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I wish I could hug a pony.
>>757 Then do it.
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How would you describe a pony hug? How soft would thier fur feel? How tightly would they squeeze you? One description I've heard is like a sentient pillow hugging you, perfect for cuddles.
>>851 Speaking from RL experiences, pony and donkey hug is warm and very fuzzy, because most breeds have thicker fur. Horse hug is warm and velvety, because their fur shorter most of the time. Also more heavy.
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>>748 Seems like post early season 2 the pony neck hugs are gone. Sad. Why'd they take away the horsey gestures, fellas?
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>>1925 Because even at the best times, very few people on the show staff actually cared about it.
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>>1927 That's kind of sad.
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>>2314 I miss Pudge catpones.
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>>2315 Same, they're cute and fun
>>2364 >>2368 I hate them. With a passion.
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>>2369 I bet you also complain about ponies drawn with any amount of fur or fluff because it's "furry"
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>>2371 Wrong, at least as long as they are still drawn as equines. But that >>2368 shit is just borderline regular shitty pet-fetish mixed with furfaggotry. It's demeaning, it's sad, it's an insult to our mares. I hate that and hate the person who is perpetuating it. Although, you do like what you like, anon. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself being called names.
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>>748 very inaccurate title. so many hugs are missing
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Looks like there's a playlist of hugs broken down by season (with exception to s9): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJCyT1obwkXB5IG8hwVw9_TFFJ0LnZoGb
>>3107 I love this image so much.
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>>5920 >Not pictured out of frame: The two stallions underneath
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>>5923 DAWWWW I fucking love Starburst, few things make me feel as warm and fuzzy as that.
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>>6240 Comfy.
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My favorite hug.
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Implied here IMO
>>15295 I like this hug so much that I got stickers of it. Every time I look at it, my heart feels warm and it seems like the universe is ok after all.
