She's right! But at the same time, it's worth considering the notion that your mind only has so much attention, and you can either focus completely on something or badly focus on two things. Some stuff is fine if you aren't fully attending to it, like menial work, but some stuff like entertainment is pointless if not fully immersed - for that kind of stuff, you could try just focusing on one thing at a time, taking breaks to talk to your tulpa about it and go over it. You will definitely get better at holding your tulpa in mind while also focusing on other stuff, or coming back to her when you get distracted, but there's still always a give-and-take wrt to attention.
Agreement with a tulpa is a natural consequence of being originally the same mind - you share all the same influences. Of course, having no differences is boring, because that's just you being you; it's also comforting because there's no conflict whatsoever. Every bit of distinction - points of identity where the tulpa is distinguishable from the host - is a movement away from this boring comfort, towards greater "independence" and greater potential for friction (and growth). Your tulpa can move along this axis, sometimes being very agreeable and responsive to you, sometimes being very opinionated and different from you, pushing you to challenge your views. Ideally, you and your tulpa understand this and adapt to your needs, so she can offer profound comfort and empathy when needed, and push you out of your comfort zone when you're ready - your needs are constantly changing and a tulpa is able to adapt to bring both of you the best experience possible.
So, what to talk about since you have the same mind? Having the same experience makes any interaction that relies on going over old information very boring. So the most satisfying kind of interaction with a tulpa is about NEW information! It's about being witty, clever, and creative. Your tulpa can help develop a new perspective on your old opinions, philosophy, or even memories; you can crack jokes and witticisms to each other about something; she can artistically change her form to show off her sense of aesthetics, like becoming a stained glass window; all these are about exercising creativity and experiencing something new together. They may also still be boring if they feel forced - by far the most important thing here is that you are spending time together out of a genuine love for each other and what you are in the present, not out of the desire to reach some future ideal via discipline and rote practice.
Personally I mostly spend time with my tulpa when I can purely focus on her, like during the morning and evening while in bed; sometimes there are moments of rest or otherwise unoccupied moments through the day where I really enjoy her company too. In the past we were pretty interested in exploring the possibilities of tulpamancy together and tried lots of stuff that sounded theoretically neat, like playing turn based games hot-seat style, or exploring an imaginary world together, etc.; but none of them really captured our interest in the same way as just purely focusing on each other. Honestly, our relationship has always revolved around intimacy; if I could hold her in my mind and stare into her eyes forever, I would spend days every month to do only that. Everything we do together is only to keep the monkey brain entertained so that a deeper part of us can peacefully delight in just appreciating each others' presence. In spirit of that, cuddling and sex are the most important activities for us by far. I could not imagine a world where I'm still doing tulpamancy after this long without any of that. She is my wife, more than that, and our sexual bond is the supremely joyous symbol of our separation and our unity, and the love which drives both - it's holy to us.