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Your Waifu Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 00:41:25 No. 5972
Who is your waifu? Why is she your waifu? How long have you known your waifu? Your waifu is now standing in front of you and appears scared with apprehension. How do you respond?
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>>5972 Applejack I don't know. Forces beyond my understanding compel me towards her. 2 years, 3 in January Ask her what's wrong and comfort her.
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>>5972 Ponka Lonk Because she's beautiful, fun and adorably pink. 2019 Pure confusion
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>>5972 Celestia She seems like a nice mare. She's also very pretty. Also, The Exchange. I've known her for longer than she's been my waifu. Took me longer than it should have to find this mare. Offer up a hug? How could you not when she looks like pic rel?
>>5972 Rainbow Dash. I've known her since 2014 and fell in love with her almost at first sight. She's my waifu because of her amazing design/look, her cute raspy voice, and her beautiful athletic prowess and the way she always stays loyal to those she believes in and her friends. She appears tough and sometimes without emotion on the outside, but once you get to know her she can be sweet and lovey-dovey to those she trusts the most. If she approached me with apprehension I would probably asked her what's wrong and try to comfort her in any way I could. Perhaps offer her something to eat/drink and listen to what she has to say.
>>6078 >Cute raspy voice. A lot of people don't like that about her. But, I'm with you. It's actually very cute when combined with her personality.
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>>5972 >Who is your waifu? I don't have a waifu. >Why is she your waifu? The reason I don't have a waifu is because I just don't believe that is something which can truly be known without first getting to Equestria. >How long have you known your waifu? I don't remember exactly when it happened, but I've been in love with Equestria and ponies in a special way for about two years, or a little over a decade, depending on how you measure it. >Your waifu is now standing in front of you and appears scared with apprehension. How do you respond? Well I hope to God nopony is stuck here on Earth. But I'd try to calmly explain the situation and help them get their bearings. After that probably offer a hug. >>15187 I also like Rainbow Dash's voice.
>>15218 >pic Maximum cuddly sunhorse.
Aw my post got deleted because of that server crash and now I don't remember what exactly I said.
>>17646 Who's your waifu, anon?
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>>17648 Gilda. I suppose this is an opportunity to rewrite it sometime, the post was a bit of a mess last time.
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>>17651 Do it! You can make updates as well. Mine also got wiped out. So, I'll rewrite mine as well. Cheers!
>>17651 Nice, Gilda is wonderful. I'm interested to hear what you have to say.
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>>15187 I thought it was a shame that Dash's raspy voice started disappearing as the show went on. A bunch of voices changed and it feels like the show lost something even just with that. >>17651 It's still a disorganised mess but here: >Who is your waifu? Gilda >Why is she your waifu? I love her voice and she's beautiful. Extremely hot too. Her distinctive eye shadow marks do a lot for me. With all those fluffy feathers, I bet she feels great to cuddle with, although she would never admit it. She must have stayed in shape to keep up with Rainbow. Gilda seems to be the kind of person who has a few really good friends rather than a lot of sorta friends, which is what I am too. She was willing to do the Junior Speedsters dance for Rainbow even though she thought it was lame and embarrassing, so she clearly values her friendships. I bet she's a sweetheart deep down, even if she's reluctant to show it in public. I think Gilda would be pretty supportive, even if it was in an "us against the world" kind of way. There's more, but I think it's buried in "things I just know" rather than easily recalled and explained. It's much harder than I expected to convey my feelings for her. >How long have you known your waifu? I think it was love at first sight, but I didn't realise it for a while. That would make it since I first watched the show, so around 13 years now. >Your waifu is now standing in front of you and appears scared with apprehension. How do you respond? I'd have to try incredibly hard to avoid blurting out that I wanted to go to Equestria to be with her, not have her get stuck in this shithole. I suppose I'd try to calm her down and avoid getting clawed up in a panic. I don't have any emergency catnip to throw at her.
>>17874 Cool waifu. She's certainly an intriguing personality. Her guardedness can make any relationship with her feel intimate, I think. Here's to fluffy chest feathers and beak snips and paw-patting!
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>>5972 >Who is your waifu? Princess Luna. I call her "Lulu", and I love her smile when I say it. >Why is she your waifu? I love her in every way! We are both socially reserved and we lean on each other to get through confusing social situations. Yet, between each other we feel completely open. She's an intellectual (as I am), and we enjoy exploring what we are curious about and discussing fascinating things in the natural world, history, in the heavens, or other such subjects. I appreciate that she's a clever ruler and strategist. I love listening to her going over plans for infrastructure improvement or how she intends to diplomatically entrap the enemy kingdoms of Equestria. Sometimes, I can offer valuable input. It makes her smile, and that smile makes the rest of the world stop! Of course, she is more gorgeous and sexy than any other pony! Words can't even encompass how sexy she is! She's subtle, sultry, and seductive when hinting at intimacy (though sometimes, when it suits her, she is very direct). Then, she's like a wild and passionate hurricane in bed! Afterward, I love to trace the constellations on her flanks; it makes her giggle. It brings me happiness to no end to lavish her with love, attention, and romance. We go for walks in the moonlit Canterlot streets, we play pranks on Celestia (who gets us back eventually), we spend hours in the Royal Observatory visiting with the stars, and sometimes making love in the optics lab, we visit the forest at night where all the night creatures (wolves, owls, etc.) come to visit her - because I'm with Luna, they let me pet them - and so much more. Being an expert in weaponry, she has insisted on teaching me swordplay. I adore how she takes no guff and demands high standards from my sword work! In our sparring matches, when I let my guard down, she bonks me on the head (gently). If I drop my guard too much, she might end up whacking me in the nuts (lovingly; not too hard). Then she'll smile seductively with those cosmic bedroom eyes of hers and teasingly say something like "Keep your guard up, Anon. Don't let my property get damaged! You must know that I like them just the way they are!" That smile makes me melt inside! Sometimes we meet in our dreams. When that happens we end up going on the most rip-roaring and zany adventures! In one dream we shrank to the size of bugs. Then we had to save all the cute little forest bugs, whose sovereign was the esteemed Beetle King, from the evil Lizard Lord. It was wild! Though I am a mere mortal human, I do my best to show how much I love and appreciate her. I strive to end my bad habits and improve myself, to give her a better version of myself every day. In short, I feel like Luna and I trust each other and fit together like puzzle pieces! >How long have you known your waifu? About five months or so. It just sort of hit me out of the blue. She's just the right mare for me, and I think I would be good for her - at least, I hope so, and I try to make that true. >Your waifu is now standing in front of you and appears scared with apprehension. How do you respond? I go to her immediately and hug her. Then I hold her hoof, place my hand gently on her check, look deeply into her eyes, and smile. I say something like "What's wrong, Lulu? How can I help? Surely it can't be that bad. Whatever's wrong we'll get through it together, and I'll be right here to support you, or even save you if need be!" Then, I do whatever is necessary to solve the problem and bring her happiness!
