/qa/ - Questions and Answers

Communication between site staff and (you)

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Cloudflare Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 01:08:16 Id:38bbdb No. 36 [Reply]
Oh good, another dead imageboard, but this one uses Cloudflare. Why? There can't possibly be a need for that.
>>36 Gotta say I agree. Pretty sure less-botnet alternatives exist, don't they?

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A Suggestion Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 09:36:33 Id:889821 No. 6 [Reply]
Will we get a sticky here with our own IRC and '/qa/ for dummies' pic? Also, can we add wojacks/soyjacks to the bannable content?
>>6 >our own IRC Wasn't really planning on making an IRC. Wasn't really designed with privacy in mind In terms of IP and host name. Also, it's been a super long time since I've used it with any frequency. For appealing bans I figure most could just go through Lynxchan's built in appeal system. If they really need to appeal to a higher power, I guess they could just email me at the site's contact info. >'/qa/ for dummies' pic? Sure. Just need to figure out what all we'd want on it. >Also, can we add wojacks/soyjacks to the bannable content? Already covered by the off-topic rule.
>>6 Don't really think a '/qa/ for dummies' image is needed when the title and description of the board >/qa/ - Questions and Answers >Communication between site staff and (you) outlines it pretty clearly.
