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Saging Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 18:17:49 Id:d80928 No. 308 [Reply]
How do you sage on this image board? Can you sage at all? If you do does it always show that you saged? There's times when a discussion is going on but it's not relevant to the threads OP so I want to sage.
>>308 Type "sage" in the email field.
>>308 Saging is gay and so are you.

>>305 Looks like it was just a warn: https://nhnb.org/.global/logs/fim/2021-10-26.html The staff member just forgot to change the default ban text.
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>>306 So he posted anthro, what a fag. I tried searching the logs before making this thread but opened the ones on the footer which aren't very descriptive. https://nhnb.org/.global/logs/.global/2021-10-26.html The board specific ones are kind of hidden away, the icon doesn't even appear inside threads, only in the index and catalog.

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Am I allowed to love Starlight? Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 02:10:06 Id:2670ed No. 158 [Reply] [Last]
I'm a bit of an anachronistic sort. My favorite season is the first. My favorite episode is Cutie Mark Chronicles. My waifu is Glim Glam. I am not one of the spammy shiteaters. In fact 4cuck has me on a 60 day for trashing barbie. I love pony for horses and nothing else.
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>>164 The absolute state of /mlp/ The overprotection of barbieshit and garbage spam threads it's why the board quality lowered a lot lately.
>>302 >lately

Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 20:19:51 Id:97c89c No. 166 [Reply] [Last]
/mlp/‘s alt site thread was debating this so I thought I’d bring it straight to the jannies to finally answer. Clearly Sunset is banned even in her cameo from The Last Problem but are the Sirens from Shadow Play that the Pillars fight banned as well?
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>>255 They said they don't care though, because Shimfag is so much of a faggot even they cannot sand him.
I've said I don't personally mind pony Sunset, but I see the wisdom in a blanket ban as the barbiefags attempt a nose under the tent strategy.
Hoh missed this shitfest You made the right call board owner

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Is this also banned? Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 23:41:46 Id:b17f2f No. 296 [Reply]
Hi, I was wondering if the G4 images from G5 movie are allowed, or banned as well. Pic related.
>>296 If it is identifiable as a G5 topic, it's banned from /fim/.

wtf mods??? Anonymous 09/16/2021 (Thu) 16:24:11 Id:919134 No. 260 [Reply]
i got my thread deleted twice why am i not allowed to discuss background mares on /fim/??
>>260 >Admits to ban evasion Dumbass, you know exactly what you are doing. Shim Sham is banned. Period.
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Effectiveness of Advertising Anonymous 08/30/2021 (Mon) 23:19:31 Id:b486fd No. 229 [Reply]
Out of curiosity, is there any data available in regards to web referrals and direct links to here? I always make an effort to drop a mention of here on /mlp/ when an appropriate moment arises, but I'm also interested if links from other places are being fruitful at all or not. For example, on fimfic I include a link in the Author's Notes to a specific thread. I know some people from there have visited here since they comment on it, but I've been wondering just how many that number may be.
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>>229 Pic rel is likely the best I can offer as far as stats. I do think that mentioning the site were appropriate is probably the best form of "advertising" and is more likely to get people interested in the site vs a literal advertisement. >I always make an effort to drop a mention of here on /mlp/ when an appropriate moment arises It is appreciated, thank you for that and for the content that you create.

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mare Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 21:56:16 Id:a23edb No. 46 [Reply] [Last]
people on 9gag are pretty upset at hiro new captcha, isnt it the perfect time for some advertising campaign?
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>>172 Gotta love it.
>>102 I don't mind doing a captcha, as long as it isn't super frustrating (the current 4chan captcha is often difficult to decipher, especially on phones. the previous one with image tiles is much easier to use).

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Can Discord links be bannable? Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 19:08:31 Id:323031 No. 8 [Reply] [Last]
Whether it's under off-topic, or with an explicit rule, can there be an explicit rule that discord links are bannable? This includes: - making a "thread server" for a general or long-lived thread, and putting an invite in the OP - posting invites to discord severs, in general - posting attachments from discord (yes I've seen people do this on /mlp/) The first one kills threads and breeds circlejerks. The latter two let the circlejerks fester by encouraging that kind of people to continue doing things their way.
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>>59 /trash/ only bans loli. this site looks pretty fucking gay and hugboxy if you cant post something like the classic nyxfag deterrent being mauled by gilda. the fandom was at its peak when it was a self policing community
>>91 The site is focused on ponies and /fim/. We do not want /clop/ to become like /trash/, that is part of the reason it's set up like it is. >classic nyxfag deterrent being mauled by gilda I don't know what piece of art you're talking about, so I don't really know the level of gore involved. Main point of the rule is to prevent extreme levels of graphic blood and guts being splattered everywhere. A better writeup by a volunteer is available here: >>68.
>>91 I haven't seen that image posted in so long I don't think something like that would ever be a problem. If you must then just surely you could post the booru link like it is protocol on /mlp/?

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Global rules? Anonymous 07/03/2021 (Sat) 22:20:27 Id:ddf5ce No. 25 [Reply] [Last]
Why are the global rules so broad and stifling? Nothing about them seem welcoming or fresh. I mean they are the exact same one that many other rulecucking/unfunny/failing alts have used before. Yet yours are even worse. As I don’t even know how to interpret half of them. Like what the fuck does “12) Do not make off topic posts” even include here? Anime? Pepe? Nothing but more guesswork. Or “5) You will not make extremely low quality posts.” So where do you “draw the line” with this one? Seems very subjective and easily abusable by the staff. "2) You will not post banned content: Grotesque (guro)" The thing pone? More guesswork. "10) No advertising.” Kek then stop advertising on 4chan mby? etc etc etc I had a good chuckle reading your rules. Seems to me like you purposefully wrote most of them to be as vague/unclear as possible. Which is a massive fucking warning sign to anyone with half a brain. Site will be dead within a few months. Good luck to you.
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>>41 >When the fuck have you seen this? on 4cuck it happens quite often. whenever some brain damaged janny thinks you're the same person because you have the same opinions they slap blanket ban for 'ban evasion' then parrot their forced meme that only 2 people are the problem because everyone is an IP hopping samefag to them.
>>88 >t. an IP hopping samefag
>>88 Well, here we have the public mod log so hopefully that should dissuade any mod abuse. If there does happen to be some sort of issue I expect to get an email about it. Of course I would recommended attempting a ban appeal, write up what you think happened should there be some kind of mistake. So far the volunteers we've gotten so far seem decent and I hope they would respect the position well.
