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We need banners mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 09:44:31 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
and a spoiler image for that matter. Please suggest some in thread. Banners should be 300x100 and less than 200kb in size (though smaller is ideally better). Spoiler images should be square, and I think 100x100. Feel free to submit in a higher resolution so if thumbnails get bigger in the future, the spoiler can scale with it.
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My attempt to make a banner out of one of my favorite c.ai quotes.

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Welcome to /fim/! mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 08:52:47 No. 1 [Reply]
This place is dedicated to all things FiM. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting: https://nhnb.org/fim/rules.html

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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708 [Reply] [Last]
What are (you) in for?
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Just got banned for posting a thread suggesting that G5 posts were made by shills paid with USAID money. Plenty of threads talking about the fandom including a good one about Shawn right now. Funny how they seem so disinclined to remove Tamers threads but this gets removed quickly enough. Could it be too close to the truth?
>>18568 basically the one big thing that's get mod protection are eqg threads I'm here again because I said they sucked and the former janitor spammed reports on me til one of the 50year old mods noticed and banned me
>>18579 deserved
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seething jannies
>>18662 I don't know where the fuck this new janny came from, but I've been warned for racisms while the board is being spammed to death by /dbs/niggers

/bootleg/ bunker #6 Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:19:56 No. 17307 [Reply] [Last]
Dreaming of summer activity edition >last bunk >>13810 >/mlp/ boots https://derpy.me/boot Welcome to the wild west of copyright infringement. Here in the bargain bin there's a freedom where things aren't quite right, but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or of canon. Get ready for feels and fun where they can win (You) over despite of their inherent flaws. New Shorts >[Flut] Littlest Painter Easel (Castafe) https://ponepaste.org/8790 >[OC] Novel Pursuits with Radio Star (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8041 >[Rad] a starry night for radio waves (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8894 >[Rad] Cast Aside (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9091 >[OC] A Chance For Reign (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8719 >[Mid] Darkness (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7201 >[Tia] Purrlestia (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/7790 >[Mid] A Midnight Christmas (Autopony) https://ponepaste.org/8437 >[OC] Ivy the T Shirt Mare (Anon) https://ponepaste.org/7136 >[OC] Chilly Filly Flicks (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/8942 >[Bootlegs Anonymous: Confidants (Castafae) https://ponepaste.org/9218

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Going to start the w2g room in probably seven-eight hours. Any requests for tunes or shows? Starsky & Hutch was a pretty good watch last time.
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>>18658 https://w2g.tv/?r=4irr9zwg52xtrc27aq Holy crap am I late. Come join to chill.
>>18659 Looks like I way missed it ^:( Hopefully I'll catch you on the next one.
>>18660 I can always make a second one today if there's interest. No rules against it.
>>18661 Maybe we'll just try again next weekend.

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Princess Luna thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 12:46:30 No. 5939 [Reply] [Last]
Let us bask in her gentle moonlight.
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>>17582 15. Luna is the only pony, except maybe also Celestia, that can survive and thrive in the vacuum of space without the need for a space suit.
>>18637 I was thinking maybe alicorns might have the ability. Then I was also thinking that a unicorn pony can probably us their magic and with the right spell create a field around their body that acts like the fabric of a space suit.
>>18642 I reckon so. I just figured that Luna and Celestia could because they are powerful immortals (or semi-immortals) and have powers associated with objects in the heavens. After all, Luna survived on the moon for 1000 years in the vacuum of space with no food or water.
>>18656 I guess the question is whether that's an alicorn thing, a moon princess thing, or an Elements of Harmony banishing but not killing thing.

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Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 12:12:55 No. 14323 [Reply] [Last]
4chan is dead. Long live NHNB.
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connection error
>>18650 It's Cloudflare, 4chan uses it to handle posting at least and it is down for maintenance.
It'll be for another 1.5 hours about.
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>>18651 I made delicious coffee and soon I believe I may draw a mare

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Anonymous 07/12/2022 (Tue) 01:44:47 No. 11304 [Reply] [Last]
Where are the ponies?
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>>11304 Horsehead Nebula, or Alpha Centauri, due to having planets in the habitable zone of its stars.
>>17697 I thought maybe they would be in Sagittarius since it's depicted as a centaur and has the horseshoe nebula in it, but an actual horse head is a pretty good idea too.
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In the stars
>>17702 Lovely. I wish to travel the stars with ponies. I'll bet they can figure out faster than light travel using magic.
>>17703 Not in the stars. They are among the stars. Now, when I look at the stars at night I will forever think about ponies. Thanks for causing this idea to become embedded in my mind!

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Happy, smiling mares please. Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 18:26:29 No. 3816 [Reply] [Last]
Depressed as fuck, I need lots of joyful, smiling mares.
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Here's a happy Roseluck. Maybe she's so happy because all the roses are blooming.
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Are you the ULTIMATE sun worshiper? Anonymous 08/25/2021 (Wed) 23:51:56 No. 2180 [Reply] [Last]
>Because I wanted an extreme firehorse thread >And she's sexy as hell
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I like the evil mirror version more
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>>2185 How about something in between? I like to think Celestia's mane turns all flamey when she's strongly aroused.
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Goddess of Thermonuclear Fusion. We invoke her blessings upon all the tokamaks.

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Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 04:21:03 No. 2052 [Reply] [Last]
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>>15240 >>15221 How do I become this happy?
>>13432 I want to hear Lyra playing her harp. And then, I want to make love to her.
