>Strategy talk
I welcome it! I tried earlier to be the magical healer in the party, based on what I usually do with my characters in RPGs, but seems my level is not high enough as I always get knocked out. Same thing when I tried just being the magical attacker. My spells are hit or miss WRT strength. Also, my physical attack ability is essentially nil. So, for me it is a struggle to stay alive between turns. I'm at the point where I think I either need to alternate between attacking and healing myself, or else just defend most of the time until my level goes up.
That being said, I do think that we need to focus on knocking out the harder enemies first in a focused attack. Or, our best strikers attack the single toughest enemy first, while the weaker of us (maybe Quill and I as a magical tag team) focus on a single weaker enemy (since the damage the we do to stronger enemies accounts for a small percentage of their HP).
In any case, I think whenever we enter a battle, we should have a short strategy session before taking turns. Might be cumbersome at first, but as we get better at teamwork we'll need it less and less.
I also, think that each of us should maintain an inventory list (I definitely need to improve on this). Or perhaps better, one us should be the items pony, another the equipment pony, another the money pony, another the archive pony, etc. (What I mean by archive pony is the one who tracks random interesting things and clues that should be revisited: like the tree Cloudhead saw when the others were on the train). I think if we distribute the functions of the team, everything will work more efficiently.
I'm not married to any of these ideas. Just suggestions to stimulate the conversation. Thoughts?