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Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 06:11:37 No. 286 [Reply] [Last]
This is my wife, Twilight Sparkle! We love each other very much. Say something nice about her.
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>>17692 >Gif in which Miss Sparkle decides on whether to pick method A or method B with her mouth
>>17692 I think she should go with method B. It's even got a nice pie chart to show how good it is.
>>17694 >Not wanting the scatter plot option
>>17696 Scatter plots may be attractive. However, without a curve fit that shows correlation, and without the attendant statistics that show "goodness of fit" I just can't see choosing the scatter plot over the pie chart. Though, maybe there is a curve fit on method A. I just can't see it in the picture. On the other hand, maybe the scatter plot has enough resolution for Twilight to crunch the numbers and do a curve fit herself. That might change her thinking on the which method to choose.
>>17694 >>17696 >>17700 Knowing her, there's a decent chance she'll get all giddy and decide to pick both, giggling at the thought of conducting such a thorough analysis while Spike groans and puts on a pot of tea for the inevitable all-nighter.

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Princess Luna thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 12:46:30 No. 5939 [Reply] [Last]
Let us bask in her gentle moonlight.
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>>17276 13. As Princess of the Night, Luna is the foremost expert in navigation by the stars. As such, she is the head governmental authority regarding sea and land navigation at Equestria's military academies.
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She is so beautiful
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>>17577 step one hide away from the sun step two swear your allegiance to the moon step three praise the moon every night step four await for instructions in your dreams
>>17641 I've been doing the first step most of my life, this shouldn't be too hard.
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>>17562 Yes. Embrace the night! Love the stars! Glory in the moon! Dance under the atomic fire of the galaxies!

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Anonymous 07/12/2022 (Tue) 01:44:47 No. 11304 [Reply] [Last]
Where are the ponies?
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>>11407 Thank you for posting this video. I've been going through some extremely difficult stuff over the past week or so, and this video reminded me what joy is like. Almost brought me to tears. Thank you anon.
>>11304 Horsehead Nebula, or Alpha Centauri, due to having planets in the habitable zone of its stars.
>>17697 I thought maybe they would be in Sagittarius since it's depicted as a centaur and has the horseshoe nebula in it, but an actual horse head is a pretty good idea too.
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In the stars
>>17702 Lovely. I wish to travel the stars with ponies. I'll bet they can figure out faster than light travel using magic.

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Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 14:59:02 No. 17684 [Reply]
dead altchan award

Break out your finest MS Paints Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 07:37:19 No. 290 [Reply] [Last]
We're doing one of these. Get the individual parts in the zip below: https://u.smutty.horse/mbzfrewrnil.zip Post them in thread once you've done them and we'll see what sort of magical creation we've made. I've even done one already.
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sir may I please have another?
>>13212 based thank you Anon
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I have missed this board so much! Welcome back!
>>17584 Such a cute pony.
let's do another one?

/gryphons/ Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 19:13:50 No. 3119 [Reply] [Last]
Gryphons, griffons, and more griffins. If you got em, post em.
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>>15800 The writers were just stupid, it's underage troglodytes that keep pushing that juice shit. Gryphon enjoyers don't acknowledge that garbage.
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This gryphon looks a bit strange.
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Has anyone else noticed this? Gryphon hands (front feet?) seem to be able to move from a human hand shape to a more bird foot shape depending on what they're doing. Most people seem to have either not noticed or just not cared. This was probably just a convenience or oversight by the animators but would something like this even be possible? I imagine the thumb would have to rotate around almost 180 degrees and I don't think tendons and such would really work properly like that. It would probably help with fine motor control though, I don't think birds are the most dexterous.
>>17650 Yeah, for IRL birbs it would definitely be impossible. What makes it possible in Equestria is magical joints in there anatomy. That's also how ponies are so flexible.
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>>17652 I suppose just not worrying about it is the easiest. Works for me anyway.

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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 22:54:37 No. 17505 [Reply]
Cozy Appreciation Thread
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>>17505 >Cozy Appreciation Thread >no posts in 10 days Poor poor Cozy
>>17505 What happened to her to make her so twisted?
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>>17591 >rape
>>17591 She was put up for adoption.
Do you suppose she lays out her Evil plans long in advance? Or, does she excute ideas on the fly as they come to her?

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/fim/ Drawing Thread Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 00:22:55 No. 7791 [Reply] [Last]
Come draw in a communal aggie! https://aggie.io/vj1y5bh_pd Skill not required
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Looks like the date they gave for aggie's shut down wasn't very accurate. You can still draw
Oh, I see what happened now. We can't make new layers, we're stuck with only the ones we already own. This means people that already drew in the canvas can still draw, but newcomers can't. >>17423 There's magma, which is similar with more tools and brushes. Problem is it isn't anonymous friendly, requieres an account. This guy already made a room with several canvases and an overall explanation of how it works https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40910604 There's another anon developing his own site, it's still in progress https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40857007 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845893/#40874059
>>17411 Is there an alternative?
>>17608 /create/ uses magma, so it's probably the best one.
>>17608 Magma is just aggie but again, with more features but pushes having an account more,

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Characters you used to hate, but grew to love Anonymous 01/04/2022 (Tue) 19:11:09 No. 6445 [Reply] [Last]
And maybe why. Some fun discussion!
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>>17599 She's cute. Too bad there wasn't more of her in the show. Would have been cool to have something like an episodes about differences in opinion on fashion between her and Rarity that gets out of control. It would get resolved and friendship would increase at the end, of course.
>>17601 Not really to be honest. Vag is better. >>17604 One of the things I hate the most about later seasons is that they needlessly introduce new one off characters instead of using preexisting ones that would make sense. Coco could have filled the same role as Sassy Saddles in Canterlot Boutique.
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>>17601 I am!
>>17616 >Coco could have filled the same role as Sassy Saddles in Canterlot Boutique. That would have been kino. Coco runs the Manehatten shop and Sassy runs the Canterlot shop. Each specializes in the fashion interests of the local populace.
>>17599 >>17604 I'm still annoyed that they never showed her sticking up for herself to Suri and quitting on screen.

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Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 00:40:38 No. 13193 [Reply] [Last]
The Kirin is being coy
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The kirin is trying to prevent an argument from breaking out.
>>17607 She might not be succeeding.
>>17607 What started the argument?
>>17610 The Kirin beer
>>17610 >>17612 Right Hoof (Righty) wanted to go with the tried and true Kirin beer. Left Hoof (Lefty) wanted to throw caution to the wind and try a new craft beer from a microbrewery in Manehatten. Autumn should probably just suggest that they drink both.
