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/fun/geon 2 - crackhouse edition fungeon_masta 05/07/2022 (Sat) 00:02:00 No. 9250
Welcome to the /fun/geon! This thread is for a ZAP style pen and paper game taking place in the FIM universe; ZAP meaning it has a comedic tone, fast pace, and lots of baddies to fight! After the first dungeon there will be an opportunity for up to two lurkers to join in, so feel free to make your character anytime before then. Character creation is detailed in the first thread: >>8267
>>10552 "Uh, well... When we were in the big city, we went to a pawn shop where I found this strange bottle. Dee-hydrated Granny Smith, just add water, it said." "I thought the name was familiar, like one of your family. So I bought it, and here we are!" >He explains, ending on a cheery note "The nice stallion running the store said that a few little fillies sold it to him... Either way, I'm happy we were able to find your Granny! Now you're all together again!"
>>10553 >Applejack follows along with the explanation. >At the last bit she makes a strange face. "A few fillies, eh?" >With perfect timing, high pitched giggling is heard somewhere deep in the orchard. >Applejack gives an evil eye in it's direction. "Ah'll be right back" >Applejack returns with the Cutie Mark Crusaders in tow. >Quickly they notice Granny Smith and make awkward forced smiles. "Oh... hi there Granny Smith. Nice to see you" >Applejack is not buying it. "Applebloom, explain yourself this instant!" >Sweetie Belle sighs. "That's how we didn't get our cutie marks as salesponies" >Scootaloo points at Sweetie Belle. "It was your dumb idea!" >Sweetie Belle points at Applebloom. "Yeah? Well uh... she went through with it!" >Applejack stomps the ground. "Into the barn. NOW" >Applebloom walks into the barn glum. >corporalpunishment.mp3 >Applejack walks out balancing a pie on her back and looks sternly at the rest of the CMC. "Now don't the rest of ya'll get yer hopes up, I'll be telling yer families about this too" >She sighs, and looks to the party. "Sorry for all this trouble, ah know it ain't much but we made some pies this morning" >She balances the pie and offers it to Cloudhead. The apple pie restores 10 HP and 10 SP when eaten, not as good for a throwing weapon as a cream pie though.
>>10559 >looks at Applejack >looks at Sweeble "Uh... Eh... Her sister stayed in the big city, methinks, to party with Pinkamena and with some strange white sand."
>>10559 >>10562 >Cross nods. "Yup, that's about right."
>>10559 >His eyes light up at the sight of the pie "Wow, thanks! It looks delicious!" >He says, taking the pie and carefully settling it in his bag "Say, do you need any help with something while we're here?"
>>10562 >Applejack rolls her eyes. "White sand? Shucks, Rarity is always into some silly fashion thing" >>10569 >Applejack turns to Cloudhead. "Your welcome! Now work, lets see..." >She takes a moment to think. "South Field ain't ripe yet, but we could use some help processing the apples we've picked so far. We'll need some time for Granny Smith to settle back in, but you could come tomorrow" >Granny Smith nods in agreement. "I can teach them a thing or two"
>>10577 "Tomorrow, huh? We'll keep that in mind. Take care!" >Cloudhead says before turning around and walking back towards Ponyville That was satisfying. A good deed was done, and I got a nice reward for my 10 bit investment
>>10577 "Alright. If you need anythin', we'll be in town." >Cross bows his head Granny's way. "Ma'am." >He turns back toward Ponyville as well.
>>10594 >>10587 >The Apple family waves goodbye. >As the party walks into Ponyville, they see two stallions in striped suits with bowties and funny hats. >Some of the ponies are booing while others take interest. "Yes, that's right! Just sign here and we will cover your train ride AND equipment cost" >They pull out a long piece of paper with lots of tiny shapes on it and some ponies begin lining up to sign their names.
>>10595 >looks at the stallions "Fukken ziggers!"
