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Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 22:48:46 No. 1853 [Reply]
Would Shel Silverstein have liked FiM?
>>1853 His humor was always a bit.. well, I don't think 'edgier' is quite the word, but let's say different. Kinda morbid almost, just on a different plane than most. Since FiM was very cute and saccharine although down to earth, I feel like he would have enjoyed it and liked it, but not to the same capacity that we do. Like, he'd be able to see that the show is deeper than what meets the eye, but it still might not be his cup of tea.
>>1853 I think I used to have that book as a kid.
>>1853 He would like the imaginative quality of it for certain, but he would probably be focused on the stranger parts of the series, given how his writings are.

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Strange Horses Anonymous 07/14/2021 (Wed) 02:14:18 No. 401 [Reply] [Last]
Ponies with qualities making them stranger than the average mare.
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>>14881 "Cronenburg" is term that was popularized on Rick and Morty. It just refers to bizarre looking creatures or monsters that resemble something that David Cronenburg would put in his horror films; he was famous for that apparently. >Blossom seems stranger than Thingpone. You've got that right. But, I like how she maintains a pleasant, cheerful, personality. I kinda like the idea of happy monsters (reminds me of Monsters, Inc. I suppose).
>thingsharts MAC GET THE FIRE
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Student 6 thread Anonymous 09/25/2021 (Sat) 05:22:36 No. 3237 [Reply]
Gallus, Yona, Ocellus, Smolder, Sandbar, and Silverstream. What's your honest opinion on these controversial six?
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The Student Six shall hereupon be abbreviated as "The SS"
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>>15079 I approve.
i dont mind them especially the griffon and hippogriff because they are kewl

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A regular reminder Anonymous 08/28/2021 (Sat) 09:42:51 No. 2252 [Reply] [Last]
that Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn who lives in the Treebrary in Ponyville. Equestria is a magical land of ponies ruled by two regal sisters: Princess Celestia who raises the Sun and Princess Luna who raises the moon.
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>>14818 That's terribly sad...but very meaningful.
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How Twilight Sparkle flies.

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Autumn Fun Festival Pack Release + Next Pack Planning Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 07:01:32 No. 12752 [Reply] [Last]
The Autumn Fun Festival Pack is complete! In this pack we see the ponies enjoying the autumn season the best way they know how, with a festival! We've got ponies enjoying fair food, riding carnival rides, being carnival rides, getting their faces painted, and overall having a good time. Submissions include images, stories, and even a craft. The pack is free for all Anons, get it here: https://mega.nz/folder/CINVHJQL#_tit78V8co6yTL50NzlHxg
Edited last time by mys_elf on 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:35:48.
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A reminder for anons that you can use overboard view
>>15611 As late as we can get away with, thing always go slow here.
>>15611 October sounds good. I have a tendency to move at a glacial pace even at the best of times.

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Ancient Pony History Thread Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 06:18:45 No. 2418 [Reply] [Last]
Because I want Princess Platinum to step on me.
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why does she point at these two specifically on the "you" in "no more little games for YOU to play"?
>>6087 >adbot directed at /bug/ thread lmao
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>>7381 Dear lord do I want to sniff her hoof panties

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Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 08:48:30 No. 1182 [Reply] [Last]
>"Hi Anon!"
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>>12461 >the many faces of Cadence
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It's hearts and hooves day. Cadence answered my prayers this year, what about (you)?
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Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 10:25:44 No. 3064 [Reply] [Last]
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Anyone remember the fanfic where their nickname is Buttfire? I still think about it and chuckle
>>3096 Hair-down Spitfire is sexier in my humble opinion.
>>15339 I thought that's her mom

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Distractions needed Anonymous 08/12/2021 (Thu) 17:29:37 No. 1290 [Reply] [Last]
I need something to keep myself occupied while the majority of the shit blows over. Trailers ruin everything. Time to play Noita with the ponies mod and all of the Castlevania games a shot ( thanks >>1209 ). Maybe even straight up re-read comics and pictureless-comics. Got any more recommendations? More good pony = better, obviously.
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>>10583 Dash
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>>10585 That's unfortunate Anon, your waifu not complete trash. You can always post here for a bit, or even on the /clop/ board. Few images I liked
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Play Slaughter Horse 2

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Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 18:55:36 No. 2431 [Reply] [Last]
This is nice board
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>>15100 start an NHNB 'overflow' thread on /mlp
>>15100 make it a porn thread, then tell anons who want to post pictures of pony cooters that they'll have to post and see them over here
>>15274 But isn't that what the clop board is all about? >>15103 True. I like to write greens but haven't in a while due to my job. Maybe I'll try to make a few for the board.
