Is there a group to which I may upload
all but one of my stories so that others will know they don't contain such things, that they only adhere to the proper canon and are about proper ponies and the like?
I do accept commissions
not that anyone takes me up on the offer and I'm not totally opposed to writing homosexuality in a story, so long as I may charge extra for it. Currently, none of my stories have any horrible shipping garbage in them; I'd add warnings for them, anyway.
We see how that went.
>That's what I often do, but I'm sure there are cool active/new authors out there, they're just hard to find…
Should I shill myself here?
>Too bad there isn't (afaik) a group that'd collect newer fics in the style of "classic FiM". The group "Faustian Orthodoxy" is dead.
Someone should make such a group.
The remainder of this post recycles some things I've written over the years; I've recycled these points several times by now, I notice.
>Write what you want to read, anon. It's the only way.
I wholly agree. Too many authors decide to make fun of the worse aspects of the later seasons, instead of ignoring them entirely, as I do. I stopped watching the show in season five, and I dislike chunks of what came before, so I purposefully distinguish my world when I write. Whenever I mention Twilight, I also mention she's, of course, a unicorn.
I write fetish stories, though I don't merely write fetish stories, but create a beautiful backdrop of Equestria in which to place them. Too few authors do this, as well.
I don't give a fuck what Hasbro considers canon. I have my canon and will autistically obsess over it until I'm dead, and I'll refuse to create any artwork or stories that contradict my canon, including changing major events. No business gets to create, or rather fund, art and simultaneously worm its way into men's skulls and tell them how to accept it. Fuck that.
I have more enthusiasm and more talent than the late show writers, so I won't give a damn about what they did. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn and always will be. There's a story involving Cadence I'll eventually write; she'll be a pegasus who has a magical artefact keeping her young, which she will plan to give to her descendent.
Regardless, I have much more fun writing about secondary and original characters, although I've written some good Pinkie Pie stories. As I've already stated, we control the canon. I'm completely serious when I claim to have more enthusiasm than the later writers, so my version of canon matters more than theirs.