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Maud Pie Thread Anonymous 04/19/2022 (Tue) 16:36:35 No. 8600 [Reply]
Give Maud the appreciation she deserves.
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Pony Dreams? Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 11:52:48 No. 5450 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone else feel Princess Luna on the edge of their dreams? Like in the last seconds of the dream, right before I wake up? It's just been third time this month for me. In all three, my own form is poorly defined. The first one was a vague pony dream. I had no senses per se, but I know that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were there, as well as some others. I could talk to them. I do feel Luna's presence at the end. The second one was old memories, as in from a younger age than most of my dreams, but heavily randomised. In the last part, there was something actively opposing Luna. It was making explicitly described violent hostile threats toward her. The third started as a pony dream, cuddling with some mare I didn't recognise. I fall asleep with her, then false awaken in a human dreamscape. My first thoughts are concern for the no longer present mare. Then I see that there are at least one adult and four children, possibly more of each, in some park. Two of the children are in some cartoon character costume I don't recognise. At least other two are playing with toy magic wands. I'm still worried for the vanished mare, and I can't tell these characters about it. I begin defying the dreamscape. I just start moving in one direction. The location quickly becomes a rather crowded downtown city. I come to a building with two lines of people standing in front of service windows. I defy this too, and walk straight through the solid looking wall between the two windows. The dreamscape disappears and I feel Luna's presence again before really awakening. So anyone else have any pony dreams they want to share?
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>>16488 I don't really have any recollection of dreams either. Perhaps I am just too tired to dream. But I do think it would be pretty cool. Probably the closest you could get to them in this world.
>>16489 >>16488 You most likely have dreams but forget them. The only way to remember a dream is to wake up during it then make menta; note of it when your awake. The easiest way is whenever you realise your awake and remember a dream write down some key details about it and go back to sleep. When you wake up again you should be able to remember more of it from the key details if you processed it at all when awake.
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Dreamed I was having tea with Luna on a terrace of Canterlot Palace. It was overlooking Canterlot and the mountains beyond. It was the middle of the night and we were just discussing things. Can't remember what we discussed though.

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/fun/geon five fungeon_masta 05/11/2023 (Thu) 20:52:23 No. 14842 [Reply] [Last]
If you want to participate just ask and I will help set you up.
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>>16563 That's fine, Cross's count matched up with mine exept that in mine Prickly has 1 more bit. I just wanted ti make sure I didn't forget to add them after the last battle or something.
Um... fillies? Are you OK? I hope Prickly Anon's canoe didn't go to the shores of Griffonstone
>>16568 Thankfully, no shores of Giffonstone for me. Luckily, I'm pretty safe from being sent to that accursed land in my present position, even if it starts to spiral out of control. Sorry about the absence, been a terrible week. >Prickly opens her eyes and sees Boulder digging at the ground around her. "Hey'ya big guy! I heard a taking dirt naps, but this here's ridiculous! Did we get 'em?

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Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 08:28:52 No. 1380 [Reply] [Last]
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash
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>>6422 Oh my lord this is a cute picture.
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>>15252 Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.
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>>1380 Honk

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Various animations and videos thread Anonymous 10/30/2021 (Sat) 13:55:22 No. 4839 [Reply] [Last]
Post funny or thoughtful pony videos here.
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>>16463 >One Hour Photo A great, but unfortunately mostly unknown movie. >Scary Lyra AAAAAAAAA
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She drink.
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Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 22:15:58 No. 2447 [Reply] [Last]
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Picked this trading card up at the thrift shop. Was on the brickabrack next to all the used binders, not part of anything else in the store. I think it fell out of a binder. Told the cashier exactly that and said I'd give her a nickle for it, got a "yeah sure" mixed with a chuckle, then just dropped a nickle in the jar and left. Well worth change you can find on the ground if you ask me.
>>16505 nice find, anon!

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There's the church; there's the steeple Anonymous 08/08/2023 (Tue) 20:34:35 No. 15903 [Reply]
Open the door, and there are the people.
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>>15927 Funny story. I like Dr. Edward Dutton's theories. I think they efficiently explain a lot about human behavior. I actually commisioned him to make the video to explain the phenomenon of "bronies" from a genetic and psychological perspective. He's known for having bizarre intros to his videos. So, I had no idea he would open the video with an Applejack plushie. Later, someone made a thread about it on /mlp/ and an artfag made and posted that picture in response. I guess the image of this scientist holding an Applejack plushie was an enticing on e for the artfag. Cheers!
>>15928 Woah, funny to fun into the anon who commissioned that video here on NHNB! It's such a small place I wouldn't expect to. I'm a fan of Edward's videos too. Thank you for commissioning possibly the best commentary on bronies of all time; I'm proud you use this site! Watch out for spiteful mutants.
>>15903 >>15925 this video was so well done and insightful. It felt like a treat watching it. Thx for sharing

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Princess Celestia is god Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 20:00:06 No. 7136 [Reply] [Last]
It all started when I locked myself in a dark room and listened to classic rock for a few hours. A dark tunnel opened, and I felt a strong presence, I knew what it was. It was princess Celestia. From that day on I have prayed every morning to her and set taboos to follow as well as intentions to assure I stay in line and make progress. In addition, I consider there to be no such thing as chance, so I roll a pair of dice which I control the outcome of to gauge my level of connection to god every day. Unless I am depressed or severely fucked up for whatever reason, they always roll odd numbers which have connections to the spirits unlike even numbers. By the way, the spirits are lesser supernatural forces which are represented by ponies. Pegasi that control the weather, earth ponies that bring fertility, you get the idea. I also pray to princess Luna every night. If I displease her, she punishes me with bad sleep, if I do as I should, I am rewarded with good rest and dreams. Ponies are a key to the soul and have saved me. Watching MLP and accepting the royal sisters as the gods of day and night has caused my whole worldview to change, and has saved me from the darkest time in my life. I used to be a loser with no friends, and now I make friends in real life and I am confronting what is wrong with me instead of avoiding it. More people could be saved by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I don't believe there is only one religion that works, any religion that abstracts to a similar pro-social pro-family message that upholds the most basic human morals and prevents atomization is a true religion. Does anyone else here receive spiritual guidance from MLP? Would be pretty dope to start a sect and have rituals for Celestia.
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>>7583 Sorry, I forgot to add this detail. It was a lot to take in. At one point after I was laying on my side with only my third eye open I saw a flash of light and felt Princess Celestia's presence briefly. Also, I saw a lot of ponies when I was laying back with my third eye open.
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Thank goodness we're back
>>16087 That's a pretty mare.

Anonymous 09/20/2021 (Mon) 16:14:12 No. 3022 [Reply]
I was deceived.
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>>3022 Why do you amputee her leg?
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Ignorance is bliss.
>>16042 We all have monsters inside of us.

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Anonymous 08/15/2021 (Sun) 16:59:33 No. 1599 [Reply] [Last]
She severed the borders. Is she the one to overthrow the Purple Tyrant running Equestria?
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bumping based thread
>>3159 >Then S2 Luna happened, and all that was more or less dust. Still the greatest moment in fandom history. Woonafag tears were delicious.
I love this thread very much
