You might not be *that* crazy. Some of the ponified Luce(s) I've seen look surprisingly Angel Cake-y.
I can almost ima >>/fim/18186
Cute! >>/fim/18181
I'll try and make a post in there. I did make a post in the draw thread. >>/fim/18180
She should have been Twilight's student instead >>/fim/18179
icles >>/fim/18177
Really love your take on it.
Trixie is very underrated mare. >>/fim/18176
Yeah, God forbid an anon bumps a thread where people do any kind of business >>/fim/18175
Its just archaic spelling >>/fim/18174
Do you think Luna invented Moonday? [spoiler]Do you think it's spelt Monday because she's bad at spelling?[/spoiler] >>/fim/18173
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41571795/#q41609407 >>/fim/18172
Praise the Moon too! >>/fim/18171
Praise the sun indeed. >>/fim/18170
Praise the Sun! >>/fim/18169
Need to polish my story a bit and then will upload it to the folder.
Probably it would be a good idea to ask anons in >>/fim/18168
What exactly did you post? >>/fim/18166
Looks like this may be more of a mid to late November release. Not many submissions. I know I still need to make someth >>/fim/18165
Trixie’s stage name arose iteratively.
As a young filly, the Adorable yet Inexperienced Trixie learned from her father >>/fim/18164
When do you think she started claiming the title of "Great and Powerful"? >>/fim/18163
Few can comprehend what it means to be the Greatest and Powerfullest. >>/fim/18162
https://files.catbox.moe/ocsu5o.mp3 >>/fim/18160
Hello Anon! How's it going, any horse stuff planned?
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