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Short stories and greens Anonymous 07/01/2021 (Thu) 07:23:08 No. 96 [Reply] [Last]
Post em, but don't forget to give a short description to go with it. >Celestia's Visit https://poneb.in/S4zxGXXs Celestia and filly Twilight make a visit to old man Anon's cottage out in the everfree. A comfy story where Twilight's curiosity gets the better of her. >Dash's Feather https://u.smutty.horse/lzitaguhrjv.txt Rainbow cares for Anon but his cluelessness of Pegasus culture leads him into hot water. >Cuddle Therapy (Second pic in post) A cozy scene between an injured Anon and Nurse Redheart in the hospital.
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>>17119 Are you looking for a particular kind of green?
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>>17122 Mainly some short stories, the kind that randomly pop up from time to time.
>Once upon a time, a young cadet at the Royal Guard Academy has been dreaming about the military glory of the olden days, when Equestria hasn't yet been a continent-spanning superpower. >He got very excited, when he found out that Princess Luna, the newly returned Alicorn Princess will be visiting the Academy on the Hearth's Warming Eve... https://www.fimfiction.net/story/548071/heroic-charm-of-the-past

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Happy approaching holidays! Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 05:49:38 No. 5992 [Reply] [Last]
An anon from /mlp/ made a nice carol, repurposed Silver Bells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNwGVgfkcgI >Mare bells (Mare bells), Mare bells (Mare bells) >It's Christmas time in Equestria >Ring-a-ling (ring-a-ling), hear them ring (hear them ring) >Soon it will be Christmas day >Pony sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style >In the air, there's a festive pegasus >Fillies laughing, ponies passing, meeting smile after smile >And on every street corner you'll hear >Mare bells (Mare bells), Mare bells (Mare bells)
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Happy New Year!
Happy approaching orthodox horsemas!
>>17081 Merry second Christmas!

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Princess Celestia wishes you a happyTuesday Anonymous 09/07/2021 (Tue) 20:06:01 No. 2671 [Reply] [Last]
One day, some random Facebook page made a meme of Asuka from Evangelion saying "I come to be the first people to wish a happy Thursday", and this made became very popular among Latin American fans of Evangelion. Some weeks ago, I was watching It's About Time (S2E20), and in minute 18:17, Princess Celestia said "Good morning Twilight, love the new hairstyle. Well, happy Tuesday".And I decided to make this "meme". In Latinamerica, some ladies send pictures saying "happy day" or blessings to their families and friends, social networks called it as a joke "images that your aunts send". Well, just take it as a funny image that you could send to your friends or post every Tuesday! - Greetings from Schizo: Ponkis memes
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>>16896 My Tuesday has been very happy, thank you Princess Celestia!
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Heavens, several tuesdays were missed. Celestia hopes they were happy.
>>17060 Mine was actually extra happy! I thought about posting, but I did not have time. I actually had two rounds of pancakes. Put some mudflaps on my car, and had a very cozy evening.

Featureless thread Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 19:42:21 No. 4082 [Reply] [Last]
Was told it fit here more than in clop. Figured I'd give it a shot Story prompt if anyone is willing >Have sun marefriend. (Celestia) >Try to explain what sex is and why you neeeed it, but she doesn't get it since she doesn't have genitalia. >After some convincing, she lets you have your way with her ass, not getting much out of it but enjoying the fact that she could help you. >She also enjoys the hugs, kisses, whispering of love and general tender affection that you shower her with during your afterglow. Any images feel free to post also
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>>32 https://youtu.be/zIKw2klBhsU Made a small animation of a fairly silly pony.
>>16978 Very cute silly mare! Thank you for posting, anon.
>>16978 That's super cool Anon. Well done and thanks for sharing.

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Winter Unwrap artpack planning Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 23:29:30 No. 15645 [Reply] [Last]
Expecting release in Octobre.
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NEW THREAD >>16944
I suppose we can reupload the artworks on our own galleries? Where should the link point to?
>>16961 To the release thread I suppose.

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/mlp/ October Writefag Contest Bunker Anonymous 10/17/2023 (Tue) 16:08:48 No. 16593 [Reply] [Last]
Back in September, we had a Writefag General thread on /mlp/, in which a friendly writing contest was proposed: Theme: Nightmare Night Word Count: 10,000 words max Due Date: October 13 (due date has been extended, feel free to write something if you want) Archived original thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40277733/ Current active thread: https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/40420593 To guarantee a double backup of everything, I am also posting these in the writefag thread on /mlpol/: https://mlpol.net/mlpol/359064 I am creating this thread as a backup where links to contest entries can be posted in case the /mlp/ thread dies. In the event that this happens, whoever creates the new thread can repost these links in the OP. This way we are guaranteed to have all contest entries preserved, in the event that an Anon disappears or didn't save their work locally or something. I do not claim personal ownership of these stories, I am just the archivist.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>16736 True. But, I am going to take it in a more light hearted direction later, in various places. So, it will have heart here and there, like in the initial train scene. For now, in these scenes, I wanted to try and make it something like the old black-and-white horror films: spooky, creepy, mildly scary, but without blatant violence and gore in the form of characters being torn apart or dying in horribly graphic ways. I find the latter kind of horror distasteful and lacking subtlety (it's too "on the nose" for me). I intend this story to become comfy in many ways later on, but with a few dark twists (again, noting viscerally violent or distasteful). Hopefully, the reader comes away with a sense of connection to each of the characters. That's my hope anyway. I'll probably need to do a lot of re-writing later to get to that though.
>>16742 The purple of her eyes grew in his vision until he felt it submerge his consciousness. His body relaxed of its own volition and grew lethargic; his grip on the bed post loosened against his will and his arm dropped to his side. >Under the poison of the Countess’s dark force, Anon now moved according to her will. He stepped backwards, passed the footboard and up the side of the bed, eyes still locked on the Countess’s eyes. “As I explained earlier, things know better than to disobey me, even your own body,” she cooly explained. Feeling like an observer in his own mind, Anon felt himself climb onto the bed and lay on his back. >In another moment, there was vibration in the mattress as the Countess stepped on to the bed. She stepped over and straddled Anon, looking down at him face to face. As poisoned by darkness as he consciousness was, nothing could terrify Anon more than the vision of the Countess that was now only a short space away from his face. Long razor sharp fangs dripping with saliva were paired with a devilish grin. Her pupils, once round, were now slits like a predator about to kill its victim. The hair in her coat bristled and stood on end. Most unnerving of all, strands of her mane whipped wildly in different directions as if propelled by unseen currents of black intent. He guessed her intent. Anon focused his mind, and with all his might he managed to bring his hands up to cover his neck. Lacking strength, it was accomplished with the speed of molasses. >The Countess watched with amusement and let out a wild laugh. After this, she shook her head and simply asked, “No?” Anon could only glare back at her and see how she would respond. >The Countess smirked as a cunning look twisted its way on to her face. She moved her left hind hoof between Anon’s legs and ran it up, gently and slowly, along the inside of his thigh. Raising her chin a bit as her hoof reached its destination, she pressed it firmly into Anon’s groin. “I will drink from you tonight, Anon. But there are other places I can draw from besides your neck!” The statement was made with the sharpness of a threat and Anon felt it enter his soul, through his ears as well as his groin. Mustering as much focus as before, he lowered his hands from his neck; complete capitulation. >The Countess let out a small, throaty chuckle and glanced momentarily between her legs toward his groin. “Mmmm! As exotic a creature as you are, it seems you keep your genitals in about the same place as a stallion.” Internally, Anon was horrified and desired nothing more than to escape. However, under her power his face remained blank. >Nevertheless, it seemed the Countess knew what he was thinking, for her expression grew sympathetic. “Come, come, Anon. Is it not exhilarating to be hunted,” — She licked her fangs again — “to be caught…to be consumed?” She paused before continuing. “You can enjoy this, Anon. Or, you can resist,” — She nodded her head — “Or, you can experience it in terror!” >The countess removed her hoof from Anon’s groin and replaced it along his side. Then she lowered her weight on to Anon’s chest. >”The taste varies. Savory with fear. Spicy with resistance. Sweet when willing,” she again whispered. >Seeming to feel Anon’s thoughts in response, the Countess wasted no further time. Her mouth opened and she craned her neck towards his. Anon felt the needles plunge slowly into his neck, followed by the Countess’s lips forming a seal on his skin. The blood begin to leave his body, and life force with it. After a moment, he felt his arms lifted by her dark power and brought over her withers in a tight embrace. As by a drug, his consciousness slipped into ethereal depths, the warmth of her body on his the last of his observations.
>>16752 The Castle at Night: >Anon had lost consciousness — by the Countess’s own design to spare him the additional terror — but she continued to savor his blood. Thick and resplendent with flavors and tones unknown to her, as well as the silvery coolness of bits of soul, she drank it slowly down. Drinking slowly was as much to savor it as it was to avoid drinking too much. The Countess was judicious, and desired just enough for herself while leaving Anon enough to live and recover. >As she drank, she became more satiated and relaxed. Moreover, the weight of Anon’s arms upon her, though forced there by her dark arts, and his warmth was calming. She closed her eyes in ecstasy. The serenity of the feeling tore down her guard and she let out a satisfied, “Mmmmm.” >All the previous indications of ferocity were now gone. Her coat no longer bristled. Her true-black mane fell lank and beautiful over her withers, shoulder, and forelegs. Beneath her eyelids, her pupils were again circular and normal. >Coming to the final desired gulp, the Countess cautiously pulled away, severing her connection to his life force, his thoughts, and, his feelings. Her lips were the last to leave as they sopped up remaining blood, but her tongue did the rest to clean up the remainder until blood stopped flowing from the two needle holes. >She now looked down on Anon’s face, free of terror and submerged in deep sleep. >”Now sleep well, Anon,” she said with a smile, “dream well, and awake rested.” It was as much a true sentiment as an order that carried with it the force of her dark power. >The Countess levitated Anon’s arms to the bed, stood up, and moved to the edge of the bed. Before hoping down she looked back over her withers and levitated a blanket over him. >As she traversed the room, the candle holders replenished themselves with new candles, logs in the fireplace arranged themselves before roaring to life with flames, and a pitcher of water and cup placed themselves upon the nightstand by the bed for Anon. Finally, the shutters obeyed their master by unlatching and opening to let the starlight in through the window. >Quietly as shadow, the Countess opened the door and left, closing it behind her but leaving it unlocked. >Setting out to find the trio of mares, the Countess roamed the hallways of her castle. The same opposed mirrors that had reflected Anon into infinity, reflected nothing at all as she passed in the dimness of candle and moon light. The paintings of the previous holders of her station looked down upon her from their perches with approval as she passed by. >Many thoughts now passed through her mind regarding the strange creature that had wandered fearlessly into her web. Where had he truely come from and why? Why hadn’t she come across him sooner or felt his presence in Equestria?

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Maud Pie Thread Anonymous 04/19/2022 (Tue) 16:36:35 No. 8600 [Reply]
Give Maud the appreciation she deserves.
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Pony Dreams? Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 11:52:48 No. 5450 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone else feel Princess Luna on the edge of their dreams? Like in the last seconds of the dream, right before I wake up? It's just been third time this month for me. In all three, my own form is poorly defined. The first one was a vague pony dream. I had no senses per se, but I know that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were there, as well as some others. I could talk to them. I do feel Luna's presence at the end. The second one was old memories, as in from a younger age than most of my dreams, but heavily randomised. In the last part, there was something actively opposing Luna. It was making explicitly described violent hostile threats toward her. The third started as a pony dream, cuddling with some mare I didn't recognise. I fall asleep with her, then false awaken in a human dreamscape. My first thoughts are concern for the no longer present mare. Then I see that there are at least one adult and four children, possibly more of each, in some park. Two of the children are in some cartoon character costume I don't recognise. At least other two are playing with toy magic wands. I'm still worried for the vanished mare, and I can't tell these characters about it. I begin defying the dreamscape. I just start moving in one direction. The location quickly becomes a rather crowded downtown city. I come to a building with two lines of people standing in front of service windows. I defy this too, and walk straight through the solid looking wall between the two windows. The dreamscape disappears and I feel Luna's presence again before really awakening. So anyone else have any pony dreams they want to share?
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>>16488 I don't really have any recollection of dreams either. Perhaps I am just too tired to dream. But I do think it would be pretty cool. Probably the closest you could get to them in this world.
>>16489 >>16488 You most likely have dreams but forget them. The only way to remember a dream is to wake up during it then make menta; note of it when your awake. The easiest way is whenever you realise your awake and remember a dream write down some key details about it and go back to sleep. When you wake up again you should be able to remember more of it from the key details if you processed it at all when awake.
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Dreamed I was having tea with Luna on a terrace of Canterlot Palace. It was overlooking Canterlot and the mountains beyond. It was the middle of the night and we were just discussing things. Can't remember what we discussed though.

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/fun/geon five fungeon_masta 05/11/2023 (Thu) 20:52:23 No. 14842 [Reply] [Last]
If you want to participate just ask and I will help set you up.
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>>16563 That's fine, Cross's count matched up with mine exept that in mine Prickly has 1 more bit. I just wanted ti make sure I didn't forget to add them after the last battle or something.
Um... fillies? Are you OK? I hope Prickly Anon's canoe didn't go to the shores of Griffonstone
>>16568 Thankfully, no shores of Giffonstone for me. Luckily, I'm pretty safe from being sent to that accursed land in my present position, even if it starts to spiral out of control. Sorry about the absence, been a terrible week. >Prickly opens her eyes and sees Boulder digging at the ground around her. "Hey'ya big guy! I heard a taking dirt naps, but this here's ridiculous! Did we get 'em?
