
>No Hooves, No Business

/fim/ - FiM/clop/ - Clop/qa/ - Questions and Answers
>>/fim/18372 Eqgsharts spam reports from mobile to get you banned for "trolling" when you're just giving them a dose of their own shitposting
>>/fim/18371 >>18368 I hide them all. As soon as one dies another is made, it's only gotten this way more recently with nobody posting in t
>>/fim/18369 >>18364 oh my fucking god. not even here am i safe from you. leave tranny.
>>/fim/18368 I'm just tired of the barbie threads and the people that likes them. Oh and all the bait and pissy people in general. Sure this
>>/fim/18367 Finally got to watching eet. Any advice on watching order? I'm a bit confused because The Rescue At Midnight castle is the last
>>/fim/18366 Seems like there's been another change to the captcha on 4chan. Not only do you need to wait the 900 second timer every 6 or so
>>/fim/18365 >>18363 I remember seeing at one point those demotivational threads just kept turning into most of the thread calling OP a piec
>>/fim/18364 What up fuckers. Hail my fucking horsefulness and powerlevel.
>>/fim/18363 >>18361 Actually I take back that demotivation threads were the first slide threads, barbiefags were doing it years before but
>>/fim/18362 >>18159 https://files.catbox.moe/6k10ko.mp3
>>/fim/18361 >>18354 There is no 'slide autist'. I've seen all colors saying a thread is a slide thread there's probably at least 5 anons an
>>/fim/18360 Happy new years, guys.
>>/fim/18359 2025 will be the year of Nyx
>>/fim/18358 >>18357 Happy new Year!
>>/fim/18357 Happy new year everypony!
>>/fim/18356 Once again, a wonderful art pack. All art pieces are beautiful and invoke the wonder and beauty of Equestria and its inhabitants
>>/fim/18354 >>18303 oh you are the slide thread autist. how's life?
>>/fim/18353 >>18133 I love them. I miss them. They'll be back soon, I believe it...
>>/fim/18352 >>18350 Never seen this unless it's abused for positive enforcement like on reddit.
>>/fim/18350 Replying to someone counts as a "troll post" now. Whatever, I barely ever post on the board anyways.
>>/fim/18347 >>18346 Not that I know of. Maybe two people were there and no interaction but not a bad marathon.
>>/fim/18346 >>18344 Is there a way to chat on Picarto without an account?
>>/fim/18345 Had a desktop crash due to outdated drivers. Will get the stream up again in a bit. Or later, whenever works if anyone wants to
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