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We need banners mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 09:44:31 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
and a spoiler image for that matter. Please suggest some in thread. Banners should be 300x100 and less than 200kb in size (though smaller is ideally better). Spoiler images should be square, and I think 100x100. Feel free to submit in a higher resolution so if thumbnails get bigger in the future, the spoiler can scale with it.
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My attempt to make a banner out of one of my favorite c.ai quotes.

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Welcome to /fim/! mys_elf Board owner 06/28/2021 (Mon) 08:52:47 No. 1 [Reply]
This place is dedicated to all things FiM. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting: https://nhnb.org/fim/rules.html

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Princess Luna thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 12:46:30 No. 5939 [Reply] [Last]
Let us bask in her gentle moonlight.
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>>18415 What kind of cheese is it?
>>18444 Very sharp mare milk cheese.
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>>18412 >>18415 >>18444 >>18450 These guys show up on the moon in a rocket and whimsically sample the moon cheese while being terribly British, but also without knowing that all the moon cheese is belong to Luna/NMM. What happens?
>>18457 Isn't there a fanfic about this? I guess it would depend on how all the cheese got up there.
>>18507 If there is, I'd love to read it. Hopefully, it's along the same sort of comedy style.

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Six FM 10/24/2023 (Tue) 01:33:28 No. 16667 [Reply] [Last]
But still five ponies. If (you) want to be #6 just say so.
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Party's Actions: >Prickly burns Deciduous One A for 14 damage. >Boulder pins down Keebler A, inflicting the pain on it for 6 damage. >Cross lassos Keebler B, entangling it with an additional 6 damage points. >Cloudy's bolt-out-of-the-blue rips through Deciduous One A, inflicting 4 damage. >Quill fractionalizes Deciduous One B, slicing off 18 damage points. Enemy's Actions: >Deciduous One A uses a small apple on Deciduous One B, healing 5 damage points >Deciduous One B attempts using a small apple on Deciduous One A, but fails in the attempt. >Keebler A can't move. >Keebler B struggles against the barbed lasso, causing it an additional 6 damage. Party Stats: Party: Boulder (HP) 24/24 (SP) 14/14 Cross (HP) 19/19 (SP) 14/14 Quill (HP) 17/17 (SP) 5/14

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>>18472 >Surprised by the sudden bolt of lightning, Prickly glances up at the newcomer and smiles. "Wew howdy! Glad to have any help you can provide there, stranger!"
>>18541 >Cloudy waves her hoof in a greeting gesture and returns a smile. >>18539 >Then she flies up to the dark gray cloud still hanging nearby and kicks it again, targeting the same tree as the first time. >Cloudy Mind uses a lightning strike on Deciduous One A! >4 gmd To take it down guaranteed I said, lel. >spoiler Nice!
>>18472 Yay! >>18539 >The sudden lightning-based onset sends Cross' eyes up to the canopy. >He doesn't have much time to produce more than a wide-eyed response to the new pegasus mare; his neck is suddenly tugged on. >With his hooves dug into the dirt, his teeth clamp down hard. >Cross tugs his lasso around in an active attempt to secure his hold on Keebler B. >spoiler Sounds great! Next turn, make sure to include Cloudy in the party!
>>18553 Well, technically she's yet to be accepted as a party member...

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Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 12:12:55 No. 14323 [Reply] [Last]
4chan is dead. Long live NHNB.
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More mare.
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>>17777 Checked
>>14323 I really wish it was dead OP
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>>18550 I wish I was dead.
>>18551 rare post ;D

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Anyone else banned from /mlp/? Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 15:34:44 No. 14708 [Reply] [Last]
What are (you) in for?
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>>18498 Why not just hide those threads. When ypu post in those threads, you are effectively just feeding troll, aren't you?
>>18499 Why should I have to tailor how I enjoy the board because it pisses off one particular dickless wonder?
>Buttmad povertyfags engage in "ban luring" with their 20 shitpost threads They've already admitted to spamming reports from their phone so janitors wont even look at the post in question. >Ah I got 10 crybabies saying they're being trolled, that works for me.
>>18504 I fucking hate the faggot jannies at /mlp/ for banning clop but refuse to ban eqg g5 and tamers shit fucking jannies killing the board fucking hate those cunts

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applejack thread Anonymous 09/25/2021 (Sat) 22:05:38 No. 3301 [Reply] [Last]
for applejack appreciators
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>>18473 Yeah AJ is a fine character, she was just grossly underutilised in the show.
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>>18473 >>18479 The show kind of fucks up everything interesting about Equestria. Applejack comes off as underutilized because earth ponies were robbed of their powers. I kind of like how she lives a normal life instead of doing insane shit all the time though. Imagine what Pinkie would be like without reality breaking powers: just baking treats and giving them out at normal parties.
The fandom always obsessed over AJ's parents, but who was Granny Smith's husband? Why isn't he ever shown or mentioned anywhere?
>>18513 >The show kind of fucks up everything interesting about Equestria. Oh god you don't need to tell me, some stuff I cared about got utterly ruined, but that would be getting way off topic. >Applejack comes off as underutilized because earth ponies were robbed of their powers. Yeah what was up with that, it's weird that they just left that alone. The closest we get is that they are really good at farming, even farming rocks somehow, but I don't remember it being mentioned that that was specifically earth pony magic. I never see Applejack's rodeo skills get brought up in fanfics and stuff, but maybe I'm just not reading the right ones. Seems like a waste not to do anything with it. >I kind of like how she lives a normal life instead of doing insane shit all the time though. Yeah I think bouncing around from crazy threat to wild event over and over would end up driving me insane and sick with worry over those I care about. A much more normal life like hers is ideal. >just baking treats and giving them out at normal parties. Honestly I prefer a Pinkie that's closer to that, maybe along with some of the weird stuff, instead of the lulsorandum 4th wall breaking stuff.
>>18479 This is basically true. >>18513 She doesn't need extraordinary powers herself. She only needs them when acting as The Element of Honesty in conjunction with her friends. >>18517 That's a good question. Did he die too? If so, what is the Apple family mortality rate and what effect would it have on their family. Just a simple premise could lead to a very interesting study of the characters. I never invested much in thinking about their family until I started writing ideas for a Superman crossover story. Then it was just a simple premise: "What if baby Superman saved AJ's parents and then grew up as her brother?" That was all it took and I ended up writing a whole bunch exploring her character, more than I've written for any other member of the mane six. It only takes a simple premise that might be interesting and suddenly you open up a whole bunch of possibilities to explore.

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/bug/ -#4- The Changeling Thread Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 05:52:31 No. 9562 [Reply] [Last]
Home of all your chitinous needs and the center for all FiM changeling artwork, discussion, stories and more. Previous Thread: >>6132 =Active Stories= BuggyCYOA: A simple reader-driven story about caring for a changeling who you found trapped and starving in the Everfree Forest. Read at: https://ponepaste.org/4086 OR https://www.fimfiction.net/story/499520/buggycyoa (Recommended) /yandere/ Chrysalis story: >>9483 Doesn't currently seem to have a pastebin? Have to look on desuarchive to read the whole thing. =Recent Short Greens= Aftermath of Failure: >>3908 Expedited Shipping: >>4038 The Melon War of 805: >>5732 For older stories and other changeling related material, check out The Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223 This threads question is... >Does a changeling drones unusually colored eyes affect their vision?
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Well, I have something. It ain't much, but it *is* something. Been stuck in a rut, so I'll post here and see how it goes. --- You are Princess Celestia. Imperator of the United Equestrian States. Goddess of the Sun. Sol Invicta. Her Grand Royal Highness. Unifer of Harmony. Co-regent of Equestria. Such is the few of the many, many pretentious titles you have accrued over the many centuries, yet they were the ones you bore regardless. Throughout those centuries, you have seen many a strange thing during the course of your duties. The latest of which being those curious "humans" that have dropped into your lap shortly after the wedding of your niece with your student's brother. Some changed, some not, but many bearing a fantastical tale of not only coming from another world, but one which has ample familiarity with yours as a fiction. It was... Trying to say the least in assimilating them into Equestria proper, especially without derailing your carefully arranged plans. A literal monkey wrench throw into your grand tapestry by none other than the Agent of Chaos himself. A funny "prank" forged from one who has anticipated and preempted your desire to reform him into something less destructive. All now made moot with the draconesque nowhere to be seen nor found despite the best efforts of you, your sister, student and all of the best scryers that Equestria had to offer. And that wasn't even getting to the rest of the headache these humans had to offer with their foreknowledge. It was only by some tender mercy granted by fate did you manage to coral them in some fashion to prevent any more mischief. Not that you faulted them of course, seeing as they were brought here against their will. Though you were glad that some of them seemed happy enough to try and assimilate, making do what what has been brought on their shoulders. It heartened to you to know even as a supposed fiction, you, your student, and the rest of Equestria inspired those beyond its boundaries. Yet even still, there were those who wished to return home to their families, something which despite the best efforts of yourself, your sister, Twilight, and those knowledgeable in such fields, the answer of returning them home was yet to materialize. Long lived as you were, you were no less heartbroken to see those faces of despair when you told them without Discord, those who found themselves here may never find a chance to return home. Still, you were nothing if exceptional in making the best out of a bad situation. With the rest of Equestria at your back, you made sure that the humans whatever their forms may be found themselves a home, taking pains to ensure their assimilation whilst minimizing the impact they had to Equestria at large. You even found boons in the merits they offered in terms of the knowledge and other expertise some of them had, sectioning them off in their own new settlement somewhere near Whitetail Woods to do as they pleased whilst remaining close by to Ponyville to both monitor and ensure they didn't isolate themselves too much. But even still, there was friction to be had in some measure. Not least of which regarding the foreknowledge they had for event that would of come.

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>>18532 You shook your head, sighing as you stared up at the sign hanging over your head. (Jan 5 2025 – 7:16 PM: Scrap this section. Introduce herself as Sunbeam. Her sister Moonlight. >"Lies, Delusions, and Fabrications." you muttered to yourself, taking note of the rest of the surroundings. "-At least the last part is accurate." Beyond the trees that marked the border of the Everfree Forest, the only other sight of note was the small abode that was too large to be called a hovel, but too small to be called a proper house. Oh there was more construction being done, indicated by the barren frames and other elements that littered the site. But the area otherwise had little of note. Then again, you were not interested in the building itself. Your eyes shifted to the window next to you, taking a few steps to check your reflection. Staring back was a unicorn with a strawberry red mane that was wrapped together in a loose ponytail. Checking her flank, your cutie mark was that of a sun warming some flowers. Your reflection smiled back, giving you a nod. >“Yup, everything seems to be in order.” you chuckled, giving a quick swish of your tail. “All for a perfect day, too.” Another chuckle escaped your lips as you turned your gaze to the door.

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“Ya gotta improve on your improv, sonny.” With that, the mare disappeared in a flash. In her place took the form of a black maned, brown coated, brown eyes earth pony stallion fashioned in the most generic, unremarkable ponies you have ever laid eyes upon, which in itself proved to stick out like a sore hoof to your eyes. “Yup. I ain’t worth a damn as a changeling, it seems. Thank God for Zecora.” the stallion nodded in agreement, tossing his head as he turned back to the table to his left. Your eyes followed, spying a vial filled with a pink liquid that found itself in a gryphon’s talon. Without preamble, the stallion took it whole in one go. The pink liquid disappeared down his gullet, the stallion’s form stiffening for a moment before relaxing as he loosed contented sigh. Opening his eyes, he slotted the now emptied potion back on the table as he disappeared into another area of the house. You paused for a moment, considering your next options. A cheeky grin found its way to your muzzle. Your horn lit up, magic defusing around your body as a spell took form. You whispered incantations, layering upon a weave that soon rendered your form invisible. Light warped off your form, your hoofsteps silenced as you eased a lockpick from your saddlebag. With but a few twists and turns, the door unlocked. You slipped inside, careful to ensure the door closed behind you with naught but a sound. You grinned. Stealth was more your sister’s forte, but you picked up a few tricks here and there over the centuries. Lockpicking was not one would normally associate with your person, but there was only so much you could do without allowing your mind to grow bored and wander. It never failed, the small pleasures of a distinct click sending a shiver down your spine. Turning your head, you crept along the hallway’s wall and taking note of the inner surroundings. While nothing to write home about, there was a few interesting things of note within the main room. Nestled in the corner of the room, you noticed a table set with a minor alchemy set dedicated to brewing potions, tools and the like hanging off the wall for whatever purpose. The table centerpiece was clear, save for a flat device you knew to the stallion’s laptop. Next to it a sun crystal glowed, an improvised hodgepodge setup connecting a wire from it to the device. More crystals and other knicknacks littered the space, including a few more of the changeling’s potions. Beyond that, the home seemed fairly normal otherwise. -

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>>18533 Sneaky Celestia! Very cool.
>>18534 Celestia spying on changelings in a human settlement? If I read that right? Interesting. If you want feedback though, I should be the bitch who tells you to work on your grammar, there's quite a bit of engrish in there.

/gryphons/ Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 19:13:50 No. 3119 [Reply] [Last]
Gryphons, griffons, and more griffins. If you got em, post em.
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>>18528 Unfortunately I can't even post on /mlp/, so my options for discussing gryphons, and pony in general, are very limited. >Just post what you have, Anon. Ugh, it was mostly just turning into unfocused whining about how the gryphons ended up as such wasted potential. I guess here's the gist, I never expanded on much of this before I stopped: I wish they hadn't bothered with the lost treasure episode as I really don't like what they did with the lore, nor did it address any of the issues that could have been brought up with griffon the brush off. I don't understand why so many people seemed to love it. I can't stand how it's treated as a "reformation" or "redemption" for Gilda either, especially given how it feels so lazily thrown in at the end. Can't escape it in fan works either, most people stick pretty closely to that lore, maybe because they like it or just because they don't want to do anything different. It feels hopeless at this point to make stuff about them. I know I'm never going to be able to get people to see them and how full of potential they used to be and love them like I do. That might be a strange sentence, but I haven't really figured out how exactly I feel about it or how to word it. Maybe my fate is to just drive myself insane over this. >>18529 Guess I'll go through those other posts while I'm at it. Strange that gryphons, especially some sort of noble, would adopt an earth pony. A pegasus I could understand more given they can fly. Kindness or generosity could both work for the pegasus assuming he plans on making his wing replacements available for others too. Not sure how to choose between those tbh, making prosthetics could really fall under either, if you wanted to go with that. Is the jester going to be a more competent and less smug Trixie then? That sounds kinda fun. If the noble/commoner thing is focused on you could also have a sort of Applejack/Rarity thing going on with them at the same time. A zebra could be interesting, you get the whole mystical foreigner thing to play with.

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>>18535 >I wish they hadn't bothered with the lost treasure episode as I really don't like what they did with the lore, nor did it address any of the issues that could have been brought up with griffon the brush off. I don't understand why so many people seemed to love it. You aren't the only one, but we are in the minority unfortunately. /mlp/ as it is now would probably not be receptive in any capacity outside of a few threads. The gryphon thread is nothing but post Griffonstone discussions and whatever else with those characters within. Same could be same for many other things the show done with its world building and characters that made it less than the sum of its parts. About the only thing you can do is keep that little dream alive in little fics, art and whatever else you can muster. Take that prompt response I wrote out as an example. I decided for the thought exercise, I would combine a number of disparate ideas bobbing inside my mind and turn it into some cohesive story. Part of the reason why I erred with an earth pony protagonist is that they stick out like a sore thumb within a gryphon kingdom. Hence, they would have an immediate conflict of sorts that they need to adapt to as part of their character development. A pegasus would make more sense in some ways, but I enjoy the challenge and novelty of making an earth pony work in such an environment. It helps that I have a couple other examples out in the wild to use as a guide in bringing about an earth pony's abilities beyond what was seen in the show. Hence, the mention of a druid mentor and the pegasus tinkerer who may or may not be able to craft some wings for the ground bound pony. Not to mention there's familial drama with his other siblings, noble intrigue, greater plot developments, fires of friendship forged in whatever conflicts they're embroiled in, stuff of that nature that lends itself to a number of shorts stories I could write. As for the Elements, there's nothing stating that they cannot embody more than one at a time, so there's something to consider. As I said, I need to finish up my Pokefic first, then I can free myself up for other projects.
>>18536 >I can't stand how it's treated as a "reformation" or "redemption" for Gilda either, especially given how it feels so lazily thrown in at the end. It's a show aimed at an audience who probably won't care one way or the other. People like us are an incidental audience. That isn't to say we cannot desire more for a show like this, or that its target audience deserves better. But ultimately the show is a vehicle for its merchandise. Nothing more, nothing less. So long as it accomplishes that, all else is secondary. All we can do is keep that dream of ours alive in fan works, one way or the other. >Can't escape it in fan works either, most people stick pretty closely to that lore, maybe because they like it or just because they don't want to do anything different. See above. At the very least, I am thankful the pre-Griffonstone stuff is more or less intact and complete. You wouldn't believe how jarring it is to see some fics retrofit themselves to force in newer canon, such as alicorn Twilight into the work midcreation. One moment you reading about old Twi, the next she's a princess in the following paragraph. I can't say I really respect those authors, unable to keep consistent and commit to one thing over another. It just renders the entire work pointless to follow, especially seeing as they'd probably wipe their own fic if something else in canon came to joss it hard. >It feels hopeless at this point to make stuff about them. I know I'm never going to be able to get people to see them and how full of potential they used to be and love them like I do. That might be a strange sentence, but I haven't really figured out how exactly I feel about it or how to word it. So it is. I don't bother with reading most newer works outside a few accidental ones I stumble across every now and then. Even so, I find myself skipping around to the parts that don't mention certain things I find undesirable. As said, we only have ourselves to carry the torch. Most of the other oldfags who disliked what happened within the show either ditched, or eventually warmed up and supplanted their own works in favor of the newer canon. What's left is a very small, disparate old guard like ourselves lingering on places like this board. Still, I enjoy what we do have for whatever that is worth, and I don't begrudge anyone coming in or otherwise who manages to enjoy the show for what it is regardless. I only wish the show went in a different direction than what we have now. Again, that's what fanfiction is for, to "fix" what we don't like and make that reality plain on digital paper. The hard part is producing something worth a damn, such as with that changeling post I made that's been sitting on my hard drive for the better part of a month and a half now. I've decided to post that in hope of getting some feedback, but that will take a while seeing how slow this site is. But it will come, sooner or later, and eventually I can post something more substantial to the main /mlp/ site. Though that being said, apparently some newer stuff from something called "Tamers" is out and about. Can't speak much about it, but it seems okay.

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>>18537 >Most of the other oldfags who disliked what happened within the show either ditched, Ehh, I'm guilty of that, but to be fair I was already kinda unhappy with how the show was going, and all the pony related social circles I was in fell apart or disappeared during the post-S3 hiatus. I wasn't in a good headspace to push through and keep watching the show to see if it would still be worth watching at the time either. Pony was just left on the backburner for ages, occasionally checking some fanart and stuff. Not really sure what caused me to come back and start engaging with pony stuff again a few years ago, maybe that's why this stuff is still annoying and hasn't moved on to accepting it happened and just entirely doing my own thing with it. I'm probably not the best example of oldfag holdout because of that, but I've only watched to the end of season 3, and the lost treasure of griffonstone episode (which as stated I hate). I suppose to be fair, a bunch of the gryphon designs in that episode were neat, even if basically none of them got a personality. Didn't like the whole every name beginning with G thing though, that was kinda silly. The stuff it touched on that I might have liked they usually messed up. Any time I see something I might have liked that happened later on in the show I'll have to think of a way I could untangle it and reinsert it without all of the baggage I don't want, which is probably much easier done by just remaking whatever it was entirely instead of trying to warp stuff, e.g. instead of using Tempest Shadow I would have to make an OC that is pretty similar but without all the later on junk that is kinda necessary for her character to make sense. I've only seen her in fan stuff though, so she kinda feels like an OC to me. I suppose someone like Gabby could be repurposed to exist without griffonstone and just be from some gryphon town instead, but is there really any point? I'm not big on how she was supposed to be the token 'single nice gryphon' or whatever, but I haven't watched any episodes with her. >/mlp/ as it is now would probably not be receptive in any capacity outside of a few threads. The gryphon thread is nothing but post Griffonstone discussions and whatever else with those characters within. That's really disappointing. It's pretty much the one place apart from here I can think of that might still care about the early stuff. At least that s1/s2 twilight thread did okay for a while, even with the fighting and the people that kept dragging in later stuff, especially that one guy that kept bringing up season 9 stuff. Got reminded of a couple of fics I had read forever ago and want to reread some time. I should go and look at the recommendations there again. >an earth pony protagonist is that they stick out like a sore thumb within a gryphon kingdom. >I enjoy the challenge and novelty of making an earth pony work in such an environment. Ah, that makes sense. I could see earth ponies sometimes getting hired to work in mines and fields in a gryphon kingdom, especially if the gryphons don't really like being deep underground or something. Maybe not being able to fly makes them nervous A lord paying some earth ponies to keep a reliable supply of crops around could free up gryphons for other things like ranching, fishing, or hunting for meat. The earth ponies might even form small communities near those mines and farms so they don't have to travel too far to work. It would be a decent explanation for why there are any young earth ponies around at all. If a mine got attacked by diamond dogs or whatever and the colt was orphaned or ran off scared and couldn't find his way back that could lead to the adoption. Although all of that might make him stick out less and kinda ruin that point.
>>18544 >People like us are an incidental audience. Yeah, doesn't stop it being frustrating though, especially when fan content just wholesale accepts it and doesn't think twice about it. >retrofit themselves to force in newer canon, such as alicorn Twilight into the work midcreation. I guess I've been lucky not to see this happen in the middle of a fic, I can't imagine what they were thinking when they do stuff like this. I suppose at least they can't do that now since the show has been done for ages, unless the comics are still doing things. I never read those. >The hard part is producing something worth a damn Don't I know it. I unfortunately never took the time to learn any creative skills so it'll be a long time until I can make anything of worth. At the moment I've just been going through some old story and worldbuilding notes and trying to get them all sorted so it's easier to work with them and add onto them in future. There isn't a lot to them though, I never really got further than quick plot summaries for the stories. Also saw some old screenshots that I should add to the notes. I also had a small note about if Celestia and Luna symbolise the sun and moon maybe there is a gryphon that has something similar with the earth and skies? Since eagles are the king of the birds (air) and lions are the king of the beasts (land) there is probably something that could be worked with that could also act as a gryphon counterpart and counterbalance to the Sister's power and ability to control the sun and moon. I was never big on the whole "they are literally gods" thing that a bunch of people did.

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random shit daily Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 22:57:17 No. 18159 [Reply] [Last]
I'm gonna try to post in this thread every day for a while, join in if you're real. At least stop by and say hello if we're gonna activate this board now that 4chan is being shitty and getting worse, someone's gotta step up and that may as well be me
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console sad horse
>>18511 I love your posts. Never let the trolls stop you.
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>>18514 based, my loyal subject, follow my path and it'll lead to equestria. the trolling consists of baselessly claiming im a tranny. i am not a tranny. i think i'll manage just fine
>>18525 Why is your ceiling so low? Also, be careful so that Pinkie doesn't hit the ceiling.
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>>18527 Ponk wouldn't she's got a few feet before the ceiling.
