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Advertising! Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 06:35:01 No. 43 [Reply] [Last]
What do you guys think some good ways to advertise this place is? >Buy advertising on 4chan An option, probably the most obvious. Not sure how much it runs but surely it can't be THAT outrageous. >Sharing images from the site (like one would do linking to a booru) Would make more sense once >>>/clop/ is open. >Having fun/Making stuff Always important to have fun. People see some fun happening and they might want in. Maybe make and do some cool stuff along the way. >Other ??? Obviously sheer quantity of traffic isn't the only metric to go by, but I think there is interest. We've got a whopping 6 posters on the board and 66 unique visitors in the last 24 hours Jury's still out on how many of those unique visitors are bots. And I've only posted the URL once in one thread so far. So let me know some thoughts.
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Recent arrival from from the Bootlegrewatch streams here. We could advertise in the main rewatch stream as well without much subtlety. Not sure if that's been done before but I am sure it has. Has anyone thought about advertising on alt-chans (not 4chan?). That's risky because we don't want to attract the wrong people obviously but maybe that would rekindle love for ponies in those who once had an interest or those who still have mild interest.
>>12572 You can mention it of course, if you want. But I think the outright shilling would be repulsive.
>>12605 Nah. Maybe the anniversary stream would be better

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Anonymous 08/28/2021 (Sat) 13:41:53 No. 2257 [Reply] [Last]
"Hey, Anon! It's playtime!" [What do?]
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>>3099 >>3100 ? These were meant for >>1202 . I got "connection failed" error but it posted twice in wrong thread.
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>>2257 Accept the fact I'm about to die. What? Pinkie NEVER smiles this wide when she's sane, so pic related is my inevitable fate. It would be a very depressing beatdown and death.

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Pony Mods Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 01:58:58 No. 5306 [Reply] [Last]
Post some of your favorite pony-related mods for games.
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>>11976 much obliged, kind sir!
Very neat pony mod for Stellaris. Adds a bunch of civics and traits, ponies, changelings and griffins, a couple of new mechanics https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2830683966

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Diplomacy, but with ponies Anonymous 07/15/2022 (Fri) 19:33:38 No. 11409 [Reply]
I've had an epiphany (maybe -- I've never played the original) Right now, Diplomacy even with fantasy maps or the like, have only armies or armadas. But with unicorns and pegasi, the rules would have to be expanded. So, having never played(!!!) but the rules seem straight-forward enough. I think it would have to be like this: Earth ponies (or Zebra) -- standard army. One unit per zone ("country" in traditional Diplomacy), one new unit created in the Spring turn if that's possible, can only move one country per turn (with an exception I have in mind) Pegasi squadrons -- can travel two zones per turn, and can fly over unicorn or earth armies without interference, but will be blockaded by an intervening squadron. Armadas -- Also produced once in the Spring, but are limited to water zones. I'm picturing a river partially connecting some zones. Each section of the river is the same length as surrounding land zones. Armadas can attack or support from the beaches but cannot occupy them. The river could be forded by land armies; essentially they just ignore it. But an opposing armada would blockade travel. Unicorns -- A college geared toward war-training unicorn ponies would produce one army every spring (make it Summer?). But they could not invade, only support or blockade. They also could only move one zone per turn, with the exception of that river crossing. Batponies -- The mountains of the north, I guess, would produce one unit of batponies every spring. By default at creation they would be air squadrons BUT could spend a turn reconfiguring their make-up, and at the end of that turn would be as declared: either a water-based armada (I'm picturing cajun swamp barges as from the show *2nd pic, with either a unicorn or spear-toting batpony at the front of each barge) or to become an army (land unit) The advantage of becoming an army is, I was thinking of allowing zones to permit multiple units so long as they were in a different "place"; pegasi sleeping in the clouds, Earth armies on the ground, and if there's a beach, water units stay in the nearby river. Next up I was considering including two methods of granting longer travel. One would be Appleloosa's food convoy. Once in the Fall that zone would create for the current owner, an "army" of food. It would be ground-bound but could occupy the same zone as an actual army. If the owners of the food-army and battle-army are different, the owner of the food would have to declare an order to gift the food to the battle army. Once eaten, the food-army would be "disbanded" and the next turn that army could travel two zones. The second way, would be that owners of flight-producers could, in the Winter turn, declare an order to produce a convoy. So instead of batponies or pegasi, that zone would create one non-combatant (non occuying / non-blockading) flier. This army could merge with a ground army. If the owner of the ground army is different, both would have to declare their order to merge or the order would fail. Once merged, they would be like flying unicorns. Not able to attack, but could support an invasion, or just blockade against travel. But they could also move two zones, including bypassing hostile ground or water armies. If either owner, if they're different, orders a de-combining, the ground army will be dumped where the flight convoy was at that time.

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Another thought on unicorns, would be to assume they're small enough to 'meld' with an army, but are glass cannons. So, they can blockade from a zone away, but without orders to defend, they aren't numerous enough to stop an army from passing through, and if an opposing army declares an attack against them it succeeds without support, though in that case both armies are obliterated in the clash. This would allow anti-squadron support with a 'defend against all' order We'd need rules too, for squadrons setting up camp in a zone that has a not-expressly allied army below. If no order to the contrary is given, do we assume they try to peacefully co-exist, or that opposing armies by default will pester each other, causing movement rebuff? For fun, you could declare a map, or a year, to be 'cloudless' -- that would mean that while squadrons could pass over opposing armies, they couldn't stop for the night there because they couldn't keep the clouds around long enough to put up their tents -- all occupation MUST be on the ground at the cessation of movement.
User was warned for this post.
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>>11409 >>11410 Broooooo wtfffff a week ago the project of making a custom Diplomacy map set in Equestria came into my head and I've had it as a future project in my head ever since. And then I read this! I still have my head a little dizzy from the rules/conditions you mention, I have to think about it more carefully. It's nice not to be the only one who likes board games, who likes ponies, and who is interested in combining them! I love diplomacy but never played it either, at least no serious matches.

A thread to collect those cozy night time mares Anonymous 07/02/2021 (Fri) 10:34:05 No. 108 [Reply] [Last]
Always nice to have mares on the mind before bed.
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I love me some comfy snoozers.

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/bootleg/ bunker #3 Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 18:59:11 No. 8141 [Reply] [Last]
Beware the red mare edition Old booted bunker >>6721 - current bread https://derpy.me/boot Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Everything /bootleg/ >The FULL archive; if you want pictures and many more shorts & stories go here https://ponepaste.org/5786, >The WIP wiki; open to edit by anyone who wants to contribute https://derpy.me/bootlegs >Hangout with us on weekends, watch shit or listen to jams. https://cytu.be/r/BootlegMovies Newly binned or continuing shorts & stories >[OC Ivy] T Shirt Mare (Anon) - https://ponepaste.org/7136 >[Flutters] Buttershy (Anon) - >>7511 >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 11 (Blondie)- https://ponepaste.org/7059 >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - https://ponepaste.org/4579 >[Jacky & Co] Losers' Club (Blondie) - https://ponepaste.org/7149

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Who's going to post Bunker 4? My green is ready.
>>11342 I got you fam.
>>11345 New bunk.

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Episode ideas Anonymous 01/24/2022 (Mon) 07:32:13 No. 6856 [Reply] [Last]
Writing fanfics may be difficult, but coming up with general ideas for stories is much easier. If you could write an episode, what would be the plot? Don't worry about the canon however you define it (besides not creating an entirely different show) or chronology (like exploring the events before the first episode). Back in the days of season 1/2, I remember thinking a lot about cutie mark crusaders, how they would be handled. I'm not sure if it was my idea or something I've read, but there was even some speculation about cutie mark crusaders getting their own spin-off show. A few ideas I have for them are: >they never get a cutie mark and there's some moral that kinda goes against the entire idea of cutie marks and goes something like "we can't be put in a box" >they do eventually get cutie marks the regular way, but each one at a different time, it leads to jealousy and such Another bag of ideas is exploring the background characters, but I don't have anything specific in this category. I feel like Derpy, Lyra etc. could go in a different direction than they did in the Hasbroverse. A pretty cool idea I have is this: >in the pilot episode(s) (alternatively it can be done with different characters in a similarly catastrophic scenario) one of the Mane 6 is a terribly lonely pony (and unlike Twilight, she doesn't like it), the whole mission against Nightmare Moon is the first time she has company and she doesn't want it to end (she's afraid that the group will disband after the mission and she'll be left alone), so she sabotages the mission, trying to extend it, which is eventually found out and yada yada…
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>>11123 nah, it wasn't a cap from live action video. It was some drawfags rendition, with two lolis from a fat bastard's POV
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>>11125 In retrospect, I was probably way to optimistic with that guess
>>11120 It was a screenshot from Bernd und das Ratsel um Unteralterbach that featured Nelle and Bernd apprehending a certain pink-haired little baker who broke into the bakery in the middle of the night to steal a recipe.

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Continuity error cataloging Anonymous 06/17/2022 (Fri) 06:41:30 No. 10687 [Reply] [Last]
I was just watching some Season 1 and remembered that there are a lot of subtle continuity errors. My personal stance on these is that they don't hurt the narrative, so they are fun to find. Kind of like counting the duplicate background ponies in a frame (We should make a thread dedicated to cataloging how many times every background pony appears in every canon episode too if this goes well) Some ones I noticed are that in the first episode the CMC are shown together before they canonically become friends. Another one involving the CMC is in Show Stoppers, where Rainbow Dash is shown standing next to the other sisters before the episode where Rainbow Dash adopts Scootaloo as a sister. The Gala dresses also show up in various places as a stock asset when a closet is shown. They are shown in Swarm of the Century before they are canonically made, and they show up in Fluttershy's closet in another episode. (I apologize profusely for not memorizing which one, I am prepared to face whatever punishment is deemed necessary in the name of Celestia). The last one is arguably not an error because it could be logically justified why the dresses are there, but it's still fun to think about. BTW canon seasons only. If a season is detached from the original meaning of the show it's just one big continuity error so it's not really interesting to catalogue.
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>>10849 >If we accept these as confirming the existence of France that of course opens up the whole unexplored question of what France is like in Equestria. Maybe their France is just our France, and humans from France go to tiny horse land the same way that Megan did. >I know that Fleur de Lis has a French cutie mark and name, and Bonbon is French for candy, which is her cutie mark. And yet she speaks in a mid-Atlantic accent.
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Lemon Hearts was an Alicorn in Season 4 Episode 10 but she is not depicted as an alicorn past this point and has no established royal duty.
>>11030 She wasn't the only one. Remember "Princess Erroria"?

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Horrible Pony "Art" Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 22:33:55 No. 9309 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to laughing at the God-awful artistic abominations birthed from Twitter, DeviantArt, and other such shitholes. Unofficial edits also welcome! I was really enjoying the /mlp/ thread on bad artists until it got jannied out of the blue, but I'm not letting Scruffy get between me and laughing at these visual dumpster fires. You can check out that old thread here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38568585/ If possible, try to link to the sources of any images posted here. The image descriptions are often hilarious in their own right. >Image 3 https://www.deviantart.com/frozensoulpony/art/El-rom-Twilight-Estrella-Sparkle-912447793 The image itself started as Twitter garbage, but the original description goes on to describe "Twilight's" numerous gay lovespawn. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed classic dA trash like that.
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This artist doesn't seem to be on the boorus, but reverse image search turned up their Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/eveeyuwu Your guess is as good as mine about whatever's going on with their noses. You could hang a raincoat off of those things. >>9314 I just enjoy laughing at trashfires, and want to share my joy with others. It's always important to marvel at the bad in order to appreciate the good, you feel me?
>>9312 >cassettepunk >"horrible" Compared to 'Tell Your Tale" this is eyewash. It might not be something you want to be the main style for anything but this is 2022 and franchises have managed to define new levels of horrible.
>>10767 Trying too hard

Anonymous 03/24/2022 (Thu) 20:27:31 No. 7944 [Reply] [Last]
Do you like my art? It took me approximately 3 minutes but I am really happy with it. I used a touchpad and eyed the colours. Please provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism for I am a little bit unhinged at the moment.
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>>10364 I can't help but agree. I have made fluttershy now. I added some detail but I don't think I added too much. It might just be one of my best works yet.
>>10546 Looks good. I like how you accentuated the eyes, is that to highlight her STARE?
>>10626 Thanks, and of course. Though I do, however, feel like this might be my worst work yet. It is not my style, much like the rainbow dash. I will re-do it at some point.
