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New visitor Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 18:32:47 No. 1202 [Reply] [Last]
Hello! Please post cute pones here and obscure waifus
76 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>17633 She is underrated
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Lightning Dust is great! She inspires me to be better.
>>17771 >Loses out on her dream >Makes a new, better dream Fuck yeah!
>>17771 Cute mare!
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I do love these ponies so

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Hoofcraft Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:18:27 No. 16062 [Reply] [Last]
Connect with: Version is 1.6.2 If I catch you hacking or raiding with a group call I'll ban you, but other than that no rules. Because some players might grief be discrete. Find people you trust to make towns with and use in game signs for private messages. No group chats. Please refrain from posting the IP off of NHNB, I'm sure a troll in a group chat from 4chan will find it at some point. We will have plenty of time time to collect ourselves and make a safe town far from spawn that they don't know the coordinates of before then. Because it's an old version you should create a seperate directory for it to run in. To do that go to %appdata% and make a copy of .minecraft; That's it. You have a separate directory, which you can select to go with the version in the launcher. It will save you a lot of hassle to do this. Others things to expect are vast interconnected cave systems, and for the land to all be continents in a large ocean that grow further apart far from spawn. Have fun!
14 posts and 1 image omitted.
No interest here so I turned off the whitelist.
>>16493 sorry, OP, this is small board
I really should play on this server at some point, but iv basically been putting it off since this thread was first created
So, is this server kill? Tells me I need 1.20.4 to join

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Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 03:31:38 No. 18329 [Reply]
Hiiii /fim/!!! You know what time is it? It's time to decorate a Hearth's Warming tree! And I want (you) to help me with that! C'mon, pick a toy you like and put it right here!
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I'll start with a classic.
>>18330 Tree's looking a little barebones.

>>18116 Never really got the appeal of plones, but the tabletop game sounds cool. Be sure to post results.
>>18119 Plone thread got archived by all the fucking tamers shit, I can't make threads so I'm planting my roots here
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>>18239 Droner is such a cute pony I can't believe she doesn't get more attention
>>18287 Snuggle the droners

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Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 02:35:31 No. 18070 [Reply]
dead palace
2 posts omitted.
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Happy 14th anniversary bros!
>>18084 Happy 14th! Crazy how time flys.
reveling in the deadness
>>18070 Solitary Shrine.
>>18209 Snowpity Sanctuary

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Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 09:10:56 No. 18189 [Reply]
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Heil mares!

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Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 17:09:02 No. 20 [Reply] [Last]
314 posts omitted.
>>16972 That's a pretty good tea Anon.
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She's HOT on the case. Get it?
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>>18152 Pic three kinda makes me want to tease Rarity by showing off all my tacky outfits to her. Example: this great shirt my brother gave me.

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There is nothing more pure than the love between a man and a mare Anonymous Global janitor 06/29/2021 (Tue) 06:47:32 No. 8 [Reply] [Last]
To the everlasting glory of Cadance, shines the name, shines the name of Fulvius Stellus!
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>Hi Anon! Boop!
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>>36 Kissing mares are so amazing. Idk what about other kind of amres but draft mare's lips are so rough yet the inside and tongue is so soft. Plus fact she chosing to be gentle even if she cold bite off your jaw. TOP UNF
>>18122 I love drafts and their hybrids. Drafts are less prone to freakouts, have chill and calm personalities. They are easier to negotiate with.

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Winter Unwrap Pack 2023 Release + Next Pack Planning Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 01:53:40 No. 16944 [Reply] [Last]
The Winter Unwrap Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies preparing the land for winter. Snow and icicles a plenty! Included are 7 images, 2 stories and a video. Enjoy! The pack is free for all Anons, get it here: https://mega.nz/folder/DAF3kSrb#Lwsd0cyGaxXyxSvv8zMTCw
Edited last time by mys_elf on 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:34:48.
64 posts and 7 images omitted.
Ah, that is some awful timing. Not having a separate thread for the new art pack is just messy, and the October launch is obviously impossible for anyone attending Mare Fair, Anniversary stream, and Ponycon Holland.
>>18065 I propose to extebd the release to the early Nov
(1.35 MB 1400x788 pack.png)
>>18065 Does it suit? Also, probably should make a new thread for accepting submissions, so it stands out more.
>>18091 I like it.
>>18091 Planning thread: >>18096

Pony Hugs Anonymous 07/24/2021 (Sat) 22:27:47 No. 748 [Reply] [Last]
46 posts omitted.
>>6240 Comfy.
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My favorite hug.
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Implied here IMO
>>15295 I like this hug so much that I got stickers of it. Every time I look at it, my heart feels warm and it seems like the universe is ok after all.
