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Pony Waifu Music Anonymous 10/02/2021 (Sat) 09:06:49 No. 3875
Post your waifu and your top 5 list of songs about her. I'll start: 1. https://youtu.be/G2w7h0Ye-b8 - that shouldn't surprise anybody. Marcus did a fantastic job, and the cello is very pleasant to hear. 2. https://youtu.be/oMWN9UVnh28 - while the animation made for original version was nice, I prefer the slow, relaxed melody in this one. 3. https://youtu.be/559hgfsA60Q - another classic. I really liked the canterlot animation someone made for it. 4. https://youtu.be/0OHPw5DpAsQ - again, an acoustic version. The vocals are also pretty good. 5. https://youtu.be/cPbfE8IAXCA - this one is a bit more energetic. Both this and the previous one were made because of a shipfic, but hey, it's still good music.
>>3875 >Celestia I can't really think of too many off the top of my head ^:( I guess my collection of horse music is a bit small overall. But I recognize the song from the Canterlot changeling animation, pretty good. I like it.
>>3877 Interesting. Sounds like it would be perfect backing for something like a fairy tale. I will admit older rock and metal are more my jam, but thanks for sharing.
>>3887 Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but it's still good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV2_frQh1QA
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>>3875 >Luna I don't really like fandom music that much. So, I don't have a collection of songs specifically about Luna. However, here's some music that makes me think of Luna. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTWvlwZ7AJw&list=PLFQiAre6xWjf3Uh-UE6nT7Y97vHdXk53W&index=113[Embed] - Music for when Luna takes Equestrian troops into battle. Her face is stern and grave. She has on brilliant silver armor, and her exquisite halberd is by her side. She's charging toward the enemy. She's full of grit and determination in that moment. She and her troops will not fail. 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1viUagdHYRA[Embed] - When I hear this I think of Luna when she reminisces about her family who passed away more than a thousand years ago and she gets misty eyed. Or, at other times she's feeling sad or melancholy. 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1j5IOZmh6g[Embed] - Luna likes playing elaborate, Rube-Goldberg tier pranks on Celestia and the other palace courtiers. Once a prank is triggered, it spirals outward in ever expanding layers of comedy as more and more trip wires are passed that initiate other sub-pranks. This music makes me imagine Luna watching it all unfolding, and laughing, from a balcony. Alternatively, It makes me imagine her taking part in a stately palace dance. She's dressed in a gorgeous gown and her finest jewelry. She nods magnanimously to other participants of the dance as she moves about the floor. She is the very epitome of elegance, and she is a supreme dancer. 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikDS1TBAElo[Embed] - Makes me think of the challenges she's overcome, her determination, her persistence, her emotional endurance, and her faith that everything will turn out well. Also, it reminds me of how Luna seems to have a void within her. She's always searching to find that which will fill it. It somehow means something about the triumph of her soul over her troubles. Or, maybe it reflects my desire to help and be there for her. I dunno; something like that. 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p5lV1i-gWQ[Embed] - Makes me imagine like I am watching Luna from afar in the part of the dream realm where she has her sanctum of safety and peace. She's moving about with a lovely smile, enjoying all the beautiful ethereal nature and calmness of the place.
>>3875 Would Octavia like the cello music of Adam Hurst? Seeds: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O6shBR7CU8c&pp=ygUQU2VlZHMgYWRhbSBodXJzdA%3D%3D
