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Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 21:56:19 No. 14475 [Reply]
Jesus Christ appears in Equestria. How does he fair?
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>>14475 He went to Equestria after Earth and his teachings shaped Celestia into being the pony she is.
>>15013 Kind of a pleasant thought in a way. Ponies got to meet the theoretical best of humans, rather than any of us degenerates that roam these boards.
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Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 10:30:08 No. 3065 [Reply]
Goodbye g4, you'll always be with me, and you'll always be comfy.
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Brand new MLP episodes are aired weekly in my heart. We're up to season 27 (And they're amazing!). Importantly, season 11 retroactively retcon'd out the school of friendship, student 6, creature equestria, etc. by treating it all as an alternate timeline in Twilight's premonition of what the future would be if she didn't travel to the human earth and eliminate Haber, his flunkies, certain writers, and a select number of Hasbro bigwigs. But, in the season finale she figured out a magic spell for it and carried out the task, thus saving Equestria.
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>>15065 But what happened to Glimmer?
>>15083 She's going home.

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Anonymous 02/05/2022 (Sat) 03:58:26 No. 7079 [Reply]

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bee bee 04/20/2023 (Thu) 16:26:28 No. 14639 [Reply]
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>>14793 Honey made from mare's milk. Would be devine.
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>>14639 Bees = CUTE! Ponies = CUTE! Bees + Ponies = Cuteness quantum singularity.

Diamond Tiara Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 09:51:13 No. 14932 [Reply]
is best pony
>>14932 *4th sexiest filly after silver spoon, sweetie belle, and golly

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/fun/geon 4 loko fungeon_masta 12/11/2022 (Sun) 01:48:27 No. 13576 [Reply] [Last]
Feel free to make a character and join in, character creation is detailed in first thread: >>8267
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>>14834 >munching on Bonbon's withers "Eh? Ehhhhhh... Uh-huh!"
>>14825 "Guess we won't be missing out on much back here." >He comments while slowly wandering over to take a better look behind the saltlick >With the seemingly ominous Ten-Ten-Three room fresh in mind, he also checks if any windows are present above
New thread up: >>14842

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Stock vector appreciation Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 22:44:39 No. 14501 [Reply]
The stock vector style has it's own cuteness that isn't present in the show. I wish there was more pony in this style, let's create some!
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Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 07:44:58 No. 14318 [Reply]
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>>14318 she is beautiful
>>14555 Sweet Celestia I just noticed her cutie mark is the Temple OS logo! But I have to dock some points. Her color palette is not faithful to god's will, god said there can only be 16 colors on screen at once! Shame on the anon that used illegal colors.
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Quick edit. Still some artifacts so not a truly faithful 16 color palette, but at least it's in god's sacred 640x480 resolution.

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Anonymous 12/09/2021 (Thu) 17:44:44 No. 5834 [Reply] [Last]
>Attempting to browse Fimfiction >In 2021 >Anthro >Anthro >EQG >Anthro >EQG >G5 >Sonic crossover >Anthro >Written by 7 year old >EQG >EQG >DBZ crossover >Harry Potter crossover >Anthro >G5

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>>12927 There are at least two threads about fics and greens: >>96 >>5580 Although I'm afraid I'm not getting what do you mean by "curating". People are just posting about stories they liked. We do not have a dedicated fimfiction general like /mlp/ does.
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>>12929 >Curate >I mean something close to the literal definition: "to select (the best or most appropriate) especially for presentation, distribution, or publication" - Merriem-Webster More specifically, what I mean by "curate" is a sort of central location that accumulates links to stories considered to be generally free of anthro, dykery, faggotry, cringe crossovers, G5, injected wokism, and other icky low-quality content already mentioned in this thread. NHNB is kind of like that in the sense that it does a relatively good job of keeping non-pony trash out. It "curates pony" in a sense. So, perhaps we should create a central repository or hub of links to good greens. It could be done on ponepaste, pastebin, or similar. A thread on NHNB could be created that serves as a place to discuss maintenance of it and to post suggestions of greens to be included in the repository. Again, just throwing ideas around. I'm fairly new to MLP fandom (but I more or less align with other Anons in this thread in their frustrations), so maybe I am just unaware if this has been tried before. Pic unrelated: Just a comfy moon pic I found where she looks like she's thinking about something.
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>>13847 Not him but I think there is no point in curating. What I would rather see is an efficient labeling/tags system. Everybody has personal tastes just look what I used to search on fimfic: -#anthro -#equestria-girls -#crossover -#mlp-g5 words:>20000 -#starlight-glimmer -#sunset-shimmer -#human -#original-character -#discord -#suicide-self-harm -#narcotics -#fetish Now wait until somebody says it is deficient/too harsh or whatever. Who should be the one to curate content? Why bother if it can be filtered personally so everyone is happy? Look at >>12689 I am sorry for those who had already read, cringe-skipped, and filtered nearly everything. I did not manage to reach this point yet. However I am mostly done with some of the largest stories there already.

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Fanfics Anonymous 11/27/2021 (Sat) 23:14:25 No. 5580 [Reply] [Last]
Tell me all about them. Your favorite fanfics (especially little known hidden gems), fanfics that you think everyone should've read. I used to limit myself mostly to the absolute classics (My Little Dashie, Anthropology etc. ), pony transformation and Kinderquestia greens (greens also count as fanfics). I want to get more into slice of life, something light and comfy to put me in a good mind space filled with ponies before falling asleep.
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>>13856 >>13857 >>13858 I appreciate these posts. It's obvious that you're passionate about the world of Equestria, so it's interesting to read your thoughts on how the progression of the show impacted the fandom, and the resulting works that it produced. >paths once unpaved how now been paved over with concrete That's a very eloquent way to express both a feeling and observation that I've held for a long time. You're bang on about how with every new episode that came out, it's as if the majority of creatives felt they were under compulsion to start shoehorning in every new bit of canon or world detail, regardless of if it was good or not. This was prevalent even during S1 and S2, though the negative side of this behavior didn't really start to manifest itself until S3 began. I'm glad that you enjoy BuggyCYOA enough to include it in your list here; I must have gotten something right with that one. Notaulix is a good bug Out of curiosity, did you ever read the start of MoonyCYOA? Ironically I was super hyped about running that story, because in my mind I had built up some absolute kino worldbuilding, even better than BuggyCYOA, just waiting to be discovered. But all I got from /moon/ was crickets. Anyway, I wish I had something more to contribute to this thread, but I've been living by a personal rule for many years now to never read any pony fanfiction. So... I got nothing lol. Are you the anon who was doing the Roseluck and Gilda story in the griff thread?
>>13909 I'm no 4chan oldfag, but I did jump on early enough to have memories of when S1 Luna was a thing. Yup, that' me. My RoseGilda story has been on the backburner in favor of focusing on my PMD stuff, another attempt in that fandom to deviate from what Pokemon has become in modern times. Seeing as I have recently finished uploading a chapter last month, I might deign to refocus my efforts for the RoseGilda story. Though to be honest, I have been at a loss at how to proceed with the world building. Got a few strong ideas I want to implement, but no real end goal in sight other than throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. I'll have to take another looksie to see how things go and figure out what I want to do. Definitely want to do something regarding role reversal, play with Dash's loyalty to Gilda, and perhaps toy with Roseluck being further ostracized from both her old community, her sisters, and perhaps even contempt for what she once was as a coward, but that's for another post... Unless of course, you want to discuss this further. I can't say I have. I have been vaguely aware of it, but haven't bothered to track it down for various reasons that can be boiled down to distraction and laziness. Perhaps I should though, just to see what the hubba is about. BuggyCYOA is a nice and refreshing stalwart in staying faithful to the old ways of things in comparison to what has happened to the changelings nowadays. Actually, that goes for the entirety of Equestria and everyone within it when considering what's up on the main page of Fimfiction at present. It's difficult to filter stories on that site for the things I want with regards to it leaving out some of the stuff I don't like from canon, which for obvious reasons have been incorporated into the most works that are either updated or uploaded to it for the past few years. Yours is one of those last few lifelines that could sit comfortably with the 2012 era of pony fiction, when it was more than tolerable and some of the new lore could be enjoyed without it overstaying its welcome. Unicorn Twilight sitting as a good support character without taking up the limelight as royalty? Check. Ponyville without that god awful castle? Check. Gryphons that aren't boiled down to whatever the hell Gryphonstone did to them and with every damn one of them starting with a G just because the show said so? Check. Also divergent world building like that of the old stuff, with some partial inspiration to my own works going forward as far as the gryphs are concerned. As far as BuggyCYOA is concerned, you struck out on a nice vein of gold, whereas with MoonyCYOA, I cannot say. It's been quiet these days, and much of the more passionate audience has long since left for greener pastures. The ride may never end, but that won't stop people jumping off anyway with the state of the fandom. One thing I have long since realized is that for most people, if the main source material isn't doing anything, they won't stick around for long, save for the more dedicated folks like you and I. The community is too fragmented to wholly rely on stuff like your CYOAs, other fanfiction, and the like to keep a common whole in cohesion. And seeing as the show has made many divisive changes, often what may be attract for one group is not so for another. That, and the environment isn't exactly conducive for productive discussion or the like. The fandom's been worn to the bone, and for most people what was worth extracting has since passed a tipping point.

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>>13912 As far as reading fanfiction is concerned, unless you have a desire to avoid being influenced by other folks and their work, now is a good time as any to start reading the stuff from the way back when times. Seeing as some of the works I wanted to recommend have since disappeared from my favorites, though not from Fimfetch, I would implore you to take a looksie and see what's up with these stories. They are by far from the only ones I have on offer, and even if you don't take any "fanon" from them as it were, they are still joy to read. You know what they say about good fiction, it helps foster ones own taste in the good stuff. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/499685/preunification-anon Also, was completely wrong about this being dead. Was thinking of something else. Anyway, ti close this off, I'll shoot off a few more recommendations that can be "read on their own" as it were. They are fairly self contained for the most part, and can be finished in an evening. Hope you lads enjoy them. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/30204/what-if-rarity-from-the-three-sisters-met-with-chrysalis (What it says on the tin.) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/24388/a-change-of-face (One of the pioneers for pony being a changeling all a long. Classic LyraBon, it's a good read.)

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