>The show kind of fucks up everything interesting about Equestria.
Oh god you don't need to tell me, some stuff I cared about got utterly ruined, but that would be getting way off topic.
>Applejack comes off as underutilized because earth ponies were robbed of their powers.
Yeah what was up with that, it's weird that they just left that alone. The closest we get is that they are really good at farming, even farming rocks somehow, but I don't remember it being mentioned that that was specifically earth pony magic.
I never see Applejack's rodeo skills get brought up in fanfics and stuff, but maybe I'm just not reading the right ones. Seems like a waste not to do anything with it.
>I kind of like how she lives a normal life instead of doing insane shit all the time though.
Yeah I think bouncing around from crazy threat to wild event over and over would end up driving me insane and sick with worry over those I care about. A much more normal life like hers is ideal.
>just baking treats and giving them out at normal parties.
Honestly I prefer a Pinkie that's closer to that, maybe along with some of the weird stuff, instead of the lulsorandum 4th wall breaking stuff.