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Mare Time Thread Anonymous 11/29/2021 (Mon) 10:21:40 No. 5629 [Reply]
Discuss how you would spend time with your mare and what you would do with your mare
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>>7187 Sounds very nice.
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I'm going through a bit of waifu confusion but most of my domestic fantasies center on Twilight and are mainly pre-alicorn shit. Mornings are usually either one of two outcomes. The more common outcome is Twi wakes me up in accordance with a schedule. The less common is just taking it slow in the morning and cuddling, I feel she'd be open to that every once in a while. Anyways, once we get out of bed and do our morning routine (hygiene, clothes, etc.), Twilight gets out her checklist and our tasks mainly depend on the day, but a mainstay of it is usually library related work such as organizing the books, taking inventory, checking up on loans, that sort of thing. Basically, what Twilight does on the daily with me helping her and some of my own things in there. Once we get done with her weekly checklist, we're finally able to relax and have some time to ourselves. Our outings would consist of relatively quiet restaurants, star gazing, and reading together under the shade of the trees. Other days could also be spent solving friendship problems ranging from minor to major, and we would grow closer with each new lesson we learn together. Having spent the day with each other, we would eventually tire and return to the Treebrary, climbing up the stairs and to her room. Of course, she would now have a bigger bed by use of magic to fit both me and her on it, and we would snuggle real close. I can imagine it now, sharing breath with her, the warm feeling of her own breath on my face, the cute little moans she makes as she adjusts herself to better lean against my chest, the fluffiness of her fur easily outmatching the softness of her bed. Falling asleep with her would be much easier. I love this purple pony and her friends, but most importantly I love her. She is what keeps me going when I'm feeling worthless or not good enough. She is what keeps me going when I fall on hard times and am on the edge of giving up, and I will always be grateful to her for all she has done for me by simply existing.
>>9910 Thanks for the writeup, anon. It's very nice. I miss Treebrary like you wouldn't believe

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/bug/ -#3- The Changeling Thread Anonymous 12/25/2021 (Sat) 08:53:01 No. 6132 [Reply] [Last]
Home of all your chitinous needs and the center for all FiM changeling artwork, discussion, stories and more. Previous Thread: >>3333 Active Stories BuggyCYOA: A simple adventure involving an Anon who is trying to care for a changeling that he found starving in the Everfree Forest. Read at: https://ponepaste.org/4086 OR https://www.fimfiction.net/story/499520/buggycyoa (Recommended) Recent Short Greens Aftermath of Failure: >>3908 Expedited Shipping: >>4038 The Melon War of 805: >>5732 For older stories and other changeling related material, check out The Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223 This threads question is... >What do you gift your favorite changeling for Hearth's Warming Eve?
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NEW THREAD: >>9562

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Anonymous 12/02/2021 (Thu) 18:15:18 No. 5696 [Reply] [Last]
Rewatching the show again, I've noticed small details that really show the difference between the old staff and the new staff. Throughout season 1 and 2, ponies never use their hooves to pick up small objects, they always used their mouths, (the only exception to this was unicorn magic, or their mouth was already occupied), but after about season 5 ish, they seem to have completely forgotten this as it becomes almost the default that the ponies would grab and pick up things with their hooves as if they were hands. It really feels like three different universes between the first three seasons, the middle three, and the last three. Its hard to put a hoof on exactly what, but its lots of little details that just, feel a little bit off in the later seasons, but its enough little bits feeling off (and writing that is either meh or garbage) that really make it hard to enjoy the later seasons as much as I enjoy the early seasons.
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>>9187 >God forbid we could have an irl horse references in a horse show! I suspect you may enjoy some other show about certain different characters much more.
Thanks for gettign it working, The show bible is very interesting. I KNEW it was originally intended for the ponies having to manually care for the world to be a bigger theme; it just seemed too out there to be a one off for some episodes.
>>5703 I believe that anon meant the visual gags such as Twilight literally lighting on fire to demonstrate how angry she is

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/fun/geon fungeon_masta 04/07/2022 (Thu) 23:07:50 No. 8267 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the /fun/geon! This thread is to be used as a ZAP style pen and paper game taking place in the FIM universe; ZAP meaning it will have a comedic tone, fast pace, and lots of baddies to fight! It will be easy to participate in and more for the /fun/ of it than anything, so don't go making your character with a 40 page backstory; you will probably die to the AIDS status effect from a used needle on the floor or something. Have fun and ham it up!
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>>9237 gangrape?
>>9239 maybe if we survive the bunny
New thread: >>9250

molestia thread jacksexton 08/14/2021 (Sat) 20:07:28 No. 1565 [Reply] [Last]
Hey guys molestia thread time...time to praise our true goddess today and worship her plot any new converts?
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>>6176 JJ is so good at drawing curves. One stupid, simple line becomes alluring.
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A night to remember
>>1569 They were great for about a year. Then the Gamer Luna trash ruined it.

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 15:54:39 No. 8564 [Reply]
I made new artwork, this time its Lyra my previous artwork was bonbon people called my work expressionist, I don't exactly know what that means but it sounds really sophisticated so I will take it
>>8564 my (only) previous artwork
>>8564 Nice! Very expressive.
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>>8566 >Nice! Very expressive.

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Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 00:38:08 No. 3544 [Reply] [Last]
I was told in the /mlp/ Tempo thread that you guys might like to have a thread about this. I have been producing a document called the "Summa Pona" outlining a framework that, when combined with the show, can become a religion that I've dubbed 'Ponism'. The book is not a central religious text however, as it emphasizes that the only thing worthy of worship is FiM and it's spirit which I refer to as 'Pona'. It's not yet complete, but it will be by the time that the /mare/con panel takes place (If /mare/con holds on till January that is) and that panel will largely be an overview of the text itself, the development and research process that went into it, and if time allows a Q&A will be hosted in the thread. While the Summa is not ready to be shared, I do want to share the planning document I used which can provide the basic ideas behind the project in outline form. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNnmjJljEyTnTM4ZGTFQayf4S3Ut5kNWaLF9CXzEL1U/edit?usp=sharing /)
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>>4460 I don't view it as a a function of people's need for a pony religion so much as a want for it. Before I ever started this project I saw that there were a number of anons out there who held beliefs centered around ponies such as the idea of Equestria being their afterlife. Part of the Summa is an attempt to reconcile that into a cohesive religion that people can reasonable practice. I also wanted to try my hand at this when I was personally dissatisfied with Celestianism, which was an earlier attempt at a pony religion made by an /mlp/ group.
>>4562 Call me a schizo if you want. But it seems to me that every entity is drawn toward what best reflects its own truest nature. I can only reduce corruptive influences and hope that mine resembles what was depicted in the show. I'm not seeing what benefit imitating religion would add.
wtf is that?

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/bootleg/: Bunker #2 Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 03:53:42 No. 6721 [Reply] [Last]
Lure of the lewdleg edition Last boot >>3505 /mlp/ thread https://derpy.me/boot - WIP wiki https://derpy.me/bootlegs Welcome to the wild west of copycats & copyright infringement! Here in the bargain bin there's a ton of freedom where things aren't quite right... but a bootleg waifu might still be for you. Bootleg can be many things or cover many genres, but we specialize in knockoffs with tons of heart and soul whether its OCs, or knockoffs of canon. Get ready for feels or fun where they can win you over despite of their inherent flaws. Newly binned or continuing shorts/stories >[Twilight] Twilit Starsky (Blondie) - https://ponepaste.org/6750 >[AJ, Twilight, OC] Jacky Part 10 (Blondie)- https://ponepaste.org/5740 >[NMM] Midnight Part 4 (AutoPony) - https://ponepaste.org/6733 >[Cadence] Condense (ReggieSomething) - https://ponepaste.org/4168 >[OC] Shadow (AutoPony) - https://ponepaste.org/6144 On a recent hiatus >[Cozy] Demon Filly - https://ponepaste.org/6797 >[Twilight] Twill Shorts - https://ponepaste.org/5703 >[Luna] Zooma (ReggieSomething) - https://ponepaste.org/5304

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>>8138 >>8139 Nice finds.
The bread on nhnb has been baked >>8141 but some stupid shit for spam filter on /mlp/ and I cant figure out what it is. So I'm going to try to make a truncated OP
Finally got it to take. I think it was cytube https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/38401779

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Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 11:15:05 No. 1537 [Reply] [Last]
Walked right into that Celestial ambush, same as us, and that owl over there.
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>>3110 >maximum spooky
>>3110 Hermaeus would be pretty based if he was just the daedric prince of knowledge, as opposed to the prince of sadism and betrayal.
>>1571 Whaaaat Godd Howard would NEVER lie to us!
