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Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 08:48:30 No. 1182 [Reply] [Last]
>"Hi Anon!"
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>>12461 >the many faces of Cadence
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It's hearts and hooves day. Cadence answered my prayers this year, what about (you)?
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Are you the ULTIMATE sun worshiper? Anonymous 08/25/2021 (Wed) 23:51:56 No. 2180 [Reply] [Last]
>Because I wanted an extreme firehorse thread >And she's sexy as hell
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I like the evil mirror version more
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>>2185 How about something in between? I like to think Celestia's mane turns all flamey when she's strongly aroused.

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Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 10:25:44 No. 3064 [Reply] [Last]
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Anyone remember the fanfic where their nickname is Buttfire? I still think about it and chuckle
>>3096 Hair-down Spitfire is sexier in my humble opinion.
>>15339 I thought that's her mom

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Distractions needed Anonymous 08/12/2021 (Thu) 17:29:37 No. 1290 [Reply] [Last]
I need something to keep myself occupied while the majority of the shit blows over. Trailers ruin everything. Time to play Noita with the ponies mod and all of the Castlevania games a shot ( thanks >>1209 ). Maybe even straight up re-read comics and pictureless-comics. Got any more recommendations? More good pony = better, obviously.
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>>10583 Dash
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>>10585 That's unfortunate Anon, your waifu not complete trash. You can always post here for a bit, or even on the /clop/ board. Few images I liked
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Play Slaughter Horse 2

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Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 18:55:36 No. 2431 [Reply] [Last]
This is nice board
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>>15100 start an NHNB 'overflow' thread on /mlp
>>15100 make it a porn thread, then tell anons who want to post pictures of pony cooters that they'll have to post and see them over here
>>15274 But isn't that what the clop board is all about? >>15103 True. I like to write greens but haven't in a while due to my job. Maybe I'll try to make a few for the board.

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Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 04:21:03 No. 2052 [Reply] [Last]
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>>15240 >>15221 How do I become this happy?

Ponies against the elements Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 19:53:29 No. 4085 [Reply] [Last]
Been seeing a bunch of weather related pony pics today, not sure why but I've been quite enjoying them. These rainy day pics always bring about a cozy feeling. So post more pics like this and maybe some greens too if you have any about ponies dealing with a rainy day.
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>>15153 >Rarity out on a Winter morning stroll to take in the beauty of snow covered Ponyville. >Has on her "fashionable" winter boots. >Lensing effect on the sun's light by ice crystals in the air. >Narrow color pallet and Rarity being the only moving object implies stillness and quiet. >Smallness of Ponyville surrounded by wilderness, mountains, and Rarity's distance from town all imply vastness. I like it. But, what do you mean by the picture not being "particularly violent"?
>>15154 The other pictures all have some physical force tearing at the ponies, like wind or rain. These pictures are very serene, but it's the frigid harshness and the isolating grandness that makes them a struggle to live in.
>>15176 I know Selenophile draws a lot of more questionable content, but he really can produce a nice painting when he wants to. It's a very nice picture.

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Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 21:56:19 No. 14475 [Reply]
Jesus Christ appears in Equestria. How does he fair?
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>>14475 He went to Equestria after Earth and his teachings shaped Celestia into being the pony she is.
>>15013 Kind of a pleasant thought in a way. Ponies got to meet the theoretical best of humans, rather than any of us degenerates that roam these boards.
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Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 10:30:08 No. 3065 [Reply]
Goodbye g4, you'll always be with me, and you'll always be comfy.
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Brand new MLP episodes are aired weekly in my heart. We're up to season 27 (And they're amazing!). Importantly, season 11 retroactively retcon'd out the school of friendship, student 6, creature equestria, etc. by treating it all as an alternate timeline in Twilight's premonition of what the future would be if she didn't travel to the human earth and eliminate Haber, his flunkies, certain writers, and a select number of Hasbro bigwigs. But, in the season finale she figured out a magic spell for it and carried out the task, thus saving Equestria.
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>>15065 But what happened to Glimmer?
>>15083 She's going home.

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Anonymous 02/05/2022 (Sat) 03:58:26 No. 7079 [Reply]
