>Prickly adopts a big grin and trots over to meet the group.
"Well howdy y'all! Reckoned I'd run in to 'ya sooner or later! Seems the former more than the later!"
>Turns to Quill
"Good to see 'ya Quill. T'ain't been to Tartarus...yet. But if'n my pops can't be found in all of Equestria, I'll be fixin' to overturn every stone down there."
>Addresses Boulder
"How you doing ol' lunkhead! I've missed 'ya!"
>Addresses Cross and the rest of the group.
"Sorry 'ah got separated from y'all. When 'ah got to the little mare's room back at the Hot L, 'ah couldn't help but notice, except that THERE commode needed a good'ol taste of the wrench. So, 'ah found a wrench and an extender, to apply more torque and all, and gave it a few good hoof-pounds."
>Prickly adopts an excited face.
"It must'a thrown a secret switch 'cuz faster than jackalopes ruttin' in a lightning storm, I was falling through a trap door! In a bit 'ah found myself in a labyrinth of sorts, with torches lining the passageways and mysterious markings all over...,"
>Prickly makes motions with her hooves to help explain the torches and markings.
"...and soon 'ah was running over hell's half acre trying to find the way out.
>Prickly adopts a quizzical look.
"And all the while there was this infernal whispering. So I says, 'Y'all please speak up 'cuz 'ah can't hear a darn thing yer sayin''. So the whispering says back 'Who are you? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!'"
>Prickly uses her deepest voice to mimic the whispery phantom.
"Well, I didn't need no whispery phantasm to tell me that a labyrinth is no place for little 'ol me so I reply, 'Beggin' your pardon Mr. Phantasm, but I ain't down here on any account of my own. I accidentally fell through a toilet-activated trap door. Been trying to find the way out and would be much obliged if you could point me in the right direction.'"
>Prickly takes on a bright expression as she begins to explain her interaction with the phantom.
"'Oh, been meaning to fix that...' he says. Well, turns out the whispery phantom is a decent sort of fellow 'cuz he asks me a few more questions and we get to talkin' about cacti. Turns out he's is a major enthusiast! By and by he says,..."
>Prickly goes back to mimicking the phantom in her deepest voice.
"'You may go! Take the corridor on your left, then take two rights, a left, then right again. Come back if you find any Golden Powder Puff Cacti. I'd like one for my collection!" I thanked him kindly, promised I'd keep an eye peeled, and was on my way."
>Prickly becomes quizzical again.
"'Ah followed his directions and came to a room with big circular stone floor. 'Ah thought Mr. Phantasm must'a been foolin', until I stepped onto the circle. Then, butter my rump and call me a biscuit, the labyrinth turned upside down, inside out, and vanished away. ZIP! Just like that!"
>She once again adopts an expression of surprise.
Well, 'ah found myself out on a hill in the desert with the town a ways off. So, there was nothing for it but to walk back. Along the way, a few tumbleweeds passed by. 'Ah greeted 'em, seeing as how tumbleweeds are a suspicious sort that are prone to spread rumors about rude travelers. They're also quite gossipy, and they got on about some white stallion with a black mane out in the desert saying something about Jacobstown. I reckoned it must'a been Cross, so I high-tailed it back to town. 'Ah figured y'all intended to leave."
>Prickly's eyes go wide.
When 'ah got back to the Hot L, Cotton was awful mad; something about a frightful fight between her pet rat and y'all. But, I calmed her down. She said y'all already skedaddled. So, I hopped on the first train to Jacobstown in the morning, figuring that's where y'all must'a gone."
>Prickly goes on conclusively
"Seems to me that town's a wreak, but at least it's got a decent and well-mannered haunting, and a cozy little labyrinth."
>Prickly turns to all of them in turn.
"So what are we up to? Any leads on the fillies?"