrelated duties. While she ever only managed to get a glance of the princess from afar, you *knew* you were in her presence when she came into play. Slowly, the gryphon turned, hoping against hope this was all some awful dream- The photo slipped, floating down to earth until a golden hued magic aura took hold of it. It lifted into the air, ascending until it stood in front of the face of- "Hello Gilda." She spoke, the warmth of her voice sending a chill down Gilda's spine. Her beak opened, then closed, opening again before she clamped it shut as she took a reflexive step backwards.
>>3560 She had just been here because some letter said some matter of inheritance of great importance from her long deceased mother had to be discussed. That was all it was supposed to be. Get a package, get out, then done. Yet that was not to be as the alicorn strode forward, Gilda paralyzed to the spot as the sun princess took a bow and sat next to Gilda, cupping her face with a wing. "It's been a long time since we last met my daughter dearest. Oh how have you grown into such a proud gryphoness." She giggled. "It-It can't be. My father said my mother died during child birth. Y-you can't be my mother, this can't be real. This is just some sick dream or shit like that made to fuck with- Gilda squawked as a blinding flash of light lit the room, raising an arm to shield her sight. She blinked, getting the spots out of her vision as the light faded- Her heart stilled. No longer, did the alicorn from before inhabit the room. In her place, a gryphoness greater in size than all but the Queen Regent of Graphos stood tall and proud, towering over Gilda by over several inches. The gryphoness churred, running a wing to cuff the smaller gryphoness below her as- She flinched, a warmth that she did not know forgotten flooding back into her as Gilda leaned into her touch. Something warm peeled down her beak as she pressed into her, a scent long forgotten filling her nostrils as a desire wrought within her heart pushed her towards the hen Gods. There was no mistaking it, that scent of a hot summer's day in a field of flowers pressing into her very being. There was no mistaking it. Only one gryphon had that scent, and- "Mother..." She whispered, her heart stopping as she felt the gryphoness's beak run down the back of her neck. She groaned, collapsing into her as the gryphoness went to work preening her from top to bottom. Gilda's eyes closed, purring as thoughts of disbelief, shock and denial emptied from her mind, replaced with ones of want and desire. She could feel it, that subtle nudge in the back of her head that did nothing to mask its presence. But Gilda for the life of her could not give one damn even if she tried. She was home, nestled between the wingspan of her mother, uncaring that she had been an alicorn moments before. Before long however, the gryphoness's beak lifted. To Gilda's shame, she loosed a whine as the bottom of her beak was lifted up by the tip of a talon. The warmth of the sun once more shined bright into her eyes, Gilda's beak trembling as she managed to muster the presence of mind to say a few words. "You're mother. But how, why-" Her mother giggled, a finger laid on her beak silencing her. "Oh my sweetest daughter, you shall know in time. But for the time being, I wish to bask in this moment. Won't you deign to give an old hen this much at least?" There was so much to ask. So much to examine. So much to find out that the inquistive side demanded she do. The rest of Gilda told it to fuck off as she leaned in, crooing on instinct as she gave her answer. Celestia smiled, and went to work, grooming Gilda until the young gryphon dame fell asleep as night fell.
>>3561 Drawing her beak back, Celestia yawned as she looked out the window, her sister's moon high in the sky. Nobody knew of this moment, nobody but her, her sister, and... Right on cue, she felt the touch of a hoof into her back. She twisted, nuzzling the handsome stud of a stallion on the muzzle as her locked with the beiged colored earth pony. "So, here at last Aurelian. Took you long enough." He shrugged, pecking her on the beak. "Well, it has been a while since I last been in this form. Forgive me for acquainting myself with it once more *Celeste*." Celestia rolled her eyes, giving a playful smack on the back of the stallion's head. "You and your little name for me. I should come up with something suitable for you one of these days." He laughed. "Only when you find something suitable with my namesake." He paused, dipping his muzzle down to Gilda, pressing a kiss into her cheek before taking his place besides her. "How... How is she taking it?" He asked, lips furled as he wrapped his tail around his daughter. Celestia shrugged. "Well enough to be expected given my light dash of warmth. She'll have questions in the morning, but she won't be screaming her beak off at every which way in utter denial, panic, or both." Aurelian frowned. "I see. Then all that we must do is wait until she awakens I suppose. Then it will be to our business as proper parents. Are you sure your sister will be able to handle your abscess?" She nodded, looking up into the moon above them. "My sister will manage. She needs the practice and time anyway to get our subjects used to her. I've been ruling alongside her for the past couple of years, and now it is high time my subjects got used to my sister in a singular fashion. I have prepared them all the best I could, and now all that remains is to wait. She... Is not pleased to know that I had bedded one such as you, but I managed to keep her quiet for the time being." Aurelian sighed, leaning against his beloved. "I suppose that much we should be thankful for. The question now is what are we to do tomorrow?" Celestia shrugged, looking down at her daughter. "Being proper parents for one. Neglecting Gilda to such a degree that she..." The gryphoness shook her head. "No, I will not dally on the follies of the past. I've done enough of that for several lifetimes." "Indeed." He said, uttering a yawn. "All that remains is to wait for tomorrow to do the best for our child, and perhaps forge something new between our two empires." He said, giving her a soft smile. Celestia giggled, nuzzling him in turn. "Mmmh." She said, giving off a yawn herself as she tucked her way next to Gilda's form. "I just look forward to getting to spend some quality time with her. Oh how I wished the day lasted so much longer, but for now we must sleep." Her wing extended, bring in Aurelian as he did the same with his tail. Snuggling up to each other, the two shot one last glance between each other as a slumber spell pulled their eyes shut. Then, all was darkness. --- Not completely happy with this, but it's the best I was able to get out in short notice. If I were to spend more time on it, I could probably make it better, but at the risk of loosing the creative spark I had. It's relatively shit dross I would presume, and I am not sure my attempt at a comfy fic went well at all. Nonethless, I hope it did something good if nothing else. For the time being, I shall retire for the night.
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>>3624 Why is birb chained up?
>>3635 I have no idea if either of these are accurate, but... According to a comment on the deviantart page: The story goes that this particular gryphon managed to board an Equestrian warship and turn its weapons on another Equestrian warship in order to defend his home island. The prison cell he is in is an old ill kept cage of a room in central Canterlot. And description on ponerpics: The war to conquer Equestria didn't shake out quite as planned. Fortunately, the Princesses were merciful to those they captured.
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>>3463 >>3464 >>3559 >>3561 >>3562 Whoops. I just now noticed these. I quite like these. First one is very comfy, and reminds me of how much real life sucks, because >ywn be innawoods innamountains smoking pipe and sharing stories with the old birds while meat roasts over the fire kind of feels. The only oddity that really jumps out at me on the first read is the first line. >"Perhaps it was *you* who was the wronged your friend." >was the wronged your friend What did he mean by this? I don't really understand this wording. Rest of it is good stuff though, really comfy. Second one is some fun alternative worldbuilding. Reads nicely. Don't really have much more to add besides that.
>>3754 I am back. Glad to see these weren't a total waste. It's basic bitch world building for the first one. Just throwing shit at the wall until something stuck. Testing the waters to see if it worked. Now that I know it does, I might expand upon it. Perhaps even touch upon the greater city states unified in some Holy Roman Empire esque thing. Maybe. We'll just have to see. >What did he mean by this? I don't really understand this wording. Rest of it is good stuff though, really comfy. He was referring to Gilda's actions in Ponyville, pointing out she had been acting quite a bitch back there, basically telling her that might be in the wrong here. As for everything else, I am currently on a lull and waiting for more feedback. Thus far you are the only one to provide it. It's small, but with a board of this size I can't be surprised. Sure would be nice, but I'll live with it.
>>3129 >Sadly I don't have much of a response. Only pre-Griffonstone fanfic with gryphons in it that I remember clearly is Fallout Equestria where they are like mercenaries. It sounds like an interesting topic though. Funny that. Quite a few old crossover fics with gryphons have decent world building about them. While I can't quite name any at the top of my head at the moment, I do distinctly remember there were a few floating around having them as a major factor. I'll have to dig into my favorites to see if any of them are still there. Either way, they were quite something to behold.
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>>3963 All those houses remind of a bunch of seagulls perched upon a rock.
My fingers ache. My fingers burn. My fingers creak. But at least, the effort has left to yet another drabble of sorts for Gilda and Roseluck. Just another experimental scene continuing on with the two. Went into it with the bare minimum of planning, with a rushed ending as my fingers were just about at the breaking point, and seeing as I didn't want to lose that spark of inspiration, I pushed through to at least complete it. If time permits, I may fancy at doing a little editing and tidying it up for the ponepaste. All in all, it is around 4000 words or so, so 2000 short of my record of writing 6000 words in about six to eight hours. Didn't expect it to blow up the way it did, but I had to write more and more to make sure it all led with and made sense. In any case, I hope you Gilda/Rosefags are happy. Without further adieu, enjoy. -----
>>4138 It was a quiet, peaceful night. With nothing but the stars and moon above to light their little campsite, the whistling of the wind, and the crackle of the fire to keep them company, the two individuals within sat in quiet as they ate their meals in peace. Gilda was content to keep it that way, not all that much interested in conversation with the peculiar earthen mare that stood a few paces away from her eating her own meal in silence. She sighed, poking at her own meal of foraged wild potatoes, berries, various edible flowers, and the skinned hare sitting nicely upon her tray. She cut at it, getting a nice slab of meat before plucking it into her muzzle, savoring the taste of spice and muscle on her tongue, the teeth within her beak chewing for a few seconds before swallowing. An audible groan loosed from her throat, taking a deep breath before looking towards the pony opposite her, the mare shooting her a soft smile before going back to her own meal, tossing a piece of *meat* wrapped in the flora gathered into her own muzzle and chewing. Gilda blinked, her sights set upon the strange mare as she reminisced upon the events of a few hours earlier. ----- Gilda's stomach growled, causing the gryphon to wince as she and Roseluck set about their hunt for a proper campsite for the night. The two had been at it for the past forty minutes or so, neither of them talking to each other much save for the occasional line or two, but nothing more. Yet as the sun started upon its final descent into the horizon below, Gilda's hunger made itself known. She had not eaten much since her flight to the mountains a few days ago, save for poking at the pre-prepped meals set to stave off the pangs in her search for some proper food and a decent campsite. Even with the ability to fly, Gilda kept to the ground to conserve her energy. It wasn't as if Gilda couldn't maintain it for so much longer, but she needed to preserve her energy and emergency foodstocks out here in the mountains. Food was scare, and she needed to make her energy last out here every bit she can. Yet to her frustration, there was not much to go around, save for the more unpalatable stuff that just *barely* kept her fed. Roseluck was nice enough to share her own supplies without prompting, the earthen mare mentioning she was able to better forage out here by the merit of her biology. Yet the topic of meat had yet to arise, and Gilda just about had it with the greens they managed to nab thus far. As far as gryphons went, Gilda was one who was not too picky about what her food was, unlike many who scoffed consuming fodder better meant for mere prey. Food was food, and her parents taught her well to appreciate it all regardless of what food was set on the table. While Gilda's family was not poor per say, troubles with the harvests and the like made her appreciate to take what she could get when it was available. All that said, she *is* a gryphon. She needed meat damnit. Never mind the fact her body was better able to process it than other food sources, it just tasted so *good*. She liked greens, even loved them, but a bird had to get some meat on them bones. She clicked her beak, steeling herself as she took a moment to stop. "Listen, can I ask you something real quick Roseluck?" The mare paused, glancing back at her as they stopped at a path. "What's up?" Gilda looked around for a moment, taking a deep breath before staring Roseluck in the eyes. "I'll cut it short and to the point. While I can subsist on these greens we've managed to gather-" "You need meat, right?" Roseluck said, cutting her off. Not expecting her to cut to the heart of the issue, Gilda gave a dumb nod.
>>4139 "Uh, need is a strong word. But yeah, I'd like to hunt for some meat. I just need to know if-" Roseluck shook her head, raising a hoof. "If you're worried about me moaning in horror at the fact that a pred such as yourself needs meat, then I'm afraid you'll need to find another pony for that. I'm not one of them." Gilda blinked, her beak slightly agape as she took a moment to process the pony's casual nonchalance. "Not even-" Yet once more, Gilda was interrupted as something brushed against her leg. Her eyes widened, seeing two furry hares blizting out of an outcrop she did not notice in Roseluck's direction. She cursed, wings flaring to her sides as she got out her throwing knives to- A squelched filled the air as two hooves slammed on top of the hare closest to Roseluck. The throwing knives in Gilda's palm clanged to the ground as blood splattered on Roseluck's coat. Before Gilda could even process the moment, the mare's tail whipped out in a blur, slamming into the other one with a loud thump. The hare sailed into the air for a brief moment before slamming into the ground right at Gilda's talons. The hare twitched for a couple moments, yet Gilda could see the animal was already dead before it had even it the ground. She gawked, looking between the corpse and Roseluck as she saw her tail swish in an unnatural fashion. Upon closer inspection, Gilda saw a glint of metal flash in the light as Roseluck pulled her tail forward and unfastened a rope woven to match the patterns of her tail, depositing a small weighted ball into her saddlebags. "How... How long have you had that there?" Roseluck was in the middle of putting a fastenr on her tail when she paused, looking back up at Gilda. "Oh this?" She said, gesturing to her saddlebag and the tail. "I got the weighted ball from that gryphon I mentioned to you earlier. Said it would be helped to use my tail more in a pinch. Took a lot of practice to nail down, but you'd be surprise at how much a tail can do if you put your mind to it. I kinda forgot about it to be honest, since I had the thing on my tail for so long that it just feels natural. I actually feel naked without having something attached to it these days." She chuckled, her hooves moving in a quick fashion to fasten a respectable knife to it before she began the process of skinning the crushed hare. She paused, her muzzle turning into a frown before uttering a curse. "Oh Celestia damnit, I hope I didn't get the intestines. That'll be nasty to clean." Gilda continued to stare, her beak still agape before Roseluck looked up at her with a wry grin. "Ah, right. Guess you weren't expecting me to do any of that, did you?" Unable to muster any words, Gilda just nodded. The mare laughed, cutting a small incision from the back of the hare's neck before placing her hooves on the partial intact head. Gilda could only watch as the mare proceeded to mash out the guts, keeping a steady hoof on the head while using the other to force the guts to strew out of the animal's rectum. "I learned a lot from Methos during my time with him. Taught me all sorts of things that I never thought'd I have to learn, and had me doing things I'd never even dream of. Taught me to how to fight, forage, survive out in the wild, even got me accustomed to hunting. Before I knew it, I was hunting rabbits, hares, shrews, and even bigger feral deer and other fauna. Got used to it pretty quickly, much to my surprise. Even started developing a taste for meat." Gilda still stared, trying to work her beak but failing as she tried to process the image of the mare before her.
>>4140 "I-I thought you ponies couldn't eat meat, much less like it." Roseluck shrugged, pulling the head off with her tail before tossing the pelt to the side. It then occurred for Gilda to do the same with the hare at her talons. Wordlessly, she pulled a knife hidden under the armpit of her left foreleg and began the process of skinning it as Roseluck continued. "As it turns out, ponies can eat meat. Even like it, as I come to learn. It isn't like all wild fauna is like what Fluttershy manages to get. It's easier to kill something that's dumber than that bunny angel. They're just... Different you know?" She said, twirling a hoof." Gilda shrugged, tossing the head of the hare to the side as she pulled the inner guts of the rabbit down to the rectum. Without further preamble, she lifted the rabbit into the air before flinging it downward. The guts flew out in between the gaps in her legs, splattering into the rockfaced wall. "Yeah, I guess. But you didn't strike me as the type to even think of it. No offense, but you ponies are rather-" She stopped, unsure of how to proceed without offending the mare. "Skittish, prone to jumping at the smallest of things, running around like a chicken with its head cut off?" Gilda looked up, managing to stifle some of the shock from showing on her face as the mare plucked a pouch from her saddlebag and tossed both the skinned corpse and pelt into it before zipping it shut. "Before you asked, I picked up a few sayings from that old bird. And yeah, I was *very* much like that. Honestly, I don't past me would even recognize myself if she saw me right now. Probably run screaming like my sisters when they stumbled upon one of my practice sessions with Methos." She stopped, her face pinching in a frown for a moment before shaking her head. "That..." She sighed, clopping her hooves together as she looked up into the sky. "Said I had turned into a monster. That I had become like some stupid, meat eating gryphon. Told me to get the Tartarus out or they'd call the Royal Guard on me. Methos tried to defend me, but..." She stopped, looking into the rockface for a few moments as Gilda stopped her skinning of the hare. Something rose up within the gryphon's heart, and before she knew it the gryphon was at Roseluck's side. Acting on pure instinct, a wing pulled out and laid it on Roseluck's back. The mare flinched for but a moment before leaning into it, closing her eyes. Gilda jumped as Roseluck's hooves wrapped around her, an unnatural flutter filling her stomach that she was not sure she wanted to be rid of as the two stayed there for several moments more. Gilda's face screwed up, her beak clicking as the urge to run it down the mare's mane popped into her head. Ignoring the sensation of heat filling her face, Gilda contented herself to running her claws down the mare's mane instead. To her even further shock, Roseluck did not reject the motion of affection, taking a moment to breathe in the gryphon's scent. 'Oh gods. What the hell are you doing Gilda? Why isn't this mare running away or something?' Somewhere in the back of Gilda's head, she knew the answer, an image of Rainbow Dash flaring in her vision in Roseluck's place, the scenery changing for a moment to back in Cloudsdale, back when those pieces of shit thought it was a good idea to smash Rainbow's wings and left her to fall. Her eyes narrowed, curling in on themselves as calls of fillyfooler, coltfucker, and cries of pain filled her ears as claws slashed, blood filling the air, and- Gilda stopped, forcing herself to take a deep breath for a few moments before releasing it, allowing the trembling in her body to halt as she tugged Roseluck closer to her, lifting the mare's head and taking a moment to wipe away one of the mare's tears.
>>4141 "You've been through a lot, haven't you?" Roseluck sniffed, nodding. "Y-yeah. Is it that obvious things didn't go too well back there?" Gilda shrugged, pulling her other wing around the mare as the two basked, the sun's rays shining bright upon them "You have not told me much, but I can tell were somewhat kindred spirits." Roseluck laughed, giving a playful poke at Gilda's chest. "Kindred spirits? Never thought a gryphon would say that about me. But seeing as how I am more like a gryphon these days than not..." She trailed off, looking out into the horizon. Gilda's grip tightened around Roseluck's form, the feeling of anger returning with a vengeance. "Did those dw- your sisters run you out of town?" Roseluck bit her lip, looking down at the ground. "I... No. But they might as well have considering the rest of the town managed to find out. Apparently some reporter managed to catch word of what was happening, and before I knew it, I had the entire town rallied up into an angry mob. I- I didn't even get a chance to talk with my sisters. I had to run as fast as my hooves could take me. I-I'm not sure what would have happened if I stayed, but I figured it wouldn't have been good. Didn't even take time to drop back home to get my stuff, save for what was on my person and with Methos's campsite. I just packed my stuff, and left. Methos tried to convince me, but-" She shook her head. "The found us. Said they were going to drive us "gryphons" out of Ponyville proper." She tried to laugh, yet it came out more as a growl instead. "And to think I was once one of them, like with Zecora, like a stupid fucking pony jumping at shadows." She hissed, stomping her hoof into the ground. Gilda listened, unsure of what to say as the mare continued. "I... All those years with that community, and yet they drove me out after finding out what I was doing with Methos. I know not everyone there was in on it. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and a few others, but-" "Was Rainbow in on it?" Gilda muttered. Roseluck blinked for a few moments before her eyes flashed in recognition. She shook her head, putting a hoof on Gilda's shoulder. "No, she wasn't. You've been friends with her, right?" Gilda sucked in a breath, something wet dripping down her beak as she shuddered. She felt the pony between her wings and arms stiffen for a moment before the two forelegs tightened around her. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to-" Gilda raised a claw, shaking her head. "It's fine. I fucked up with Rainbow. Made myself a fucking fool, and burned whatever bridges we had left. Nothing but water under the bridge at this point. It's what a monster like myself deserves I guess." She said, trying to laugh it off, yet the attempt felt as hollow as the hole in her heart as Roseluck brought her hooves to her head, pulling her down to eye level. "Listen, Gilda? I haven't been with you long, not even a day. But this moment is telling me anything, you aren't a monster. Neither of us are. You said we're kindred spirits, right? Then that means we can't be monsters. I know I am not, I know Methos wasn't either, and you are definitely no monster. Celestia help me, I know I did some things that Ponyville didn't like as a whole. But we aren't monsters, right?" Gilda chuckled, a small part of her taking humor in the moment.
>>4142 "No. I guess not." She shook her head, loosing a great, big laugh. "Holy shit, this is corny as all hell. I should be cringing at how lame as fuck this all is, but I can't be arsed to give a damn right now. What's next, are we going to start fucking in the middle of nowhere?" Roseluck's cheeks puffed out for a split seconds before loosing her own guffle, the two of them laughing for several seconds and pounding each other on the back before the moment subsided. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty silly. But it's nice, right?" Gilda shrugged. "I suppose. Guess it helps to avoid any and all suspicion between us, right? So much for any plot development or suspense." Roseluck rolled her eyes. "Eh, who cares? We're the only ones here, right? Not like anyone is gonna tattle about us." She said, drawing her hoof around Gilda's chest as she fluttered her eyes. "Though if you want a romp in the hay, I'm all game." A strangled croak left Gilda's beak as her face flushed with heat as Roseluck pressed in on her face to face. "W-what?" Roseluck held that seductive gaze for several moments, and some part of Gilda felt a growing need to reciprocate, while the rest warred in utter horror at the lack of utter proprietary of it all. At least, before a hoof booped her in the beak. Gilda blinked as the mare giggled, pulling back from the embrace as she wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh Celestia, you should have seen the look on your face." Gilda frowned, giving an unimpressed look towards the mare. "Har har. You got me there, dweeb." Roseluck shrugged, shooting her a strawberry. "Oh relax, it wasn't like I was going to screw you on the spot. I've got standards to uphold after all, and this mare is reserved for their special somepony. Or somegryphon if you prefer." Gilda raised a hand. "I'll pass, thanks." She said. For a moment, Gilda thought she saw a look of disappointment flash across Roseluck's face before she nodded. "Eh, understandable. We only just met like what, eight hours ago?" Gilda nodded. In quick order, she resumed the process of skinning the hare beneath her. "Something like that. But I wouldn't mind calling you a friend if you're game for it. And uh... I'm assuming you want us to share in the meat?" Roseluck shot her a sly look. It took a few seconds before Gilda's eyes widened as she shook her head in a rabid fashion. "N-not like that!" Roseluck laughed, fixing up her own saddlebags as she gave a playful flick of her tail, grazing Gilda's beak right at the moment she inhaled. Her claws rushed to her face, holding in the scent of the mare's musk, regret flooding her as even more of the mare's scent filled in from her claws. The mare in question stepped forward with a playful jump about her, gesturing her over with a hoof.
>>4143 "Well, c'mon! We still gotta find ourselves a campsite before nightfall. I think I can sense a good one right around the corner." Before Gilda could respond, the mare giggled as she continued on forth with a snap of her tail. Unable to find any words to respond, Gilda finished the remainder of her task and quickly caught up with the mare, unable to stop herself from replaying the moment of intimacy in her head as she kept her beak shut. ------ It was a strange moment with a strange pony. Looking at Roseluck as she dug into her meal, it was hard to imagine she being *anything* like the ponies from Ponyville. She was too bold, too daring, too much like Rainbow Dash- With a start, she swallowed, shaking her head. 'No, not like Dashie. Even she didn't go about eating meat like Rose is doing right now with a hearty abandon.' When asked about it while setting up camp, Rose just said in some ways that ponies could also be predators. Said something about having forward facing eyes, the ability to digest meat, and even saying there still existed some groups of ponies not affiliated with Equestria proper that ate meat just as readily as any gryphon, in some ways even being physiology different to the common pony, eliciting a simple 'huh' as Gilda digested that little tidbit. And *then* there was the moment of utter intimacy between them that came from the worst romance novels of all time. Or at least, Gilda thought that's what they were from. It's not like this was a part of destiny or anything. Her gramps said nothing about this in his vision about the place- She stopped, pausing for a moment as she reflected on her reason being here. Her gramps said she'd find her true self upon this quest or whatever it was, to find whatever stinking artifact from an age long past. How she'd find herself trying to find some agricultural doohicky was beyond Gilda, but perhaps it might of had to do with the mare sitting across from her. The feelings of affection returned, the desire to get up and close the distance to cuddle the mare filling her mind. She shook her head, forcing herself to bite down on the piece of meat, licking it as she took in those sweet juices as she closed her eyes. Such sweet, succulent meat. Her tongue dancing all over it, with the sweet spices of a spicy mare- Gilda coughed, slapping herself as she grabbed at her water canteen and forced it down. Roseluck looked up in alarm, and before Gilda could even muster a word, the mare was on her, slamming a hoof on her back. Gilda coughed once, then twice, then thrice, before the piece of food lodged in her throat went down. She panted, forcing the water canteen up and down her beak as she drank, drank, and drank some more as Roseluck patted her on the back. "Easy Gilda, try to actually chew your food before swallowing. Can't have you dying on me now, right?" Gilda panted, shooting her an unamused look before sighing. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Just got a bit too eager to down it all." Roseluck shrugged, taking a moment to sit next to her. She yawned, cuddling up next to the gryphon, causing Gilda's heart to stir. "Well, I don't know about you, but I am feeling rather sleepy. We got a big day tomorrow, trying to find this artifact, wherever the heck it is." For her part, Gilda just nodded.
>>4144 "Y-yeah. I guess." For a moment, neither of them spoke until Gilda coughed. "Uh, aren't you going to start brushing up-" Roseluck loosed a frustrated growl, staring down Gilda with annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Don't put your panties in a bunch." She said, pulling up to her saddlebag and fetching her equipment. Gilda looked on for a moment before feeling a yawn escape her own beak. Without preamble, she closed the plated disc to save for tomorrow and pulled out her own supplies. Pulling out a toothbrush and a small tube of tooth/beakpaste, the gryphon went to work as she stared up into the campfire went the earthen mare dropped by her side. Taking a gulp of water, she dabbed her brush and proceed to brush, hoof adapter in... Well, hoof as the mare brushed. Gilda looked on for a moment, deciding not to comment as she went about her business, letting the moment happen as she lifted a wing to envelop the mare. 'Fuck it. If she wants to cuddle, who am I to refuse?' The two sat there in silence, the sounds of brushing filling the air as the fire died down. On sync, the two finished and spat the paste into the dirt, flushing it with water before the two looked at each other. "So... Do you want to take first watch or I?" Roseluck paused for a moment, looking out into the darkness. "Hmm. I guess I can do so. But I don't think we have to, seeing as there hasn't been anything out here thus far. For a dangerous mountain, we've yet to see anything more dangerous than those sudden drop offs." Gilda fixed her with a look. "True, but my gramps said things lurk in the dark around here. It pays to be-" Gilda trailed off, her eyes squinting as something danced out of the corner of her vision. Her head darted, claws on staff, Roseluck following her lead without word as she swiped the dagger from her barrel, tail swaying in utter menace as her ears swiveled. "What is it?" Gilda's eyes narrowed, her wings flaring as she pulled her rear to the campfire. She swore, her vision still taking time to adjust to the darkness. "I don't know, but we're not alone. Fucking Helen." Her staff twirled, eyes twitching this way and that as Roseluck's head turned likewise. They waited, seconds turning to minutes, yet nothing happened. Slowly, Gilda relaxed as she sat back down on the ground. "Huh. I guess it was nothing. I thought for sure there was something there." Roseluck shrugged, pulling down to the dirt as she looked at Gilda. "Yeah. I guess-" She stopped, her eyes widened. At that very moment, Gilda's blood froze in her veins as something rushed to her ear. Roseluck screamed out a warning as Gilda twirled, roaring as she swung her staff on instinct. Her heart skipped a beak, yellow eyes and flashing fangs descending upon her as the staff connected with a large sabertooth and- Gilda screamed, utter agony filling her as the cat's fangs sank into her raised arm. She howled, slammed into the dirt as she began to fight the cat in a life or death struggle. She heard Roseluck cry out, launching upon the beast with a war cry as she slammed her tail upon the fell beast, only to be batted away for her efforts. Yet this gave Gilda enough time to fetch one of her knives, pulling it up and slamming it repeatedly into the feline's neck. Blood soaked tears bled through her vision, her beak snapping at the feline's neck along with the dagger as she tore chunks from it. She stabbed, stabbed, and stabbed, the beast weakening with every strike as it splattered blood of both her own and itself, her vision fogging all the while.
>>4145 Then without ceremony, the beast slumped on top of her dead. Gilda panted, her breath ragged as she looked at the dead beast's eyes, before looking to see her mangled arm still stuck inside its grasp. With a start, she realized that part of her shoulder and flank had been ripped open, bleeding red on to the ground. She groaned, collapsing on to the ground as Roseluck rushed up to her with panic in her eyes. The mare's mouth moved, yet for some reason Gilda could not hear them clearly. Her vision was darkening, Roseluck ripping open something from her saddlebag, popping open a glass bottle. Before she even knew it, Roseluck was cramming it into her beak, letting a sweet, cool liquid pour down her throat. Gilda coughed, suckling it for all she could as sweet, *sweet* relief from the pain came forward, and with it a clarity of purpose as her hearing returned. "-Gilda, for Celestia's sake just answer me!" Gilda blinked for a moment before chuckling. "Relax dweeb, I-I'm still here. Go-gonna take more than this overgrown c-cat to kill an awesome gryphon like-" A spike of pain ran up Gilda's arm as she swore. "Fuck! Fuck-" She bit down on her beak, feeling the bleeding slow as Roseluck forced open the cat's jaw, much to Gilda's protest as her arm resumed its bleeding. Yet the mare was quick on the draw, splashing the potion on the wound, causing it to clot before, fetching a needle and driving it into her flesh. Gilda hissed, feeling her arm bubble as the potion injector went to work, the broken bones in her arm beginning the process of mending as Gilda drew in shallow breaths. Bandages wrapped around Gilda's arm, her vision fading as Roseluck placed a firm hoof on her form. "Just don't die on me Gilda, just stay with me, okay?" "I... I'll try, I-" Gilda slumped to the ground, the blackness overtaking her vision. The last thing she heard before losing consciousness was the mare shouting her name. Then, darkness. ----- As you can see, the ending is rushed. By the time I got back to the campsite, my fingers were having those certain pains telling me not to use em. Seeing as carpel tunnel can be a thing, I erred on wrapping it then and there, even if it meant impacting the quality. I can always refined the ending bit later, but overall I am satisfied with what I have. Not perfect, not great, but just enough to be okay at least. It isn't anything to write home about, but it's something to my name. At least I am writing something for Roseluck and Gilda. Did a little implying and stuff, hinting of what happened before, maybe to set up further flashback and stuff like that. World building it still a little iffy. Still need to get in on that stuff. But I'll get to it when I get to it. For now, I hope you enjoy what is on post. Hopefully it'll keep this thread going on and keep you guys inspired.
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Gryphons on motopods, because why not?
What happened to this writefag? Anyone know?
>>5006 Working on other projects at the moment. My gryphon story is on the backbuner for the time being. I didn't get that muc reception to them, so I figured they were not this site's cup of tea. I have other prompts to work with, but for the time being I am focusing my creative efforts on other things. Once those are done, I'll see about returning to get another post in.
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>>3622 tfw no Gilda gf to yell at me in a scarousing kinda way
i feel like i finally found home griffbros :)
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>>6826 New visitor?
>>6827 Not him but yes also
>>6828 Welcome aboard.
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>>9660 neat!
Oh hey, this place has a gryphon thread.
>>10923 Yep, it never gained very much traction though, unfortunately. I've tried mentioning this thread when the occasional grif thread is on /mlp/, but nobody seems to care.
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>>10926 I guess we just can't have anything nice.
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Does anyone have any ideas for interesting things to do with gryphons? The mythology behind them is pretty mixed up and confused so it leaves a lot of room to pick and choose. I saw a few ideas in a post on /mlp/ a while ago but haven't really seen much else since. Apparently their feathers can cure blindness and there was something about their claws or talons changing colour in the presence of poison. That made me think maybe they could have a way of showing trust in each other by covering their talons when they have a drink together or something. There was also something about them being known for slaying evil and wicked people and monsters, and commonly being depicted as protectors and guardians. There could be potential here for a sort of guild or travelling group of monster slaying gryphons that go around researching and killing all sorts of strange monsters. Kinda like the witcher or monster hunter I suppose.
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>>10958 The concept of the talons changing color due to poison is quite fun; very much like the old trope of testing for poison with silver utensils. There's a lot you can do with that. Unfortunately, as far as ideas involving the physical attributes of griffons go, I don't really have much. That being said, in the story that I've been working on, I've touched more on the cultural/social aspect of them. For example, how there's an East/West divide with two distinct cultures that coexist under one banner as a united country. Also a heavy expectation of a family's trade to be continued from one generation to the next. Things like that. Probably not particularly interesting stuff, but it's something. Honestly though, you can do just about anything with the griffon race and have it stick. Thankfully, the show writers somehow managed to keep their hands off of them enough to still be a mostly blank slate race. You can still explore all kinds of ideas without the burden of dealing with the perception of "canon".
is the griffon thread kill?
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>>11020 >Thread gets a fresh burst of activity >Asks if it's dead Only if you want it to be, I guess. I'm always eager to discuss birbs.
>>11025 gilda´S head looks like a bowling pin
Speculation time: Rarity says that griffons are rare in the episode with Gilda, so maybe they live super long and are solitary for most of their lives. I'm going to throw up a number like say 200 years. They are very territorial. Once every hundred years they are called by a higher force to the breading grounds where they fight for a mate. This is the only time when they interact with other griffons beyond defending their territory.
>>11029 I had assumed that just meant that gryphons didn't go to Equestria very often.
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I had a couple ideas about insults gryphons could use. weed-eater - a pony seed-eater - One who is too cowardly or incompetent to hunt and has to resort to eating only seeds, berries and other safe to gather and grow things. Not to be used against those genuinely unable to hunt as it would be deeply insulting and certain to cause fights. flapper - A weak flyer, one who isn't able to achieve a strong take-off and struggles to fly at higher altitudes and ride thermals. House Cat or Canary - passive or unimposing Any thoughts on a diet based elitism running through gryphon society? Hunting carnivores and meat-preferring omnivores on top and seed and/or bug eaters lower down.
>>11672 Sounds about right. Diet based elitism makes sense as an aspect of griffon life.
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>>11672 >>11695 I don't agree with this one. The show has long established that griffs are perfectly OK with the same vegetarian style diet that ponies/the majority of the world seems to enjoy, though leaning harder on the seeds/grains than vegetables. And really, this is for a good reason. In a setting where the majority of animals, common prey ones included, are usually semi-sapient at the bare minimum if not fully so, the connotations of being a red meat eater are all kinds of fucked up and a big no-no from many perspectives. It's the kind of thing that can only be appropriate in the world of Equestria if you either change the worldbuilding to remove all sapience from animals, or are going for a more grimdark setting. Even then the former is still a bit fucked since equines themselves are still traditionally prey animals. For me personally, I've always viewed MLP griffons as being pescetarians; it's a good compromise that allows them to maintain a bird of prey/hunter culture while avoiding all the moral baggage mentioned above. If Fluttershy has no issues feeding live fish to her animal friends, then I'd say griffons snagging a fresh catch high in the mountain lakes and streams is fair game. On a side note, there's hardly any art out there of griffons fishing.
>>11763 That would depend on how seriously you take the canon depictions within the source material. As far as fanfiction goes, I've seen looser interpretations with how gryphons go about getting their three daily meals, though this has tighten up somewhat as the show progressed into its later seasons. As far as diet is concerned, the sky is the limit provided you play fast and loose with what canon presents. Taken as gospel, we never actually see gryphons eat meat in the show, which taken to its logical conclusion means they never eat meat, nor are they capable of it. At least, until the Word of God says otherwise. In any case, this isn't something I would overthink too much. I doubt the creators of a cartoon for little girls thought all that much about it, so why should we?
man,i miss the griffon threads on /mlp/
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Is your griffon gf on your gun?
>>4146 Whelp, might as well get back into the groove and take a crack at getting the old rust off for this little project of mine. I spent much of the past year and a half focusing on an unrelated PMD project that I managed to get out of the gate last December. With that done, I still have a bit of rust I need to brush off before getting back into this Gilda/Rose story proper. So starting small, let's revisit Roseluck an interaction with Methos. Can't promise anything good since I am winging it with a fair bit of brain fog in the way of things, but this project ain't gonna write itself. With that, on with the show. --- Roseluck took a deep breath, holding it still within her lungs for a moment before releasing it with a slow exhale. Her eyes narrowed, concentrating on the target fifty paces in front of her as she began to whirl her tail with great speed to the point where she could feel the air currents disrupted by the projectile held within the basket of her sling. Fears of the stone slamming into her own head crept up the sides of her mind, yet the earth pony brushed it aside with a deep breath as she began to pick up speed. Her legs tensed, and with a twist of her body she sent the projectile hurtling forward with a *snap*. The stone blurred for but a moment before the sounds of a glass bottle shattering filled the air. Yet even as the stone slammed into the bottle, Roseluck had reloaded her sling with a bigger stone as another bottle sailed high above at her eleven o'clock. The air cracked as the stone was slung upward, sending it on an intercept path towards her intended target. Impact. Glass shards rained down upon the young mare as she she scrapped up a stone from the ground, her form a blur as she sent another projectile into the air at one of the pieces straight towards the earth pony. The shard shattered into a rain of dust, blown into the sky by a gust of wind as a gryphon blew through it, club in hand. Roseluck hind legs tensed, twisting her body towards the eagle gryph as she caught the club with her sling. The gryphon reacted, twisting to get the club loose when she *pulled*, ripping the club from his grasp, sending the gryphon tumbling to the ground. Yet in the next couple seconds, the gryphon rolled with his fall, his wings springing open to send him twirling back on his feet. His form twisted, narrowly dodging a set of hooves slamming down on him as the gryph backhanded Roseluck with a wing, causing her to stumble for a moment. She swore under her breath, charging the gryphon with the aim of trampling him under her hooves when she stopped. The gryphon gave her a slim smile, nodding at the earthen mare. "Much better than last time. You actually managed to set me off foot for a moment there. I applaud your attempt to drag me face first into your hooves." Roseluck said nothing for a moment, her eyes eyes not moving from the gryphon even as she felt the steel edge of a dagger pressed against her throat. The earthen mare took a deep breath and sighed. "Yet not good enough it seems." The gryphon chuckled, slowly drawing the dagger away from Roseluck's throat and back into its sheath. "Nonsense! If I had been a tad slower or if you managed to snag my arm instead of my hand, you'd have me dead to rights under your forehooves." He said, patting her on the shoulder. Roseluck's form remained tense for a few seconds longer before she allowed herself to relax. Sighing, Roseluck shook her head as she stretched her body, groaning as a few of her bones to gave a satisfying pop. "Maybe. But I still have much to learn before I can get on your level Methos. That wasn't even a real combat encounter. Even though I knew you were coming, you still had me dead to rights." She said, pulling the sling adapter from her tail holstering it within its pouch. At that, Methos shrugged.
>>13947 "Perhaps so. But you still gave me a hard time of it. You have become frightfully accurate with that tail of yours. If those stones you hurled had actually hit some griff, pony, or whoever, they would not be walking away from it unscathed. I dare say you could break a shield arm even if your stone did not managed to break through, to say nothing if you used properly enchanted ammunition. Hells, you could even give a proper guardspony slinger a run for their bits if put they were put against you," He said, gesturing to her tail. "I certainly wouldn't want to find out how many bones of mine you'd break if one of those stones were to hit me. You're quite the natural with that tail of yours if I do say so myself." Methos said, nodding at her. Roseluck shrugged, giving her tail a twirl before looking back at him with a small smile. "Thank you for the flattery. But it's only thanks to your training that I even managed to get this far. Otherwise, I'd still be that same scaredy pony from..." Roseluck's face scrunched, her eyes widening ever so slightly the realization dawned upon her. "Has it only been three months since we stared actual face to face combat training?" In response, Methos put his a hand on Roseluck's withers, giving a comforting squeeze. "Indeed. You are an excellent listener, and an able student. To be frank, you don't give yourself enough credit. You've done better than many a huntsgryphon back in my tribe, and even a properly trained Royal Dragoon would have to think twice before taking you head on. You aren't quite at my level yet, but that's only to be expected. Given a couple years or less at the rate you are learning, you'd be well on your way to being my equal or better. To say nothing of what would happen to the poor manticore that'd cross your path." Roseluck's cheeks heated up, unable to stop the blush from crossing her face as she took in the pride wrought upon Methos's face. She covered it with a hoof to shield her own growing smile, feeling much lighter on her hooves as the warmth within her bosom swelled. "I-I-, you're just saying that. That's something you say that to everyon-, err, everypony, right?" Methos gave her a sly look, raising an eye for a split second before shaking his head. "Perhaps. But you certainly grown faster than many of my other pupils. You emblemize your talents than what would appear on the surface," He said, gesturing to her cutie mark. "-for your rose definitely has very sharp thorns indeed." "Oh stop that!" Roseluck laughed, brushing him off with a hoof. "Now I definitely know you're just buttering me up." "Is it still buttering up if it is true?"
The laughter of gryphon and pony alike filled the air as the two gathered up their belongings and headed back to camp. With it, Roseluck could not stop the skip in her step despite the end result of their moment of training, instinctively drawing closer to the gryphon as they settled into setting up for the night. By the time sunset was upon them, Roseluck was sipping from her bowl of Pellonian stew, reveling in the spices brought from afar, mixed in with Roseluck's own special brew of herbs made from the Everfree's many exotic flora at the direction of Zecora's instruction. She sighed, finishing the last sip of her bowl before her gaze fell on the gryphon in company. Methos grunted, running a knife through his primaries as he sheared off a few broken feathers and plucking them off with his beak. He gave a contented sigh, tossing the last of the feathers into a bag filled with more of the same before replacing the knife and tweezers in his grasp with a brush and a set of pot filled with special paints acquired from Zecora. Tentatively, Rose watched as Methos dabbed his brush with water before dipping it into an orange/blue mixture of paint and began to apply it to the pattern of his wings. Roseluck look on for a moment, watching his fingers fix and pin several series of feathers in succession as Methos reapplied his tribal markings to his wings. Sharp as his talons were, Rose could not help but marvel at the delicateness he handled even the smallest of his feathers with a precision she could only dream of. Shaking her head, Roseluck's eyes fell back to her own hooves, staring at them for a moment before scoffing. It wasn't as if she could not be dexterous with the special properties of her hooves. Earth ponies in general were more dexterous than other races due to their racial attributes honing the earth with their hooves, sculpting from it many a grand creation that the other races simply were not capable of, at least not to the same extent. The Spa Sisters were one such set of ponies whose hooves were simply *divine*, warping the magical fields within them to apply such a tender touch that became the envy of many a pegasi and unicorn, even if they made up in other ways with their other sisters who wielded wings and horns in a similar fashion. But even as she looked at them, she could not help but envy how those fingers danced and twirled among the gryphon's feathers. How Methos applied each dab of paint with painstaking accuracy, massaging each stiffened muscle within the wing with a touch of his fingers. How they suddenly stopped for several moments as the gryphon who wielded them gave a loud cough-
Roseluck froze, her eyes turning up to see the gryphon staring at her with amusement. She squeaked, throwing herself up on all fours- Methos raised a claw for her to stop. "It's alright Ms. Flamora. I do not take offense to you staring. Merely curious as to why my activities with my fingers are of such interest to you." At that very moment, Roseluck found one as an itch made itself damningly apparent within her scalp. She cringed, opening her mouth to say something, yet the gryphon's eyes sharpened as he tsked to himself. "You know, if you are in need of a good preen, I may yet render some assistance." He said, wringing his fingers out in the open. "There is nothing shameful about asking Ms. Flamora. My warband and I did much the same during our excursions into the local forest to hunt many a predatory beast that threatened our flock. You need but ask, and I shall assist you." Roseluck blushed, hesitating for a moment at the... Intimacy of it before the itch intensified, making the mare's decision. "I... Alright. But don't you still have to deal with your feathers?" Methos shook his head, replacing his instruments and moving them away from him as he gestured Roseluck to come to him. "That paint dries quickly, and I can finish the paints off for another time. If you would rather not, I-" Roseluck cut him off with a huff, shaking her head as she approached the gryphon. "To Tatarus with it. If you say it isn't unbecoming, who am I to question it?" She said, wincing as she became aware of several more itches filling her body. Methos smiled, beckoning her to lay at his side, which Roseluck took as she settled down next to him. Laying herself flat, Roseluck could not help but shiver as she felt his claws touch her body. It wasn't as if he had done so before to help brush off some dirt or the like, but in so intimate a fashion she- -groaned. Groaned some and more as he ran his claws right over her itch and scratched it. The gryphon stopped for a moment as his claw ran into something, before Roseluck eyes peered up to see him frown. The earthen gave a quiet yelp as he began to pull at something, running his fingers up her scalp before pulling his fingers up to his eyes. Roseluck eyes narrowed on them, and hissed as she saw the distinctive form of burrow mites wriggling between his nails. The gryphon paused, looking between her and the burrow mite in question before flicking the annoyance into the fire. "A wretched pestilence. My grooming can wait. But yours..." Roseluck blushed, but nodded. "I rather do away with those damned things, and Aloe and Lotus's Spa are rather far away. Don't know how I got them, but if you're up for it and not worried about getting those things on you..." She trailed off, seeing the gryphon's "lips" pull up into a soft smile. "It would be my pleasure Roseluck. It was part of the reason why I was applying my paints after all. Zecora managed to secure a special brew that happened to have insecticide properties to them to ward such filthy things off. They'll protect me from harm, even with their half worn state." She said, raising a with with the faded mark of his tribe.
Roseluck looked on for a moment, looking between the faded paints and the tools set in front of the gryphon. Methos eyes followed her own, and raised an eye even as Roseluck's lips moved. "I... I don't suppose you could applied those paints-" She stopped, shaking her head at the thought. "No-, those are special, right? Your tribe's sacred mark." She sputtered. In response, the gryphon chuckled, pulling the paints and tools closer to him. "Indeed so. We reserve such marks for those of our tribe, and I do not believe either of us are so close as to warrant such a thing as of yet." Roseluck blushed as he ran his claws through another sliver of mane, shivering at his touch as he pulled even more of the wretched pests from her mane and tossing them into the flame. Just then, the gryphon stopped, stalling for a moment as a glint came upon his eyes. Methos gave a sly smile, looking down upon the mare with an expecting gaze. "Yet there is nothing said about about applying a personal mark to one's form, if you would permit me. I believe something that resembled that of your cutie mark would be appropriate, no?" Roseluck hesitated for but a moment. It would be a more personal mark of their relationship with each other. From mentor to student. From strangers to... Friends. From friends to- Something more? What would her sisters and other ponies think, getting so close to a gryphon such as him? It was too soon to even think of calling him her coltfriend, yet was it? What would Ponyville think of such a mark? Of being claimed so- Roseluck stopped, forcing herself to take a deep breathe and sighed. Maybe too soon to be a coltfriend, to even think of it. But as a best friend? Of someone who made her grow so much in so little time just because he saw her potential, of wanting to take her up so she could fight off her own weaknesses as a pitiful weakling? Roseluck thought about it for a few moments more before scoffing. *'To the hells with what they think.'* She looked up, giving the gryph a more confident smile. "Scandalous as it might be, I'm feeling rather daring. I find myself rather curious as to what I would look like with a personalized mark like you have on your face." Roseluck said, eyeing the symmetrical swirls that came from the bottom of each side of Methos's ip to meet up towards the top between his eyes. Methos's eyes gleaned for a moment, before stopping as he frowned. "I would be honored to mark my you student as my student with something that would connect us to each other, but... Are you certain you will be fine with such? I know that those among Ponyville have certain prejudice-" Roseluck gave a firm slap on the gryphon's shoulders, nodding. "I'm certain. If worst comes to worse, I figure that e town's local egghead will figure something out to calm em down. I mean, they did so before with Zecora. What's the worst that could happen?" She said, giving him a strong smile. Methos hesitated for but a moment, before relenting to the sheer intensity of Roseluck's gaze pouring down upon him despite his height difference with the earthen mare. Smiling, the gryphon guffled before running his talons down another set of her mane. "Well, if the lady so insists, then who am I to refuse? But first, I believe we should rid you of these parasites before doing so, and brush the dirt off it too, if you'll permit me." Roseluck settled in closer to the gryphon in response, pressing her head agianist those wonderful claws of his. "Just do it you old geezer." The gryphon said nothing but a chuckle, fetching a brush and such as he began to work his magic. ---
--- Throughout the preening process, Roseluck could not help but melt into the gryphons claws. At some point, the gryphon had popped a wing over her as he went over his mane bit by bit. Roseluck was certain he could have down a much greater swath, but she was not one to complain. Not one bit, considering she enjoyed such ministrations. It *probably* was not a proper thing to be had between master and student, but Roseluck *knew* that the gryphon beside her was not capable of doing anything so lecherous and terrible to her, not with how long she knew him for. Maybe she was being quick to judge, but something more about the gryphon had drawn Roseluck to him. Maybe it was his charisma. Maybe it was his soft smile. Maybe it was his gentle patience with her and the many follies she had while training. Maybe it was the passion he inflamed within her that made the mare feel so much more alive in the past few months than she have had in years. Not to say she hated her life, but... Roseluck bit down a moan as the gryph pressed his claws deep into her back. By the sisters, there was something wonderful about the sensation of those sharp things digging into her skin. Oh it hurt, but it was a good type of hurt. The hurt you get after a great exercise, a great sprint, a great about of combat. She giggled at the thought. Combat. Never in a million years did Roseluck think she of all ponies would enjoy it, but... Roseluck frowned, feeling the gryph lifting his claws from her form, brushing off the last of the dirt and pests into the fire. "And that my dear, is a wrap." Roseluck blinked. She frowned. It was already over?" Methos smiled, and nodded. "Yes, I am afraid it is over and done with my dear." Roseluck blinked, blushing as she realized she had said those feelings aloud. "Oh..." She paused for a moment, before her gaze drifted to the tools in front of the gryph, her heart lightening at their presence. Methos noticed, fixing her with a neutral gaze. "Are you still certain that you would be okay with my marking of you? I... I must concede, that a very large selfish part of me wishes to indulge in the activity." Roseluck looked up at him for a moment, before fixing him with a sly smile as she ran her hoof down his chest. "Very." She said, nuzzling him. "I... I'll just say it, I've only grown more eager for this. I've thought about it for a little bit while you were grooming me, but I can think of no reason why I would not. None that I would care for anyway. If someon- somepony I mean tries to give me hells for it, so be it. I'm not the scaredy pony from eight months ago. Or even from three months ago. I want this, by the Sisters, I want this oh so much." Roseluck blushed, but held her smile as she pressed her hoof into his torso, her grin growing even wider to see the gryph pull back in his own blush, before returning his own smile. "W-well then, Ms. Flamora." He stuttered, fetching his tools. "If you so insist, then I shall have no qualms about marking you as one of my own. As..." He shook his head, yet pulling Roseluck all the tighter towards his form. Roseluck felt herself jump for joy inside her mind, her face drawing closer and closer to Methos. The rational part of her brain had become quiet, droning off into a buzz as she drew her lips close to his beak. Something about what she was going to do made sense. Too much sense. How she had been blind to it, but now into he moment she understood with perfect clarity. The gryphon was frozen, his beak slightly agape as her lips came closer and closer to him and- She stopped, feeling Methos claws settle on her form. His wing withdrew from her, folding tightly against the rest of his body as the gryph put a pace between himself and the mare before him. "Roseluck, I... Not that I do not appreciate the sentiment, but I do believe this is too soon for us to-"
Roseluck growled. Actually. Growled. Without warning, she tackled the gryphon, tackling and slamming him into the ground. Her hormones buzzed, her nethers roaring with heat as she used her strength to wrap her body around his. Methos blinked, staring back the mare with wide eyes and an open beak as Roseluck buried her snout into the tuff of his neck and *breathed*. The mare shuddered, letting out a groan as she rubbed her teats over his sheathe. The mare did not know where this sudden about of lust had come from. She knew it had been building for quite some time since... Even before he started grooming her. Some small rational voice of hers said to stop, that that was- She quashed the thought before it even finished. Yet even as she stood over the gryphon, it stopped her. The mare's breath shuddered, her goal so close and yet.... She bit her lip, muffling a cry as she forced herself off the gryphon and focused on the pain. Her hooves came up to her lips, feeling the pain spike as she spat out a mixture of saliva and blood on to the ground. Something wet dripped down her hindlegs, causing the mare to look down to see a puddle of fluid building up. Roseluck cursed. Her heat. It was her damned heat. Affecting her judgment. 'I forgot. Celestia damned me, how did I forget about my fucking heat!?' It came so suddenly. So fast, so strong. By the Sisters, she could *smell* it radiating off her body now! Roseluck dared not look at the gryphon, shame slamming down upon her mind as she stumbled away from him. About what she almost did to him. The wrongness of what she just did flooding her every waking being as she forced herself to trot away, not wanting to see that horrible look of rightful disgust aimed at mare who couldn't even control or remember her damned- "Rose."
The mare froze, eyes wide. Forcing herself to look up, she saw the gryphon stumble his way towards her. She tried to move, yet her legs felt like lead driven into the ground. She could not avert her gaze from his eyes. Eyes that showed concern, of warmth that made the feelings within her body all the worse. So focused was she on his eyes that the mare did not notice the thatch of flora within his palms until he pressed it into her hooves. "Roseluck. Focus. Look at the thambile." She obeyed, feeling a set of secretions pool down her forelegs. "Ms. Zecora mentioned your heat had a tendency to flare up earlier than other mares. So she had devised something for me to give to you to suppress the heat." The gryphon looked down at his hands, his wings jittering as his smile fell. "I must concede, I forgot about telling you right up until the moment you jumped me. Please, do consume it. It'll suppress your heat to a more manageable level. Better if you press it against..." He drifted off, shaking his head as he turned away from the mare. "I'll be waiting Ms. Flamora. Do not be ashamed for what has occurred. The fault lies with me for forgetting to give it to you." With that, the gryphon stared off into the fire, leaving Roseluck to stew for several seconds before she bit down on the thambile and swallowed, focusing on the bitterness of the planet as she shoved the rest of it against her rear. Roseluck huffed, biting her lip as she felt the heat and lust dissipate almost immediately. The thambile absorbed the excess fluids dripping down her body, leaving Roseluck to stew in her mind about what she had- 'No. Focus. Breathe in. Hold. Exhale. Breathe in. Hold. Exhale. Breathe in. Hold. Exhale.' She repeated the mantra, slowing her breathing as the heat died down until it was but a faint background whisper. She sighed, looking down to see the thambile utterly soaked. Sighing, she trotted up to the fire and tossed the soaked plant into the flames, causing it to flare up with a crackle. She stared at it for several long seconds, shaking her head as she felt a familiar claw lay itself upon her withers. She glanced up, seeing the gryph shooting her an apologetic smile. "I-" "I-"
The two stopped, Roseluck seeing the gryph's ear tuffs splayed back against his head. Forcing a smile to her lips, the mare shot him her own apologetic smile. "T-thanks. For that. In all the training, I completely forgot about... You know." She petered off, her gaze stopping as she noticed the wetness around the gryphon's legs. The stared for a moment, her mouth going dry, before forcing herself to rip her gaze from it. Shaking his head, the gryph pulled her close into a hug. "I take no offense my dear. I am very flattered you think of me in that way. I would be lying if I did not have similar thoughts rising up over the past few weeks." Roseluck blinked, looking up to see the gryphon smile turn into a grimace. "To be honest, I have more than the idle fantasy to rut you and make you scream my name. But that would be quite be unbecoming of a noble gryph, wouldn't you said? Just jumping you and running a hot mess of hormones made manifest into a rod into the cloister that is your womb?" Roseluck stared at him for a moment, before loosing a cackle as she slammed her hoof on his back. "N-no more than a hot and bothered mare jumping said noble gryph and humping his groin." Her laughter eased, the mare slowly slumping into the gryph's chest, letting herself absorb the sensation of his breathing and heartbeat. For his part, Methos drew her close and wrapped his wings around her. The two said nothing, all but content to bask in each others warmth. Slowly, Roseluck forced her gaze up to his own and nuzzled him. "I... I was definitely forceful in projecting my feelings out into the open there. But seeing as you haven't tossed me away yet and left screaming for the hills, I don't suppose you would be open for a date, would you?" The gryphon stared at her for a few moments, before the "lips" of his beak lifted into a smile. "Are you implying that we are not in the middle of one right now?" "Touche." Roseluck returned.
For several minutes, neither said anything to each other, the fire behind them dying down, leaving them in the dark as the sun had made its final voyage beyond the horizon., leaving the moon to take its place as it rose higher and higher into the sky. "I am very much flattered by your attraction in me,Roseluck. And I am in turn very much attracted to you, unbecoming as it may be for one of our positions to be attracted to each other. I must admit, you have made me feel more alive than... Since ever to be honest." Methos chuckled, running a claw down her mane. "I suppose that comes down to your special talent. To make people feel passionate in ways they never knew they needed until you come into their lives." Roseluck chuckled, drawing her hooves closer to him. "Y-yeah. I have that effect sometimes. At least when driving my sisters and few close friends into what they ought to do." She paused for a moment, glancing at the tools that laid forgotten a few feet away from them, before turning his gaze to the incomplete pattern on his wings. "I... I don't suppose you'd be up for applying those marks on me, right? Or maybe me returning the favor?" The gryph's gaze followed her for a moment, before shrugging. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. It's late in the into the night, and I for one feel the urge to turn in and rest. With a special mare whom I am attracted to of course, if she so desires it." Roseluck giggled, giving Methos a nuzzle before drawing her body even closer to the gryph. "That special mare would be inclined to it, yes." She yawned, a sudden wave of drowsiness overtaking her. She tried to keep her eyes open, yet her lids fought her every step of the way until they fell shut. Soon after, Roseluck's breathing slowed as sleep took her. Methos looked at the mare held between his forearms, brushing the mane out of her eyes before laying her down to rest with a blanket. In quick order, Methos went about cleaning up the camp, turning in his tools of paint for tomorrow to come. He stopped, looking at the paints for a moment before settling them next to the two of them, drawing in his own blanket and toothbrush. Slowly, he brushed the mare's teeth, dabbing it in mint water each time while being careful to wake her up. Yet he not have worried, the mare out cold as she swallowed the excess liquid from the brush. Smiling, Methos nuzzled the mare's scalp with his beak as he brought all the excess camp stuff into their containers, and snuggled up to the mare, wrapping his wings around her. It would not have been his idea of broaching the topic of romance to the mare, and he still was kicking himself for forgetting the mare's heat right up until she was on top of him. Gryphon hens did have their heats yet, and so did Equestrians, yet Zecora did make special mention that Roseluck's hit particularly hard due to a quirk of her physiology. Curses be upon him to forget it, he did not regret the outcome despite having to clean up the mare's fluids from his... He blushed, shaking his head as he forced such thoughts out from his brain, hard it may have been with the mare nestled against him and the aroma of her scent assaulting his nostrils. "By Herrah's Heart, I hope I do bright by you Roseluck." He said, uttering a small prayer before letting his eyes close. Sleep came quick to him, and before long the two were nestled close together as one whole, with Luna's moon gazing upon them in earnest. Unbeknownst to either, Roseluck's cutie mark glowed with Methos's tribal markings. End time: 5:04 PM Estimated time around three hours thirty minutes to four hours thirty minutes. That... Took a lot longer than I had anticipated. I just kept typing and typing until I got to the end. Some parts of it were rushed to be sure, but I have no regrets how this turned out, messy as it may be. I just hope you guys enjoy it for what it may be.
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Oh, and as for the "lips" of a gryphon's beak, I used this visual as inspiration. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TerribleHauntingChanticleer-mobile.mp4 As for the tribal facial painting and feather plumage, I only got this for the former. https://youtu.be/JwLMY2q5_Wg With what I planned for Roseluck, I was thinking of subtle facial outlines that would indicate something akin to her cutie mark. With Methos, I was thinking of deeper eye shadow paints to indicate a "mask" for him, something in like pic related. Save for it being more detailed and expressive. 2nd pic would be something akin to the size of Methos, and general body shape, with the beak trimmed to be less jagged of course. (Scratch that, those pics are too big for this site. Darn.) Good lord, I like better visuals, but I am stuck with what I got since I am not an artist. Just a penwriter. Nonetheless, I hope these will be a boon for you as far as a brief spot of entertainment goes.
>>13960 Nevermind, managed to find a compressor. Anyway, the mask would be something like the first and third image, save for being somewhat more elaborate. Some for facial masqkuing. As for size, Methos would the something like the second image.
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>>13960 I'm not sure about the lips thing, but I know it can be frustrating to deal with solid beaks. I'll have to go back and read the rest of the story again, I thought it was abandoned.
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What did the Crystal Empire mean by this?
>>14800 >Crystal Empire was once a thriving ancient city of the griffons >Something happened >Ponies wandered along and claimed it and its magic for themselves VGH...
>>14802 >Gryphons aren't actually greedy, they just have some bizarre ingrained coping mechanism for losing the Crystal Empire Could be an interesting idea to develop.
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why the writers hated other species that arent horses,this could have griffonstone but no, they thought griffons being jews was funny
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Fluffy hugs!
>>15800 The writers were just stupid, it's underage troglodytes that keep pushing that juice shit. Gryphon enjoyers don't acknowledge that garbage.
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This gryphon looks a bit strange.
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Has anyone else noticed this? Gryphon hands (front feet?) seem to be able to move from a human hand shape to a more bird foot shape depending on what they're doing. Most people seem to have either not noticed or just not cared. This was probably just a convenience or oversight by the animators but would something like this even be possible? I imagine the thumb would have to rotate around almost 180 degrees and I don't think tendons and such would really work properly like that. It would probably help with fine motor control though, I don't think birds are the most dexterous.
>>17650 Yeah, for IRL birbs it would definitely be impossible. What makes it possible in Equestria is magical joints in there anatomy. That's also how ponies are so flexible.
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>>17652 I suppose just not worrying about it is the easiest. Works for me anyway.
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I saw this image and wondered if anongryphon was ever a thing. I'm guessing not since I've never really noticed it.
Remove beans from griffon gfs
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>>17930 No way.
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What's the best way for beakers to kiss each other?
>>17968 They could try it like that, but it would be more likely that they rub beaks or touch foreheads or something.
>>17969 Feather preening is probably a different form of affection, but they gotta be able to kiss their non-beaked friends, too. We need a way to get their tongues into other creatures' mouths. Deep kisses, no licks. Tongue-on-tongue action, heavy breathing, the works.
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>>17968 I just imagine that their beaks are flexible enough to allow their mouths to couple mostly like lips. That's how the show presents them, so that's how I imagine them. Think of their beaks being as flexible as a fingernail or something, maybe with some more give to it
>>17982 Beaks are bone underneath a shell. They are like horns.
>>17983 No way, dude. You see how gryphon's beaks in the show flex and bend all over the place? They definitely not like your standard beaks. They got the same stretchy stuff in them that lets ponies stretch out to like 4x their body length for humorously timed slapstick comedy
>>17983 That rubber beak stuff always seemed weird to me, I much prefer the proper beak style.
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A letter for you, but what gryphon sent it?
theres still no ggf thread on /MLP/ we need to discuss griffons or hippogriffs
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>>18016 Well nobody seems to want to discuss them here. Was there something you had in mind?
