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random shit daily Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 22:57:17 No. 18159
I'm gonna try to post in this thread every day for a while, join in if you're real. At least stop by and say hello if we're gonna activate this board now that 4chan is being shitty and getting worse, someone's gotta step up and that may as well be me
>>18159 Hello Anon! How's it going, any horse stuff planned?
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Praise the Sun!
>>18170 Praise the sun indeed.
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Praise the Moon too!
>>18172 Do you think Luna invented Moonday? Do you think it's spelt Monday because she's bad at spelling?
>>18174 Its just archaic spelling
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>>18159 OP here, I haven't posted in 5 days kek but I'm glad this thread hasn't gone to waste >>18160 Not in particular. I do a little bit of art every day though, here's my latest. I personally need to get a job before I can make particularly profound pony plans.
>>18192 Would you be interested in a comfy Celestia art pack? Even a lil doodle would be welcome. https://nhnb.org/fim/res/18096.html
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>18175 Archaic spelling that she made the fuck up you mean?
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>>18194 I've started on a piece for it today. Truth be told I said I'd do something for it already, in the thread, buttttt you know how it is. The reminder is welcome.
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Good morning NHNB, happy saturday. Delicious eggs+bacon+grits in my near future.
>>18203 Very pretty Dash.
>>18200 Is this your art, anon?
>>18205 no I wish >>18203 neither is this I just like stylish arts like these, stuff that's both good and out of the norm
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drawing stuff until morale improves
>>18210 Cool. Are you part ant?
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>>18213 part ant? more like pant
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Praise the Sun
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>>18238 who is this mare? I like thinner ponies and ponies with armor >>18244 hello nice image I think I'll save it
I have come to an astonishing conclusion. I actually really like mares. I want to cuddle with pretty mares. I want to hold a mare in my arms and have her wrap her hoovesies around me. I want a mare to show me something that she enjoys. I want to have dinner with mares. I want to be friends with mares, and I want a mare wife. I want to
>>18246 That's one of a very few crystal guardsmare pictures I found on the boorus. It's just a nice pic in general, really. I find her cute, and I do like the longer-legged ponies too.
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>>18159 Drew some OCs
>>18298 Damn that's nice. Do they have names?
>>18299 The working name for the middle right one is "Oneira". I had this idea where she's a unicorn who spends most of her time in the dream world, part of a secret organization under Princess Luna helping her keep ponies' dreams safe (it's not actually a solo job). Other than that no names for now
>>18300 Pretty cool.
>>18300 Oneira's design is awesome, like actually the asymmetrical big eye thing is super unique and makes her better than the rest
>>18327 Thanks Anon, glad you like her. I actually designed her first for the MF2024 intro (no name then); she's hiding in the very ending in the crowd of OCs. Still not sure if I'll do anything big but I might do some individual character sheets to flesh them out a little more autistically.
Happy hearth's warming, fellow pony enjoyers!
>>18339 Merry Christmas everypony!
Happy new year everypony!
>>18357 Happy new Year!
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2025 will be the year of Nyx
What up fuckers. Hail my fucking horsefulness and powerlevel.
>>18364 oh my fucking god. not even here am i safe from you. leave tranny.
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>>18369 Not a tranny. Your attempt to hide your jealousy is amusing though. I could romantically sway and fuck your waifu, JUST LIKE THAT, if i wanted.
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>>18381 being a faggot is expected, post yourself balls deep in mare if you want brownie points around here.
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>>18159 Warm feathery hugs from Fluttershy
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>>18395 What is she smelling? On a slightly less related note I kind of just want to be in a circle of mare snoofs mare breaths
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>>18174 Luna has invented things that are far better than Monday. Like, she invented the grilled cheese sandwich and probably also the toaster. Also, she invented being sexy.
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Yep, still love mares. I'm thankful for mares.
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console sad horse
>>18511 I love your posts. Never let the trolls stop you.
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>>18514 based, my loyal subject, follow my path and it'll lead to equestria. the trolling consists of baselessly claiming im a tranny. i am not a tranny. i think i'll manage just fine
>>18525 Why is your ceiling so low? Also, be careful so that Pinkie doesn't hit the ceiling.
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it's been a long time, I wonder where OP has gone I shall post hooters bug mommy in his stead, blessed be it
>>18696 Her ass is hanging on by a thread.
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>>18697 she kind of always had a waist that small though
