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Break out your finest MS Paints Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 07:37:19 No. 290 [Reply] [Last]
We're doing one of these. Get the individual parts in the zip below: https://u.smutty.horse/mbzfrewrnil.zip Post them in thread once you've done them and we'll see what sort of magical creation we've made. I've even done one already.
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sir may I please have another?
>>13212 based thank you Anon
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I have missed this board so much! Welcome back!
>>17584 Such a cute pony.
let's do another one?

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/fim/ Drawing Thread Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 00:22:55 No. 7791 [Reply] [Last]
Come draw in a communal aggie! https://aggie.io/vj1y5bh_pd Skill not required
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Looks like the date they gave for aggie's shut down wasn't very accurate. You can still draw
Oh, I see what happened now. We can't make new layers, we're stuck with only the ones we already own. This means people that already drew in the canvas can still draw, but newcomers can't. >>17423 There's magma, which is similar with more tools and brushes. Problem is it isn't anonymous friendly, requieres an account. This guy already made a room with several canvases and an overall explanation of how it works https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40910604 There's another anon developing his own site, it's still in progress https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40857007 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40874059
>>17411 Is there an alternative?
>>17608 /create/ uses magma, so it's probably the best one.
>>17608 Magma is just aggie but again, with more features but pushes having an account more,

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Characters you used to hate, but grew to love Anonymous 01/04/2022 (Tue) 19:11:09 No. 6445 [Reply] [Last]
And maybe why. Some fun discussion!
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>>17599 She's cute. Too bad there wasn't more of her in the show. Would have been cool to have something like an episodes about differences in opinion on fashion between her and Rarity that gets out of control. It would get resolved and friendship would increase at the end, of course.
>>17601 Not really to be honest. Vag is better. >>17604 One of the things I hate the most about later seasons is that they needlessly introduce new one off characters instead of using preexisting ones that would make sense. Coco could have filled the same role as Sassy Saddles in Canterlot Boutique.
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>>17601 I am!
>>17616 >Coco could have filled the same role as Sassy Saddles in Canterlot Boutique. That would have been kino. Coco runs the Manehatten shop and Sassy runs the Canterlot shop. Each specializes in the fashion interests of the local populace.
>>17599 >>17604 I'm still annoyed that they never showed her sticking up for herself to Suri and quitting on screen.

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Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 00:40:38 No. 13193 [Reply] [Last]
The Kirin is being coy
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The kirin is trying to prevent an argument from breaking out.
>>17607 She might not be succeeding.
>>17607 What started the argument?
>>17610 The Kirin beer
>>17610 >>17612 Right Hoof (Righty) wanted to go with the tried and true Kirin beer. Left Hoof (Lefty) wanted to throw caution to the wind and try a new craft beer from a microbrewery in Manehatten. Autumn should probably just suggest that they drink both.

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Crystal Ponies Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 15:59:55 No. 3428 [Reply] [Last]
How come no one ever talks about them? What is their day to day like? Where they all earth ponies before hand? Because I don't think there were any crystal unicorns or pegasi until the games episodes. Also, how transparent are they? Are they like a block of acrylic without any blemishes inside, making them perfectly clear, or can you see their organs and stuff?
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Crystal Octavia a cute!
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Why did the Crystal Empire have crystal gryphon statues guarding the libraries entrance?
>>16515 Maybe they had trade with the Griffons back when the Griffons had a thriving empire? Maybe they were a gift from the ruler of Griffonstone at the time.
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Royal Sisters appreciation thread Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 11:54:38 No. 64 [Reply] [Last]
Say something nice about them
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Happy Summer Sun Celebration! Celestia reigns!
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Praise the Sun!
>>17576 Sun hors among sunflowers. Very appropriate and comfy.

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T:EM/P/O № 65 Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 23:14:29 No. 216 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Thread: Equestrian/Musicians/Poets/Other, T:EM/P/O, or Tempo. A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today? Resource Bin: https://ponepaste.org/2348 Drawing room: https://aggie.io/tempo Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37100339 Please note that the PPP thread has resources on pony voice generation as well as a MEGA full of clean show audio. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37179703/
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>>17528 >>17546 Thank you! Personally, I think I should've given the visuals some more thought, but at the time I just wanted to be done with it and post it. Now I'm going to be focusing on my antithology entry.
>>17547 >antithology entry Can't wait!

Video thread Anonymous 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:28:04 No. 2274 [Reply] [Last]
Filesize limit is not very generous but still allows for some fun stuff.
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>>14618 WTF this is amazing

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Hoofcraft Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:18:27 No. 16062 [Reply] [Last]
Connect with: Version is 1.6.2 If I catch you hacking or raiding with a group call I'll ban you, but other than that no rules. Because some players might grief be discrete. Find people you trust to make towns with and use in game signs for private messages. No group chats. Please refrain from posting the IP off of NHNB, I'm sure a troll in a group chat from 4chan will find it at some point. We will have plenty of time time to collect ourselves and make a safe town far from spawn that they don't know the coordinates of before then. Because it's an old version you should create a seperate directory for it to run in. To do that go to %appdata% and make a copy of .minecraft; That's it. You have a separate directory, which you can select to go with the version in the launcher. It will save you a lot of hassle to do this. Others things to expect are vast interconnected cave systems, and for the land to all be continents in a large ocean that grow further apart far from spawn. Have fun!
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No interest here so I turned off the whitelist.
>>16493 sorry, OP, this is small board
I really should play on this server at some point, but iv basically been putting it off since this thread was first created

/bootleg/ bunker #5 Anonymous 01/07/2023 (Sat) 02:04:40 No. 13810 [Reply] [Last]
New Year's Boot edition Old bunker >>11345 - current bread https://derpy.me/boot Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Everything /bootleg/ >The FULL archive; if you want pictures and many more shorts & stories go here https://ponepaste.org/5786, >The WIP wiki; open to edit by anyone who wants to contribute https://derpy.me/bootlegs >Hangout with us on weekends, watch shit or listen to jams. https://cytu.be/r/BootlegMovies Newly binned or continuing shorts & stories >[OC Ivy] T Shirt Mare (Anon) - https://ponepaste.org/7136 >[Flutters] Buttershy (Anon) - >>7511 (6721) (6721) >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 12 (Blondie)- https://ponepaste.org/7397 >[Pies] Rosie Rock (FortuneFavors) - https://ponepaste.org/4579 >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky 2: Farmer's Boogaloo (Blondie) - https://ponepaste.org/7398

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Some bootbutt from the late /mlp/ bread. I love me some Rads. Really should draw her speaker more. Speaking of Rads, probably gonna chuck her dumb Valentines green up on the bunker soonish. The image is technically a follow up. >>17293 I'd like to think it's a bit of both. >>17295 I don't got much of a preference, personally. Not like the bunker will fall off anytime soon. I guess it's more of a formality than anything else.
I'm gonna make w2g in the evening
NEW THREAD >>17307 >>17305 Sounds like fun.
