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Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 04:21:03 No. 2052 [Reply] [Last]
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>>15240 >>15221 How do I become this happy?
>>13432 I want to hear Lyra playing her harp. And then, I want to make love to her.

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Six FM 10/24/2023 (Tue) 01:33:28 No. 16667 [Reply] [Last]
But still five ponies. If (you) want to be #6 just say so.
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>>18607 >Other news Great! But you may want to organize the items per-character rather than per-type. OG FM made it so using other character's items gives you a one move penalty. If it were to work the same way we may need to know who has which items.
>>18593 >sits on keebler Sorry, I thought PricklyAnon has already set my action to pinning keebler
>>18630 No worries. I did indeed set your action to maintain pin. Actually, I was waiting for Quill. >Cloudhead wandering off to do his own thing. Fair idea. We'll just go with that and suppose he took all his items with him. >>18613 >Per character vs. per type. Good idea. Though, I think I can do both. In battles, I'll include a screen capture of a spreadsheet matrix I made that shows item types and how many are owned by which pony. That way, everypony can reference it if they need to use an item. It'll also be easy than having to sift through text. >>18600 >On the topic of waiting... Noted. Thanks Cloudy! >>18590 >Default moves Honestly, I kinda like the idea of a default move if charactes haven't made a move after a certaon time, or maybe the rest of the group could decide on a move by consensus. What if we adopt a default move after two days of no move being made? >Ancient MUDs Could you eleaborate a bit? I have to confess that I am unfamiliar with it.
>>18633 >a screen capture of a spreadsheet matrix Yeah this sounds much better. >Default moves I'm okay with others deciding on my character's move in a battle if I fail to submit one myself in time, as long as she doesn't go in a hoof-to-hoof combat, it's not really in her character to do so. For now, at least.

/gryphons/ Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 19:13:50 No. 3119 [Reply] [Last]
Gryphons, griffons, and more griffins. If you got em, post em.
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>>18535 >I wish they hadn't bothered with the lost treasure episode as I really don't like what they did with the lore, nor did it address any of the issues that could have been brought up with griffon the brush off. I don't understand why so many people seemed to love it. You aren't the only one, but we are in the minority unfortunately. /mlp/ as it is now would probably not be receptive in any capacity outside of a few threads. The gryphon thread is nothing but post Griffonstone discussions and whatever else with those characters within. Same could be same for many other things the show done with its world building and characters that made it less than the sum of its parts. About the only thing you can do is keep that little dream alive in little fics, art and whatever else you can muster. Take that prompt response I wrote out as an example. I decided for the thought exercise, I would combine a number of disparate ideas bobbing inside my mind and turn it into some cohesive story. Part of the reason why I erred with an earth pony protagonist is that they stick out like a sore thumb within a gryphon kingdom. Hence, they would have an immediate conflict of sorts that they need to adapt to as part of their character development. A pegasus would make more sense in some ways, but I enjoy the challenge and novelty of making an earth pony work in such an environment. It helps that I have a couple other examples out in the wild to use as a guide in bringing about an earth pony's abilities beyond what was seen in the show. Hence, the mention of a druid mentor and the pegasus tinkerer who may or may not be able to craft some wings for the ground bound pony. Not to mention there's familial drama with his other siblings, noble intrigue, greater plot developments, fires of friendship forged in whatever conflicts they're embroiled in, stuff of that nature that lends itself to a number of shorts stories I could write. As for the Elements, there's nothing stating that they cannot embody more than one at a time, so there's something to consider. As I said, I need to finish up my Pokefic first, then I can free myself up for other projects.
>>18536 >I can't stand how it's treated as a "reformation" or "redemption" for Gilda either, especially given how it feels so lazily thrown in at the end. It's a show aimed at an audience who probably won't care one way or the other. People like us are an incidental audience. That isn't to say we cannot desire more for a show like this, or that its target audience deserves better. But ultimately the show is a vehicle for its merchandise. Nothing more, nothing less. So long as it accomplishes that, all else is secondary. All we can do is keep that dream of ours alive in fan works, one way or the other. >Can't escape it in fan works either, most people stick pretty closely to that lore, maybe because they like it or just because they don't want to do anything different. See above. At the very least, I am thankful the pre-Griffonstone stuff is more or less intact and complete. You wouldn't believe how jarring it is to see some fics retrofit themselves to force in newer canon, such as alicorn Twilight into the work midcreation. One moment you reading about old Twi, the next she's a princess in the following paragraph. I can't say I really respect those authors, unable to keep consistent and commit to one thing over another. It just renders the entire work pointless to follow, especially seeing as they'd probably wipe their own fic if something else in canon came to joss it hard. >It feels hopeless at this point to make stuff about them. I know I'm never going to be able to get people to see them and how full of potential they used to be and love them like I do. That might be a strange sentence, but I haven't really figured out how exactly I feel about it or how to word it. So it is. I don't bother with reading most newer works outside a few accidental ones I stumble across every now and then. Even so, I find myself skipping around to the parts that don't mention certain things I find undesirable. As said, we only have ourselves to carry the torch. Most of the other oldfags who disliked what happened within the show either ditched, or eventually warmed up and supplanted their own works in favor of the newer canon. What's left is a very small, disparate old guard like ourselves lingering on places like this board. Still, I enjoy what we do have for whatever that is worth, and I don't begrudge anyone coming in or otherwise who manages to enjoy the show for what it is regardless. I only wish the show went in a different direction than what we have now. Again, that's what fanfiction is for, to "fix" what we don't like and make that reality plain on digital paper. The hard part is producing something worth a damn, such as with that changeling post I made that's been sitting on my hard drive for the better part of a month and a half now. I've decided to post that in hope of getting some feedback, but that will take a while seeing how slow this site is. But it will come, sooner or later, and eventually I can post something more substantial to the main /mlp/ site. Though that being said, apparently some newer stuff from something called "Tamers" is out and about. Can't speak much about it, but it seems okay.

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>>18537 >Most of the other oldfags who disliked what happened within the show either ditched, Ehh, I'm guilty of that, but to be fair I was already kinda unhappy with how the show was going, and all the pony related social circles I was in fell apart or disappeared during the post-S3 hiatus. I wasn't in a good headspace to push through and keep watching the show to see if it would still be worth watching at the time either. Pony was just left on the backburner for ages, occasionally checking some fanart and stuff. Not really sure what caused me to come back and start engaging with pony stuff again a few years ago, maybe that's why this stuff is still annoying and hasn't moved on to accepting it happened and just entirely doing my own thing with it. I'm probably not the best example of oldfag holdout because of that, but I've only watched to the end of season 3, and the lost treasure of griffonstone episode (which as stated I hate). I suppose to be fair, a bunch of the gryphon designs in that episode were neat, even if basically none of them got a personality. Didn't like the whole every name beginning with G thing though, that was kinda silly. The stuff it touched on that I might have liked they usually messed up. Any time I see something I might have liked that happened later on in the show I'll have to think of a way I could untangle it and reinsert it without all of the baggage I don't want, which is probably much easier done by just remaking whatever it was entirely instead of trying to warp stuff, e.g. instead of using Tempest Shadow I would have to make an OC that is pretty similar but without all the later on junk that is kinda necessary for her character to make sense. I've only seen her in fan stuff though, so she kinda feels like an OC to me. I suppose someone like Gabby could be repurposed to exist without griffonstone and just be from some gryphon town instead, but is there really any point? I'm not big on how she was supposed to be the token 'single nice gryphon' or whatever, but I haven't watched any episodes with her. >/mlp/ as it is now would probably not be receptive in any capacity outside of a few threads. The gryphon thread is nothing but post Griffonstone discussions and whatever else with those characters within. That's really disappointing. It's pretty much the one place apart from here I can think of that might still care about the early stuff. At least that s1/s2 twilight thread did okay for a while, even with the fighting and the people that kept dragging in later stuff, especially that one guy that kept bringing up season 9 stuff. Got reminded of a couple of fics I had read forever ago and want to reread some time. I should go and look at the recommendations there again. >an earth pony protagonist is that they stick out like a sore thumb within a gryphon kingdom. >I enjoy the challenge and novelty of making an earth pony work in such an environment. Ah, that makes sense. I could see earth ponies sometimes getting hired to work in mines and fields in a gryphon kingdom, especially if the gryphons don't really like being deep underground or something. Maybe not being able to fly makes them nervous A lord paying some earth ponies to keep a reliable supply of crops around could free up gryphons for other things like ranching, fishing, or hunting for meat. The earth ponies might even form small communities near those mines and farms so they don't have to travel too far to work. It would be a decent explanation for why there are any young earth ponies around at all. If a mine got attacked by diamond dogs or whatever and the colt was orphaned or ran off scared and couldn't find his way back that could lead to the adoption. Although all of that might make him stick out less and kinda ruin that point.
>>18544 >People like us are an incidental audience. Yeah, doesn't stop it being frustrating though, especially when fan content just wholesale accepts it and doesn't think twice about it. >retrofit themselves to force in newer canon, such as alicorn Twilight into the work midcreation. I guess I've been lucky not to see this happen in the middle of a fic, I can't imagine what they were thinking when they do stuff like this. I suppose at least they can't do that now since the show has been done for ages, unless the comics are still doing things. I never read those. >The hard part is producing something worth a damn Don't I know it. I unfortunately never took the time to learn any creative skills so it'll be a long time until I can make anything of worth. At the moment I've just been going through some old story and worldbuilding notes and trying to get them all sorted so it's easier to work with them and add onto them in future. There isn't a lot to them though, I never really got further than quick plot summaries for the stories. Also saw some old screenshots that I should add to the notes. I also had a small note about if Celestia and Luna symbolise the sun and moon maybe there is a gryphon that has something similar with the earth and skies? Since eagles are the king of the birds (air) and lions are the king of the beasts (land) there is probably something that could be worked with that could also act as a gryphon counterpart and counterbalance to the Sister's power and ability to control the sun and moon. I was never big on the whole "they are literally gods" thing that a bunch of people did.
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Well hopefully I didn't scare anyone off with my complaining. I've been writing down the occasional idea when it pops into my head, most of them are gryphon related, usually Gilda specific. Seems like most of the ideas I come up with have been done before though, usually in fics that were kinda crap or were just unfinished. 1. I thought they might have something like pemmican though probably with a different name. Maybe they could have different names for them based on what the main ingredients are, like a pork and apple one, or fish and something, or deer and blueberry for some examples. 2. For some reason I had the idea of Princess Luna being the one to broker a treaty with the gryphons (or various clans) to ensure peace between them and ponies instead of having fights along the borders. They might have taken the whole nightmare moon pretty hard. I thought maybe the gryphons prefer living out in some really rough border regions where they are keeping particularly nasty things from going deeper into Equestria, which is why they are seen as rare. The treaty was mostly just so that ponies and gryphons don't end up fighting all the time, and if the gryphons warn ponies that they see wander into the area that it is dangerous they won't be held responsible if the wildlife goes after the pony. Not sure why it would be Luna rather than Celestia, maybe Luna just impressed them somehow, and they came to respect each other, whereas Celestia didn't particularly care for them, IDK. Guess it could be potentially useful for a different take on gryphons. 3. Are Junior Speedsters and Flight Camp the same thing or different? If they are the same shouldn't Gilda have known Fluttershy? Did she have some reason to be so hostile to Fluttershy? If they are different then what are they? No answer in the show unfortunately.

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Trixie thread Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 23:40:09 No. 18145 [Reply]
Lets have a thread for this magic horse whom I love a lot.
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>>18178 icles
She should have been Twilight's student instead
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Trixie has claimed you as her property and will not share. What do? Trixie is one of my favorite characters BTW. I love how over-the-top, self-confident, and loveably smug she is. Shame we didn't see more of her in the show.

Draw thread Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 18:35:06 No. 1204 [Reply] [Last]
Color me, anon!
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>>18615 Nice colorin'.
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>>18618 Nice ponies, Anon! I don't know how to color inbetween the gaps in a linework...

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/fim/ Drawing Thread Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 00:22:55 No. 7791 [Reply] [Last]
Come draw in a communal aggie! https://aggie.io/vj1y5bh_pd Skill not required
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>>17411 Is there an alternative?
>>17608 /create/ uses magma, so it's probably the best one.
>>17608 Magma is just aggie but again, with more features but pushes having an account more,
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Royal Sisters appreciation thread Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 11:54:38 No. 64 [Reply] [Last]
Say something nice about them
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Praise the Sun!
>>17576 Sun hors among sunflowers. Very appropriate and comfy.
Celestia is just the best.
>>17606 Now we need moon hors among moon flowers. Then, we need sun hors and moon hors together in a field of moon and sun flowers.
>>17576 This got me, took me a sec to notice. First new image I've saved in a while, thanks.

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Linky is on a Journey across the interwebs Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 23:07:46 No. 6491 [Reply] [Last]
< i was told there would be other mares here where are the mares
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>>13010 That is one happy mare.
>>12980 Pony content is eternal, even it is an infinite month old post.
What happens when Linky reaches the borders of the Dark Web?
>>18603 She'll need to get a flashlight.
>>18604 Holy kek, I walked right into that one! Nice! I have an idea, though. Wouldn't the light of her snowpity light the way?

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Mare Time Thread Anonymous 11/29/2021 (Mon) 10:21:40 No. 5629 [Reply]
Discuss how you would spend time with your mare and what you would do with your mare
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>>7187 Sounds very nice.
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I'm going through a bit of waifu confusion but most of my domestic fantasies center on Twilight and are mainly pre-alicorn shit. Mornings are usually either one of two outcomes. The more common outcome is Twi wakes me up in accordance with a schedule. The less common is just taking it slow in the morning and cuddling, I feel she'd be open to that every once in a while. Anyways, once we get out of bed and do our morning routine (hygiene, clothes, etc.), Twilight gets out her checklist and our tasks mainly depend on the day, but a mainstay of it is usually library related work such as organizing the books, taking inventory, checking up on loans, that sort of thing. Basically, what Twilight does on the daily with me helping her and some of my own things in there. Once we get done with her weekly checklist, we're finally able to relax and have some time to ourselves. Our outings would consist of relatively quiet restaurants, star gazing, and reading together under the shade of the trees. Other days could also be spent solving friendship problems ranging from minor to major, and we would grow closer with each new lesson we learn together. Having spent the day with each other, we would eventually tire and return to the Treebrary, climbing up the stairs and to her room. Of course, she would now have a bigger bed by use of magic to fit both me and her on it, and we would snuggle real close. I can imagine it now, sharing breath with her, the warm feeling of her own breath on my face, the cute little moans she makes as she adjusts herself to better lean against my chest, the fluffiness of her fur easily outmatching the softness of her bed. Falling asleep with her would be much easier. I love this purple pony and her friends, but most importantly I love her. She is what keeps me going when I'm feeling worthless or not good enough. She is what keeps me going when I fall on hard times and am on the edge of giving up, and I will always be grateful to her for all she has done for me by simply existing.
>>9910 Thanks for the writeup, anon. It's very nice. I miss Treebrary like you wouldn't believe
Spend time with Luna on a snowy day. We would have snowball fights, build a snow pony, sled down hills (Huzzah!), and then go have hot chocolate by a cozy fire in a log cabin while a snowstorm swirls around outside.

Ponies against the elements Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 19:53:29 No. 4085 [Reply] [Last]
Been seeing a bunch of weather related pony pics today, not sure why but I've been quite enjoying them. These rainy day pics always bring about a cozy feeling. So post more pics like this and maybe some greens too if you have any about ponies dealing with a rainy day.
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>>15153 >Rarity out on a Winter morning stroll to take in the beauty of snow covered Ponyville. >Has on her "fashionable" winter boots. >Lensing effect on the sun's light by ice crystals in the air. >Narrow color pallet and Rarity being the only moving object implies stillness and quiet. >Smallness of Ponyville surrounded by wilderness, mountains, and Rarity's distance from town all imply vastness. I like it. But, what do you mean by the picture not being "particularly violent"?
>>15154 The other pictures all have some physical force tearing at the ponies, like wind or rain. These pictures are very serene, but it's the frigid harshness and the isolating grandness that makes them a struggle to live in.
>>15176 I know Selenophile draws a lot of more questionable content, but he really can produce a nice painting when he wants to. It's a very nice picture.
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Pony vs. desolate, very quiet landscape. It would be very psychologically taxing.
